Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 906 Chu Feng Recruits [Additional Update]

Listening to Poppy's words, Chu Yan felt a little sorry: "Princess, I didn't mean anything else just now."

"I know." Poppy smiled sweetly, but after a pause, her beautiful beautiful eyes blinked and looked at Chu Yan: "It's just Mr. Chu, is she really that good?"

"Yeah." Chu Yan thought of the two beautiful figures in his mind and couldn't help but smile. Poppy also noticed this subtle movement and laughed at himself: "It seems that Mr. Chu really loves her, which makes me a little envious."

"Xiao Yu, help me take care of Mr. Chu!" Poppy invited another maid, and Chu Yan did not refuse and went to the guest room.

In the main hall at this time, Princess Yushan was sitting alone, her face gloomy, and she was a little unhappy because of Chu Yan's matter.

"Are you still angry?" Poppy came back and stood below, seeing her father and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm so angry, girl, don't worry, as long as this little bastard is still in Shenglong Pavilion, I will definitely find an opportunity to stay for you." Princess Yushan snorted coldly, but she saw Poppy shaking her head with a smile. : "Dad, why bother!"

"Isn't this weapon refining competition originally just to find a suitable candidate? I can see that he doesn't want to marry me because he really loves me. Just like when you asked me to marry Cao Yulong, I did the same. I don't want to, but for the benefit of the family, I can't help it, but now, isn't everyone happy?" said Yu Meiren sadly.

Princess Yushan was speechless, but finally sighed: "I'm just sorry for you, girl."

"It's okay, the world is big, there will always be people who love me and love me." Poppy smiled, but felt a little disappointed in her heart. She couldn't say she liked Chu Yan very much. After all, the time was still short, but she knew that, The first scene, the frivolous young man, is a heart-pounding feeling.

It's a pity that the two of them are destined to not even have a chance to make contact.

"It's just father, this time I have completely offended the Cao Mansion." Poppy thought of the scene on the weapon refining stage before, and felt a little apprehensive.

"It's okay, hum. Over the years, Cao Mansion has been used to being arrogant. I really thought that Yushan County was afraid of them. This time with this little bastard, at least I don't have to be so passive." Princess Yushan snorted coldly, A light flashed between his eyes.

"There, it should be almost there, right?" Beauty Yu asked again. Princess Yushan became serious and nodded seriously: "It's almost there."

After the weapon refining competition ended, Yushan County seemed to have returned to its usual calm.

At this stage, Chu Yan was always in the princess's palace. During this period, Princess Yushan visited him several times and proposed marriage twice, but he declined both times. After that, Princess Yushan did not mention it. However, it still gives him great rights. He can enjoy all the resources in Yushan County.

Having the background of Yushan County also made Chu Yan much more relaxed. During this period, he also went to many secret mansions to practice. It has to be said that the resources in Shenglong Pavilion are very rich. In the blink of an eye, nearly half a year has passed. During this half year, because The way of fire patterns has reached its bottleneck, and he spends more time on martial arts practice, tempering his body and strengthening his supernatural powers.

Finally, on this day, a ray of light rose into the sky. In Chu Yan's dantian world, there was a terrible flame burning, and below it was an endless ice lake.

The sun life soul and the ice lake life soul bloomed with the light of yin and yang. Under his feet, there were the growth of trees of all things, which strengthened his power again.

On this day, Poppy came outside the guest room and was shocked by the power. She was a high-class sage, but when faced with the double shroud of flames and ice, she actually felt a little oppressive.

This power lasted for a long time before the fire was extinguished and the ice retreated.

"Princess." Chu Yan walked out of the guest room, looked at Poppy and chuckled.

"Breakthrough?" Poppy looked at Chu Yan. She found that in just six months, Chu Yan had transformed a lot. He seemed to have changed his appearance, which made her heart tremble. She even vaguely believed that Chu Yan was an extraordinary person outside the fairyland. of people.

"Yes." Chu Yan smiled calmly. Now he is a sixth-level saint.

"I heard from the people below that you want to find someone in Shenglong Pavilion?" Yu Meiren chuckled. In the past six months, besides practicing, Chu Yan has been doing one thing, which is to inquire about a man named Qing Yi. As the princess of the county, she naturally knew the news about people.

"Is there any news about the princess?" Chu Yan's eyes flashed and he became serious, but Yu Meiren shook his head lightly: "No, you also know that the Shenglong Pavilion is huge and endless. Even the Chiyang Palace is only a small one in the Shenglong Pavilion." The power of the Immortal Emperor, not to mention my Yushan County, wants to find someone. If she is in Yushan County or Fengzhou, she still says, but you also know that when people from the outside Immortal Domain enter the Shenglong Pavilion, they will be sent The place is completely different, so that would be too difficult.”

Hearing what Poppy said, Chu Yan was a little disappointed, but he soon felt relieved. He had already understood this truth, otherwise, he would not have climbed up step by step eagerly.

Even if he is not strong enough, if he can stand on the arms of the top power, he can still overlook the Shenglong Pavilion and find Qing Yi.

"But there is a way, you can try it." Poppy said slowly, and Chu Yan immediately raised his head: "What way?"

"There is an ancient ruin in the Chiyang Palace. It is rumored that there is a sacred object left by an Immortal Emperor in this ruin. However, this ruin has been protected for thousands of years and cannot be approached. According to legend, the protection has been loosened recently. All forces will send people there to look for the divine object. People from all the forces in Chiyang Palace will go there. In addition, some top people from outside Chiyang Palace will also come. There may be news about the person you are looking for. ." Yu Meiren chuckled, and Chu Yan listened quietly.

"The princess doesn't want me to go to this ruins on behalf of Yushan County, right?" Chu Yan blinked.

"Then are you going?" Poppy's beautiful eyes smiled brightly, Chu Yan had a black line on his head, he was indeed deceived again.

"Go!" But soon, Chu Yan agreed. Not to mention the ancient ruins, he still had to continue climbing up. Only when he came into contact with some Immortal Emperor forces would he be taken seriously by others and act accordingly. convenient.

"Then I'll tell father. As for the time, it should be half a year later." Poppy smiled sweetly and then left.

After that, Chu Yan was left alone. In the past few days, he had also heard some legends about this divine object. In addition, he also checked in the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda and found that there was indeed a heavy item in the Shenglong Pavilion. The divine object that has been lost for thousands of years has never appeared in this world.

"Nine Nether Qin ranks among the top five hundred on the list of ancient divine objects. It should be the divine weapon in the ancient ruins, right?" Chu Yan entered the Dantian world and glanced at the ancient Qin that had been dim for thousands of years. He couldn't help but think, if so, This is his own path to fame.

After a period of time, Chu Yan continued to practice and consolidate his practice. As his realm improved, he also developed some new magical powers and strengthened his combat power.

On this day, in Yushan County, a young man suddenly came to see him. He was in an extremely embarrassed state. He was dressed in cloth with a lot of holes, blood stains all over his body, his hair was like weeds, and his face was gray.

"Stop!" Many guards in Yushan County frowned when they saw this person. They crossed their spears and stopped him: "Where is this beggar from? Your Majesty, Yushan County, get out!"

"I'm looking for someone!" the beggar said. His voice was hoarse, but still a little immature. He should be a young man.

"Who?" The two guards frowned, and the beggar's eyes turned red: "Chu Yan!"

"Chu Yan?" If there were others, the two guards might have driven him away directly, but Chu Yan's current status is special and his status in Yushan County is extremely high, so they did not dare to be careless: "You want to find Mr. Chu? He is Who are you?"

"He is my eldest brother! My name is Chu Feng!" The young beggar turned out to be Chu Feng.

The two guards looked at each other, and one of them said: "You watch him, I will report him."

After a while, the guard arrived outside Chu Yan's gate and came forward to report: "Young Master Chu, there is a person looking for you outside."

"Looking for me?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment. In his memory, he didn't have many friends in Shenglong Pavilion, only the Lu family brother and sister, Taixu brother and sister, and these few people, because of themselves, Yu The beauty has specially approved the movement order, so there is no need to report, but now that the guards are here, it proves that it is not these five people.

But if it wasn’t the five of them, who else could it be?

"He said his surname is also Chu." The guard hesitated and then added. Chu Yan suddenly realized that in the Shenglong Pavilion, his surname was Chu. He naturally knew who it was and said with a smile: "Please come in quickly."

"Young Master Chu really knows him?" The guard couldn't help but be surprised, and then secretly rejoiced that he didn't have Lu Mang, otherwise he would probably be in trouble.

Soon, Chu Feng was brought to Chu Yan, but when Chu Yan saw him, his eyes froze, and his body became extremely cold. In just six months, Chu Feng became so thin that he no longer looked like a human. His whole body was seriously injured, and his meridians A lot of them were broken.

"Chu, Brother Chu! I finally found you!" When Chu Feng saw Chu Yan, he raised his head. There was no trace of the boy's sunshine. His eyes were red, and he knelt there, crying.

"Brother Chu, please, save Grandpa and Chu Yu! Please, save them!" Chu Feng almost cried in despair.

With a buzz, Chu Yan's eyes were filled with endless murderous intent, which was stronger than ever before. Even though Chu Feng didn't say anything yet, he was able to predict it.

"what happened?"

"Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian is a son of a bitch! Six months ago, grandpa sold the land deed. We originally wanted to fly away. Everything was fine at first, but after the weapon refining competition, the Tiandao master invited by the Three Thousand Sword Sect seemed to be affected by He took some blows, angered everyone, and asked Ling Tian to take Xiao Yu back. Later, the Three Thousand Sword Sect wanted us. Not long ago, Ling Tian led people to find us. Grandpa was seriously injured and I escaped, but Xiaoyu and Grandpa were all captured by them!" Chu Feng cried in despair, clawing at the ground with both hands, his nails digging into the earth.

In an instant, killing intent that had never been seen before broke out in Chu Yan's body.

"Three Thousand Sword Sect, you are seeking death!"

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