Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 777 Deadly Vengeance

"Boom!" In the Xunxian Realm, the hearts of the people from all the major forces trembled.

Chu Yan said that from today on, he would not allow the existence of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty in Xunxian Realm.

He wanted Huaqingfu and Huaqing Immortal Dynasty to pay the price for some hatred, but had he considered what the price would be?

Huaqingfu climbed up from the ruins. At this time, he did not have the style of the past. A defeat made him extremely decadent, but he still looked at Chu Yan coldly: "You want my Huaqing Immortal Dynasty to pay the price, then have you ever thought about whether you can afford this price? I don't believe you dare to kill me."

"You don't believe it?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously. Since practicing, he has seen too many arrogant people like Huaqingfu. There are always some self-righteous guys in the world, the galaxy, and the sea of ​​stars.

When has Chu Yan ever been afraid? In terms of background, he is the son of Chu Hanfeng, who has a direct connection with the upper world. If he doesn't even have this little courage, he is unworthy of being a son.

"Brother, if I take his life, will it cause trouble to the Dragon Alliance?" However, Chu Yan did not take action directly, just because he was not alone now. The Dragon Alliance made him feel a strong sense of belonging. The Dragon Alliance gave him glory, so he also needed to consider the Dragon Alliance.

"Everything is up to you. The Dragon Alliance is not afraid of war." Lin Ang said calmly, and his words had enough weight.

"Okay!" Chu Yan nodded. He understood this battle, and then he walked out. The sword in his hand rang and rang, making a terrible sword sound.

"Hua Qingfu, all grudges are over." Chu Yan stepped out, raised his hand, and fell with his sword.

"You dare!" Hua Qingfu endured the terrible sword intent, his eyes glared.

"How dare you!"

"Boom!" Almost at the same time, a terrible force appeared in the sky, directly tearing the void apart, and a terrible phantom was born, like a peerless immortal emperor, he stood behind Hua Qingfu, like an invincible existence.

"Huaqing Immortal Emperor!" Everyone's eyes were fixed. The sword just now was really murderous, otherwise the Immortal Emperor's immortal thoughts would not appear.

"Who are you, dare to kill my descendants?" Huaqing Immortal Emperor was arrogant. He was one of the top few people in the central region, a top Immortal Emperor.

"He deserves to die." Chu Yan looked at him with a calm look.

"Do you know who you are talking to?" Huaqing Immortal Emperor's face was extremely gloomy. Xunxian Realm was the place where the disciples of the monarch were tested, but now, here, someone wanted to kill his descendants.

"Bang!" But almost at the same time, Lin Ang took a step forward and blocked in front of Chu Yan, and a terrible holy dragon thought was born in his body: "He, a disciple of the Dragon Alliance!"

"Dragon Alliance?" Huaqing Immortal Emperor frowned, but he was not too afraid, just because he was an Immortal Emperor, and looking at the Immortal Realm, there were not many people who could kill him.

"Dragon Alliance dared to kill my descendants of the Immortal Dynasty? Does Li Chaoyang know?" Huaqing Immortal Emperor said coldly.

Li Chaoyang, the second disciple of the Dragon Alliance, is a legendary figure in the middle of the Immortal Realm. It is said that there is now a top-level Immortal Emperor, but even Li Chaoyang is still just a young character in the eyes of Huaqing Immortal Emperor.

"If the second senior brother knew, he would naturally support what the junior brother did." Lin Ang said calmly, but Huaqing Immortal Emperor snorted coldly: "Hmph, today I want to see who dares to kill my offspring."

"Boom!" But at this moment, there was a terrible force in the Xunxian Realm, which immediately made the shadow of Huaqing Immortal Emperor tremble a little.

Huaqing Immortal Emperor frowned, looked up, and saw an ancient shadow in the distance.

"Xunxian Realm Guardian?"

"You have crossed the line, and you still don't get out! Are you waiting for me to kill your immortal thoughts?" The ancient shadow scolded, and suddenly, Huaqing Immortal Emperor's face changed rapidly. He looked at Chu Yan coldly, with a very strong cold light.

"Dragon Alliance, I've remembered today's revenge. Fu'er, follow me!" Huaqing Immortal Emperor said coldly, and then he waved his arm and tore open a space channel that connected to the Immortal Realm.

"You can't take people with you!" But almost at the same time, Chu Yan clenched his hands, and the evil sword flew out, followed by countless flashes of light, turning into rays of light. In just a moment, the sky was covered by a terrible sword curtain.

"One thought to kill the immortals!" Chu Yan directly used the immortal formula, and the evil sword turned into a giant sword of more than a thousand feet. Then the terrible brilliance was endless, and in a moment, it mercilessly slashed towards Huaqing Fu.

"You dare!" Huaqing Immortal Emperor was shocked and angry, and slapped out a palm in the air. The Immortal Emperor, the top existence in the Immortal Realm, even if it was all an immortal thought, was not something that ordinary people could defeat. Suddenly, the one thought to kill the immortals was shattered by the huge palm print, and the power continued to spread towards Chu Yan.

"You are so presumptuous!" The ancient figure in the void was also angry, and the big handprint slapped down, and with a thud, the thought of the Immortal Emperor was shattered at this moment.

But even so, the power of Huaqing Immortal Emperor still bloomed, turning into an unparalleled force to blast out, and with a thud, it hit Chu Yan's chest.

"Bang!" Chu Yan spit out a mouthful of blood and was knocked nearly a hundred meters away.

"Junior brother!" Lin Ang frowned and took a step forward, but the next moment, a ray of light emerged from the ruins, turning into a golden ancient giant beast, completely protecting Chu Yan.

Seeing that Chu Yan was fine, Lin Ang just breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes flashed with a cold murderous intent, turned around, and looked in the direction of Huaqing Fu.

"Bang!" Suddenly, Lin Ang took a step, and above his head, an extremely terrifying shadow of a saint was born.

Everyone's eyes froze, they just felt that the saint seemed to be born directly in their minds, and then they saw Lin Ang step out step by step, walking towards Hua Qingfu.

"What is he going to do?" Countless people were shocked.

Hua Qingfu's face also turned very ugly, staring at Lin Ang: "What do you want to do?"

"Do what Junior Brother wants to accomplish." Lin Ang's voice was cold, but it gave people a voice that could not be questioned.

"You want to kill me? Do you know what this means?" Hua Qingfu's eyes shrank. He originally thought that his father's immortal thoughts appeared and seriously injured Chu Yan, at least he would be safe, but now, Lin Ang was going to take action.

The last time he fought with Lin Ang, it was a draw, but in fact, he was defeated, because he had practiced longer than Lin Ang and comprehended the meaning of half-step sage.

Now three years have passed, Lin Ang and he are at the same level, both are half-step sages, the strongest luck, even if he is in his prime, he may not be sure to win, and he is now seriously injured.

"I know." Lin Ang said: "From today on, Huaqing Immortal Dynasty is the enemy of Dragon Alliance, and the Immortal Realm will be in charge of Senior Brother and others, and you will die in Xunxian Realm."

Everyone's eyes were fixed, immortal war?

Just because Hua Qing Immortal Emperor attacked Chu Yan today, will the Dragon Alliance start the Immortal War?

"Let's go!" Hua Qingfu's heart trembled. He didn't care about other things. The most important thing now was to leave here. Although he was defeated today, he was not discouraged. He always believed that as long as he was allowed to leave alive, this revenge would be avenged sooner or later.

"You can't leave!" Lin Ang raised his palm, and the shadow of the saint behind him also made the same move. Then the ground trembled violently, and there was an infinite power binding down, like the glory of destruction.

Feeling that power, Hua Qingfu's face was extremely pale. He shouted angrily, raised his hands high, and punched with all his strength, but unfortunately, the shadow of the saint was like invincible, destroying everything.

"Boom!" The earth shattered, and the earth behind Hua Qingfu shattered and broke open with a bang. His clothes were all torn to pieces. His body became more and more ethereal in the shadow of the saint, until finally, he felt a real sense of death coming.

Am I going to die?

The immortal thoughts of Emperor Huaqing have appeared once, but were wiped out by the guardian of the Immortal Realm. This time, no one can save him.

Under the endless Guanhui, Hua Qingfu was full of reluctance.

Since he was born, he has always believed that he is a genius. If there is another person who will be the king of the Immortal Realm in the Immortal Realm, that person must be him.

However, all the halos were destroyed today. Until now, he is going to die. He is unwilling, but what can he do?

"Destroy!" Lin Ang pressed his handprint, and Hua Qingfu's figure finally disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared.

"Prince! No!" The people of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty were all terrified. Their legendary prince was killed just like that.

Their people had red eyes, but they were powerless. In front of Lin Ang, they were not worth mentioning at all.

"Surround them all, no one is allowed to leave!" King Qin also spoke at this time. No matter what, the Dragon Alliance is a part of the Holy Dragon Alliance. Today, things have come to this point, and the Holy Dragon Alliance cannot remain unscathed. In addition, the Huaqing Immortal Emperor's move just now did break the rules. The Holy Dragon Alliance is also a top force, so it is natural to show some pride.

"Asshole! What should we do now?" Many Tianjiao of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty trembled.

"King Qin, Lin Ang! Now that the prince of my Immortal Dynasty is dead, the right and wrong of this matter will be determined by the elders of the Immortal Realm. How about all the grievances in the Immortal Realm, let's stop here?" A Qin prince heir of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty spoke.

Lin Ang glanced at the person who spoke, his eyes cold: "Kill them all, don't leave a single one!"

Stop here? Are you kidding?

Not long ago, when the three major forces united to kill the Holy Dragon Alliance, did they give it a chance?

Until just now, Huaqing Immortal Emperor appeared, still so arrogant, and seriously injured the junior brother. This hatred has been made, and it can be settled here?

"No!" The disciples of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty screamed one after another.

Ye Xun, Wangfeng, and Xiaolang have also accumulated anger for a long time. In today's battle, they will not show mercy.

"From today on, there will be no Huaqing Immortal Dynasty in Xunxian Realm." Many Tianjiao who were watching also trembled in their hearts. However, what they are more concerned about is that this matter ends here. It can be said that the two major forces have done everything. At this point, what will happen to the fairyland?

Xunxian Realm is, after all, just a place for the younger generation to compete, but those who can enter it are all Tianjiao, and there are countless descendants of the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Lord. But today, all those who entered the Xunxian Realm of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty were killed. Such hatred, this is beyond the scope of death.

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