Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"If this is the case, then this business can't be discussed." The young man in red is also not annoyed, standing up casually, standing tall and gracefully walking outside the door gracefully.

Lord Zhaorong bit his lip and stared at his back, but thought of the humiliation she received at Shen Ning, she suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

"How? The county hostess changed her mind?"

The man in red looked back and smiled at her peerlessly.

That perfect moving smile actually made the leader of Zhaorong County distracted for a moment.

She couldn't help but look red again, thinking to herself: The face in front of her was just a mask for the thousand-faced son, and he was no less inferior to the emperor's cousin.

You have to know that the emperor's cousin is the best-looking man she has ever seen in this world. I wonder if the true face of the thousand-faced son hidden behind the mask is better than the emperor's cousin? Still scary?

She settled down and replied: "Okay, the master of the county agreed to your terms. As long as you take back the head of the vulgar woman vixen, I will find a way to convince my father to give you a promise!"

The red man smiled and said: "The governor lady agreed to be happy. I hope that the governor lady will not forget the rules of my Zixiao Pavilion. If the promised remuneration cannot be paid, will the governor lady know the consequences? "

The leader of Zhaorong County shivered in his heart, "What consequences?"

"The consequence is ..." The red man's eyes glanced lightly at the pool of blood on the ground, with a grinning smile: "It will be a thousand times worse than these stupid pigs. Ten thousand times. If you want to be clear, do n’t blame your boss for not reminding you! "

The host of Zhaorong County shivered chillily, but her chin lifted, her eyes showing fiercely.

"The governor of the county said in a word, and promised that your reward will be given. If you can't do it, you can do whatever you want with me!" She said, clenching her teeth.

"The lord is really a happy person, and dealing with people like you really makes my son happy, okay, that's the deal."

The young man in red laughed, turned around, and suddenly turned back, raising his hand and throwing a thing into the arms of Zhaorong County Lord.

"what is this?"

The chief of Zhaorong County turned pale instantly, as if it was burnt by something. The first reaction was to throw that thing to the ground.

She witnessed the beauty of the beauty fog, and knew that the red man in front of him was all that kind of poisonous and poisonous substance. She did n’t even dare to touch one of his clothes corners, let alone his stuff?

But she didn't dare to look at the paper bag in her hands tremblingly.

"Sister-in-law, have you ever seen a cat catch a mouse?"

Master Zhaorong looked puzzled and asked, "Of course I have seen it."

"The governor of the county should know that the cat will not eat it immediately after it catches the mouse, but will torture the mouse enough to scare the rat away, and then eat it. If the master Niangniang really hates a person, if she wants to let her die, would n’t it be too cheap to kill her with a knife? If it ’s the son, she will torture her fiercely before she dies, and make her live a poor life. dead!"

The corner of the red man's lips curled up, once again revealing an evil smile.

He smiled and squeezed the pretty piercing eyes to the leader of Zhaorong County.

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