Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 897: Level 9 Fire Pattern Array

The battle in the Immortal Venerable Array is still going on.

But as time goes by, some weak people are gradually eliminated. Now the remaining people in the array are all famous and well-known, and should not be underestimated.

There are several people who are more amazing, such as the young master of Lihuo Palace and the little princess of Piaoxue City. They are all very strong, young, and have strong control over fire patterns.

In addition, there are the rest of the top ten forces, which are also good, of course, not including the Wang family and the Mei clan.

The Wang family was destroyed by Cao Yulong, and the Mei clan was suppressed by Chu Yan and has never been able to rise again.

At this moment, people from all parties have become more cautious, even the people from Lihuo Palace and Piaoxue City have stopped fighting and quickly plundered the casting materials in the Immortal Venerable Array.

The most domineering one is still Cao Yulong. He will not avoid anyone on his way. People who meet him have only two choices, either to die or to hand over the materials and make way. It can't help but sigh that the descendants of the Immortal Venerable are extraordinary.

At this time, on the stands outside the formation, many elders of the Pilgrimage Sect looked at the formation, their eyes fixed: "We are about to meet."

People in the formation had their vision blocked, and they could not use their vital energy to sense, so it was difficult to judge the situation ahead, but people outside could see it clearly.

At this time, the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect and Master Yunduan were walking together, and in the direction directly opposite them, Cao Yulong was there.

"Stop!" The three finally met after a while. Cao Yulong looked up at the two, his eyes fixed, and with a scolding, a huge fire formation swept into the sky.

Seeing Cao Yulong, the two people's faces sank slightly, and the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect clenched his fist and said: "Mr. Cao."

"Two choices, make way, or die." Cao Yulong said calmly, the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect's eyes turned cold, revealing anger. He was the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect, how could he bear such humiliation?

"Although Mr. Cao is famous, it is not my character to retreat without fighting." The Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect said in a deep voice: "Please teach me!"

"I don't know what the result of this battle will be." Someone outside the formation sighed and thought, Cao Yulong has been extremely arrogant from the beginning, invincible and invincible, and now he has met someone from one of the top forces.

"Let's join forces and be ruthless." Facing Cao Yulong, the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect did not dare to be careless, and sent a message to Master Yunduan next to him. The other party also nodded. When they raised their hands, both of them sacrificed their strongest fire patterns. Master Yunduan controlled a magic knife. In an instant, the sky seemed to be opened up with a blood mark, which went straight through.

On the other side, the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect also snorted, clenched his hand, and a golden dragon spear emerged, carving in the void, the sky was paper, the earth was ink, and the dragon spear was a pen, as if with divine help, with just this one blow, the ground trembled wildly, and the light curtain of destruction descended, like the end of the world, blasting out.

"So strong!"

"The Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect used his ultimate move right from the start to win by surprise." Someone guessed.

In the direction of the Pilgrimage Sect, several elders nodded with satisfaction, and then one of them glanced at the Immortal Master Cao Fu who was hanging in the air. However, in the air, Immortal Master Cao Fu was as calm as ever.

"Brother Cao, the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect is not weak. This move is also a top-level fire pattern. Are you not worried at all?" Princess Yushan also laughed in surprise.

Immortal Master Cao Fu drank lightly and smiled calmly: "A sneak attack? Maybe it will be useful among people of the same kind, but Brother Yu, how do you think that ants can shake the real dragon of the nine heavens?"

Hearing his words, the faces of the people of the Pilgrimage Sect sank. This was clearly humiliating their Holy Son, who was an ant. On the contrary, Cao Yulong was a real dragon above the nine heavens.

But due to the opponent's strength, they would not say much, just snorted coldly and continued to look at the battle stage, hoping that the Holy Son would win this battle.

In the big formation, Cao Yulong snorted coldly and stood in the two storms. He put his hands behind his back and did not even move a step, as if ignoring the attacks of the two.

"You are looking for death!" Seeing this, the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect's eyes turned cold, revealing an extremely cold attitude. Even if Cao Yulong was very strong, he was also a top-level genius. He humiliated himself like this, so he fulfilled his wish. He clasped his palms, and a dragon shadow appeared in the sky, as if attached to his body. The sound of dongdong kept colliding, and he slapped it with one palm.

The ruthless dragon shadow killed, and everyone's heart was stagnant.

Many people were thinking that Cao Yulong might have been too arrogant this time. He didn't defend against such a terrible attack?

Then even if it was him, it would be miserable, right?

"Boom!" However, at this moment, the terrible attack was about to hit Cao Yulong, but was suddenly blocked by a barrier. There was a layer of diamond shield. Cao Yulong still stood there, and the flames from the dragon seal penetrated his body, but his arm suddenly shook, and a ruthless force seemed to rush out of his body. With a bang, he raised his hand and smashed it.

"This..." Countless people trembled in their hearts.

"Huh?" The face of the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect was also stiff. His strongest attack could not break the opponent's defense?

Realizing this, he only felt that his heart was extremely heavy, as if he fell into the abyss. Subconsciously, he wanted to dodge and retreat.

"Do you think you can get away?" A trace of contempt flashed in Cao Yulong's eyes. At this time, he didn't look like he was looking at a person, but more like an ant. When he raised his hand, the storm came, ruthlessly crushing, and the Holy Son of the Pilgrimage Sect screamed. The next moment, his body twisted and was finally crushed alive in the storm.

"Another blow..." After the battle, many people in the stands had not yet recovered. Many elders stood up in the direction of the Holy Sect.

"My son!" the pilgrim leader shouted with tears in his eyes, but everything was powerless.

After this battle, the atmosphere in the stands became depressing, especially for the top forces in Yushan County.

Previously, the Immortal Lord of Cao Mansion was extremely arrogant and wanted to decide Cao Yulong first. At that time, they expressed dissatisfaction. However, after two battles between the Wang Family and the Chaosheng Sect, they finally realized that there might really be no one in this formation. People are Cao Yulong’s opponents.

Seeing Cao Yulong's strength, Poppy's autumn eyes blinked, feeling a little sad.

Although she had already prepared for the worst, she had worked for Yushan County all her life. If she could get Cao Yulong's help, it would be okay for her to get married. But after all, she was a woman, and she also hoped to have a choice in her life. She couldn't help but , she looked in the direction of Chu Yan again.

Compared with Cao Yulong, Chu Yan's performance was much lower-key. From the beginning of the battle formation, he only took one shot, but for some reason, Poppy always felt that he had not misjudged the person.

The young man who dared to question himself openly might actually have some abilities.

At this time, Chu Yan and Cao Yulong were extremely far apart in the formation. He kept walking. As he approached the center of the formation, the surrounding fire patterns became more intense.

At this point, even if others don't need to take action, some people who don't understand the way of fire pattern will have to stop, because the closer to the formation, the more natural materials and rare treasures, the greater the difficulty, and the oppression here will be Eliminate some weak people.

When we reached one-third of the formation, it became difficult for many people to walk here, and many people gathered in front of a dense forest.

"It will be very difficult to go any further. The Immortal Lord's pressure alone is not something that ordinary people can bear." At this time, one member of the Liu family couldn't help but sigh.

"There is a super-top nine-level fire pattern formation. If you want to enter, you must be able to pass through it." People from Lihuo Palace are also there.

"I'm going to try it!" At this moment, a disciple of the Han family was quite cold and arrogant, and took a step forward. As soon as he stepped forward, the top-level fire pattern array immediately started to move, turning into the shadow of a wild eagle, endless , every power is full of top-level killing, destroying the world.

"Get away!"

The Han family disciple's eyes were full of anger, and he yelled, and power bloomed in his body. His body was already burning with flames, knocking away those wild eagles, but the next second, the rolling flames on the ground rolled and turned into For endless doomsday, those flames merged and swallowed down like a fire dragon.

"Ah!" Under the fire dragon, the face of the Han family disciple changed in shock. He quickly retreated, but it was too late. The fire was blazing into the sky, and the terrifying power seemed to burn up the sky. With a bang, his body was immediately blown away. , was smashed a hundred meters away, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"So strong!" Outside the array, many people's hearts became even heavier.

"It seems that this is the first real test. All the good weapon refining materials are inside, but this formation blocks us, and there is terrible oppression. Even if we go in, we can't go far." At this time. , some people from the second-rate forces couldn't help but said in despair, even the disciples of the Han family could not enter, let alone them.

"Taixu Sect!" At this time, someone suddenly looked back. Chu Yan and Taixu Ting also came here and stopped when they saw a huge formation.

"This formation is very strong." Taixu Ting's delicate face was a little shocked. The huge fire pattern formation in front of her made her feel powerful and powerless.

"Follow closely, I'll take you in."

Chu Yan glanced at the formation and said, upon hearing his words, the Han family disciple who had just been knocked away from the formation in the distance narrowed his eyes and showed a sarcastic smile: "Haha, you take her in? You are really arrogant. This formation is truly a top-level formation. You may not be able to enter it yourself, but you still want to try to bring one more person with you?"

"Haha, Han Jiu, why should you care? He is not the only arrogant person. Every time at the Yushan Weapon Refining Competition, there are countless people like him who, despite their low level, try to express themselves. In the end, they don't even know how they died. I don’t even know.” A burly man from the direction of Bashan Sect laughed wildly.

"Taixu Ting, after many years of relationship, I would like to advise you that it's better to give up for an idiot like this. It doesn't matter if he kills himself. If you follow him, you will lose your life if you don't have the ability to see the formation."

Taixu Ting also looked at Chu Yan at this time, feeling a little nervous in her heart. This nine-level fire pattern array was very strong. In the past, very few people could pass it, and they were all among the top fifty. Although she had certain feelings for Chu Yan, Faith, but this time, it is not a joke, there will be life-threatening danger.

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