Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 89: Kill instantly with one move

The three teams began to prepare for the competition, and three platforms were raised high in the mirror trial.

In the mirror trial, the three teams have gathered and stood on the platforms respectively. It seems that this pattern has not been broken for some time.

"Guess, will there be any changes in the top three this time?"


"Of course, there is no need to mention Changsheng Hall and Yanmeng. No one can shake the positions of these two teams. Just look at the freshman camp. I heard that Xuanyu, a third-year student, seems to have formed a new team called Yulou."

"Xuanyu? The last one in the third grade? Forget it. He ranked last three years ago."

"Not necessarily. Xuanyu's strength seems to have broken through to the third level of Juechen Realm, which is comparable to Chen Yi."

"Chu Yan and the others are here too." At this time, several figures came not far away, led by Chu Yan. They have not been in the sect for more than a month, and it seems that they have been almost forgotten.

Yu Ruoxi also saw Chu Yan and walked forward with a smile: "Are you willing to come back?"

"Senior sister!" Chu Yan and the others smiled politely. Although they all had a bad impression of the Yan League, Yu Ruoxi and the Yan League were separate in their hearts.

"I heard someone say yesterday that you have already created a team? What's the name?"

"Brother Muye did it. He just gave it a random name, called the Wolf Group." Chu Yan said calmly, but Yu Ruoxi frowned slightly. Wolf Pack? This name made her think of the black-clothed people who were madly killing the freshmen camp in the mirror trial these days. However, Yu Ruoxi shook her head again. In her opinion, even if Chu Yan and others had a chance this month, they would not be able to surpass the freshmen camp in a month.

"Since the team has been established, we will compete in the competition later, but don't force it. The three teams now are all old teams, and there are old people in charge. You should just treat it as practice to prepare for the future."

"Okay." Chu Yan smiled and nodded, but there was a chill in his heart. Practice? No, this time is definitely not a practice, but something must be changed.

For this day, the freshmen have waited too long, and they will never end easily with practice.

Scar saw Chu Yan and smiled proudly: "Boy, I haven't seen you for more than a month. I didn't expect you to dare to come to the mirror trial?"

Chu Yan smiled and looked at Scar: "Of course I have to come. You should have not forgotten what I said to you last time?"

Scar frowned fiercely. He naturally knew what Chu Yan said, that is, in the next competition, the freshmen camp will no longer be the third place, but he didn't take it to heart at all, and continued to taunt: "Boy, it seems that you haven't learned anything in this month. It's a pity that today's competition cannot fight, I will let you go. But when tomorrow starts, I guarantee that you still dare not step into this mirror trial."

"After tomorrow, you should still worry about your freshmen camp. Why did I hear that the freshmen camp was chased like a dog by a group of people recently?" Fatty laughed.

Scar's face darkened. The events of the mirror trial in the past few days have spread throughout the Haotian Sect. His freshmen camp can be said to be very miserable. The seven people with wolf head masks even threatened that if the freshmen camp dared to enter the mirror trial in the future, they would be killed directly, causing many disciples to withdraw from the freshmen camp. Now that the fat man said it in public, Scar felt even more angry.

"They are not from the Haotian Sect, but the super team of the Binghe Sect. There is nothing shameful about being able to beat our freshmen camp. And you don't know, in fact, those people were deliberately invited by me to practice with the freshmen camp. Fighting with them, our freshmen camp disciples can exercise more. But you are different. We want to kill you, as if it were a child's play."

Hearing Scar's words, many disciples found it ridiculous. Many people were present in the situation yesterday. Practice with you? No one would believe it.

"This Scar is really shameless. Binghe Sect? Find someone to practice with you?" Ye Xun sneered.

"He wants to save his face, but the more he does this, the more interesting it is, isn't it?" Chu Yan smiled.

Many freshmen did not continue to speak, and then an elder spoke lightly: "The three-team competition has officially begun. Next, those who want to challenge can do it. You cannot challenge across levels, you can only challenge from the bottom up, one level at a time. Before sunset, the teams on the last three platforms will be the team rankings for the next three months."

Yu Ruoxi jumped onto the high platform of Changsheng Hall: "Yu Ruoxi of the Yan League, challenge Changsheng Hall, is there anyone to fight!"

"It seems that there must be a battle between the Yan League and Changsheng Hall every time." Many disciples laughed: "It's just a pity that since Senior Sister Zhou Ying passed the three-year condition, the Yan League has never won."

"Come on, Senior Sister!" Ye Xun shouted from the audience.

Li Yan glanced at Xiaoya: "Go and fight, Yu Ruoxi is the fourth level of Juechen, if you can't beat him, just consume him, and I'm here."

Xiaoya smiled charmingly. When Muye was in Changsheng Hall, Xiaoya was just one of Muye's subordinates, but now that Muye was kicked out, she directly replaced Muye.

"Miss Yu, I'm sorry." Xiaoya smiled coquettishly, and Yu Ruoxi also politely clasped her fists, but then, she frowned slightly, and Xiaoya's silver teeth were exposed, and a row of silver needles suddenly spit out of her mouth, all of which were wrapped in vitality, like a cannonball, attacking Yu Ruoxi.

Yu Ruoxi didn't expect it either, she quickly retreated, but even so, her shoulders were still scratched by the silver needles, making her reveal a trace of pain.

"A sneak attack? Isn't there anyone who cares about this?" Chu Yan and others frowned when they saw this.

"The challenge started when Yu Ruoxi stepped onto the stage, so according to the rules, Xiaoya did nothing wrong."

"This behavior is shameless enough."

"Miss Yu... this is all within the rules. You can only blame yourself for being too naive." Xiaoya smiled. She was a little disappointed that the sneak attack failed, but then she took action directly. With a wave of her sleeve, the red lotus hit Yu Ruoxi.

Yu Ruoxi snorted coldly, but did not say anything. Instead, she took out the jade sword and went straight to meet it. The red lotus wrapped around the jade sword and kept colliding. On the high platform, everyone's face changed. At first, everyone thought that Yu Ruoxi would definitely win, but after three moves, Xiaoya actually had the upper hand. The red lotus in her hand kept suppressing Yu Ruoxi. Yu Ruoxi's forehead was sweating and moving slowly.

"What's wrong with senior sister? She seems to be very slow to react."

"The silver needle is poisonous." Chu Yan said coldly. Xiaoya's purpose just now was not to sneak attack, but to poison Yu Ruoxi. In this way, even if Xiaoya was defeated, Yu Ruoxi would no longer have the fighting power today, and no one could challenge Changsheng Hall.

Lin Yuyan's face was gloomy. She looked at Lin Changsheng: "Changshengtang is really good at using poison."

"Poison cultivation is also a branch of martial arts. Why can't it be used?" Lin Changsheng smiled calmly, not feeling ashamed at all.

"Hmph!" Lin Yuyan snorted coldly, and followed her: "Ruoxi, admit defeat. We don't want this first place."

Yu Ruoxi bit her silver teeth lightly, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she suddenly stood still. Xiaoya was also stunned. The red lotus was about to hit Yu Ruoxi's delicate body, but she didn't dodge or evade. Snap! With a crisp sound, the red lotus wrapped in vitality was like a tornado, directly drawing a bloody hole on Yu Ruoxi's jade body, and everyone stared.

But Yu Ruoxi didn't retreat. She gathered all her strength and stabbed the jade sword in her hand straight out and pierced Xiaoya's heart.

"Ah!" Xiaoya howled and disappeared from the mirror trial. Everyone was shocked. No one expected that Yu Ruoxi would use such a self-destructive method to fight Xiaoya.

"Humph! You don't know how to live or die!" Li Yan suddenly shouted, followed by his big strides, rushed directly to the high platform, and slapped Yu Ruoxi.

"Bang!" Zhou Ying moved, her icy breath seemed to freeze even time, she blocked Li Yan.

"Zhou Ying, what do you mean? Three teams are in the trial, and only three-year disciples are allowed. Do you want to break the contract? If you break the contract, my Changsheng Hall is not afraid of you." Li Yan roared. If the three-year deadline is removed, Changsheng Hall will have a greater advantage. Lin Changsheng is still there. When the time comes, it will be enough to despise everything in Yanmeng.

"Ruoxi admits defeat. We Yanmeng don't want the first place, but if you dare to talk nonsense, I promise to kill you before Lin Changsheng takes action." Zhou Ying said coldly.


"Get lost!" Zhou Ying shouted coldly, and a breath rushed towards Li Yan like an ice dragon, making Li Yan's heart sink, and he reluctantly retreated.

"Senior sister!" Yu Ruoxi looked at Zhou Ying painfully, but she stopped talking when she saw Zhou Ying shaking her head.

Many disciples sighed at this scene. Yu Ruoxi had already defeated Xiaoya. If she could defeat Li Yan again, Yanmeng would have a chance this year. Unfortunately, Yu Ruoxi was poisoned and could not fight with her.

Yanmeng challenged Changshengtang and failed again. Since Zhou Ying, it has not succeeded once.

Next is the challenge of the rest of the teams. In addition to the three teams, there are some new teams that challenged the freshmen camp, but the result is self-evident. Except for Xuanyu of Yulou who defeated one person in the freshmen camp and finally lost to Chen Yi, no one has won.

The freshmen camp, although only the third team, is still the top three team, and it is still unshakable!

So the lively competition became boring for a while, and some disciples even left here directly to continue practicing in the depths of the mirror. At this time, Scar also looked at Chu Yan and others jokingly: "Why, you talked a lot at the beginning, but now no one is willing to challenge on stage?"

Ye Xun glanced at Chu Yan, and Chu Yan nodded: "Go, a quick battle."

Ye Xun jumped onto the third high platform in one step: "Wolf Group Ye Xun, challenge the freshman camp! Is there anyone who comes out to fight!"

"The freshman finally made a move. That Ye Xun is the freshman who defeated Qinghong?"

"It's him, but it's a pity that Chen Yi in the freshman camp is already at the third level of Juechen. There is no suspense in this battle."

Everyone was not optimistic about Ye Xun, but the next scene shocked everyone. Chen Yi stood on the stage, and the power of the third level of Juechen crushed towards Ye Xun. However, Ye Xun's action was in vain. The long spear in his hand stabbed straight out. With just one shot, he directly broke through Chen Yi's defense and pierced his chest. Chen Yi was killed on the spot.

One move, kill instantly?

And there is a difference of two levels?

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