Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 951 Let you die knowingly

"Let him go? Do you think it's possible?" The voice of the Tiandi Sect Master was calm, without any emotion. With the height of the holy mountain, there was a hint of coldness.

"Buzz!" The Tiandi Sect Master continued to walk, his pace was very slow, but every step seemed to trample on Hua Qingyu's heart, making his heart tremble constantly.

"No..." Hua Qingyu was desperate. The pain of waiting for death was too tormenting. He wanted to run, but this piece of time and space was completely sealed, and he couldn't run away.

"I don't believe it!" Hua Qingyu roared again, his hands raised high, his blood was burning, and at the last moment, he was fighting desperately. Suddenly, the silver spears on the sky broke through the sky and pierced the Tiandi Sect Master. It was a pity that everything was so useless. The Tiandi Sect Master was still standing there, intact.

"If you kill me, my father will never let you go. There will be no place for you in this vast world!" Hua Qingyu roared, but it was too late. The leader of the Tiandi Sect raised his hand, and immediately, countless sword paths floated behind him, traveling through time and space, destroying and strangling. Hua Qingyu stood there, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and was blown away.

"Buzz!" Under the crisis of death, the thoughts of the Immortal Emperor in Hua Qingyu's body burst out, and the shadow of Emperor Huaqing appeared in the Holy Mountain. Seeing this scene, Emperor Huaqing's eyes were red.


"Father, save me!" Hua Qingyu screamed in fear, and Emperor Huaqing's eyes were also furious. He looked at the leader of the Tiandi Sect, wondering why his son would provoke such a person.

But the next moment, he was not allowed to make a move. In the Holy Mountain, the terrible way of the Immortal King descended and killed him. With a bang, the earth shook, and the thoughts of the Immortal Emperor were shattered in the Holy Mountain.

Hua Qingyu was stunned there. He was desperate. The last glimmer of hope was gone. He looked at the Tiandi Sect Master in fear.

There was only one thing he still couldn't figure out. He had been chasing Chu Yan all the way, why did this young man in black suddenly appear in front of him.

And Chu Yan's last look, everything seemed to be expected, which made his heart colder. He looked up and roared at the Tiandi Sect Master: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Okay, I'll let you die knowingly!" The Tiandi Sect Master's eyes were teasing. At this time, he reached out and slowly lifted up his bamboo hat. Under the bamboo hat was a handsome face. The moment he saw that face, Hua Qingyu's eyes widened, full of disbelief and despair.

He couldn't figure it out. How could this be possible? Tiandi Sect Master? Chu Yan?

"Hua Qingyu, retribution is inevitable, the way of heaven is constant, now, do you regret it?" Gently pulling down the bamboo hat again, the leader of the Tiandi Sect raised his hand, and endless light shot out between his eyes. The countless time and space swords killed everything. Under the extreme power of time and space, immortals would die anyway.

Hua Qingyu didn't even make a scream. His body finally stepped back two steps, and fell into a pool of blood with a plop.

Hua Qingyu was dead. Until the moment of death, he still stared wide-eyed, unable to believe that this was true.

He always thought that he still had a good time. This time the holy mountain opened, it was a chance given to him by heaven. In the future, he would reach the top, become the king of the fairyland, and be famous for thousands of years. But why would it be such a result?

The leader of the Tiandi Sect stood there, not moved by Hua Qingyu's death. As early as the moment Hua Qingyu attacked the little wolf on the demon mountain, Chu Yan knew that he was already a dead man, just like that look.

However, this time the Holy Mountain is not over. The Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect entered the Holy Mountain not for the inheritance of the Immortal King. Hua Qingyu's death was just a prelude. He had another purpose.

There was another person who had to die, and he had to solve it himself.

Walking forward, the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect put away Hua Qingyu's ancient battle flag and the space ring. The most beloved offspring of Emperor Huaqing should be very rich.

Afterwards, he left a scene of murder and disaster before standing up and walking away. His direction was not aimless, as if it had been destined.


Outside the Holy Mountain, many forces in the Immortal Realm gathered here, and there were many Immortal Emperors.

At this moment, a burst of anger suddenly broke out in one side of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. Behind Emperor Huaqing, a mountain of soldiers rose up, towering thousands of feet.

"Yu'er!" Emperor Huaqing roared, and people from all sides immediately looked at him strangely.

"What's going on?" Many forces in the Immortal Realm were wondering why Emperor Huaqing, a top emperor, was so angry. What happened in the Holy Mountain?

"It seems to be because Hua Qingyu died in the Holy Mountain."

"This is interesting. Hua Qingyu has always been the most beloved offspring of Emperor Huaqing. Who dares to be so bold as to kill Hua Qingyu?" Several people from the Immortal Dynasty speculated.

"Buzz!" At this moment, Emperor Huaqing stared at the place where Emperor Yun was in the Desolate Immortal Realm with a cold gaze, and his eyes were spraying green flames: "Emperor Yun, your adopted son killed my Yu'er, you should be killed!"

Above the black cloud, Emperor Yun stood there and frowned. Hua Qingyu was killed by the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect?

Many forces were also shocked. This seemed... illogical.

A saint can kill an immortal?

"Surround them!" Emperor Huaqing ordered. With a buzz, many generals of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty stepped out, and there were also many immortals, who covered Emperor Yun with force.

Feeling the threat, Emperor Yun's face darkened: "Not long ago, Emperor Yan once said that within the Holy Mountain, everyone relies on their own abilities. Now your son is defeated and killed. Can't you afford to lose?"

"I don't care. My son died in the Holy Mountain. You, Emperor Yun, must be responsible!" The aura behind Emperor Huaqing continued to rise. Indistinctly, he turned into the shadow of an ancient human emperor, with the posture of a god of war, crushing one side. In Emperor Yun's camp, many immortals looked depressed.

Emperor Yun was only a junior immortal emperor, and his face was also livid.

"Huaqing, this is the Holy Mountain!" At this moment, a lazy voice sounded. Emperor Yan, who had been sitting in the air, put down his wine glass and said lightly.

"Emperor Yan, this matter has nothing to do with you. It's best not to meddle in other people's business!" Emperor Huaqing raised his hand, and a golden palm print pressed down. With a humming sound, the sky cracked into several cracks, and Emperor Yun rushed out. In his body, a dragon of the sky roared out and met the palm print. With a bang, the dragon was shattered and the palm print faded a little.

"Huaqing, if you are still stubborn, don't blame me." Emperor Yun said coldly, with a layer of aura wrapped around him.

"Hmph, after tens of thousands of years, I didn't expect you to break through." Emperor Huaqing stared at Emperor Yun. The power just now was definitely not that of a primary immortal emperor, but an intermediate one: "But do you think that's enough?"

"Huaqing, your son was defeated by a saint at the level of an immortal. Such a waste, he still has the face to shout for revenge after his death?" Li Chaoyang spoke calmly. Emperor Huaqing's eyes condensed and glared at Li Chaoyang: "Bullshit, how could my son, who is an immortal, lose? That guy must have used some despicable means, otherwise, how could my son lose."

Li Chaoyang shrugged his shoulders without caring, turned his eyes and looked at the Holy Mountain.

Huaqing Yu wanted to kill Chu Yan, but was killed instead.

Is there really such a coincidence in the world?

At this moment, Emperor Yan looked up and said slowly: "Enough! If you want to fight, get out of here!"

"Emperor Huaqing, the matter has not been clarified yet. It might be better to wait for a while until the Holy Mountain is over and this boy walks out. Wouldn't it be better to interrogate him? At least we can know the cause of death of His Highness Yu." At this time, someone from the direction of the Supreme Armory Hall advised that they naturally didn't care about the life or death of Huaqing Yu. On the contrary, they were happy to weaken the reserve strength of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty.

But now that the Holy Mountain is imminent, if the opportunity is missed because of the battle between Emperor Huaqing and Emperor Yun, it will be worth it.

"You say it's easy, it's not your son who died!" Emperor Huaqing looked at the other party coldly, and the Immortal Emperor of the Supreme Armory Hall shook his head and said no more.

"Hua Qing, the Holy Mountain is important. If this boy can walk out of the Holy Mountain, my Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty will also take a look at who has the ability of a saint to kill an immortal." The Immortal Emperor of the Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty laughed. Hua Qing looked at him and nodded. The Nine Heavens Dynasty has the same goal as them.

In the past, the Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty killed the Yun Emperor's family. This was a life-and-death feud. The Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty would naturally not watch Yun Emperor become bigger in the Wilderness Immortal Domain.

For a while, it seemed that things were peaceful outside the Holy Mountain, but the atmosphere became extremely depressing.

On the Wilderness Immortal Domain side, the Immortal Venerable beside Yun Emperor also breathed a sigh of relief, and then secretly sighed that the little guy, the leader of the Tiandi Sect, was too crazy. He really dared to kill anyone.

Yun Emperor also narrowed his eyes, a little bitter. This kid, I'm afraid he doesn't know how much trouble he has caused.

But he still stood there, without retreating, with his hands behind his back.

In the Holy Mountain, after Chu Yan left the battlefield, he turned back the same way. When Hua Qingyu died, he paused, smiled, and then continued on his way as if nothing had happened.

Soon, Chu Yan returned to the ladder of the Holy Temple, where people from several forces were still in a stalemate, and many immortals were colliding wildly.

"Chu Yan!"

"Mr. Chu!"

Suddenly, Chu Yan returned, and Yu Qiong Xian'er and Liu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes flashed with joy.

"Qingcheng, Xian'er!" Chu Yan walked down and came to the two women. Liu Qingcheng's heart, which had been hanging, was relieved and asked softly: "Are you okay?"

"No big deal." Chu Yan chuckled. At this time, he looked a little embarrassed, but they were just superficial injuries.

"Where is my prince?" At this time, the faces of Huaqing Xianchao and Jianshenshan and others sank, especially Huaqing Xianchao. Before, Huaqing Yu chased Chu Yan. In their opinion, Chu Yan must die, and there will be no other result. But now, Chu Yan is back, but their Yu has not come back.

Chu Yan turned his eyes and looked at the people of Huaqing Xianchao, sneering: "It's ridiculous. You don't know where your prince is, but you ask me instead?"

"My prince went to chase you, and you are just a saint. Killing you is like killing an ant. How can you survive?" The immortal strongman of Huaqing Xianchao roared.

"Idiot!" Chu Yan sneered: "Well, since you are so confident in him, continue to fight here. Anyway, Huaqing Yu is invincible in the world and has divine weapons to assist him. What are you worried about?"

However, the more Chu Yan was like this, the more uneasy the strongmen of Huaqing Xianchao felt. Although they were confident, now the facts were in front of them. Chu Yan came back, but Huaqing Yu did not.

"You wait!" Hua Qingxian narrowed his eyes at an immortal and growled, "Let's go! Go find the prince first!"

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