Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 797: Japanese Star River

Chu Yan and Qingcheng were not hanging out with Fatty and others.

After leaving, the two of them walked across the stars, using the stars to open their way. There were stars all around them. They stood on the evil sword and walked in the sky.

"Where is the Six Realms?" Liu Qingcheng asked softly. It had been sixteen years since she left the Six Realms. This was the first time she came back and saw the Six Realms from a distance.

"Yeah." Chu Yan chuckled: "It took me a full year to go to Xinghai for the first time, but now, it's very close."

Soon, the two returned and descended upon the Six Domains Dynasty.

Since the six regions were unified by Chu Yan, the resources here are no longer divided up by the Soul Palace. In addition, many academies, lecture halls, Shenzhu Mountain, and Tianjun preaching here have been opened, which has made this area prosperous and the place for practicing martial arts. The wind prospered, and in just a few years, the strength increased greatly, and many genius monsters were born.

For example, at this time, on the battlefield of the imperial dynasty, there was a group of young people challenging. There was an extremely handsome young man on the battlefield. He was a man of law, holding a spear, standing in the center of the battle platform, accepting the challenges of everyone from all sides. He could not A generation.

"Jiang Yu is so strong!"

"As expected of the rising star of this generation of the Jiang family, he is still less than twenty years old in cultivation, but he has already reached the realm of human emperor. Even ordinary top human emperors are no match for him." There were many people around the battle stage. Envy said.

Jiang Yu had been standing there, sweating profusely. At this moment, a very beautiful woman came forward and gently wiped his sweat.

"She is the most beautiful woman in the world today, the new generation saint of Xuannv Sect, Lin Lele. It seems that she has also developed feelings for Jiang Yu."

"Jiang Yu is indeed very strong. In terms of talent, looking at the six domains, he is probably unprecedented. It is not surprising that Lin Lele is attracted by him."

"Unprecedented?" At this moment, Jiang Yu stood on the stage, looked at the man, and shook his head mockingly: "I'm still far behind."

"Jiang Yu, why are you so humble? How can there be a twenty-year-old human emperor in these six realms?"

Jiang Yu smiled and shook his head: "My idol is better than me."

"Jiang Yu's idol?" Everyone was curious. Jiang Yu nodded, and then showed excitement. He couldn't help but think of the time when he was twelve years old, when he was still a young man, watching a figure far away, and said with a bright smile: "Senior Chu Yan, the Myth of the Six Realms, he is my idol."

"It turns out that Jiang Yu's idol is King Chen!" Everyone suddenly realized, and then they thought of Chu Yan's figure, and they felt some inexplicable admiration.

It has been almost seven years since the six regions were unified, which is too long. When the six regions were unified, some of their generation were just children. They had only heard many legends about Chu Yan, but as for me, they had never seen it.

"Haha, Jiang Yu, you are really ignorant." At this moment, on the six-domain battlefield, a force suddenly came down, with an aura similar to that of Jiang Yu.

The faces of the people in the Six Domains Dynasty changed slightly, and Jiang Yu also turned cold and looked at each other: "Dongyue Mu, why are you here in my Six Domains? You are not welcome here!"

This person's name is Dongying Mu, and he is a person from the Six Domains close to One Galaxy. After the Six Domains were unified, the seal was broken, and they had many more connections with the outside world.

"Whether you welcome me or not is not up to you." Dongyingmu sneered, full of disdain: "Jiang Yu, I'm afraid you don't know yet, right? Not long ago, the young master of Tongtian Xinghai returned and prepared to rule the Xinghai. Your idol may have died in the world of Xunxian."

"You're talking nonsense!" Jiang Yu's eyes were filled with anger. Ever since he witnessed Chu Yan's demeanor seven years ago, he had been out of control. He regarded Chu Yan as a myth and practiced hard. Even the King's Picture was cast. With the extraordinary imperial power, no one is allowed to tarnish his idol in front of him.

"What, you want to fight?" Dongyingmu was not afraid at all, his hands ignited and turned into terrifying giant flame hands: "Are you my opponent?"

"Earth Emperor Realm!"

The hearts of the people in the Six Domains trembled, and one person cursed: "This guy is so shameless! He has been practicing for more than thirty years. He is twice as old as Brother Jiang Yu and is three realms higher. He actually wants to challenge Brother Jiang Yu!"

"Just fight!" Jiang Yu shouted angrily. Although he knew the gap, he still refused to accept it. No one could tarnish his idol.

"Seeking death!" Dongyingmu sneered, and the extremely terrifying giant flame stretched out his hand, burning up the sky, and then grabbed Jiang Yu.

The spear in Jiang Yu's hand thrust out, moving around, leaving many afterimages in the void, stabbing at the palm with the same whistling sound.

"Bang!" Two terrifying forces collided in the air. The next second, Jiang Yu's body flew out and hit the ground hard. The gun in his hand was broken on the spot, and Dongyingmu also suffered some injuries. In the center of his palm, there was a deep bloodstain.

Looking down at the wound in his palm, Dong Yingmu's face suddenly darkened. A golden light suddenly appeared, and he stepped out and killed Jiang Yu directly.

"If you dare to hurt me, I want you to kneel down and apologize!"

"Brother Jiang Yu!" Everyone in the audience was trembling.

Slapping his palms on the ground, Jiang Yu stood up and greeted him again, but the gap between the two was too big. Jiang Yu was always passive. The Japanese wood was full of killing intent. There was a huge flaming palm crushing down the sky, trying to crush it. Jiang Yu was scratched to pieces.

The residual wind was blowing, and Jiang Yu soon couldn't stand, and his whole body was trembling.

"Brother Jiang Yu!" The younger generation from the six regions in the audience were all angry and wanted to go on stage.

"No!" But at this moment, Jiang Yu suddenly turned around and glared at everyone resolutely: "If Senior Chu Yan were here, he would definitely not be defeated, so he only crossed the third level."

"Haha, you are very stubborn. If that's the case, I will beat you until you surrender." Dongyingmu sneered, and with a thud, another fire fist came out. Jiang Yu spat out a mouthful of blood and his body was violently shaken away.

The boys and girls in the audience were all angry at this time. They were very angry, but Jiang Yu didn't let them do it.

"Stop!" At this moment, a man flew over from a distance. Jiang Tianwen, who was now a king, was very powerful. He looked at Dongyingmu coldly: "Dongying Xinghe, what do you mean? This place is the land of my six domains. You are so presumptuous. Do you think my six domains don't exist?"

"Six domains?" Dongyingmu glanced at the person who appeared, without any fear, and sneered: "It will soon cease to exist."

After that, he looked at Jiang Yu: "But now, he needs to kneel down."

"You are presumptuous!" Jiang Tianwen's voice was cold, and a terrible breath burned in his body.

But at this moment, another line of figures flew out from the distant sky. They seemed to have been here for a long time, but they had been hiding in the void. Suddenly, countless forces pressed on Jiang Tianwen.

"Jiang Tianwen, I advise you not to do it. Let your brother kneel down honestly. Otherwise, the consequences will not be something that your Six Domains Galaxy can bear." A young man in the distance sneered. Jiang Tianwen raised his head coldly, his face was extremely ugly. There were many monarchs on the other side. It can be imagined that they came prepared today.

"Dongying Mu is my Galaxy Young Master. Your Jiang family hurt him. Kneeling down is already a light punishment. Otherwise, he would die today." In the void, several monarchs of Dongying Galaxy sneered.

"Too much bullying!" Jiang Tianwen roared, but there was nothing he could do. The older generation was not easy to interfere in the fight between the younger generation. In terms of strength, the Six Domains were far inferior to Dongying.

At this time, a pair of figures appeared in the void. They stood in the void and looked at everything under the stage. They were the returned Liu Qingcheng and Chu Yan.

"Aren't you going to take action? That little guy really admires you." Liu Qingcheng chuckled. The two had actually arrived a long time ago, but after seeing this scene, they were not in a hurry to take action.

As for Jiang Yu's safety, there was no need to worry about them.

"Don't worry, he is still young. It's a good thing to experience some hardships. Let him know the cruelty of the martial arts world." Chu Yan smiled in the same way. As for the people of Dongying Xinghe, he didn't take them seriously. Now, looking at the sea of ​​stars, they are all his. Why should he be afraid of a small galaxy?

"Like you for a year?" Liu Qingcheng looked at Chu Yan jokingly: "Backed by the wilderness, but ran to Tianyong City and pretended to be a beggar."

"..." Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "I call that compassion for the people, okay? Besides, if I don't go, won't you miss me?"

"Yes, then you have to be good to me for the rest of your life." Liu Qingcheng took Chu Yan's arm, then she lowered her head and saw Liu Jun and Liu Sisi in the crowd, and smiled: "Sisi is already a teenager."

"She looks a bit like you, In the future, she will definitely be a beauty, bringing disaster to the country and the people. "Chu Yan joked, but then his waist felt hot, and he hurriedly laughed dryly: "No... not a disaster to the country and the people, but a beauty that makes fish sink and geese fall..."

As for the two people joking in the void, no one below knew that although Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng had not entered the sage, their realm was infinitely close to that of a sage, especially Chu Yan, whose combat power was no worse than that of a sage, and his aura was perfectly integrated with the world, so as long as the two were not exposed, ordinary people could not tell the difference at all.

"Jiang Yu, come back!" Jiang Tianwen said vigilantly. Jiang Yu was a little unwilling, but he still nodded, picked up the broken gun, and turned away.

"Do you think you can get away?" Dongying's eyes turned cold, and he shot out a terrible demon light. Then he burned with flames all over his body, turned into a meteorite, and smashed towards Jiang Yu.

"How dare you!" Jiang Tianwen was furious, and wanted to enter the air in one step.

"Bang!" But at the same time, a group of people in the void stepped out, with extremely strong pressure, and pressed Jiang Tianwen's body down fiercely.

Seeing that the meteorites were about to fall, Jiang Yu clenched his fists, not because he was afraid, but because he was unwilling. Dongying scolded his idol, but he was powerless and had to implicate his brother.

"Haha, Jiang Yu, die, and Lin Lele, such a beauty, I will not treat her badly after you die." Dongying laughed evilly.

Suddenly, Jiang Yu looked up suddenly, and the next scene surprised many people. He gritted his teeth, with only a half-broken gun head in his hand, but turned back and rushed towards the ruthless flaming meteorite again. Even if he died in battle, he would never humiliate the Six Regions, embarrass his idol, and would not let down his beloved woman.

"He has done very well. He is not like a child who grew up in a greenhouse. Instead, he has some of your stubbornness back then." Liu Qingcheng chuckled.

"It's really good, a plastic talent." Chu Yan praised in the same way, and saw the shadow of his youth in Jiang Yu.

"Go ahead."


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