Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 918: The Sound of the Nine Nether Harp [Update]

Chu Yan left, leaving the people on the sailing boat unable to calm down for a long time.

Today, too many people died in a banquet, including the young master of Cao Mansion, the disciples of Zhantian Immortal Mansion, and many powerful immortals, all of whom died, but all this was just because of a young man of the fifth level of Saint.

Until the last moment, none of them could stop Chu Yan, and they could only let him go.

Similarly, this news was destined to cause a great sensation in the Shenwu Ruins and spread wildly.


The Shenwu Ruins attracted countless top forces because the seal of the Nine Nether Qin was loosened.

The younger generation was having a banquet on the sailing boat, and many elders were staring at the movement of the Nine Nether Qin.

Princess Yushan and the Black Dragon Immortal Venerable were both there. The two were talking casually, without any concern. At this moment, an extremely unfriendly look was looking at Princess Yushan. Princess Yushan also noticed this look and looked over. It was the Immortal Venerable of Cao Mansion.

"Yushan, I didn't expect you to come. Do you expect that young man to help you break into the ruins and take the Nine Nether Qin?" Caofu Immortal Venerable said coldly.

"At least he should be stronger than Cao Yulong." Princess Yushan said unceremoniously.

Caofu Immortal Venerable's eyes were fierce, and he said proudly: "Just wait and see, I will definitely get back the revenge of that day."

"Immortal Venerable!" At this time, a figure suddenly rushed over from a distance, with a panicked look, and came in front of Caofu Immortal Venerable.

Seeing him, Immortal Master Cao frowned: "What's the matter? Why are you making such a fuss?"

"Immortal Master, yes, it's the two young masters!" the man said, his body trembling slightly. Immortal Master Cao frowned when he heard it: "Aren't Long'er and Tian'er participating in the banquet of Young Master Chiyang?"

"Replying to Immortal Master, they are participating in the banquet... but not long ago, they had a conflict with Chu Yan of Yushan County." The disciple lowered his voice. Immortal Master Cao's eyes first condensed, but then he didn't care. He was the same as the people at the Fanzhou banquet. He believed that in a pure battle, Chu Yan was definitely not Cao Yulong's opponent, and Cao Yutian was still there.

Thinking of this, he looked at Princess Yushan and smiled sarcastically: "Brother Yu, it seems that your luck is not very good. The Nine Nether Qin has not been opened yet. I'm afraid your people are in danger."

Princess Yushan's face also sank. Without the rules of the formation, Chu Yan might be in trouble if he met the Cao brothers.

"How is the battle going?" Immortal Master Cao asked with a smile.

"Reply, reply to the Immortal Venerable, the two young masters are dead." The disciple of Cao Mansion whispered, and as soon as he finished speaking, the Immortal Venerable of Cao Mansion looked extremely ferocious.

"Do you know what you are saying?" With a bang, an extremely terrifying aura burst out from the body of the Immortal Venerable of Cao Mansion.

"Reply to the Immortal Venerable, it is absolutely true that Chu Yan killed the two young masters at the Fanzhou banquet."

"This is impossible. Long'er and Tian'er are both top saints. Chu Yan is only a fifth-level saint. How could he kill them?" The Immortal Venerable of Cao Mansion roared. This result was too different from what he thought, so that he could not accept it.

"Chu Yan held an extraordinary immortal weapon in his hand, and the people of Zhantian Immortal Mansion also tried to stop him, but it was useless. Even many people from Zhantian Immortal Mansion died." The disciple trembled.

"Boom!" The Immortal Venerable of Cao Mansion only felt that his eyes were black, and his originally high-spirited figure was a little limp.

"Demon Lord!" Just then, someone flew over from a distance. It was someone from the Demon Dragon Commandery. His eyes were filled with despair: "Demon Lord, the young master, he, the young master was killed!"

"What?" The Black Dragon Demon Lord also burst into anger.

Princess Yushan was listening on the side. Although he had a high opinion of Chu Yan, he was still shocked when the shocking news came.

"Father!" Yu Meiren returned from a distance. Princess Yushan's face changed slightly. She took a step forward and protected Yu Meiren.

"What happened?" Princess Yushan whispered. If it was just the death of the brothers of the Cao Mansion, it would be fine, but now, the situation is serious and he must know what happened.

Yu Meiren sighed and told everything about the Fanzhou banquet. Princess Yushan's eyes shrank, and then he looked at the Black Dragon Immortal Lord and the Cao Mansion Immortal Lord around him and sighed.

This time, Chu Yan really went too far. He couldn't even predict what would happen next.

"Let's go!" Yushan County Lord whispered. He knew very well that with things developing to this point, the Shenwu ruins were destined to be out of his Yushan County. What he was most worried about now was that several major forces would be angry about it, so he had to leave.

Soon after, news came out that in addition to Cao Mansion and Longkuang, people from Zhantian Immortal Mansion, Yunzhou, and Dongzhou all died this time, and the young master of Chiyang Palace was also threatened.

Soon, the Shenwu ruins were shaken because of this battle, which caused an uproar.

Chu Yan's name was also famous in Shenwu. He was invincible across four realms, and he killed immortals with immortal weapons and immortal tactics. It spread all over the world. Even many people were curious about who Chu Yan was. Did he want to die by doing this?

Some people sighed secretly that Chu Yan had good courage. He was a fifth-level saint and dared to threaten the young master of Chiyang Palace. This kind of thing was not something that everyone had the courage to do.

As expected, the next day, a wanted order was issued from Chiyang Palace, which was issued by the young master of Chiyang himself.

The Shenwu ruins were sealed off, and the person must be found alive or dead.

Afterwards, Cao Mansion and Yaolong County issued wanted orders one after another, and Zhantian Immortal Mansion also issued a wanted order for Chu Yan throughout the country with a fairy pill as a reward.

This made many people tremble in their hearts. Such a series of wanted orders had not appeared in the Chiyang Palace area for hundreds of years, but today, it was used to wanted a descendant of the fifth level of the saint.

In the eyes of everyone, facing such a strong wanted order, Chu Yan might be captured soon.

However, what is shocking is that since the battle of Fanzhou, Chu Yan seemed to have evaporated out of thin air and never appeared again. Some people also said that Chu Yan may have escaped overnight and is no longer in the Shenwu ruins. This is why , the scope of the wanted order is expanded here, covering the entire Chiyang Palace.

It is a pity that after all the turmoil, there is still no news, which makes people speechless.

Of course, Chu Yan did not leave the Shenwu Ruins. After leaving the Sailboat Banquet, he changed to his true self, and his realm returned to the sixth level of the Saint.

In addition, he also put on the human skin mask that Youyou had prepared for him and changed his appearance. Now he is completely different from before in terms of face, life soul, monarch diagram, holy intention, and realm. To exaggerate, unless he wants to be exposed, it would be difficult for even an immortal figure to see through it.

After changing his identity, Chu Yan blended directly into the crowd and came outside the Shenwu ruins again. He was wearing a golden robe and his temperament was still very unique.


On this day, outside the Shenwu ruins, a heavenly sound resounded throughout the nine heavens.

Immediately, many forces rushed to the central area, where they saw a purple Xuantian stone, and a guqin with a very long aura on the stone slab. The sound of the piano just now came from this.

This guqin is very huge, nearly a thousand meters long. When Chu Yan came here, he couldn't help but be shocked: "What kind of talent does it take to play such a huge guqin?"

"Of course he is as strong as the Shenwu Immortal King back then." At this moment, a faint voice came from the side. Chu Yan turned around and looked, his eyes narrowed slightly, and it turned out to be Fengyuan.

"Brother has an extraordinary temperament. It's the first time I see him. I wonder where he is from?"

"Rogue cultivators in the wild are not worth mentioning. This time the Shenwu ruins are opened, so I came to take a look if I was curious." Chu Yan said in a suppressed voice.

"Rogue cultivator?" Fengyuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head: "Brother, forget it if you don't want to say it. Why bother making up such an unnecessary excuse? There are no rogue cultivators in Shenglong Pavilion."

Hearing this, Chu Yan couldn't help but be shocked, but he remained calm on the surface: "Sorry, Master has an order. When traveling, you are not allowed to show off in public under the name of Master."

"Haha, that's understandable. What do you call me brother?" Feng Yuanlang said with a cheerful smile. Chu Yan glanced at the golden sledgehammer beside him and smiled nostalgically: "The Great Hammer Emperor."

"God Hammer Emperor? It's an interesting name. Are you also interested in Jiuyou Qin?" Fengyuan was stunned for a moment and asked with a smile.

"I want to try my luck." Chu Yan said casually, and Fengyuan nodded: "Yes, Jiuyou Qin has attracted many people, including some from the Immortal Emperor forces outside Chiyang Palace. It's not surprising."

After saying that, Fengyuan couldn't help but look at Jiuyouqin yearningly: "It is rumored that this Jiuyouqin has inherited the will of Shenwu Immortal King, and he wants to choose the inheritance among the saints. Unfortunately, so far, it is no longer Jiuyouqin. It was played for the first time, but no one has been able to pass it on, and I don’t know if anyone will succeed this year.”

"Of course it's possible." Another voice came. Fengyuan and Chu Yan looked over and saw a proud young man there, holding a folding fan in his hand and looking arrogant.

"A member of the Jiang family in Chiyang Palace, if I guessed correctly, you are the top genius of the Jiang family, right? Jiang Yuan?" Fengyuan looked at the young man, his face moved slightly, Jiang family, Like Zhantian Immortal Mansion, they are all top forces under Chiyang Palace, and their status is higher than that of the young master of his own state.

"Exactly." Jiang Yuan smiled proudly.

"If it's Brother Jiang, it's indeed possible." Fengyuan smiled politely. At this moment, another hearty laughter came from the distance: "Haha, Jiang Yuan, I didn't expect you to come, but in front of several big people If you brag in front of the people in the state, can't you show off?"

"Huh!" Many people's hearts trembled, and so did Fengyuan. Someone actually dared to openly mock the geniuses of the Jiang family?

"Prince Fu!" Jiang Yuan's face also darkened slightly, and he looked sharply at the other side. There were only two people there, which made many people tremble in their hearts. The Fu family of Chiyang Palace is also a top-level talent.

"It's really lively. I have heard the legend of Jiuyou Qin for a long time. I feel a bit honored to see it in person today." From a distance, another beautiful woman strolled over, and everyone's hearts trembled again. Qiongyan, red There are really more and more people from the Yang Gong Qiong family's proud daughter, all gathered here.

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