Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 985: Xiangyi Mountain

Chu Yan couldn't help but frown when he heard Princess Yushan's words.

When he first entered Shenglong Pavilion ten years ago, he became famous due to a weapon refining competition in Yushan County and reunited with Qingyi. However, because of this, he was able to trick Yushan County once.

What I did when I returned to Yushan County this time was because I felt guilty and wanted to repay the kindness of the princess of Yushan County. In addition, I also wanted to resolve some things that happened ten years ago.

But what he didn't expect was that the Cao Mansion was one step ahead of him and had already launched a ten-year tug-of-war with Yushan County, and the general attack would be launched not long after.

Because of this, Chu Yan couldn't help but feel a little scared. As Princess Yushan said, this time he came back and had someone to entrust him to.

What if he doesn't come back?

Yushan County, where will the poppies go?

When he was in Yushan County back then, Chu Yan knew that although Cao Mansion and Yushan County were both Immortal Lord forces, Cao Mansion was actually more powerful, and there was more than one Immortal Lord in Cao Mansion. Once the two parties broke out, they would be inseparable. If there is room for a war, the Cao Mansion may suffer losses, but Yushan County will definitely be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a sharp look.

"Boy, in this life, although I have become an Immortal Emperor, I have lived my own life and been in charge of a county. The Cao Mansion has bullied others too much. I will definitely fight with him. Even if I die in battle, I will have no regrets. I will be worthy of being a man in my life. . But the beauty is different. Her mother left early. I promised to keep her alive for the rest of her life. She is still young and should have a life of her own. Taking her away is my last request." After that, Yushan County. The Lord stood up and bowed deeply to Chu Yan with his huge body.

Chu Yan was shocked and hurriedly stood up to support Princess Yushan: "Senior, what are you doing?"

"Promise me." Princess Yushan looked serious.

"Dad, you know, I won't leave." The poppy eyes were red and she shook her head slightly. Ten years ago, she could sacrifice for Yushan County and marry Cao Yulong in the Yushan Weapon Refining Competition. Now that Yushan County is in crisis, she She will never leave, this is her pride.

"Nonsense!" Yushan County scolded, turning to look at Chu Yan, very seriously. As the owner of Yushan County, he should die in battle for the people of the county, but as a father, he wants to let Poppy live.

"Okay." Chu Yan took a deep breath and finally nodded. He didn't promise anything or talk too much.

Because he knew that it was useless to do that. What he had to do now was to agree first and then prepare for everything next.

"Thank you." Princess Yushan nodded vigorously. At this moment, he did not call Chu Yan, but just thanked him as a trustee.

"Princess, drink!" Chu Yan smiled lightly, and Princess Yushan also raised her glass boldly: "Yes, drink, don't mention the unpleasant things! Boy, tonight, you will not come home until you are drunk!"

"I'll accompany the princess!"

This night is destined to be sleepless.

The three of them drank at the wine table until very late. Even the poppy drank a lot, talked a lot, laughed and cried.

For the father and daughter of Yushan County, this seemed like an eternal separation. During this period, Princess Yushan also talked about some things about Poppy's childhood, laughing happily, and also talked about Poppy's mother. When the princess was not yet the princess, she offended an enemy, and her mother died fighting for the poppy.

It wasn't until dawn that the wine table was dispersed. Princess Yushan stood up and fell into a deep sleep without using her energy to dispel the alcohol. Meiren Yu stayed to take care of him, and Chu Yan left alone.

After leaving Yushan County Mansion, Chu Yan returned to his former residence.

"Fir!" In his residence, Chu Yan took out a fairy stone and sent a message to it.

"Sir, I'm here!" After a moment, the voice of the fir tree came from the fairy stone.

"How are you preparing?" Chu Yan asked.

"I am in the Chiyang Palace. It's just that the Chiyang Immortal Emperor is trying to break through in the clouds. He doesn't care about the palace. I have sent someone to summon him. But if he realizes the breakthrough, it will probably take a long time. But don't worry, young master. , I will solve it as soon as possible," Fengshan said. It is a big deal for the Immortal Emperor to break through. Even the Holy Son of the Holy Mountain has no right to force it.

"No need." Chu Yan shook his head.

"Since Immortal Emperor Chiyang is not in the palace, we won't wait for him." After saying this, Chu Yan's eyes flashed wildly: "I want Chiyang Palace and Yushan County to have greater power and gather the power of the world."

"What do you mean, Master?"

"I once read ancient scrolls in the Leng clan. The Holy Dragon Pavilion contains holy orders that can summon the emperors of the world. Now that I am the Holy Lord of the Holy Mountain, am I qualified to issue holy orders?" Chu Yan asked.

At this time, in the distance, Feng Shan's heart trembled wildly in the Chiyang Palace. The Holy Order, the Holy Dragon Pavilion, or the highest order of the Leng clan.

In the ancient Immortal Realm era, when the Leng family ruled the Immortal Realm, the Holy Order was also issued in the Immortal Realm.

The holy order at that time had another name.

Immortal King’s destiny!

The holy order is issued, which is the order of the Immortal King, requiring all Immortal Emperors in the world to surrender.

Although the Leng clan is now in hiding and the Immortal Realm is in chaos, the Holy Dragon Pavilion is still under the illumination of the Holy Mountain, that is, under the control of the Leng clan. The Holy Order can still be used in the Holy Dragon Mountain.

"Huh!" Feng Shan breathed a long sigh of relief, which showed the importance of this matter: "Back to the young master, although the holy order has not been activated for ten thousand years, since the young master has become the new generation of the Leng family's holy master, even though it is made public, all rights can be They are all the same as the Holy Lord, and the Holy Order can be issued naturally."

"Okay, then help me inform Emperor Yan and the seniors of the Leng clan to prepare and issue a holy order." Chu Yan said seriously.

"Okay!" Feng Shan nodded and stopped responding. He would only follow Chu Yan's request.

After everything was explained, Chu Yan felt relieved.

In the next few days, Princess Yushan urged Chu Yan and Meiren Yu to leave several times, but Meiren was reluctant to leave and wanted to stay with her for a few days. Princess Yushan had no choice but to know that this time they were separated, they would Perhaps it was a farewell, so I followed her.

For a few days, Chu Yan temporarily put aside his practice and accompanied Poppy every day. The two of them went to many places in Yushan County.

On this day, we passed through a towering mountain range. This mountain is extremely high. It is the tallest one in Yushan County, with a height of eight thousand feet. The peak is like a cloud. At the end of the cloud, there is a charming stone statue. The stone statue looks like a woman, very kind. Smile, looking at the mountains and rivers of Yushan County, there is a sense of denominator in the world.

"Would you like to hike up the mountain with me?" At the foot of the mountain, the poppy descended slowly. Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, but still nodded in agreement.

For those who are cultivating immortals, the sky is still within reach, let alone a mountain. Even if they are not able to control the air, the speed of a saint, eight thousand feet high, is only a matter of seconds.

It's just that the two of them walked very slowly along this way. From the beginning to the end, Poppy didn't even use any energy and just walked like that. Halfway up the mountain, she was even a little out of breath, but she still persisted.

Chu Yan followed silently and remained silent until an hour later, the two of them arrived at the top of the mountain together in front of the stone statue of the goddess.

Looking up, the poppy looked at the stone statue. She no longer had the cold arrogance of the past, but looked like an innocent child with a bright smile.

Smiling and then crying, the poppy walked to the stone statue and leaned on it.

Chu Yan kept watching from behind, silent.

After a long time, Yu Mei wiped away her tears and looked at Chu Yan: "This mountain is called Xiangyi Mountain, and this stone statue is my mother."

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly understood, and the poppy said again: "My mother's name is Chu Xiangyi. My father later became the princess of Yushan, so he ordered people to build this stone statue on the highest mountain. I haven't married again in the past hundred years. Every year. Today, he will come to sit on the mountain. Today is my mother’s memorial day. I’m afraid he won’t be able to come this year, so I’ll come on his behalf.”

After saying that, the poppy turned around and looked at the stone statue: "Mom, you have to protect dad, you must!"

Looking at the stone statue, Chu Yan couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic, thinking of Qin Ruomeng.

Back then, he entered the path of spiritual practice just to find Qin Ruomeng. After that, too much happened and he experienced too much, such as the changes in the wilderness, the suppression of extraterrestrial forces like the Oriental Altar, the changes in the six-region galaxy, and so on. , as if it was yesterday.

At that time, he always thought that as long as he worked harder, he would be able to see his mother in the next realm.

Even with this belief, almost fifty years later, he was only a few steps away from becoming an immortal. However, he still had too little information about Qin Ruomeng. He didn't even know where the shrine was, and what happened back then. He didn't know, so he couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly.

"Mom, wait for me." Chu Yan roared in his heart, his eyes becoming more determined.

"I don't know who those people are, but one day, I will go to these nine heavens, defeat all the enemies in the world, and rescue you. Chu Hanfeng, if you are still alive, you must wait for me. Don't die so early. I I haven’t defeated you yet,” Chu Yan thought.

After staying in Xiangyi Mountain for a long time, the two of them went down the mountain the same way, still on foot.

The days passed by day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it was a week.

"It's time for you to go!" On this day, the princess of Yushan County descended from the sky and looked at Yu Mei and Chu Yan with a stern expression. Not long ago, he received a message that the entire Cao Mansion army had left the country, and Yushan County A city in the north was destroyed, and Cao's army was heading towards Yushan County. There were two immortals alone.

"Dad, I won't leave, this is my home!" Beauty Yu shook her head, Princess Yushan's face darkened, even with a bit of anger: "You bastard, get out of here! From today on, Princess Yushan, This is no longer your home! Chu Yan, you promised me to take the beauty away!"

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, he was here, it was much faster than he expected.

"Haha, Brother Yu, long time no see, where do you want my son-in-law to go!" At this moment, black clouds over Yushan County pressed down on the city. The clouds were made up of densely packed figures, with one person at the head and one behind him. Wearing a purple-gold immortal armor, it was the Immortal Lord of the Cao Mansion that Chu Yan had seen.

"Cao's Mansion!" Princess Yushan's expression changed. Although he had expected this day, it was not now. The poppy was still in the mansion.

"Surround this place! No one is allowed to let go! Today, I want the water in Yushan County to turn into a river, and I will sacrifice my blood to the sky to avenge Long'er!" Cao Mansion's Immortal Lord said with a ferocious look, and a large number of legions beside him responded, They all agreed, and then they split into two parts and surrounded Yushan County from two wings.

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