Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 968 Leng's traitor

In the dense forest of the Holy Mountain, Kong Linger was surrounded by several evil figures. She was pale. To this moment, she still couldn't believe that Duanmu Tong would treat her like this.

She originally thought that Duanmu Tong was a gentleman. That gentleman's smile on the ladder made her feel amorous. She always thought that Duanmu Tong was her destination in this life.

But she would never have thought that the defeat of the Jiuxiao team a year ago and the rise of Chu Yan in the Holy Mountain made Duanmu Tong almost crazy and practice evil skills.

It also made her understand that Duanmu Tong had never had any sympathy for her. The smile on the ladder was only because she was a disciple of the Holy Mountain. Later, she was expelled from the Holy Mountain by Lengshan's words. She was no longer useful. She actually forced her to be a slave girl to practice evil skills and take away all her luck, so that she could never enter the immortal position in this life.

"Little girl, Master Duanmu has ordered that you can't live. Before you die, let me have a good time, so I can give you a good time, how about it?" A disciple of the Cantian Taoist Temple smiled greedily and kept approaching Kong Ling'er.

"Don't come over!" Kong Ling'er's delicate body trembled and kept retreating.

"Haha, come over!" The man's eyes flashed with a demonic light, and he shook his hand in the air. At this moment, Kong Ling'er felt more sad than the death of her heart. Suddenly, a jade dagger appeared in her jade hand, ready to die.

Perhaps, this is her fate.

It's a pity that she was wrong at the beginning and had no chance to apologize to him.

Kong Ling'er thought, closed her eyes in silence, and the jade dagger flashed with light, stabbing fiercely at her heart.

"Want to die? Do you think you can do it?" But at this time, a hint of irony flashed in the eyes of the immortal. The immortal is extraordinary. In front of the immortal, all saints are ants, and they don't even have the qualifications to ask for death.

As he raised his hand, a ray of fairy light descended and wrapped around Kong Ling'er's white wrist. With a click, the jade dagger was shaken away. Kong Ling'er opened her eyes in despair. Can't she even die?

"You will die sooner or later, but dying like this is too easy for you." The fairy-level strongman smiled evilly.

"Buzz!" Just at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly swept over the dense forest. Everyone looked up and saw a huge pink rabbit-eared cat demon flying in the sky.

On the rabbit-eared cat demon, there were three figures standing, one man and two women. The man was as handsome as a demon, and the two women were as beautiful as people in a painting.

Chu Yan and the other two stood in the sky and looked down at Kong Lijing'er. Similarly, Kong Ling'er saw him, and her beautiful eyes shrank strongly.

The last time she couldn't hold on, she met Duanmu Tong. Now, at the moment of despair, he appeared.

But for a moment, Kong Ling'er shook her head in self-mockery. She had humiliated him like that before, and he should hate her to death. What if he appeared?

But it's good, at least before dying, I can see him again. Kong Linger opened her lips and teeth, but didn't say three words, just sign language: I'm sorry.

"Hmph, the Cantian Taoist Temple is doing business, and the outsiders should get out of here!" The immortals didn't know Chu Yan, glanced at him and scolded him.

"Aren't you in the Cantian Taoist Temple? Why did you end up like this?" Chu Yan ignored them and just looked at Kong Linger.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Kong Linger clenched her jade hands: "Duanmu Tong, he is crazy, practicing evil skills to seek immortality. Not only me, many women in the team have been killed by Duanmu Tong, I just got lucky and ran away."

The way of the Immortal King, on this road, too many people have lost themselves.

Chu Yan sighed, but he had no choice. The world is so big, and this kind of thing happens every day. He nodded to Kong Linger: "Go, leave the Holy Mountain."

Kong Linger's delicate body trembled slightly, and then she knew that she was saved, but for some reason, she felt a little pain in her heart.

She could have stood with him, and they were a team, but because of her selfishness, she pushed him away. Now, he has become a famous Holy Mountain.

Looking at the two girls beside him, she laughed at herself, said nothing, just nodded her head, turned around and walked away.

"Insolent!" Several immortals in the Cantian Taoist Temple looked cold and scolded.

"If you don't get out within three breaths, you will die." Chu Yan looked at the Cantian Taoist Temple indifferently.

"It's ridiculous. Who do you think you are? A saint. Are you qualified to let us leave? Do you think you are that Chu Yan?"

"Haha, the saints nowadays are really arrogant. They have no idea what a fairy is. Since you are meddling in other people's business, then you can stay. Kill him and keep the two women alive. Such beauties are rare in the world. If you present them to Young Master Duan, you will definitely be rewarded!" The immortals of the Cantian Taoist Temple laughed wildly.

Seeing this, Chu Yan stretched out his hand and rubbed his head: "Why don't you listen to advice?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, do it!" The eyes of the strong man of the Cantian Taoist Temple flashed with cold light, and immediately several figures rushed to the sky to plunder. The terrible fairy light turned into a dragon shadow, constantly intertwined, and grabbed Chu Yan's throat. Their eyes were extremely confident.

Once you enter the immortal position, you will ascend to heaven. The immortal position is a leap in the cultivation world. Saints have killed immortals, but how many people can do this in the world?

Chu Yan, Leng Shan, such evildoers, not to mention in the Holy Mountain, how many people can there be in the heavenly fairyland? Apart from them, the immortals are still noble and cannot be violated by the saints. They can kill all living beings in a moment, so they don’t believe that anyone they meet is that kind of evildoer.

“Buzz!” The terrible immortal light intertwined into thunder dragons in the sky, as well as blazing storms, ice and snow shadows, and devoured Chu Yan madly.

In the distance, Kong Ling'er, who was leaving, felt the oppression of the fairy light and turned back in shock. Under the myriad laws, Chu Yan's figure was so small that he couldn't help but worry.

But the next moment, her beautiful eyes froze. She thought that she would never forget this scene.

Letting the myriad laws come, Chu Yan stood there with his hands behind his back, like a peerless king. He glanced, as if a sword light was slashed out. All of a sudden, the sky curtain opened, and all the myriad laws made way, opening up a time and space path that belonged only to him, which spread out.

"This..." The hearts of several immortals trembled wildly. They thought that one move was enough, but on the contrary, Chu Yan broke all their strength with one move.

"Why are you seeking death?" Chu Yan looked at several people and shook his head indifferently. Then he took one step at a time. With each step, the immortals below felt a mountain-like pressure coming down, making them breathe rapidly.

"Asshole!" Several immortals panicked, and all kinds of spells were slashed out, like lightning, but Chu Yan just stood there, without even resisting, and turned those spells into nothingness.

"This is impossible!" Seeing this scene, the immortals in the Cantian Taoist Temple trembled, and their eyes were full of fear.

Aren't immortals invincible? Why can a random saint make them helpless?

"Who are you!" At this time, someone finally woke up and asked tremblingly.

"Who do you say I am?" Chu Yan smiled sarcastically, and with just one glance, the man's heart trembled wildly, and he was shrouded in a mirror world. In this world, he saw a lot of the difficult road to the ladder to heaven, and the character of the battle with the Nine Heavens Brilliant Dragon.

"Bang!" The next moment, Chu Yan took a step down, and several immortals all died. At the moment of death, they all stared wide-eyed, wondering why they met Chu Yan by such a coincidence.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world. Chu Yan turned and flew towards Miaomiao, as if nothing had happened, and continued to leave in the distance.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from a distance, very strong and sincere, it was Kong Linger.

"I'm sorry!" Kong Linger looked at the flying back and shouted heartbreakingly: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm wrong, Chu Yan, you should be Tianze of this holy mountain."

The flying Miaomiao stopped, Chu Yan stood above, then he chuckled, raised his hand and shook it, without looking back.

Looking at the departing back, Kong Linger knelt on the ground crying, but she did not regret it, because she knew that if she didn't say it this time, she might never have another chance in this life.

Maybe in the future, the boy will go all the way to the top of the fairyland, where she can see it as soon as she looks up, but she will never have the chance to get close again.

Just because of a miss, it is a lifetime of separation.

Everyone will have regrets, she knows, but she doesn't want to have regrets, at least this time, she doesn't want to.


Flying back from the dense forest to the temple along the way.

This year, Chu Yan has been playing in the Holy Mountain with Liu Qingcheng and Qingyi, ignoring the trivialities of the mortal world. Fortunately, Chumen has Lengshan sitting in charge, so he is relieved. In addition, Ye Xun and Wangfeng have also reached the top saints and can impact the immortal status at any time.

But his return still caused a lot of turmoil in Chumen. The geniuses from all sides gathered around him. Because they are all brothers, Chu Yan is also very generous. That night, everyone drank and chatted together and was very happy.

But compared to Chumen, the Cantian Taoist Temple was a little depressed this year.

Since the defeat of Jiutian Huanglong, everyone speculated that Duanmu Tong might make a move, but strangely, he did not. Instead, he was very low-key. He even chose to tolerate several conflicts with Chumen.

Of course, no one in the Holy Mountain would think that Duanmu Tong was afraid of Chu Yan or wanted to give up. If so, Chumen would be more vigilant.

"Brother, what do you think Duanmu Tong is doing? This year, he neither fights nor leaves." Wang Feng said unhappily. He still holds a grudge against Duanmu Tong for spreading the rumor that Chu Yan died.

"She should be preparing something." Chu Yan said calmly. He learned from Kong Ling'er that Duanmu Tong practiced an evil method.

For this matter, Chu Yan also specially found Leng Shan: "Leng Shan, do you know if there is any inherited evil method in the Holy Mountain, which is an evil method of collecting women's Yin Qi for cultivation?"

"Yes." Leng Shan frowned, and then said seriously: "I have seen it in the files of the ancient Leng family. My Leng family once gave birth to a person of ten thousand evils. This person is extremely talented and is praised by several clan leaders as one of the Leng family's extraordinary talents. He was also a candidate for the Holy Lord of that year. However, he was lustful and practiced a body of evil techniques to collect women's Yin Qi for cultivation. In the end, he fell into the devil's way and was killed by the previous generation of Holy Lord."

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