Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 939: A Gathering of Storms

The people in the Supreme Arms Hall evacuated quickly, and Fatty Chen came out from behind his senior brother, waving his fists and shouting: "Don't run if you dare, you little scum!"

The senior master glared at Chen Le: "Let's go too."

"Yuqiong Xian'er, if there is a chance in the Holy Mountain, I will definitely catch you." In the direction of the Cantian Taoist Temple, a saint Tianjiao said arrogantly, then turned around and left.

"Let's go!" Like the Golden Dynasty, he flew out on a huge golden dragon, crossing a large area of ​​territory.

Almost all the top forces in the central and eastern parts of the fairyland have arrived. In addition, super forces in the north, south, and west continue to come. The Holy Dragon Pavilion has become extremely lively. It is no exaggeration to say that more than half of the fairy emperor forces in the fairyland are now gathered at the foot of the Holy Mountain.

The book boy, the wanderer, and Lin Daoyan of the Holy Academy have also come, and there are many others.

"It's so spectacular. There are even many immortal emperors." Wang Feng and his companions descended on the holy mountain on the holy dragon. Looking down, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"It's natural. Several kings of the immortal realm have walked out of the Holy Dragon Pavilion. It has always been a holy place in the immortal realm. It's just that due to restrictions, only one person can enter every ten years. Now the Holy Dragon Pavilion is suddenly open to the entire immortal realm. Many forces in the immortal realm will naturally not give up this opportunity." Li Chaoyang stood there casually with his hands behind his back, wearing a green fir, and looked a bit arrogant.

"Li Chaoyang, where is Mo Wen?" At this time, a sharp voice came from a distance, and a group of figures descended from the sky. The leader was an immortal emperor, who looked like a young man, but when this person appeared, he attracted many eyes.

"It's him!" Seeing the young man, many people secretly smacked their lips, including the immortal emperors of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and Jianshen Mountain. They all looked over.

In Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, the third prince followed the Huaqing Immortal Emperor. Seeing this young man, he showed a bit of fear, which shows his identity.

"Master, who is this person? He is so arrogant." In the Yao Chi Palace, Lin Xueqiao frowned slightly. Who is Li Chaoyang? He is a person who dares to talk to Hua Qing Emperor across the air, but the other party calls him by name as soon as he appears.

"It seems that the southern part is also growing rapidly now." Yao Chi Emperor looked at the young man and sighed: "The fairyland is really about to usher in a new era."

Lin Xueqiao couldn't help but be surprised that his master had such a high evaluation of this person?

"The fairyland once had a long-standing good story, the south walks alone, the central part does not ask, it is about this person and the dragon alliance Mo Wen, this person, the contemporary descendant of the lonely family in the south, Dugu Xing, is also the youngest fairy emperor, and has practiced for only a thousand years. He and Bu Liuxing had a great battle back then, which was very exciting. It is still a topic of conversation for many people in the fairyland." A fairy master in Yao Chi whispered.

"Who won the battle back then?" Lin Xueqiao asked curiously, Yao Chi Emperor smiled and shook his head, without responding.

"Junior brother is naturally in the Dragon Alliance." Li Chaoyang said calmly. A hint of disappointment flashed across Dugu Xing's eyes: "We couldn't decide the winner in the battle that year. I thought there would be a chance this time, but he didn't come. But since you, Li Chaoyang, are here, why don't you fight me for him?"

"There's a chance." Li Chaoyang chuckled. Everyone was guilty. No one would believe such words.

"Okay, Dragon Alliance has accepted a few more disciples? It's a new thing, but I don't know how strong they are. Are they still the same as they were back then? They must be elites. If there's a chance, let's have a fight." Dugu Xing turned around and looked at Ye Xun and Wang Feng.

"Okay." Li Chaoyang didn't refuse and nodded.

Just at this moment, a brilliant light flashed on the holy mountain again. There were many strong men walking in the clouds. There was a sedan chair behind them. There was someone in the sedan chair. Even though her delicate face was covered by a veil, she still revealed a noble posture, like a rare painting, beautiful as a fairy.

"They are one of the top forces in the south, the strong men from Nanyu Immortal Kingdom. I didn't expect them to come too." Li Chaoyang chuckled. He liked to travel and had been to Nanyu Kingdom several times.

"Who is the woman in the sedan? She is of noble status and has the power of an Immortal Emperor. Could she be the Queen Mother of Nanyu Immortal Kingdom?" Some people speculated that the figure on the sedan chair, the strength of an Immortal Emperor, and the female Immortal Emperor of Nanfeng Immortal Kingdom, apart from the Queen Mother, had never heard of a second person.

The sedan stopped and the woman walked out of it. Her long red skirt swayed in the wind, like the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady. As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of the whole audience and amazed everyone.

"What a beautiful woman... and she is so young?" A swordsman immortal in the sword body was moved. They thought it would be the Queen Mother of Nanyu, but now it seems that it is not.

"Who is this person?"

Guduxing looked at the woman with a hint of admiration in his eyes, and smiled: "Princess Nishang, you are here too."

Everyone's eyes fixed, including Li Chaoyang, who was slightly surprised: "I didn't expect it to be her."

"Brother, who is this woman? Is she famous?" Wangfeng looked at the woman.

"Her name is Nanyu Nishang. It is said that she was the most beloved daughter of Emperor Nanyu back then, but she disappeared in a secret realm later. Emperor Nanyu was furious and took his anger out on many people. He mobilized the whole country's military, but there was still no news. It has been a thousand years since then. I thought she met with an accident, but I didn't expect that after a thousand years, she would come back and enter the realm of the Immortal Emperor." Li Chaoyang said. The matter of Nanyu Nishang caused a great sensation in the Immortal Realm a thousand years ago, but now it has been forgotten a lot.

Nan Yu Nishang glanced at Dugu Xing, her beautiful eyes turned cold, and then she retracted them. If it was someone else, Dugu Xing would definitely be angry, but since the other party was Nan Yu Nishang, he just smiled and said nothing more.

"Another strong man is coming." Everyone looked up and saw a green ancient peak moving quickly in the distance. Yes, it was an ancient peak, extremely powerful.

"Northern Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty!" Looking at the huge ancient peak, someone immediately told the origin. In the direction of Jin Dynasty, a powerful Immortal Lord smiled: "Another heavyweight force has come. In this way, the five major immortal realms The top power has reached seven, seven or eight."

"Isn't Emperor Qingfeng here?" At this time, another top force in the north: the Immortal Emperor of the Eternal Life Palace glanced at him and said.

Gu Feng stopped. There was also an Immortal Emperor sitting above him, but it was not Emperor Qingfeng. He looked at the Immortal Emperor of Changsheng: "The Emperor is in seclusion. Why should we be alarmed by such a trivial matter?"

"Indeed, I heard not long ago that the Emperor's beloved daughter, Princess Tsing Yi, has returned to the Immortal Dynasty. Why haven't I seen her today?" the immortal Emperor said proudly.

"Princess Qingyi entered the Holy Dragon Pavilion in her early years. Compared to now, she is already on the Holy Mountain." Qingfeng Immortal Emperor said. In the Dragon Alliance, Wangfeng and Ye Xun's eyes flashed. They looked at each other, and Wangfeng was about to speak. Ye Xun shook his head and interrupted him.

There are all Immortal Emperor figures here, and they have eyes and ears in all directions. Even if it is a sound transmission, they may not be able to avoid detection. It is still unknown whether Chu Yan and Qing Yi have reunited, and their attitude towards Qingfeng Immortal Kingdom may not be a good thing once exposed.

"Yes, it's just that when Princess Tsing Yi was born, Emperor Qingfeng sent her away to practice. I have never seen her. I am a little curious. Princess Tsing Yi, isn't she related to the rumor?" After the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Palace said this, his eyes A flash of cold light seemed to pierce all nothingness.

The Immortal Emperor of Qingfeng Immortal Kingdom snorted coldly, surrounded by green light: "The Great Emperor has his own principles for doing things, and we can know them. As for the so-called rumors, if you mention it again in the Eternal Life Palace, it will be against me, Qingfeng." Don’t blame me for being rude when the time comes for the slander from the Fairy Kingdom Princess.”

"Just ask, why are you so nervous?" Immortal Emperor Immortal Emperor took back his strength and smiled carelessly, but his eyes were particularly profound.

There is something wrong with this matter. If there is a chance, we must find out.

"Brother, what is the rumor they are talking about?" Wangfeng asked curiously, and Li Chaoyang's eyes became a little serious: "There is a very bad rumor. A force was born in the Immortal Realm back then, and it was called an apocalyptic disaster. , this power has the power to destroy the world. As for its origin, no one knows. It is only said that this power is born once every ten thousand years. It is accompanied by the birth of a baby and is the chosen one. Once it appears, the fairyland will be unstable, so every other Every ten thousand years, the Immortal Realm will conduct an investigation to kill this power, but in the last ten thousand years, that is, a few decades ago, it was the day when this power was born, and the Immortal Realm did not find that power during the investigation. "

"Then there are only two possibilities. One is that this power has been completely destroyed after countless thousands of years, and the other is that someone deliberately concealed this power. Therefore, in the past few years, the Immortal Realm has always been there. We are investigating this matter, but so far, there are no clues, but according to the direction of the apocalyptic disaster, it should be in the northern part of the fairyland. "

Wangfeng was stunned, but then he thought of Qingyi again, thinking that Sister Qingyi was so beautiful, so she would definitely not be the cause of some apocalyptic disaster.

"Father!" At this time, a figure leaped over and landed on the holy mountain, it was Hua Qingyu.

Looking at Hua Qingyu, everyone couldn't help but be surprised, especially the people in the middle, because Hua Qingyu looked a little embarrassed now, and the injuries on his body had not fully recovered.

"Who did this?" Emperor Hua Qing said in an extremely cold voice. He knew Hua Qingyu's talent, his fighting power was not weak, and he also had an appointment with Chiyang Fairy Kingdom, so he couldn't figure out how Hua Qingyu ended up in such an embarrassing situation. .

"Then Chu Yan and Chiyang Palace!" Hua Qingyu's eyes were extremely cold, remembering the shame of that day, and told him everything.

"What a Chiyang Palace!" Emperor Huaqing was angry, and then Hua Qingyu turned around and landed on Wangfeng and Ye Xun.

"Trash is trash. With the power of an immortal, I was humiliated by my senior brother. Why, now you want to take it out on us?" Wangfeng smiled sarcastically and joked. Li Chaoyang was here, and he was not afraid of him.

"Roar!" Hua Qingyu let out a low roar and looked at Wangfeng coldly: "If you enter the holy mountain, I will kill you!"

"That depends on whether you have the chance." Wangfeng snorted with no weakness in momentum. Although the Dragon League does not have immortals, the Holy Dragon League does. When the time comes to enter the Holy Mountain and fight in a team, who is afraid of whom?

At this time, people from the Jin Dynasty, the Towering Taoist Temple, and the Supreme Military Palace also turned around, glanced in the direction of the Dragon Alliance, and narrowed their eyes.

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