Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 795 The End of the Starry Sea [Three Updates]

As the sword slashed down, there was deathly silence on Tianbei Mountain.

It's over. Tianbei Tianmang, known as the most outstanding descendant of Tongtian Xinghai for thousands of years, died today and was killed by Chu Yan in front of the palace on Tianbei Mountain with a sword.

So if Tianbei Tianmang is the chosen one, what about Chu Yan?

The saddest thing is that everyone understands that after the battle ends today, no one will be able to avenge him.

In front of the Tianbei Mountain Palace, the old Saint King stood there. At this moment, his eyes were tearing, his whole person was decadent, and his body was trembling.

Six years ago, he heard in the Immortal Realm that a big shot valued a person from Tongtian Xinghai and regarded him as the chosen one. The Immortal Realm would be opened in the lower world.

At that time, he thought that the opportunity had come, and that his Tianbei Mountain would rise, become famous, and attract everyone's attention. However, he did not expect that it was precisely because of this news that Tianbei Mountain was completely destroyed.

"Tianbei Mountain... is completely over." At this moment, a thought rose in the hearts of countless people.

Not long ago, the moment the four disciples of the Dragon Alliance appeared, the fate of Tianbei Mountain was determined. However, Chu Yan's challenge seemed to give them a glimmer of hope. However, now, there is only despair.

"You win!" Lin Ang smiled slightly, raised his head, and looked at Bu Fangfang: "Senior brother, do you think I have a good taste?"

"It's indeed better than me. My taste is too bad." Bu Fang said seriously.

"..." The corner of Lin Ang's mouth twitched. What does this mean?

Are you that bad?

"Let's go, we are not needed here anymore, just leave it to the junior brother himself." Bu Fangfang said calmly. Lin Ang was slightly surprised and glanced in the direction of Hetian: "Where are they?"

"That's right. It's a bit troublesome to stay, so just get rid of it." After Bu Xing finished speaking, terrible flames burst out from his body. Hetian stood not far away, and under the huge pressure, he looked up fiercely and glared at Bu Xing. Popular: "Longmeng, what do you mean?"

"It's time for you to return to Sword God Mountain." Bu Fang said coldly.

Hetian's face became darker and he growled: "Dragon Alliance also wants to control our movements?"

"Yes." Bu Fangfang nodded and replied with only one word, and the corners of Hetian's mouth twitched.

Dragon Alliance is too domineering.

However, at this moment, the old Saint King and the overlords of the major star seas all looked at him. Now that Tianbei Tianmang had died in the battle, if Sword God Mountain abandoned them, Tianbei Mountain would not have the slightest chance.

"Bu Fangfeng, if you do this, don't you consider the consequences?" Hetian growled.

"Leave or die?" Bu Fangfang was too lazy to talk nonsense. The knife in his hand burned, as if there was a sea of ​​fire inside the blade, burning the world.

"Very good, let's go." He Tian's face was livid. Although he was unwilling to do so, he had no choice.

Bu Bu is popular, but the person who can destroy a whole family of immortals by one person is much stronger than him.

"Young Master He..." The old Saint King and the overlords of the major star seas trembled in their hearts and said.

"The opportunity has been given to you, but your descendants are incompetent. Who is to blame? Just wish yourselves the best." Hetian shouted coldly. What does the survival of Tianbei Mountain have to do with him?

This time he came to Xinghe just to kill Chu Yan and avenge Junior Brother Beifeng.

As for the Tianbei Tianmang, it is just a chess piece of the Sword God Mountain.

The people from Sword God Mountain left, and the people from Tianbei Mountain were completely desperate.

The Old Saint King, Saint King, Tai Yan, and the overlords of the major star seas all looked at Chu Yan with their hearts trembling and despair.

However, Chu Yan ignored them. At this point, the fate of Tianbei Mountain was a foregone conclusion, so he looked at Lin Ang and Bu Fangfang with a grateful smile.

Although he is a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, after experiencing so much, he understands the cruelty of the world of cultivation. It is a kindness for the Dragon Alliance to treat him like this.

At least from today on, he will treat the senior brothers of the Dragon League as family members.

"Let's go." Bu Fangfang said. Lin Ang blinked and sent a message to Chu Yan: "Little junior brother, senior brother and I will leave first. The Iron Masked Army will stay with you until you clean up the mess and prepare to go." When you arrive in the Immortal Realm, send a message to me and we will come to pick you up.”

"Okay!" Chu Yan didn't say much, just nodded, and then he slowly turned around and looked towards Tianbei Mountain.

Just one glance made countless people tremble in their hearts.

They all know that judgment is coming.

Looking at the old Saint King, Chu Yan said coldly: "Tianbei Mountain, you have been running rampant for hundreds of thousands of years. All geniuses have only two choices. Anyone who does not join Tianbei Mountain will be killed. What happened now , do you have anything else to say?”

The old Saint King's body was still lying there, but he laughed at himself. Today, Tianbei Mountain has always relied on hegemony and did not allow anyone outside Tianbei Mountain to grow up.

Once discovered, it is nipped in the bud.

Mo Wangchen was like this back then, and Chu Yan was the same way, but now, Chu Yan's growth is no longer under their control, and has reached an existence that they cannot control.

"Are you sorry?" Chu Yan looked at the Holy King again. Back then, when his spiritual thoughts came to the six realms, he killed him with just one word. Now, his life is in his own hands.

The Holy King felt bitter in his heart, and of course he regretted it, but what he regretted was not being stronger in the Six Domains and killing Chu Yan directly.

"If I had killed you that day, maybe I wouldn't be here today. It's God who wants to destroy me at Tianbei Mountain." The Holy King looked at Chu Yan and said calmly, his fate is here, God is going to destroy him, so what's the point of his struggle? use?

"Heaven?" Chu Yan smiled sarcastically: "Today, you still don't understand that you have done your own evil, so what does it have to do with heaven? Even if heaven does not give birth to me, you, Tianbei Mountain, will eventually perish. This is your destiny. From you, The moment you make a choice, your life is yours.”

At this time, the one-armed old man looked down and shook his head.

If the Saint King had really wanted to kill, would the result be different?

He practiced planetary magic and had the ability to foresee, so he naturally saw more than ordinary people.

He had deduced Chu Yan's fate that year, and he had seen countless possibilities, but each one was the same. Even if the Saint King had wanted to kill Chu Yan that day, if he really took action against Chu Yan, it would lead to the faster destruction of Tianbei Mountain.

So far, he can't forget the scene he saw when he deduced Chu Yan's fate.

If the Saint King took action that day, the sky above the six domains would crack, and a group of god-like figures would descend. How terrible would the sword fairy and the wine fairy be? Those people are people who have escaped fate. Their fate cannot be deduced, just like Chu Yan.

Perhaps the world has its own destiny, but Chu Yan's fate and Tianbei Mountain cannot be determined.

"Seniors, let's do it." Chu Yan said nothing more, turned around and looked at the many immortals of the Iron-faced Legion, and said calmly.

"No one of the Tianbei surnamed people will be left alive!" Chu Yan stopped talking nonsense and gave the order.

"Yes!" The immortals of the Iron-faced Legion walked down one by one, and suddenly, their power descended, all of them were immortals, and the people of the Tianbei surname were desperate.

The strongest among them was the old saint king, a generation of immortals, but under the power of the Iron-faced Legion, he was like an ant, and was killed by a palm, without even a trace of defense.

Chu Yan did not watch the whole process. He turned around and looked at the once magnificent Tianbei Mountain, which was still towering into the clouds, but at this moment, there was a hint of desolation.

He stepped out step by step, climbed to the top, until the top of Tianbei Mountain, he stood there, feeling the breeze blowing, all the grievances, ended here.

He grinned, thinking of the mortal world, thinking of the six domains, now he stood at the top of the star sea, he looked up, above him, there was still endless sky.

"Mother, I am one step closer to you, wait for me." Chu Yan thought in his heart, then he slowly turned around, the people of the Tianbei surname below had been destroyed, only the Tianbei Sixteen Veins, and the people of the other major star seas, they looked at Chu Yan, their bodies were trembling.

They all came to submit to Tianbei Mountain this time, and some of them even attacked Shenzhu Mountain. Now Tianbei Mountain has been destroyed, what will be the end waiting for them.

At this time, a star sea overlord suddenly knelt down on his knees and trembled: "Young Master Chu, we are all deceived by Tianbei Mountain, and we are not intentionally enemies with Young Master Chu. I hope Young Master Chu will atone for our sins."

"Young Master Chu, atone for your sins!" All the people from the major star seas knelt down. Although their realms are high, Chu Yan has the Dragon Alliance behind him, and killing them is just a thought.

Chu Yan glanced at the crowd and sneered in his heart, but he did not order the killing. After all, he would go to the fairyland soon. At that time, he didn't know how long he would be able to return to the Star Sea. If he wanted to kill, he had to kill them all. Otherwise, once he left the Star Sea, they would unite and target the God Pillar Mountain and the Saint Sects, which would be a devastating blow.

This time, he was almost there. He had absolute power, but he still almost destroyed the God Pillar Mountain.

He didn't want to experience this kind of despair again.

"I remember not long ago, you were still hoping that Tianbei Tianmang would kill me. Now, you just want me to forgive you?" Chu Yan said.

The people of the Star Sea Overlord smiled bitterly. When Chu Yan said this, they understood that there was a chance, but the price was probably not small.

"Young Master Chu, just speak directly. We will obey."

"Not long ago, Tianbei Mountain released news that Tianbei Tianmang was chosen by heaven and wanted to unify the Xinghai. What you did was to follow the trend. Since that's the case, I won't make things difficult for you. From today on, you will be demoted to a minister. Xinghai will be unified. Submit to Shenzhu Mountain and the Saints, and you will still be alive." Chu Yan said calmly, but his voice was full of majesty that could not be negotiated.

Everyone's heart trembled. Submit?

But when they thought that they had also come to submit to Tianbei Mountain, and now following Chu Yan was the same, they felt much more balanced in their hearts. At least from today's point of view, Chu Yan is stronger than Tianbei Tianmang, and the development of Shenzhu Mountain and the Saints will be better in the future.

"We are willing to follow!" The major Xinghai overlords agreed one after another. At this point, this is their only choice.

For a time, everyone in Xinghai knew that today, Xinghai would be truly unified, but it was not Tianbei Mountain, but the one that surrendered to Chu Yan.

Many people present were upset. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have found it hard to believe that the starry sea that had been in chaos for hundreds of thousands of years was unified by a young man.

Many people even wondered what kind of legendary story Chu Yan would have if he was given time and reached the fairyland.

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