Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 941: Holy Mountain Flame Emperor

At the foot of the Holy Mountain, Chu Yan was like this, holding the hands of Liu Qingcheng and Qing Yi respectively, facing the world.

"Who are these two women? They are both so beautiful!"

"One is from Tianhua Immortal Palace and is said to be the beloved disciple of Emperor Tianhua. The other is of even greater background. She is the little princess of Qingfeng Immortal Kingdom in the Northern Immortal Region and the most beloved daughter of Emperor Qingfeng."

"It's inhuman..." Everyone in the Immortal Realm was speechless, secretly scolding Chu Yan for his bad luck. Whether it was Liu Qingcheng or Qing Yi, their appearance was impeccably beautiful, which was rare in the world, and both of them had terrible backgrounds. But he followed Chu Yan willingly.

This... is simply unreasonable.

"Junior brother, awesome!" Lin Ang gave Chu Yan a thumbs up. His junior brother... turns out that not only is he talented, he is also good at picking up girls. It seems that he needs to communicate with his junior brother more in the future.

"That's him?" An Immortal Emperor of the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty looked down, and an Immortal Lord next to him who once guarded Qingyi in the Star Sea nodded: "Well, this son is extraordinary. When he met the princess, he was only in the realm of a king, and later he unified the galaxy. , went to Xinghai again, and created a lot of momentum. Now he has ruled many Xinghai, became a king, and joined the Dragon Alliance in the world of seeking immortals. "

The Immortal Emperor lowered his head to look at Chu Yan and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Unfortunately, the realm is a little low. I wonder if the person the Emperor wants to wait for will be him."

"Mr. Chu!" In the direction of Yaochi Immortal Palace, Lin Xueqiao looked at Chu Yan and chuckled. Chu Yan raised his head and nodded.

At this time, someone else came from a distance, but this time, they were not from the Outer Immortal Realm, but from the Bingchan Sect, headed by Yang Di, followed by Yang Yi. Seeing Qing Yi and Liu Qingcheng beside Chu Yan, they couldn't help but He was slightly absent-minded and laughed at himself; "Is this the reason why he rejected me?"

I have to say that Liu Qingcheng and Qing Yi are so outstanding. Even Yang Yi is a peerless beauty, but she can't help but feel ashamed in front of them.

"Is it him?" Immortal Emperor Yuqiong asked in the Yuqiong Immortal Pavilion. Immortal Yuqiong looked at Chu Yan, with a smile in her eyes, and said softly: "Well, it's him."

"Go and say hello." Immortal Emperor Yuqiong nodded. Immortal Yuqiong smiled, flew towards Chu Yan lightly, and chuckled: "Mr. Chu, I haven't seen you for many years. How are you?"

"Miss Xian'er." Seeing Yu Qiong Xian'er, Chu Yan smiled and said, and everyone was ashamed again. This guy's relationship with women is too good. Liu Qingcheng and Qing Yi were annoying enough before, but now Lin Xueqiao , Yuqiong Xianer also greeted him one after another?

"That's Yuqiong Xian'er. Her talent is extremely good. Rumor has it that she had the strongest luck in the world of seeking immortals back then. Now she has reached the level of a superior saint. She has a very high status in Yuqiong Immortal Pavilion and is regarded as a subordinate. She was trained by a pavilion master and was highly regarded. I didn’t expect that she also knew Chu Yan,” someone said softly.

"Young Master is still as graceful as ever." Yu Qiong Xian'er chuckled softly, and then looked at Liu Qingcheng next to her. She couldn't help but think of the confession she made on the young man's Immortal Fighting Stage that moved the world: "Qingcheng, long time no see."

"Sister Xian'er." Liu Qingcheng chuckled. The two had met in the world of seeking immortals.

"Miss Xian'er is also here for the Holy Mountain?" Chu Yan asked curiously, and Yuqiong Xianer chuckled softly: "Yuqiong Xian'er is a businessman, and the Holy Mountain is making a big splash now, so naturally she is here to find some business opportunities. "

Chu Yan nodded. This is not surprising. Shenglong Pavilion has always been known as the birthplace of the King of Immortal Realm. The Holy Mountain is the foundation of Shenglong Pavilion. Now that it is open, there will be a lot of treasures in it, as well as business opportunities.

"We can come together then." Chu Yan took the initiative to invite, and Yu Qiong Xian'er smiled sweetly: "Okay, sir, don't dislike me then."

"Of course not." Chu Yan said with a smile. At this moment, several eyes suddenly came towards Chu Yan from a distance. In the Supreme Arms Hall, a young man raised his head slightly, and the top saint asked: "Are you that Chu Yan? "

"Is something wrong?" Chu Yan glanced at the Supreme Military Palace and said bluntly. The young man sneered: "Sure enough, he is as arrogant as the rumors."

After saying this, the young man shook his head again and sighed: "Unfortunately, the realm is too low. If you had my realm, I would teach you how to behave."

"He is Duanmutong, the spear king of the generation of the Supreme Arms Hall and the inheritor of the Spear Hall." Lin Ang looked at the young man and whispered.

"Haha, you keep saying that I'm arrogant. I'm just a top saint, and I seem to be invincible. Why aren't you arrogant? If I were at your level, you would have no chance to talk nonsense now."

Duanmutong's eyes flashed coldly: "You say it again?"

"So what if I say it again? Back then, my brother Chu was only at the ninth level of a monarch in the Immortal Seeking World, but he defeated a bunch of trash in your Supreme Military Palace. No one can defeat you. The Supreme Military Palace is actually a bunch of trash." From the direction of Xuantian Sect, Chen Le immediately smiled sarcastically.

Chu Yan looked at Chen Le and smiled. It turned out to be the fat man.

"Xuantian Sect, do you want to start a war?" Duanmutong's eyes turned cold in the Supreme Arms Hall.

"Haha, Supreme Soldier Hall, when did you become so good-tempered? This man is so humiliated, and you just swallow your anger like this?" In the towering Taoist temple, an immortal laughed. This person was a senior brother of Yun Feiyang.

"Not only the Supreme Military Palace, but in the Immortal Seeking World, Yun Feiyang, a genius from your towering Taoist temple, was hunted by me. In the end, if the Immortal Supreme Immortal Mind hadn't saved him from escaping, he would be a dead man now, and now he still has the nerve to shout. ?" After saying that, Chu Yan looked at the Towering Taoist Temple coldly. He didn't have much hatred for the Supreme Military Palace, but it was different for the Towering Taoist Temple. Back then, he swore that he would destroy the Towering Taoist Temple in this life.

"Excuse me, where is your face?" Chu Yan raised the corners of his mouth and smiled sarcastically.

"This guy……"

"Little guy, you are arrogant." At this moment, an immortal emperor in the Cantian Taoist Temple looked at Chu Yan coldly. He had naturally heard about the matter of the Xianjie.

Feeling the pressure, Chu Yan grinned, and looked at Yun Feiyang sarcastically, without saying much.

Li Chaoyang stood there as well, graceful and elegant. He always smiled and watched, not in a hurry, just stood there, not worried at all.

"Interesting, the Cantian Taoist Temple also has a wall?" In the Jinhuang Dynasty, Jin Zhantian looked at Chu Yan.

Glancing at the Jinhuang Dynasty, Chu Yan's eyes were slightly cold: "If the Jinhuang Dynasty wants to instigate, there is no need. In the beginning, your people in the Xianjie were not very good."

"This..." Everyone was speechless again. How many people did this little guy offend?

In the direction of Yao Chi Palace, an immortal frowned: "This boy has an outgoing personality and doesn't know how to restrain himself. How can he achieve greatness in the future?"

However, Yao Chi Emperor smiled and looked at Chu Yan, shaking his head: "Why should he restrain himself? Didn't you notice? From the moment this little guy appeared, although he was not the king of the fairyland and did not unify the fairyland, the entire fairyland seemed to be connected because of him. In the history of the fairyland, there has never been such a saint who can do this."

"And, does he really not know how to be patient? If not, how could he live in the Holy Dragon Pavilion until now? He just knows what to do."

The heart of the immortal emperor next to him trembled slightly, and then he also found that after Chu Yan appeared, the atmosphere around him changed. Even some forces and fairylands that had no intersection were connected because of Chu Yan.

Of course, they didn't know the identity of the Tiandi Sect Master, otherwise they would be even more shocked, because if the Tiandi Sect Master was counted, Chu Yan and him would connect the entire fairyland, without exception.

"If there is a chance in the Holy Mountain, I will definitely take your life." Yun Feiyang let out a low roar.

"Same." Chu Yan snorted coldly, just like the evaluation of Yao Chi Immortal Emperor just now. The reason why he was arrogant was because he knew very well that no matter whether it was the Cantian Taoist Temple, the Supreme Military Palace, the Golden Dynasty, or the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, would it be useful for him to show weakness?

If he showed weakness, would others let him go?

No, it would become even worse. In this case, why should he be polite?

Yun Feiyang wanted to kill him, and he had never wanted the other party to die. If there was a chance, he would never show mercy in the Holy Mountain.

"Dong!" Just at this time, a footstep suddenly came from above the Holy Mountain.

It was very heavy, but it seemed to ring directly in everyone's ears, very clear.

"Are you here?" The people in the Immortal Realm suddenly quieted down, and they all looked up, only to see an old man walking up the Holy Mountain. He had a fairy-like appearance, a head of snow-white hair, but his eyes were extremely bright. He just stood there casually, giving people a sense of invincibility.

The eyes of the immortal emperors from all forces in the immortal domain all condensed.

"Who is this person?"

"Emperor Yan!" Looking at the old man, Li Chaoyang was also very serious, and sent a voice to several people: "This person is the master of the holy mountain. It is rumored that this person has mediocre talent, but because he guarded the holy mountain and witnessed the emergence of generations of kings in the immortal domain, he also received some immortal energy and reached the realm of immortal emperor. It has been ten thousand years since the last time I saw him. He reached the intermediate realm of immortal emperor that year. Now he should be even more terrifying."

Chu Yan looked at the old man and was shocked. Then he couldn't help but ponder. According to the records in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Heaven Tower, the king of the previous generation of the immortal domain was his mother: Qin Ruoming, a divine palace, ruling the immortal domain. If this Emperor Yan has witnessed the birth of every king of the immortal domain, would he know his mother?

"Everyone, long time no see." Emperor Yan laughed loudly, and the immortal emperors from all sides looked at him without much respect.

Although Emperor Yan lived for a long time, his talent was mediocre. Ten thousand years ago, he was only a mid-level Immortal Emperor. Many people present were indeed top-level Immortal Emperors.

"Emperor Yan, you opened the Holy Dragon Pavilion and the Holy Mountain, but because you know that the next generation of the king of the fairyland is about to be born?" Emperor Chen asked coldly. Emperor Chen is a top-level Immortal Emperor, and his status is very high. That is why the Chen clan is comparable to a top-level force.

"Emperor Chen has been a top-level Immortal Emperor for ten thousand years, and his understanding of the way of heaven is not higher. Why do you ask me? Or is it that Emperor Chen still does not believe in himself after practicing for so long, and thinks that the so-called king of the fairyland is chosen by the heaven?" Emperor Yan asked back, and Emperor Chen snorted coldly and said nothing.

"The path of cultivation is against the will of heaven, so how can it be chosen by heaven? But since you have followed many kings of the fairyland, you should know more about that realm, right?" Emperor Chen asked.

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