Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 956: Seven Years in the Holy Mountain [Three Updates]

"That's too long. Even I can only refer to some ancient books. But I know that after the last generation of Saint Lord, the fairyland is the era of the Palace of God." The middle-aged man said calmly. Chu Yan trembled slightly, but did not respond. He still didn't know the relationship between the Holy Mountain and Qin Ruoming.

According to normal thinking, the overthrow of the last generation of Saint Lord should be done by Qin Ruoming. If the two are enemies, wouldn't he be in trouble?

"You, want to know where the Palace of God is?" At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly spoke, and Chu Yan looked up suddenly. This time, he could no longer remain calm.

"Senior, do you know where the Palace of God is?" Chu Yan tried to restrain himself and asked.

The middle-aged man smiled undeniably: "The Palace of God has always been there. It has never been a secret in the fairyland. It's just that no one in the fairyland is qualified to go there at present."

The Palace of God has always been there?

Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and he said devoutly: "Please explain it clearly, senior."

"Haha, there is nothing to say. Your realm is still too low now. Enter the immortal realm. When you become an immortal, come to the Holy Mountain again. I will send you to the Divine Palace to try. But whether you are qualified or not is still hard to say." The middle-aged man smiled calmly. He only had one eye. The other eye was a dark hole, but that one eye was flashing with a light that made people sink.

"Now, this Holy Mountain can be used for you to practice. In addition, although you have become the Holy Lord of this generation, your realm is too low. If my Leng family returns to the fairyland, it will alarm some people, which will be disadvantageous to you. But you take this token. When you become the Immortal Emperor in the future, come to the Holy Mountain again. At that time, you will be qualified to become a real Holy Lord. Of course, the premise is that you can still be alive at that time." The one-eyed middle-aged man said calmly, handing Chu Yan a token with a very powerful word "Leng" on it.

Chu Yan nodded in realization, then looked at the middle-aged man: "Junior understands."

"But this time, Lengshan will go out with you. Next, Lengshan, take him to the Holy Mountain. If there are some magic weapons and unique skills in it, take them if you like them." The one-eyed middle-aged man said in a young voice. Lengshan nodded and looked at Chu Yan: "Saint Lord, follow me."

"You and I are of the same generation, and the Saint Lord is too ostentatious outside. Just call me Chu Yan." Chu Yan said, but Lengshan frowned: "This is disrespectful to the Saint Lord."

Chu Yan was speechless for a while. Lengshan was really persistent. He had to say: "Anyway, you can't call me Saint Lord. Now many forces in the fairyland are guarding outside. If you call me Saint Lord, it will only reveal your identity."

"Then I will call you Master." Lengshan said after hesitation. Chu Yan thought about it, then nodded and followed Lengshan.

As he walked on, Chu Yan suddenly discovered that there was a mysterious level hidden on the holy mountain. The so-called black and white Tai Chi formation diagram concealed a world. In this world, just like the outside world, there was the sky and the earth, mountains, rivers, birds and beasts, and countless practitioners, all of whom were from the Leng family.

During this period, Chu Yan even saw some immortal masters. According to Leng Shan, there were also immortal emperors in the Leng family, which made Chu Yan speechless.

"Since the Leng family is so powerful, why are they willing to stay in this sealed mountain forest?" Chu Yan said in confusion. Based on what he has seen so far, if the Leng family fights for the immortal realm, I am afraid that few forces can resist it?

"Compared with the current fairyland, my Leng family is not weak, but there are also some ancient clans in the fairyland. Those ancient clans are the real foundation of the fairyland." Leng Shan paused and looked at Chu Yan: "Young Master, do you know why there has been no fairyland king born in the fairyland for ten thousand years?"

"Because no one has broken through the fairy emperor?" Chu Yan asked curiously, Leng Shan smiled strangely.

"Isn't it?" Chu Yan was slightly shocked. His understanding of the fairyland king was the legendary realm above the fairy emperor, and also the strongest king in the fairyland.

"Yes, but not completely. The era of the fairyland king means the unification of the fairyland. However, since the fairyland fell apart ten thousand years ago, who is willing to be ruled by others? So over the years, the fairy emperor has been the highest realm in the fairyland. Some people say that there is no fairy king in the fairyland because no great evil has been born, but some people say that there is no fairy king in the fairyland because someone does not allow the existence of the fairy king." Leng Shan said, Chu Yan's heart trembled. Someone does not allow the existence of the fairy king?

What kind of concept is this?

"Someone is creating the rules of the fairyland." Leng Shan said in a low voice. Chu Yan's eyes were solemn. Someone was creating the rules of the fairyland. However, the fairyland was so vast. The five major fairylands alone had endless territories. It was difficult for the fairy emperor to cross them. But someone wanted to create a rule for the fairyland.

"Who is it?" Chu Yan whispered. Leng Shan shook his head: "No one knows, but this rule has been covered by an invisible hand since the end of the fairy king era ten thousand years ago. In the past ten thousand years, countless top fairy emperors have disappeared. No one knows where they went. Their life and death are unknown. All the fairy emperors who have the opportunity to become fairy kings have disappeared. Sir, do you know now why my Leng family does not come out? The fairyland is changing."

Chu Yan was shocked. He always thought that the so-called fairyland was controlled by several top forces. They were already powerful enough, but there were still people who were subtly changing this fairyland?

"Of course, the fairyland itself also has rules. That big hand cannot change everything. Times are changing. Some things are the way of heaven and cannot be reversed. The fairyland will eventually usher in the era of the king of the fairyland. Perhaps by then, this big hand hidden in the dark will reveal its true colors." Lengshan said seriously.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, then he nodded, his eyes became hot again.

In the final analysis, it was still because of his lack of strength. There were many things that he could not see and control at present, and he needed to make himself stronger.

"Young Master, you can practice freely here. Although my Leng family has closed the mountain, the resources are very rich, and the unique skills of practice are endless. The Saint Lord has extraordinary combat power and his understanding of Taoism is far beyond ordinary people. It is only a matter of time before he enters the immortal position." Leng Shan said.

Hearing Leng Shan's words, Chu Yan smiled bitterly. Immortal position, how can it be so easy? If you can break through at will, how can you ascend to the immortal position?

However, Chu Yan still practiced here. There are many powers in the Holy Mountain, which is of great benefit to his current saint realm.

This practice lasted another two years.

So far, the Holy Mountain has been opened for seven years.

Seven years, the ladder is still there, but no one climbs the mountain anymore. Some Tianjiao occasionally habitually glance at the ladder, but they have long been numb.

In the past seven years, many things have happened at the foot of the Holy Mountain. All the secret houses at the foot of the mountain have been mined and occupied by the top forces of various immortal realms. Many Tianjiao have also been constantly clashing. The strongest of them is the team formed by Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and Chu Yan.

The two forces have reached a terrifying level.

In addition, a major event happened at the foot of the Holy Mountain two years ago. Because Chu Yan entered the Holy Mountain, the Immortal King Taoism in the Holy Mountain was strengthened again, which made some strong men in the middle and upper immortal realms unable to bear it and were forced to leave the mountain. Now, only the lower three realms of the lower immortal realm and saints are left in the Holy Mountain.

Seven years have also made the situation at the foot of the Holy Mountain gradually clear. It has been initially divided into five major forces, namely Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, Supreme Weapon Hall, Sword God Mountain, Golden Dynasty, and the Chu Killing Alliance formed by several major forces.

The team formed by Chu Yan, combined with Yuqiong Immortal Pavilion, Tianhua Immortal Palace, Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and the lineage of the Holy Academy, is called the Chumen team.

The original elite team of the Holy Mountain, led by King Fang.

The Lingtian team formed by the Cantian Taoist Temple, and the Jiuxiao team of the Jiutian Immortal Dynasty.

The five major teams almost occupy more than 90% of the resources at the foot of the Holy Mountain. In addition, there are the Nanyu Immortal Kingdom and the Dugu Family. Although they have not formed a team, they still have a lot of weight at the foot of the Holy Mountain.

Two years ago, Jiutian Huanglong and Duanmu Tong walked down the Holy Mountain at the same time, becoming the holder of the highest record of climbing. Some people also claimed that one of them had actually been recognized and inherited by the Holy Mountain, but everything was just a rumor, and there was no credible evidence.

But since Jiutian Huanglong and Duanmu Tong walked down the Holy Mountain, the power of the Cantian Taoist Temple and the Jiutian Immortal Dynasty at the foot of the Holy Mountain has risen rapidly like a tiger, unstoppable.

"Has Brother Chu not returned yet?" Tianxin came here under the ladder of the Holy Temple, whispering alone. Since Duanmu Tong and Jiutian Huanglong walked down the Holy Mountain two years ago, the only person still on the ladder was Chu Yan.

On this day, the sky of the Holy Mountain changed, and the sky was covered by an auspicious fairy dome.

Inside the Holy Mountain, everyone took a step forward, looking at the figure on the fairy cloud, they couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"The fairy position has broken through! Someone has become a fairy."

"It's the direction of the Cantian Taoist Temple." Some people were discussing that the fairy is extraordinary, and reaching this step is a kind of transformation. Now the most people in the Holy Mountain are saints. They don't leave because they want to spy on the secrets of the fairy.

Now, finally one person succeeded, Cantian Taoist Temple, Duanmu Tong.

"It's worthy of being the peerless genius of this generation of Cantian Taoist Temple. After walking down the Holy Mountain and going through two years, he finally became a fairy!"

"It seems that the rumors may not be unbelievable. Master Duanmu may really have obtained the inheritance of the Holy Mountain." Someone sighed.

The disciples of Cantian Taoist Temple were particularly excited. They all believed that Duanmu Tong's breakthrough would break the balance of the Holy Mountain.

In the crowd, Yun Feiyang looked at the figure with a shawl of fairy light, with envy, but more of excitement.

In the past few years, Kong Linger has also been visiting the Taoist temple. She witnessed Duanmu Tong's grace as she walked down from the Holy Mountain. Now, all the clouds and mists have dissipated and she has entered the fairy position, which makes her more convinced that Duanmu Tong is the choice of the Holy Mountain.

The haze on the ladder a few years ago faded away, revealing a bright smile.

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