Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 78 Joint Battle against Mammoth

Finally, after half a month, Chu Yan and his group decided to leave Haotian Sect and go outside to find cultivation resources.

As for safety, Chu Yan was not worried because Yao Lao was always there. So even if he encountered some troubles, he just had to let Yao Lao take action. However, he didn't tell anyone about Yao Lao except Ye Xun and Fatty. After all, the fewer people who knew about the wilderness, the better.

Three days later, Chu Yan and his group all signed the Haotian Sect's agreement to leave the sect and set off from Haotian Sect.

A group of seven young men set off from Haotian Sect. As for the inner circle, many freshmen knew nothing except Haotian Sect.

Although Chu Yan had been to the inner circle, it was ten years ago, and he had never been to Haotian Sect, so he was not familiar with the area. He turned around, looked at Mu Ye and asked, "What is the nearest place to Haotian Sect? What forces are there?"

"Haotian Sect is in the north of the inner circle, and the nearest one is Tongtian City. This city is very interesting. It is a very neutral place, and there is no city lord in this city." Mu Ye said.

"Tongtian City?" Chu Yan was stunned, and then he couldn't help but think of a very familiar figure in his mind. He was about the same age as him. When he left the inner circle, he wanted to follow him all the time, but he was stopped by him. It seems that... he is in Tongtian City, right?

"It's been a long time since we last met." Chu Yan thought with a little nostalgia, and if it was Tongtian City, it seemed that many things would be much easier to do.

"No city lord? Then the order wouldn't be very chaotic?" Ye Xun asked on the side.

"That's not the case. Although Tongtian City has no city lord, it is managed by several big gangs, about four in total, namely the Azure Dragon Gang, the Vermillion Bird Gang, the Black Tortoise Gang, and the White Tiger Gang. The entire Tongtian City has always been managed by these four gangs. The bosses of these four gangs each occupy one side, but no one dares to cause trouble in Tongtian City." Mu Ye said one by one.

Everyone suddenly realized that this kind of neutral place in the inner circle is very rare.

"In that case, let's go to Tongtian City." Chu Yan grinned. Isn't it just cultivation resources? He Chu Yan has never lacked. When he left Haotian Sect, he turned around and took another look at the mountain gate, with a chill in his eyes.

Because he knew that when he came back next time, it would be the time to settle some hatred.

If you are a king or riding a flying monster from Haotian Sect to Tongtian City, it takes one day, but Chu Yan and his team don't have it, so it takes almost three days. Everyone is traveling quickly along the way, almost without stopping.

Of course, the group also encountered some monsters on the way, and they were all killed by them, and then the monster cores were taken away.

On the third day, in the early morning, according to the time, the group should have been able to see Tongtian City, but there was still an endless dense forest in front of them, which made several freshmen frown.

"Brother Muye, are you sure Tongtian City is here?"

"I haven't left Haotian Sect either, I just heard about it... but it shouldn't be wrong." Muye shook his head, and there was a map in his hand. The map clearly marked Tongtian City, but they were now a little sure of their location.

"There are people in front." Chu Yan turned his eyes and looked into the depths of the dense forest, where there was a strong fluctuation of vitality.

"I'll go ask for directions!" Ye Xun stood up and prepared to go forward, but at this moment, the little wolf howled and suddenly bit Ye Xun's trouser leg, which made Ye Xun frown.

"It seems that there is a monster in front, otherwise the little wolf would not react like this." Chu Yan glanced at the little wolf. Since he met the little wolf, the little wolf has always been very sensitive to monsters.

"It seems that someone is fighting." Mu Ye also saw the situation in the distance. Three or five teenagers were constantly attacking a monster. The monster was a mammoth. It was very huge and blocked a group of teenagers.

"Ah!" Looking at the mammoth, the little wolf roared, his eyes full of greed.

"You recognize food now."

Chu Yan sighed, and Ye Xun said on the side: "The mammoth is a monster of the third level of the Juechen Realm. The strength of those people is not simple. There are two Juechen Realm third level and one Juechen Realm first level."

Knowing the opponent's strength, Chu Yan hesitated and did not step forward. The reason is very simple. When you go out, especially when the opponent is hunting monsters, if you get close, the opponent will directly list you as an enemy and want to kill and rob.

"Let's walk around and see if we can find Tongtian City. If not, we'll rest for a night. I'll find a way tomorrow." Chu Yan has decided that if he can't reach Tongtian City today, he will call out the demon elder and ask him late at night when everyone is resting. After all, the demon elder is very familiar with the inner circle.

But at this time, the young men who were fighting also saw Chu Yan and his group. The leader suddenly shouted: "Brothers from Haotian Sect, since you are here, help me. I will hunt down this mammoth and share some resources with you."

Hearing the voice of the leader, Chu Yan and his group were surprised and stopped.

"That mammoth is very strong. Although it is only the third level of Juechen, it seems to be a demon beast that has awakened its bloodline. Those people are at a disadvantage." Ye Xun said.

"They should be people from Tongtian City." Mu Ye also spoke, pointing to the clothes of the leader. On his body, there was a green dragon lying: "That person should be from the Qinglong Gang."

"Do you want to take action? Our Muye here is also on the third level of Juechen. Me and you, plus Fan Ye, are comparable to the peak of Dongchen. Plus Qian Dong and Zou Yi, if we take action, we should be able to kill this mammoth. "Ye Xun looked at the people from the Qinglong Gang who were fighting with Mammoth. They were maintaining a balance, but this balance was just an illusion. Once Mammoth defeated a Juechen realm, the next battle would be different. It has become a one-sided situation, and the Qinglong Gang will no longer be able to maintain it.

"Brothers, I am Qingyan, the second young master of the Qinglong Gang in Tongtian City. If you help me, you will be my friends from the Qinglong Gang from now on!" At this time, the leader shouted again, and the pressure on them was increasing.

"Everyone should keep some trump cards for a while. Don't try your best. If it doesn't work, your life is important, so you must escape unscathed." Chu Yan confessed, and then he took out Feng Yin and took the lead in charging into the crowd.

We are not in the mirror trial now. If you die, you are really dead, so Chu Yan said immediately.

Chu Yan entered the battlefield, and Ye Xun also took out the black dragon and followed closely. All seven people rushed into the battlefield at once.

"Brother, thank you!" Chu Yan's seven people blocked the attack, and Qing Yan had a chance to breathe and immediately said to Chu Yan.

"It's a small matter. Let's work together to deal with this mammoth first." Chu Yan nodded and stared at the mammoth. Because of the reason why Chu Yan's seven people joined the battlefield, the mammoth immediately felt great pressure and kept roaring. .

"Okay!" Qingyan said boldly, and followed him one step forward, the dragon halberd in his hand also dancing continuously.

"Sky Star Sword Way!" Chu Yan drew his sword continuously, followed by a series of starlights falling, and the mammoth's fierce roar, followed closely by his roar, which was obviously angered by Chu Yan, and he roared at Chu Yan.

"Little brother, get out of the way! This mammoth is at the third level of Juechen. You can't stop it!" Seeing this, Qing Yan roared, but unfortunately he frowned. Chu Yan did not listen to him, but instead advanced instead of retreating. The wind roar turned invisible and kept approaching the mammoth.

"Seeking death!" Seeing this scene, Qing Yan sneered. He kindly tried to persuade Chu Yan, but if Chu Yan didn't listen, then it was not his fault.

"Boom!" But the next moment, Qing Yan frowned, and the rest of the Qinglong Gang were also slightly surprised. Chu Yan's wind roar seemed like an afterimage, and he landed several swords on the mammoth very quickly. Each sword had a Xue Kou, this is not the power that an ordinary moving dust realm should have.

"Bang!" Of course, Chu Yan was knocked out by the mammoth and hit a tree hard, making him spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, but he showed a smile. The reason why he didn't hide just now, He just wanted to experience how strong the third level Juechen was. Now it seemed that although he couldn't completely fight with him, if he tried his best, he would definitely make the opponent lose a piece of flesh.

"Roar!" Mammoth roared again, and was seriously injured by Chu Yan. He kept roaring, and a force sent several people flying. His eyes fell on Qingyan, and he suddenly raised the soles of his feet and stepped down fiercely at Qingyan.

Qingyan was shocked. If this kick fell, even if he did not die, a few bones would be broken. However, when he wanted to avoid it, it was already too late. His whole body was enveloped by a huge pressure.

"Be careful!" But at this moment, Chu Yan rushed forward. He grabbed Qing Yan's shoulders, and his body sank. He was locked by the air pressure and couldn't move a step. This made him helplessly squeeze his fist. Roar: "Little Wolf!"

"Ouch!" The little wolf jumped forward and stood in front of the mammoth. His eyes glared fiercely. The wolf-like gaze showed a hint of fear under the mammoth's eyes, which made the floating feet hesitate. fall.

"Kill him!" Qingyan hurriedly backed away with lingering fear, and then immediately shouted.

"Bang!" Spears were pierced one after another, and finally one spear pierced the mammoth's heart, causing the mammoth to howl, and its huge body fell to the ground with a rumble.

"Huh!" Seeing that the mammoth was dead, Qing Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Chu Yan: "Little brother, thank you very much this time. As I promised you before, I will give you the body of this mammoth."

"Just the corpse of a mammoth?" Chu Yan frowned, and then looked at a red maple tree not far away. On that maple tree, there were more than a dozen crystal clear fruits. Just now Chu Yan discovered that the mammoth I have always been here to protect the fruit, but now Qingyan has not mentioned a word about it?

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