Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 793 The Last Battle

After Lin Ang finished speaking, he did not look at Hetian again. Although in terms of realm, Hetian was two realms higher than him, he was only a lord, and Hetian was an immortal.

The reason why he dared to talk to Hetian like this was because of their different status. He was one of the nine disciples of the Dragon Alliance, and Hetian?

Hetian was just a disciple of the Seven Sword Emperors of the Sword God Mountain.

Hetian's realm was high, but it was definitely not as good as that of the fourth senior brother.

As for status, he was one-ninth of the Dragon Alliance, and what about Hetian? One-nine-hundredth?

"Dragon Alliance, are you bullying the Sword God Mountain like this?" Hetian let out a low roar.

"It's ridiculous, you are going to kill my junior brother, what, are you bullying the Dragon Alliance?" In the distance, Bu Liuxing's voice sounded again, penetrating down, pressing on Hetian like a mountain.

Then, Bu Liuxing walked in the air, his pace seemed very slow, but with just one step at a time, the distance of tens of millions of miles seemed to disappear.

Soon after, Bu Liuxing descended over the sky of Tianbei Mountain. He stood alone, wearing red clothes and long hair, but he gave people a sense of arrogance, and his aura enveloped the sky.

"So strong... What realm is this, is it the Immortal Lord?" Some top overlords of Xinghai speculated.

They all knew that there was a stronger realm above the immortal position.

Bu Liuxing descended, looked up at Hetian, and asked with a smile: "Do you believe it, I will kill you now?"

"Boom!" Hetian's face changed in shock, and he immediately felt an extremely terrible pressure. This was what he asked Chu Yan just now, and now, it was returned intact.

"Junior brother, today the fourth senior brother is here, you can do whatever you want, don't pay attention to Jianshen Mountain." Lin Ang paused and smiled: "They dare not."

Hetian snorted coldly, feeling very unhappy, but he didn't continue to speak. Bu Liuxing stood in the distance. As a disciple of Jianshen Mountain, he knew better what kind of madman Bu Liuxing was.

In the Lin Ang incident, it was Bu Liuxing who went to Jianshen Mountain alone and exterminated an immortal family.

On Tianbei Mountain, people from all sides looked at the rice fields, their hearts sinking to the ground.

At this moment, can't they see it?

Jianshen Mountain is indeed very strong, but it is not as strong as the people behind Chu Yan.

Every disciple of the Dragon Alliance has a pivotal position, even if they are only at the Jun realm.

Liu Qingcheng also came at this time, watching quietly not far away, and was also very indifferent to the people of Tianbei Mountain.

It was these people who put Chu Yan in crisis many times in those ten years.

If it weren't for the Dragon Alliance, she would also use some of her connections in the fairyland to destroy Tianbei Mountain.

In addition to her, Ye Xun, Wangfeng, and Xiaolang all came, as well as people from the Demon Sect, Wangxian Tower, and the Saint Sect, and Mu Tian and the ancestors of the Demon Sect all came.

Seeing this scene, they felt unfair for a long time. Just a few years ago, they were just ordinary people, and now Chu Yan has returned and is already a legend.

"Boom!" Chu Yan took a step, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Tianbei Tianmang, and the cold meaning was self-evident.

He slowly looked at the Saint King, Tianbei Tianmang, Taiyan and others, who once decided his life with a single word, and were so-called high and mighty beings.

"Tianbei Mountain, when I entered the Demon Sect, I was also a member of Tianbei Mountain. At the Tianzhu Banquet in the past, I won the first place, which was an honor, but it brought me a fatal disaster." Chu Yan's voice was calm, but with a strong hatred. Back then, he was too miserable, being hunted down, and everyone around him was in danger. All this was because he was not strong enough at the time.

"Now, do you regret it?" Chu Yan looked at Tianbei Mountain and asked.

"It's ridiculous. Tongtian Xinghai, under the whole world, is it Tianbei? Back then, I, Tianbei Mountain, gave you a chance, but you refused it yourself. Who can you blame?" The old Saint King said in a low voice, even though he knew that there might be a disaster in Tianbei Mountain today, but Tianbei Mountain had no regrets about what happened back then.

"If I say the only thing I regret is not killing you."

"Very good, it seems that you still have no remorse in your eyes." Chu Yan nodded, without saying anything more, turned to look at Tianbei Tianmang: "In the Xunxian Realm, you were self-righteous and ordered to hunt me and my friends several times, and then escaped, but even so, I still didn't think of using the power of the Dragon Alliance to target you, but you asked for the Star Sea back, but spread rumors and attacked Shenzhu Mountain, so let's settle our grievances today."

"When the Xunxian Realm was opened, you were praised as the Chosen One, the top Tianjun, how noble."

Chu Yan's voice was calm, and he looked down: "Now, I am also a top Tianjun. Let's fight again, and end with one side dying in battle to settle all these grievances."

Everyone's eyes condensed, full of surprise, Tianbei Tianmang himself also looked up suddenly. At the moment when Bu Liuxing and Lin Ang appeared just now, he was desperate, but he didn't expect that Chu Yan would make such a request.

"Are you sure?" Tianbei Tianmang asked in surprise.

"Junior brother, he has entered the realm of sages." Lin Ang frowned beside him. Although the disciples of the Dragon Alliance were never afraid of fighting, there was a great realm between sages and monarchs that could not be crossed.

"Brother, there are some things that I still want to give myself an explanation for." Chu Yan said calmly. He knew that with his current strength, it was impossible to destroy Tianbei Mountain. He could only rely on external forces.

But he still had to take action to face the hatred accumulated over the years.

"I know." Lin Ang nodded and said nothing more.

He Tian also showed an interesting smile. This was his purpose, to kill Chu Yan with the help of Tianbei Tianmang.

But he did not expect that Chu Yan would take the initiative to make such a request.

Even though he knew that Chu Yan was an extraordinary person, Tianbei Tianmang was a saint. There was a huge gap between a king and a saint.

"I believe that the Dragon Alliance will patrol the agreement, right?" Tianbei Tianmang asked. Although the two had an agreement, the Dragon Alliance had the ability to break the rules.

Even if the people from Jianshen Mountain were here, it would still work.

So he was still afraid that if he won, the Dragon Alliance would break the rules for Chu Yan, but he knew more clearly in his heart that Jianshen Mountain would not do anything for him.

From the moment the Dragon Alliance appeared, he knew that Jianshen Mountain accepted him as a disciple not because they valued his talent, but simply wanted to use him to kill Chu Yan.

As for what happened to Chu Yan later in the Xunxian Realm, he didn't know, but it was definitely not what he guessed, that he couldn't survive, but was extremely glorious.

"Of course." Bu Liuxing put his hands behind his back and nodded. Then he looked at Chu Yan with more appreciation and chuckled: "Little Junior Brother is very dignified. Second Senior Brother should like him very much."

"Why doesn't Second Senior Brother like me?" Lin Ang said a little unhappy.

"I'm afraid you're too proud." Bu Liuxing said seriously. Lin Ang's mouth twitched for a while, and then he sighed: "Alas, Fourth Senior Brother, you have changed. It turns out that you love me the most."

"Who told you not to be a Junior Brother now?" Bu Liuxing chuckled softly. Lin Ang rolled his eyes. He really has no status.

Tianbei Mountain turned into a battlefield. Bu Liuxing turned the knife in his hand, and there was a flame burning, blocking all directions. Only Chu Yan and Tianbei Tianmang were left in the space.

All parties became nervous. The old saint king and the other overlords of the star sea all hoped that Tianbei Tianmang could win this battle.

Because only in this way would there be a glimmer of hope for their fate. If they lose, they are afraid that they will all be ruined.

He Tian looked at it jokingly. He was also full of confidence in this battle.

Tianbei Tianmang entered the sage realm not long ago and became a dragon. The most important thing is that he is not the Emperor of Jiuyou, nor the ancestor of Jiuyou. He is younger and more talented. Although he is not as good as Chu Yan, he has been born in the fairyland and has rich cultivation resources. As early as when he was at the top level of Tianjun, he began to deduce his own sage shadow. Now he has the magical power of Jianshen Mountain to assist him. When the power blooms, it immediately causes a very gorgeous light in the sky.

In the battle arena, a terrifying sage shadow is suspended. It is the sage shadow of Tianbei Tianmang.

"So strong!" Feeling that power, the hearts of people on Tianbei Mountain trembled, including Taiyan, Taixu and many overlords of the star sea.

They are all in the sage realm, and some even reach the upper sage realm, but the power of Tianbei Tianmang still makes them feel a little scared.

"It's the third-level sage shadow!"

The sage shadow is the same as Juntu. It is a unique power after reaching the sage realm, divided into five levels.

The third-class sage shadow is equivalent to the upper-class sage shadow, which is extremely rare.

The shadows of the first-class sages condensed by the Jiuyou Emperor and the Jiuyou Patriarch are the weakest first-class sage shadows. Looking at the Xinghai, including all the elders of the Tai generation and those Xinghai overlords, they are only the second-class sage shadows, so it can be seen how extraordinary the third-class sage shadow is.

As for the fourth-class top-grade sage shadows, they are all great monsters in the fairyland, and they are rare in a hundred years. The fifth-class perfect sage shadow is even more of a figure of the king of the fairyland. Once born, it will be regarded as a treasure by all the top forces.

"Master Tianmang will win!" The people of Xinghai were very confident.

Hetian looked at Chu Yan, his eyes were also full of cold light. In his opinion, this battle was meaningless. A king fighting a sage?

If it was an ordinary sage, it might be okay, but Tianbei Tianmang was not an ordinary person. He had the third-class sage shadow and the sage supernatural power of Jianshen Mountain.

How can Chu Yan make up for such a huge gap?

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