Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 944 Abandoned

Entering the Holy Mountain, Chu Yan joined Kong Ling'er, Wang Peng, and Sun Yu's team.

After a period of time, Chu Yan learned that in fact, the so-called True Holy Mountain, these Holy Mountain disciples had never climbed it. In the past, the True Holy Mountain rarely appeared in the Holy Dragon Pavilion. This Holy Mountain seemed to be buried in Within the earth, there is a passage directly connected to the upper world.

Some people also claim that the so-called Holy Mountain is actually a way for the Heavenly Realm to select its disciples, and it is a kind of inheritance of Taoism. Otherwise, why would all the kings of the Immortal Realm in ancient and modern times go to the True Holy Mountain.

"Is there really an inheritance from the Heavenly Dao Lineage on the Holy Mountain?" Chu Yan asked curiously.

"I don't know, and no one knows, what is really on the Holy Mountain, even we disciples of the Holy Mountain have no idea." Kong Ling'er shook her head seriously, raised her head and glanced at the Holy Mountain again: "The Holy Mountain is too high, endless as far as the eye can see. What he means, no one knows.”

"So, the rumors in the Immortal Realm that there will be a King of the Immortal Realm on the Holy Mountain are false?" Chu Yan was surprised.

"Of course not." Kong Ling'er said seriously. After a few days of climbing, she put on a red shirt, covered with phoenix feathers and armor, and her long hair was tied up. She looked very cool and looked a bit like a heroine: " If so, how could the Immortal Realm attach so much importance to the arrival of the True Holy Mountain? It is rumored that every generation of the Immortal Realm King has climbed the Holy Mountain. Of course, this legend was broken thousands of years ago. "

"Ten thousand years ago, when the Immortal Realm was unified for the last time, in the era of the King of the Immortal Realm, that King of the Immortal Realm had never set foot on the Holy Mountain. She was also the only female emperor in the Immortal Realm so far." Kong Ling As the child finished speaking, his beautiful eyes shone with light, full of longing.

Chu Yan's body trembled slightly. Was the king of the fairyland thousands of years ago and the only female emperor her mother?

"Let's go, I don't know how far away the Holy Mountain is, and the others are already far ahead of us." Sun Yu said from the side, and the three of them nodded.

The four of them walked all the way towards the Holy Mountain. On the way, Chu Yan discovered that Kong Ling'er, Wang Peng, and Sun Yu were all extremely powerful in combat, especially Kong Ling'er. Her power even contained a trace of fairy power. I have realized the power of immortality.

It's no wonder why Wang Peng was disdainful of his defeat of King Chiyang before. Compared with them, King Chiyang was really too weak and vulnerable.

In the blink of an eye, a few more days passed, and the four of them were climbing all the way, and many more people were recruited into the team, which expanded from the original four to more than a dozen people.

On this day, their team encountered a team of monster beasts, led by a group of pythons and dragons, which were very powerful.

"Wang Peng, Sun Yu, come with me to fight. Chu Yan, you and the others will guard the rear to avoid sneak attacks." Kong Ling'er explained that after several times of cooperation, they also had some tacit understanding. Chu Yan nodded and waved his hand. The Heaven-Destroying Sword came out and blocked Kong Ling'er and the others behind them.

"Kill!" For a moment, the two sides fell into a fight. Kong Ling'er was good at Taoism. With a wave of her slender jade hand, the stars flickered, and countless spells came out, forming a path of killing in the air. Then she heard a strong tragic sound. Yelling, a demon dragon was nailed to death on the spot.

Wang Peng and Sun Yu are also extremely strong. They can fight against a group of demons, and even the top holy demons can hardly withstand their attacks.

"Roar!" At this moment, there was a sudden deafening roar. Kong Ling'er, Wang Peng, and Sun Yu's expressions darkened, and they turned around and saw a Zha dragon approaching quickly from behind. The dragon was covered in metal-like dragon scales, and the rocks were constantly broken and sputtered out.

"You bastard, you've been plotted!" Kong Ling'er frowned slightly. They had been placing their attacks in the front, but at this time, they had penetrated deep into the enemy's army. Now, this top holy demon Zha Long is undoubtedly a threat to them. It is fatal. Once the rear is lost, it is impossible for the three of them to resist the siege of monsters.

"Humans, you are all going to die!" Zhalong let out a low roar, and the disciples below turned pale. Only a pure girl could be seen, her beautiful eyes blinked, so weakly.

However, at this moment, Chu Yan stood there, took a step forward, and held the girl in his arms with one hand. When he saw the huge dragon, his eyes flashed with a strange light, and a roar seemed to come from his body. Like this, everyone's expressions froze immediately, and they saw the huge Zhalong, which seemed to have received a strong impact, coming from the soul, and flew backwards with a thud.


The people in the team were a little surprised. Everything happened too fast, too fast for people to see clearly. Kong Ling'er came down in one step and looked at Chu Yan strangely: "What did you use just now?"

"So be it." Chu Yan said nonchalantly. Naturally, he would not tell Kong Ling'er that there was a true self in his body, which was created by the blood of countless top-notch holy demons. The first glance just used blood pressure.

"Well done." Kong Ling'er nodded. She originally took Chu Yan in as a bet, thinking that Chu Yan would have good fighting power if he defeated King Chiyang.

"Next, you will serve as deputy general, just like Wang Peng and Sun Yu." Kong Linger explained again. Chu Yan was slightly surprised, but then he smiled calmly and did not refuse.

After that, the team continued to climb mountains and encountered several monster attacks on the way. Chu Yan was promoted to deputy general by Kong Linger and participated in every enemy kill.

"Vice General Chu's combat power is so strong! Although he only has the combat power of a seventh-level saint, he is unambiguous even when facing the top holy demons." The disciples of the team sighed, and some people who were seventh-level and eighth-level saints felt ashamed. .

"We are obviously at the same level as Vice General Chu. There are people one level higher than him, but we have to be protected by him. It's shameful."

"Chu Yan, as we go up, the teams will bump into each other, so be more careful." Kong Linger sent a message, and Chu Yan nodded.

"Stop!" At this moment, a group of figures appeared in front of Kong Ling'er's team and shouted loudly to block them.

"They're from the Holy King's Palace! Did they come so fast?" Looking at the other party, Kong Ling'er looked a little serious. Although she had expected it, the speed of meeting was beyond her imagination. The person she met was also her. Unexpected.

The leader of the people from the Holy King's Hall in the Holy Mountain is named King Chen, and his strength is still above hers.

Although there are only seven or eight people in King Chen's group, all the elites are top saints, much stronger than Kong Ling'er's team. He glanced at Chu Yan from the corner of his eye and said with a slight coldness: "Why are there thousands of holy saints?" Have you started an alliance with the Immortal Realm martial arts cultivator?"

"What do you mean?" Kong Linger frowned slightly.

"It's okay. Although I don't know the intention of Senior Emperor Yan, the Holy Mountain is the treasure of my Holy Dragon Pavilion. Since I am a disciple of the Holy King's Palace, I will naturally not allow the Holy Mountain to be trampled by martial arts from outside the Immortal Realm. "The king of dust spoke righteously and said.

"He stays and you go over."

After saying this, bursts of fire emerged from King Chen's body. In addition, the people behind him did the same. They circulated terrifying auras in a straight line, vaguely intending to surround Kong Ling'er.

Everyone in Kong Ling'er's team frowned. In the past few days, Chu Yan has performed very well. Although he is not as good as Wang Peng and Sun Yu, he is undoubtedly the fourth member of the team. Now that King Chen asks them to give up Chu Yan, what will they do? Can you be happy?

"What if I say no?" Kong Linger looked at King Chen with firm beautiful eyes.

"Then you don't have to go up the mountain." After hearing this, King Chen grinned, as if he expected it, and raised his hand and waved: "Drive them down the mountain!"

Kong Linger's beautiful eyes froze, and power blossomed in her body.

"Wait!" At this moment, Wang Peng suddenly spoke. People on both sides looked at him in surprise. Wang Peng took a step forward and walked towards King Chen: "King Chen, it is Ling'er's decision to take this person in. I I warned her before, but she insisted on going her own way and refused to listen to persuasion. I am willing to give up forming a team with Ling'er. "

"Wang Peng!" Kong Linger shouted coldly.

"Ling'er, don't blame me." Wang Peng said calmly. King Chen kept watching and grinned: "It seems that there are still sensible people, that's right."

"Thank you King Chen." Wang Peng nodded and looked at Chu Yan again, with a sharp edge in his eyes. He was a disciple of the Holy Mountain and was extremely dissatisfied with the people of the Immortal Domain. In addition, Kong Ling'er had been talking to Chu Yan in the past few days. Chu Yan came quite close, which made him even more unhappy.

Now that he meets King Chen, he will naturally not give up his future for Chu Yan. He dare not say that he will definitely be able to climb the holy mountain, but if he takes one more step, he will understand the holy meaning more. When the time comes, if I can understand the Taoism of an Immortal King and enter the immortal position, will I still have fewer women?

"What about you?" King Chen turned around and looked at Sun Yu and the others. Everyone lowered their heads, at a loss. Sun Yu frowned, glanced at Kong Linger, and said slowly: "Give him up." , I will continue to help you climb the mountain."

Kong Ling'er's cheeks were slightly pale. At this time, Wang Peng also looked at her and said calmly: "If you give up on him, I will continue to help you."

Chu Yan glanced at Kong Ling'er and could see that she was struggling. Chu Yan's eyes were calm: "If you believe me, I will take you to this holy mountain."

"Arrogant!" Hearing Chu Yan's words, Wang Peng laughed wildly: "Chu Yan, you are so crazy, going up the mountain? Do you know how high the holy mountain is? Along the way, if it weren't for us, you alone would have died countless times How dare you say such nonsense now.”

"It's interesting." King Chen smiled, and he was not in a hurry.


Kong Ling'er lowered her head and suddenly said softly, she had no choice, the Holy Mountain was equally important to her. If Wang Peng and Sun Yu all left, let alone the King of Dust, she couldn't pass, even if she could, the Holy Mountain , she couldn’t reach the top either.

Hearing Kong Ling'er's words, Chu Yan's eyes condensed and became cold, and he shook his head: "You and I met by chance. Since we are not familiar with each other, why should we apologize?"

"The road to the Holy Mountain has just begun. I don't know where it will end. You just met one person today and gave up. Then, I would like to advise you not to go up to this Holy Mountain." Chu Yan said without saying much. , it seems that Kong Ling'er is taking care of him, but for Kong Ling'er, taking him in, is it different in return?

On the road to the Holy Mountain, a team needs to be formed. Now that he met King Chen, he was given up. It was very simple. In Kong Ling'er's eyes, she was not strong enough to make her an enemy of King Chen for her own sake.

But on the Holy Mountain, only one person can inherit the inheritance in the end, and fighting is inevitable. Now that Kong Ling'er doesn't dare to fight when they meet at the bottom of the mountain, the result will be the same when they go up the mountain.

After that, Chu Yan said nothing, smiled to himself, turned around and walked away.

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