Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1000: A word of mouth

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"It's too late to wait for the crowning ceremony."

An old man in purple robe with white hair all came out. His long, thin face was full of wrinkles and he was not angry. He glanced at Shen Ning and arched his hand at Empress Zhou:

"Queen Mother, the old minister would like to ask, is the newly engraved Queen Mother the daughter of General Shen Da? Is it the Princess of King Dingyuan?"

Although he is old, his voice is powerful.

This sentence asked the doubts of all ministers.

Everyone's eyes immediately looked at Empress Zhou.

Empress Zhou's face was still calm and calm: "How is it, how is it not?"

Then Xie Chengxiang said loudly: "I heard that this queen was selected by the empress dowager for the emperor, but somehow suddenly became Princess Dingyuan? Princess Dingyuan is obviously the junior of the emperor, how can she become a nation after? The queen married by the emperor is actually the princess of his nephew. Isn't this a mess of ethics? The old minister wouldn't understand this truth, please ask the queen mother to express it! "

The ministers nodded together again, echoing in unison.

"Xie Cheng makes sense, please think twice!

"Princess Dingyuan can't be a queen empress anyway!"

"The emperor wants to really enshrine her as a queen, she will be ridiculed, absolutely!"

Although Queen Mother Zhou had expected this scene, she was still dumbfounded by the mouths of the group officials.

Her old face was hot, and she couldn't help looking at Mo Chuan. She felt angry in her heart. She had long told him not to make it happen to everyone. He just couldn't listen. Now the scene is in chaos, how to clean up!

The group of ministers all spoke against each other, and they all opposed Li Shenning as a later, and the group was indignant, and the words were becoming more and more unpleasant. Most of the words were accused and ironic of Shen Ning, making the old lady of Zhou Zhou blush for a while. For a while, it was extremely embarrassing.

Seeing this solemn post-book ceremony has turned into a farce and can not go on.

Shen Ning slowly stood up in the face of the questioning voices of everyone. Her posture was protruding, her face was black, her cold and watery eyes slowly passed over the faces of the ministers.

There was no anger or shame on her face, as if the person who accused the insult was not her at all.

When the eyes of the ministers and her clear eyes touched, they were all slightly shocked, and the slanderous words of "not keeping women's ways", "marrying one after another", etc., could not be said anymore.

Although Shen Ning did not say a word, each of them felt awkward and abnormal.

They suddenly thought, what qualifications do they have to accuse her? Insult her? Shame her?

If it were n’t for her, where could these ministers stand here in peace, talking loudly about her right and wrong?

Where can people in the Western Chu Kingdom live a stable life like the present?

It was when she was in a precarious state in Xichu that she came forward, it was she who won the crown prince of Dongqin, she sacrificed herself, and marryed Dongqin far away.

She has done more for the Western Chu Kingdom than all of them!

It is not them, but she who is most qualified to stand here today to blame!

Seeing the ministers closed their mouths one by one, Empress Zhou did not stop looking at Shen Ning with strange eyes.

She actually calmed everyone's argument with just one look. The queen was more powerful than her queen mother.

However, Empress Zhou also knew that these ministers were not so easy to handle.

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