Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 949: The Heavenly Emperor Sect Master Breaks Through

Because Yaoshan has been away for a long time, it has been somewhat forgotten by people, but now as soon as Hua Qingyu's words came out, many eyes turned to Chu Yan again.

"What do you get, what does it have to do with you?" Chu Yan smiled sarcastically. What he used just now was indeed the power of cultivation on the Demon Mountain, the Demonic Beast True Self, the Holy Beast-level Demonic Technique, and the Qinglong Sky-breaking Fist.

Hua Qingyu's eyes narrowed, but he soon calmed down. He is an immortal, and he is still not afraid of Chu Yan: "Don't you want to say it? It doesn't matter. I originally wanted you to die more happily, but now, I have changed my mind. I will Little by little, dig out all the secrets in you!"

"Jiangshan Military Map: Awakening!" Hua Qingyu clasped his hands together, turning into an extremely complicated hand seal, and then an extremely terrifying battlefield appeared above him.

Within the field, countless heavenly soldiers rushed out and attacked Chu Yan.

"It is the unique skill of Emperor Hua Qing, the Awakening of the Army." Everyone's hearts trembled as the country was held up by Hua Qingyu's hand and moved in parallel, showing an extremely rough and explosive power.

"Master Chu!"

"Chu Yan!" Yu Qiong Xian'er and Liu Qingcheng frowned slightly, and Yu Qiong Xian'er winked at the person next to her: "Go and protect Mr. Chu!"

"Yuqiong Immortal Pavilion, your opponent is me!" With a whoosh, a peerless sword cultivator walked out of the Sword God Mountain. With a flick of his wrist, a terrifying sword storm formed around him, sweeping out and sealing off a space.

"Bastard!" Yuqiong Xian'er cursed impatiently. Because of the ancient battle flag, the biggest advantage of Yuqiong Xian'er Pavilion was lost. Otherwise, how could the people of Sword God Mountain stop them.

"Don't even move!"

Chu Yan suddenly spoke and glanced at Liu Qingcheng: "Trust me!"

"Haha! Chu Yan, how dare you say such arrogant words when you are about to die!" Hua Qingyu's eyes were ferocious, and the violent mountains of weapons continued to suppress him, and suddenly, the ground broke apart.

Feeling the strong wind blowing on his body, Chu Yan raised his head fiercely, with extremely demonic eyes, and looked at Hua Qingyu: "Hua Qingyu, don't you want to know what I got on the Demonic Mountain? Come on, I'll tell you! "

After saying that, Chu Yan waved his hand and took back the evil sword, turned around and flew in another direction.

"Want to run away?" Hua Qingyu said with a joking smile: "You don't have to pay attention. I will chase him. You restrain the people here. You guys, chase Lin Ang and the three of them."

The disciples of the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty frowned, then nodded briefly. There was almost no suspense in the Immortal's pursuit of the saint, so they were not worried at all that Hua Qingyu would be defeated.

Turning around, Hua Qingyu jumped and chased after Chu Yan. A huge mountain of weapons swept behind him, and everywhere he passed was desolate.

"Chu Yan, I said, the holy mountain is your burial place, you have nowhere to escape!" Hua Qingyu let out a low roar, a long sound piercing the air.

However, Chu Yan was indifferent. He was extremely fast and ran forward without looking back.

"Suppress and kill!" The speed of the immortal position was too fast. Even Chu Yan's speed was not slow, but the distance between the two was still shortened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the way, the two people caused great commotion. Many people in the Immortal Realm raised their heads, looked at Chu Yan and the two, and shook their heads: "It's Chu Yan and Hua Qingyu, they still collided."

"Well, Hua Qingyu has already entered the immortal position, and Chu Yan may be in danger this time."

At this time, among a group of climbers, Kong Ling'er was also there. She looked up at the two phantoms flying violently, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but move.

"It's him!" Wang Peng saw the two of them, his eyes a little cold: "Humph, you actually provoked the immortal prince of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, Ling'er, I have already said that this son does not know whether to live or die. He will leave us and live in the Holy Land." Sooner or later, there will be a dead end on the mountain."

Looking at Chu Yan's figure, he looked a little embarrassed at this time. Under Hua Qingyu's pursuit, he could only dodge. His white shirt was a little torn, but he was still running and his eyes were firm.

Seeing that Kong Ling'er didn't respond, Wang Peng snorted again: "What's funny is that this person actually made arrogant words before about creating an elite team. Now his arrogant words are still in his ears, but he is going to die."

"Hey, how can you say that?" At this moment, a woman in the team couldn't stand it anymore and said, her beautiful eyes furrowed: "Vice General Chu saved us several times along the way and also made a lot of efforts. , he was the one you gave up on in front of the King of Dust, and now he is being hunted down, just forget it if you don’t help him, why add insult to injury?”

"Did I say something wrong? In the realm of a saint, he went to provoke an immortal. He is seeking death himself." Wang Peng said unhappily. In fact, he felt a little inferior in his heart. From the first time he met Chu Yan, at that time, he The top saint looked down on the opponent, but later, along the way, Chu Yan stole the show and was promoted to deputy general. Even King Chen was defeated by Chu Yan, which made him even more unhappy.

Therefore, he also hopes that Chu Yan will be killed.

"Let's go!" Kong Ling'er said softly and looked away. Chu Yan had stunned her before, but this time, the other party was Prince Huaqing. She also believed that Chu Yan was dead and their world would never be the same again. any intersection.


Chu Yan flew out from a fork in the temple. Hua Qingyu kept chasing him. He smiled playfully. He didn't seem to be in a hurry. A mountain of soldiers behind him kept roaring. Just as he said, he was going to kill him. Chu Yan was tortured to death.

"Boom!" The huge mountain of soldiers flashed another ray of light, connecting the stars of heaven and earth. In the brilliance, every star in the sky changed, especially an indestructible immortal weapon falling down.

Chu Yan was in it, turned around suddenly, and with a wave of his hand, the Heaven-Severing Sword came out. With a thought of killing the immortal, at this moment, it seemed that there was only the sword in the world.

"Immortal Jue? There are indeed many secrets in your body." Looking at the Immortal Jue that was coming towards him, Hua Qingyu's eyes became more greedy. He stretched out his hand and grasped it in the air. With a bang, the endless sword shadow withered.

"Isn't it okay to be an immortal?" Chu Yan secretly sighed. The Immortal Sword can be used to kill immortals. Coming from the mortal world has always been his ultimate killing move. But now, Hua Qingyu has reached the immortal realm. There are many immortal weapons in hand, but killing the immortals with one thought does not seem to be enough.

"Why don't you just surrender?" Hua Qingyu took a step forward, and with a buzz, a thousand-foot spear appeared above his head, full of destructive power, as if it could pierce through everything.

"Don't you want to know my secret? Tell you now!" Chu Yan shouted, raised his hand, a rumbling sound erupted, and the Haotian Tower was launched, expanding behind him, with a thud, a thousand-foot long spear Penetrating, there was a huge shudder, and the spear shattered.

"Sacred object?" Hua Qingyu was even more excited. The ancient war flag can create rules, but it is also a sacred object, the Haotian Tower, but it cannot be controlled.

"I'm becoming more and more interested in you now." Hua Qingyu laughed wildly and stepped out, his smile so confident.

Haotian Pagoda stepped out, Chu Yan turned around, stepped out again, and flew towards the distance, his eyes were extremely determined, he was just a little short, wait a little longer, and everything would be over.

Hua Qingyu led an encirclement and suppression campaign to kill him, but he had been planning, but it was not possible yet, it was still a little bit close, and the time had not yet come.

At this time, in a secret palace in the Holy Mountain, there was a thin figure sitting cross-legged. The figure was wearing a bamboo hat, covering his face, but judging from his physique, he should be a young man.

The young man has been practicing, and the aura in his body is a little violent, alarming the surrounding birds and beasts. Above him, there is a chaotic time and space, crazy intertwining, like a terrifying sword light.

"Quick, there's still a little bit left, only the last bit left!" The young man let out a low roar.

"Buzz buzz!" The power in his body continued to expand, causing ripples in chaos in time and space. There was a roaring sound in the air, and there was a violent force in his body that rushed upwards with a crisp click. His voice and his breath suddenly changed, like an enlightenment.

His eyes suddenly opened, flashing with blue light, and the space in front of him was distorted.

"What a terrifying power. Who is this person?" Around the secret mansion, there were also many climbers who secretly sighed when they felt the young man's power.

"I don't know, he seems to be the adopted son of Emperor Yun, an eighth-level saint, but his pure power of time and space is much better than even some powerful people in the Immortal Realm." Many people sighed secretly.

"It seems that there will be another monster on the Holy Mountain. It's a pity that he was born in the Desolate Immortal Realm." Some people were frightened.

"Your Excellency has such strength, are you interested in joining us?" At this moment, someone came out from the vicinity of the Secret Mansion and invited the young man. The other person, wearing a Taoist robe, clearly came from the Towering Taoist Temple.


The Heavenly Emperor Sect Master scolded, and a wave of air surged out. The young man's eyes condensed, showing a bit of coldness: "Don't show any shame. In this case, I will send you to death!"

"Kill him!" A young man from the Towering Taoist Temple ordered. With a bang, a terrifying lineup stepped out. Among them were top saints and a strong man in the immortal realm. His big hand reached out and broke through the sky. Then he went towards the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master to arrest him.

However, at this time, the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master raised his head. Above him, a clock appeared, flashing with azure light. For just a moment, the clock stopped.

The Tiandi Sect Master took one step forward and turned into countless afterimages. The young man's eyes widened, but he found that the space was imprisoned. He wanted to move, but he couldn't do it at all.


The next moment, the faces of everyone in the Towering Taoist Temple changed in shock, and then they felt a killing power from time and space born from their bodies.

"Puff!" With a muffled sound, everyone saw the disciples of the Towering Taoist Temple fall down one after another. Under the strangulation of the power of time and space, they were vulnerable to a blow. In the end, only a strong man of the first level of immortality was left.

"How is that possible?" The powerful man in the Immortal Position looked at the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master, full of fear. Didn't he say that the Immortal Position is invincible and cannot be humiliated by mortals? But why, at this moment, when he faced a saint, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Death!" When the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master raised his hand, time and space were distorted, and the powerful immortal man screamed, and infinite immortal light was released from his body. However, in just an instant, everything was extinguished. When the powerful immortal man was about to die, his eyes They are all filled with disbelief and incomprehension.

"This..." Countless people were stunned. This person is so strong!

There were many people from the Outer Immortal Realm in the distance. Their eyes were focused, and someone immediately ordered: "Tell the clan that this child cannot be messed with!"

"So weak." The Heavenly Emperor Sect Master said sarcastically, raised his head and looked into the distance, wrapped his black robe tightly, and darted out very quickly in a flash.

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