Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 963: Kill the Immortal Position Instantly [Three Updates]

Everyone in Truman became excited. Lin Ang smiled excitedly and said, "I knew you were a tough boy and you wouldn't die so easily!"

"Brother!" Chu Yan said. At this time, Yuqiong Xian'er also stepped forward and said softly in a low voice: "In the past few years since you disappeared, the layout of the Holy Mountain has changed greatly. Jiutian Huanglong and Duanmutong came from the ladder to heaven. After stepping down, they both became very strong and broke through to the immortal position. Now the two sides are as strong as clouds."

"Jiutian Huanglong seems to have noticed a trace of the power of the Holy Mountain and wants to get a kind of power from us." Yuqiong Xian'er said again.

"I know." Chu Yan nodded. Yuqiong Xian'er looked at him slightly surprised: "You know?"

"Yeah." Chu Yan chuckled. Although he himself was on the ladder to heaven, the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect had been hiding in the holy mountain. Naturally, everything that happened at the foot of the mountain could not be hidden from his eyes. This is why he gave up in the cold. The clan continues to break through and is eager to go down the mountain.

"Can that be solved?" Yuqiong Xian'er frowned. Although she knew that Chu Yan was very strong, she still had some doubts as Duanmutong and Jiutian Huanglong were the two major immortals.

"You guys step back first." Chu Yan did not respond, but there was a cold light in his eyes. Then he raised his head, took a step forward alone, and stood at the front of the crowd.

Jiutian Huanglong raised his head and looked at Chu Yan, showing his incomparable greed. Now that he has absorbed all the immortal king traditions at the foot of the mountain, he can naturally feel the power of inheritance in Chu Yan's body. He said excitedly: "You are not dead. , This is just right, I want your power."

Chu Yan glanced at Jiutian Huanglong, ignored it, and looked around, including the Supreme Military Palace, Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, Sword God Mountain, and the towering Taoist temple.

"We are all old friends. I just don't know what you are doing here at Chumen?" Chu Yan said coldly.

"Chu Yan, you are alive. I will take your life now to avenge Prince Yu!" Chen Yi stood in the void, looking at Chu Yan with a cold look in his eyes, and then with a whoosh, his body rushed out, the immortal throne The power surrounded him, taking on the appearance of a golden dragon and blasting out.

"Immortal throne!" Everyone felt a little moved when they felt the power.

"So strong!" Chen Yi became famous very early in the Holy Mountain. After the death of Hua Qingyu, he became the first person in the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. However, he was later overshadowed by Jiutian Huanglong and Duanmutong, but this does not mean that he The combat power will be weak.

Now, he, a powerful immortal, takes action against a saint. In the eyes of everyone, this is simply a devastating disaster for Chu Yan.

As he gradually approached, Chen Yi also showed a ferocious smile. Although the death of Prince Yu will definitely cause the Immortal Emperor to be furious, if he can kill Chu Yan, he will be guilty and meritorious, and his status in the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty will be certain in the future. It will rise like the sun.

"Kill!" Chen Yi became more and more excited. He held his hands and the golden fairy light destroyed everything. Seeing this, the people in Trumen were a little anxious. Many people were sweating for him. The immortal of the Holy Dragon Alliance was strong. The person frowned even more, and one of them even wanted to step out.

But at this moment, a force suddenly rippled down, blocking everyone in the Chumen. Only one person was seen strolling down the ladder and came into the crowd.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking us?" The person who came was Feng Shan, and the people in Truman all looked at each other with cold expressions.

However, Fengshan didn't look at them, he just glanced at the battlefield casually, full of contempt: "For this kind of thing, just one strike is enough, sir, why do you need to do it?"

Truman's people were shocked in their hearts. In addition to this, the rest of the people were also the same, looking at Feng Shan in surprise.

This person said that Chu Yan could win with just one move?

Is this possible? Chen Yi is an immortal. It is taboo for a saint to fight against an immortal. How about another move?

"Is this guy crazy?" Someone from Hua Qingxian Dynasty said sarcastically, and then looked towards the battlefield. Chen Yi's killing storm stirred up the wild clouds, and Chu Yan was still standing there, looking calm. Yun Dan's look made him sneer: "Can't this idiot even block even with the power of the Immortal?"

"go to hell!"

Chen Yi also laughed wildly when he saw Chu Yan's move, but at this moment, Chu Yan's eyes flashed with golden light, and golden lines appeared all over his body, like Gangqi. The next moment, there was a bang. There was a loud banging sound, and all the power was allowed to strangle, but when it fell on the Gang Qi, it was all blocked.

Chu Yan stood there, unmoving, as steady as Mount Tai.

From beginning to end, he had his hands behind his back.

"How is that possible?" Chen Yi's heart trembled wildly.

"Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, a bunch of trash!" When all the brilliance fell, Chu Yan shook his head calmly. After that, he reached out his hand, and saw that he did not activate any magical powers, just a hand with golden light, pointing towards Chen Yi scratched his throat.

Feeling the power, Chen Yi was shocked and continued to run away, but there was no chance. When that hand came, Chen Yi felt that he was not facing a hand, but an unshakable mountain, smashing directly into his body. throat, and then his body sank.

"Boom!" With just one blow, Chu Yan slammed down. Chen Yi frantically used his immortal power. Layers of immortal light armor appeared on his skin, but it only took a moment. The immortal light armor shattered with a click. As if he had never appeared before, he was knocked to the ground with a bang.


Under the ladder, everyone was stunned. The result was far different from what they expected.

Flash sales are the same flash sales, but the relationship is reversed.

"So strong!" Someone swallowed and spat; "Although he is still a saint, his combat power... an ordinary immortal cannot block a single move."

The people in Truman just came back to their senses, and then they were filled with excitement: "The sect leader is so strong... This power is simply an explosion!"

"Haha, you are worthy of being Lele's brother, you are so talented." Chen Le laughed wildly beside him. Several senior brothers glared at him, and one of them said: "If you are half as strong as him, Master might let you go." Went on a trip.”

Chen Yi only made one move, and then Chu Yan looked up again as if nothing had happened.

"Is this all the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty? If so, there is no need to die one by one." Chu Yan said indifferently, and the disciples of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty had angry eyes: "Chu Yan, don't be too crazy!"

"Buzz!" Chu Yan glanced at the man, and a strange light shot out from his eyes. The disciple was shocked and felt like he was falling into a chaotic world and suffering endless torture.

"Ah!" A moment later, the man from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty screamed and died.

"This..." Everyone was speechless again. Both the Sword God Mountain and the Supreme Weapon Hall were even frightened. You must know that Chen Yi's combat power is the best for both of them, but he can't stop Chu Yan. one strike.

"You guys are still not going away?" Chu Yan looked around and looked at Jiutian Huanglong and Duanmutong.

Duanmutong's eyes narrowed, and then he showed a smile: "Brother Chu is really charming. In just a few years, he has made rapid progress. He seems to have gained a lot of treasures on the ladder. Today, all the geniuses are here, so why not share them with us?" How about a moment?”

Hearing Duanmutong's words, the faces of the people in Trumen darkened. This Duanmutong was undoubtedly seeking hatred.

"Duanmutong, you spread rumors that my husband is dead. Now that my husband has walked down the ladder, you are provoking us with words. It's so shameless." Liu Qingcheng said with cold eyes.

"Why is Junior Sister Qingcheng so angry? I am telling the truth. The opening of the Holy Mountain has attracted the arrogance of the world. Now that Brother Chu has obtained the treasure, I am just curious." After Duanmutong finished speaking, he looked around: "Everyone, I think you should be very happy. I’m curious, Brother Chu, what do you think?”

"Who is your brother Chu, do you deserve it?" Chu Yan raised his head and looked at Duanmutong.

"You..." Duanmutong's eyes narrowed, but after a moment, he nodded: "Haha, it seems that Brother Chu has made some progress and is not ready to recognize me? I, Duanmutong, am overly worried."

Everyone was even more surprised. What happened to Duanmutong and Chu Yan on the holy mountain? According to Duanmutong's words, the two were once brothers, but that was not the case at the foot of the Holy Mountain.

"This Chu Yan is quite swollen." Someone snorted coldly.

"Chu Yan, even if you come down from the Holy Mountain and achieve a breakthrough in combat power, Master Duanmu has also gone up to the Holy Mountain. What's more, he is still an immortal. He must have taken great care of you on the Holy Mountain. Now that you have come down from the Holy Mountain, Are you still like this, little man? "Kong Ling'er was always there in the towering Taoist temple. When she first saw Chu Yan walking down the holy mountain, she was a little surprised, even curious, but now she sees Chu Yan's attitude. , which completely disappointed her.

Compared with Duanmutong's humility, Chu Yan was too unruly and arrogant. Moreover, in Kong Ling'er's view, Chu Yan could never be stronger than Duanmutong.

Looking at Kong Ling'er, Chu Yan glanced lightly. This woman was quite ridiculous. She took him in back then but abandoned her because of King Chen. Now that she has joined the Towering Taoist Temple, it is still the same.

"You deserve to talk more about my affairs? Who do you think you are?" Chu Yan said disdainfully.

"You..." Kong Ling'er shook her hand, but then snorted coldly: "You are indeed an inferior person, and you are not worthy to be compared with Master Duanmu."

"Shut up!" Wangfeng couldn't help cursing from below. Duanmutong was responsible for everything on the Holy Mountain. This bitch dared to humiliate her senior brother.

"Wangfeng." Chu Yan said softly, and then he looked at Kong Linger sadly and shook his head. This woman was too brainless, and he was too lazy to argue with her.

But the next moment, he raised his head, looked at Duanmutong, and suddenly grinned: "You just said you wanted to see me get my treasure on the holy mountain? Okay, but I'm afraid you can't afford the price."

Everyone looked at Duanmutong, this Chu Yan was provoking him.

Duanmutong's eyes were also focused, and he snorted coldly: "Arrogant! In this case, I also want to experience Brother Chu's power."

Boom! After saying that, Duanmutong took a step forward, and the immortal light shone in the sky, but Chu Yan still stood there and glanced at Duanmutong, full of irony.

"You are looking for death!" Seeing that Chu Yan ignored him, Duanmutong became even more chilled. He flashed his body, summoned the power of thunder, and attacked Chu Yan to kill him fiercely. Everyone's hearts became nervous. .

Yun Feiyang was watching there, full of excitement.


But at the same time, a ray of silver light passed by, like a ghost, blocking directly in front of Chu Yan. He raised his hand and punched, and with a bang, all Duanmutong's thunder collapsed and could no longer be condensed.

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