Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 909 Ling Tian's Death

Chu Yan stepped out, his voice was still extremely cold, echoing in the three thousand sects, and countless people's hearts trembled.

Feeling that force, Ling Tian felt like he was falling into an ice cave. He trembled all over, clenched his fists, and said unwillingly: "You can't kill me!"

However, Chu Yan seemed to have not heard his words, and continued to step forward. In a short moment, he was in front of Ling Tian.

"Ah!" Ling Tian let out a low roar. He knew very well that since Chu Yan was here, he would never let him go. Subconsciously, he wanted to turn around and run away, but when his body just flew up, Chu Yan's hand reached forward and turned into a huge handprint, which was covered with terrible magic patterns, destroying the world, and grabbed Ling Tian through the air.

"No!" Ling Tian screamed. Under the big handprint, he was powerless to resist. In despair, he could only look at the Ghost Evil Sect Master and Tian Dao Master: "Sect Master, Master, save me!"

"Idiot!" Ghost Evil Sect Master cursed at the head. At this time, how dare he take action? Looking for death?

Seeing this scene, Ling Tian's heart sank even more, and his eyes were even ferocious: "Gui Xie, you old bastard, do you think you can survive if you don't save me? Do you think that he will let go of the Three Thousand Sword Sect and let you go? Impossible!"

"And you Tian Dao, all this is because of you. If it weren't for your lustful heart, how could it lead to today's situation? Even if I die, you can't live!" Ling Tian knew that he was going to die under the big handprint, and laughed miserably.

In an instant, the eyes of Tian Dao and Gui Xie turned cold.

"Shut up!" Gui Xie's eyes were extremely cold. He raised his hand and the power of the immortal position came down and ruthlessly blasted towards Ling Tian.

"Three Thousand Sword Sect, you will all be buried with me!" Ling Tian had already looked down on death. At this moment, he laughed miserably. The next moment, his body was shattered alive and turned into ruins under the terrible power, as if he had never appeared.

Seeing this scene, countless people could not calm down, not because of Ling Tian's death, but because they all knew that things were far from over, and the young man was still standing in the sect mansion.

"Mr. Chu, I don't know all this in the Three Thousand Sword Sect. Now that Ling Tian is dead and Miss Chu is fine, let's forget it." The leader of the Gui Xie Sect said in a low voice at the top.

"Forget it?" Chu Yan smiled sarcastically. He practiced the Great World Eye and could see everything that happened in the hall before. If he hadn't arrived in time, Xiao Yu might have suffered an accident. What's the point of keeping such a Three Thousand Sword Sect?

"What does Young Master Chu want?" The Ghost Demon Sect Master's heart sank. He understood that this matter would not end peacefully, and looked at Chu Yan with cold eyes.

"The Three Thousand Sword Sect is incompetent in discipline, allowing disciples to do whatever they want in Yushan County, bullying men and women. You should be destroyed. You should step down as the Sect Master." Chu Yan's voice was calm, without the slightest ripple, but the people who heard this could not calm down for a long time. Their eyes narrowed. Chu Yan's words actually changed the Three Thousand Sword Sect's master?

"It's ridiculous. Our Three Thousand Sword Sect has a thousand-year history in Yushan County. All the past leaders have made great contributions to Yushan County. The founder of the Sword Sect was a meritorious official of Yushan County. Let alone today's incident, Miss Chu is fine. Even if there is something wrong, can you, an outsider, convict me and make me abdicate?"

"If Xiaoyu has any problem, it won't be as simple as abdication." Chu Yan said coldly. He came here today with a lot of worries. Now that Chu Yu is fine, Ling Tian is the only one here. Otherwise, he might not even say a word of nonsense now.

"What is the identity of Mr. Chu talking to me? Princess Yushan, do you know that you want me to abdicate?" The Ghost Evil Sect Master narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice. In terms of identity, Chu Yan is now the master of refining in Yushan County, more noble than him, but even so, he can't represent Yushan County, right?

Chu Yan naturally knew what the Ghost Evil Sect Master was thinking. There was a hint of coldness in his eyes. He did not respond to him and looked at Chu Yu and Chu Feng: "You two, step back first."

"Brother Chu, let's forget it." Chu Yu was a little worried. Even though she could see that Chu Yan's current identity was not simple, even the Ghost Evil Sect Master had to be polite to him, but he was an immortal after all.

Below the immortal, it is considered a mortal, and there is a difference between immortals and mortals.

"It's okay." Chu Yan smiled gently and rubbed Chu Yu's head: "Wait for me at the back."

"Yeah!" Chu Yu nodded lightly, Chu Feng supported her, and the two retreated to the outside of the sect mansion.

When they were sure that their positions were safe, Chu Yan slowly raised his head and looked at the Ghost Evil Sect Master: "Just now, you asked me what identity I was talking to you in, right?"

"Yes!" The Ghost Evil Sect Master looked arrogant and looked down below.

"Then I tell you, I'm only talking to you in my personal capacity. Now, will you step down from the position of the Sect Master, or not?" In an instant, Chu Yan's aura changed, and the flame of the Saint burned behind him, turning into a pair of demon wings.

"Mr. Chu, do you mean that this is your personal opinion and has nothing to do with Yushan County?" The Ghost Evil Sect Master said coldly.

"Nothing to do!" Chu Yan responded.

"Mr. Chu, why do you have to do this? If it has nothing to do with Yushan County, it would be bad if we really fight and hurt Mr. Chu." The Ghost Evil Sect Master said, but the strength of his hands behind his back was already gathering.

His eyes became colder. He knew very well that with Chu Yan's current status, even if he escaped today, he would not be able to continue to be the Sect Master of the Three Thousand Sword Sect. Instead of doing this, it would be better to fight. If Chu Yan died, he would go to Cao Mansion and his status might be better than now.

"Why be so hypocritical? Haven't you already made plans?" Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and the eyes of the big world saw through everything.

"Very good, in that case, then Mr. Chu, I have no choice but to offend you today." The Ghost Evil Sect Master scolded, and a flash of evil light flashed between his eyes. In an instant, his body rushed out. The power of the immortals was terrible. The sect mansion was immediately filled with endless immortal light.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the sect mansion became extremely tense.

Chu Feng and Chu Yu, who were standing aside, became nervous.

"Brother Chu!" Chu Yu felt a trace of pain and self-blame in her heart. If it weren't for her, how could Brother Chu be trapped in such a desperate situation.

"It has nothing to do with you. Since Brother Chu dared to do this, he must have a certain degree of confidence." Chu Feng also comforted himself on the side.

When the immortals take action, they are extraordinary. With one thought, the power of the Ghost Evil Sect Master directly controls the entire sect mansion. Countless people can't help but be serious and nervous under that power.

Master Tiandao was standing aside, looking at Chu Yan, his eyes were full of irony, this guy, is he looking for death?

Even if his status is high, his own strength is only that of a saint. If he really angers an immortal, what is the use of all the background?

In the distance, there are also disciples of the Three Thousand Sword Sect who feel sorry for Chu Yan. This young man, what a style, if he is given time, just relying on the ability to refine weapons, he will become a giant in the future, but unfortunately, he does not know how to forbear. Today, the sect master has a murderous intention towards him. How can he survive?

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" The terrible power keeps coming, roaring around Chu Yan.

The Ghost Evil Sect Master is in the air, like a god, overlooking the earth, and Chu Yan, who is like an ant under his power, smiles hideously.

"Mr. Chu, I'm afraid you still don't know what immortality is." The leader of the Ghost Evil Sect laughed arrogantly. This is the capital of an immortal. Even if Chu Yan is strong and holds an immortal weapon, he is still extremely confident. Between his palms, he turned into a terrible force, slashing down and killing into the earth.

Everyone was extremely nervous.

How could Chu Yan resist such a force?

At this time, in the distant sky of the Three Thousand Swords City, there was a beast of the Void Demon Dragon across the nine heavens, Taixu Pavilion, Taixu Mochen, including many immortal masters of the Taixu Sect, all of them.

Not only them, but on the other side, there was also a blue phoenix beast dragging a chariot across the sky and earth. There was an extremely noble jade chair on top, and Yu Meiren sat on it, her beauty was like ice. Their goal was very unified, which was the Three Thousand Swords City.

Only at this time, the immortal masters couldn't help but frown and looked at the Three Thousand Swords City from a distance.

"Senior, what's going on?" Taixu Pavilion noticed and couldn't help asking.

"In the sect master's mansion, there is a collision of immortal power, and it is very strong!" said an immortal of Taixu Sect in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Taixu Ting frowned, clutched her sleeves with her jade hands, and was a little nervous: "This bastard is so impulsive, can't he be patient for a while?"

On the Qingluan chariot of Yushan County, Yu Meiren also noticed it. She looked at the immortals beside her with an icy look: "Several elders, please go ahead and save Chu Yan at all costs!"


"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" Several immortal lights shot out first, turning into shadows, and rushed towards the three thousand sect mansions in an arc.

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