Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1221: Thousand Faces

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The man in red opened his lips, and a deep, beautiful voice rang.

"They are gone, naturally disappeared from this world, only the dead talents will not reveal the secret of the son, in this world, everyone who sees the true face of the son will be the end."

His voice was very touching, but the leader of Zhaorong County climbed back with a chill.

She had never been afraid of the earth, and when she saw the pool of blood on the ground, she shuddered.

"You ... what do you mean ..."

Watching the man in red slowly approaching, the main body of Zhaorong County stepped back, unaware of her own, her tongue trembling, and the words she said tremble.

The red man smiled more and more brilliantly.

"Sister, are you afraid of me?"

"Joke! Ben and the Lord of the County are not afraid of the earth, will they be afraid of you?" Lord Zhaorong immediately lifted his chin and replied proudly, but her slightly trembling legs betrayed her.

The red man's eyes fell on her trembling skirt, and her long, white fingers flicked narcissistically across her face, again showing a smile that was enough to reverse all sentient beings.

"Sister-in-law, do you think the face you see is the true face of the son? Do you forget the son's nickname?"

He squeezed his eyes.

"Thousand, Thousand, Thousand-faced Master ..." Zhaorong County Master murmured. She shook her shoulders and felt courageous.

Yeah, what he was afraid of, but what he saw was not his true face anyway, he would not have killed himself.

"Not to mention, the hostess is the gold master of the son, do n’t you forget the rules of our Zixiao Pavilion? We never take the initiative against Jin, so the hostess can rest assured that even if you see it, The true face of this boy, this boy will never move your finger. "

The man in red said with a smile.

The leader of Zhaorong County was relieved and said with a strong smile: "Thousand-faced son is a good tool, I don't know what kind of kung fu you just used. The kung fu in the blink of an eye will kill the few stupid pigs, and even the body has not been left , But turned into a pool of blood. "

Her eyes fell on the clothes and jewelry soaked in the blood on the ground, and she couldn't help shivering.

This pale red haze is really powerful, hurting people ruthlessly, if it also fell on yourself just now, I am afraid that you will become such a pool of blood, right?

After a while in her heart, she was afraid that she saw a little more awe in the eyes of the young man in red, and deeply regretted that her attitude towards him was not respectful enough.

"Are you talking about that? It's just a fun thing, called Beauty Fog. It's not such a great skill. You're so far from the master's skills." The young man in red laughed harmlessly.

But Lord Zhaorong's eyes looked at him like he saw the demon coming from hell, full of deep fear.

Such a powerful murder weapon, he actually said that it is not powerful? How terrible should that really powerful thing be?

However, the stronger his ability, the better for her?

The master of Zhaorong reacted and gave a small mouth, showing a sweet and moving smile.

"Thousand-faced son is so powerful, the master of this county really did not find the wrong person. I believe you can successfully complete the task of the master of the county. The master of the county is waiting for the good news in the house." She said with a smile.

She vaguely issued a guest order, the sooner she wanted to send away the **** of plague in front of her, the better.

If it were n’t for her hatred at the time, she did n’t dare to deal with the people in Zixiaoge!

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