Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 774 Between the Mountains and Forests

Today's battle can be said to be electric and flint, witnessed by countless geniuses.

Sword God Mountain was defeated, and Hua Qingxian Chao Hua Qingyun was captured. Three days later, Hua Qingfu came to kneel down and beg for mercy, which immediately caused an uproar in Immortal Burial Cliff.

Chu Yan is powerful beyond ordinary people's imagination. After this battle, some people finally realized that Chu Yan was no longer three years ago. Now he is qualified to stand at the highest place in the Xunxian World. An existence that is as famous as those three.

"Junior Brother Chu, it's so happy." Someone in the Holy Dragon Alliance said excitedly. They have been suppressed for the past three years, and this battle can be said to be a perfect counterattack.

Chu Yan nodded, then looked calmly: "Continue to spread the news and ask all the disciples of the Holy Dragon Alliance to come here to meet."

"Okay!" A disciple of the Holy Dragon Alliance and the Yijian Alliance nodded, his name was Wu Yi.

"Wuyi, there are still two things that I have to leave to you." Chu Yan paused and continued: "The first is to help me find Ye Xun and my junior brother, and the second is to help me spread the word that I will be there in half a century. A few months later, we will have an appointment with Chen Huangsheng at the foot of the Immortal Burial Cliff. The bigger the momentum, the better. When the time comes, let the world’s geniuses witness it.”

Not a single pair of eyes flashed sharply. Chen Huangsheng ranked first on the list of immortals. This can be said to be a historic battle.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Wu Yi readily agreed.

Because of the great momentum of this battle, and because Chu Yan's appointment with Chen Huangsheng had been spread out, no one at Burial Immortal Cliff knew about it. In the next two days, the disciples of the Holy Dragon Alliance gradually gathered together.

King Qin and Lin Ang also returned. King Qin was extremely shocked when he saw Chu Yan. In just three years, he found that Chu Yan's temperament had completely changed. He laughed bitterly: "I'm afraid I am no longer your opponent."

"I'm not even sure I can beat him, let alone you." Lin Ang said calmly from the side.

"Two senior brothers, I have brought trouble to you." Chu Yan bowed slightly, and Lin Ang shook his head: "Disciples of the Dragon Alliance should have such character."

As the disciples of the Holy Dragon Alliance gradually gathered, the deadline for Chu Yan to give Hua Qing a gift was approaching, and there was only the last day left.

Everyone's eyes were fixed, and they were all guessing whether Hua Qingfu would come, and if so, whether the Holy Dragon Alliance could withstand the attack of that genius.

However, Chu Yan didn't care about all this. This time he returned with great confidence. In the world of Xunxian, no one in the same realm could beat him.

Even Chen Huangsheng and Hua Qingfu can't do it.

So he was more concerned about whether Ye Xun, Wangfeng and Xiaolang were safe.

When the time came for the battle, countless geniuses gathered and gathered everyone. Chu Yan, Lin Ang and others were waiting early in the morning. Hua Qingyun was trapped by the terrifying power and knelt on the ground.

Unfortunately, no one from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty came here until noon.

"It seems that your life is not very important in the eyes of your brother." Chu Yan glanced at Hua Qingyun, who was also extremely painful and glared at Chu Yan.

But at this moment, Wuyi from the Sword Alliance suddenly came over, looking a little embarrassed: "Junior Brother Chu, there is news about Junior Brother Ye Xun and Junior Brother Wangfeng."

"Where?" Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, Wu Yi slightly clenched his fists, and said helplessly: "They should know the news of your return. On the way to meet here yesterday, they were surrounded and suppressed by the people of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. Now they are Trapped in a mountain forest not far away."

"Boom!" Chu Yan suddenly felt a surge of anger in his body, and his eyes became extremely cold.

"Haha, Chu Yan, you'd better let me go, otherwise, your two junior brothers will be buried with me." Hua Qingyun also heard from the side and showed a ferocious smile.

"Bang!" Chu Yan was not polite. He raised his hand and blasted out with a huge force. With a bang, Hua Qingyun's face changed with shock. He was directly blasted away by a fist shadow and hit the ground hard. Vomited several mouthfuls of blood in a row.

"Let's go! Take him with you." Chu Yan stopped talking nonsense, jumped up, and headed directly towards the mountains and forests to kill.

"Let's go and have a look too." The other geniuses were also full of curiosity and got up one after another and chased after him.

Now, Chu Yan captured Hua Qingyun, but Hua Qingfu stopped Ye Xun and Wangfeng halfway. This is also an interesting thing.


Immortal Burial Cliff, a land of immortal coffin mountains and forests, where countless geniuses from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty descended. There were many people here, including some people from Sword God Mountain.

After the Sword God Mountain was destroyed, they all took refuge in the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. There were so many of them that they surrounded an open space in the center. There were two figures and a monster in it.

"Ye Xun, Wangfeng, today is your day of death." A genius in the Sword God Mountain shouted angrily.

"It's a joke, Sword God Mountain. Back then, my senior brother Lin Ang blocked the door and killed Su Changge. Now that my senior brother Chu has returned from legend, he has swept away your entire Sword God Mountain alone. He can only defect to the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty like a bereaved dog, but he still... You have the nerve to bark, haven't your faces been swollen yet?" Wangfeng smiled sarcastically.

The genius of Sword God Mountain condensed his face and looked at Wangfeng: "I will definitely make your life worse than death today!"

"It's ridiculous, I really want to see how you, Sword God Mountain, a bunch of trash, can make my life worse than death. If it weren't for the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, just you, my senior brother Ye Xun and I could destroy your clan. "Wangfeng took a step forward, the terrifying magic wings flapping crazily behind him.

"Don't talk nonsense with them. Just capture him. Prince Yun is still in their hands." A genius from the Hua Qing Immortal Palace said coldly.

"Do it!" Someone from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty stepped forward. His name was Hua Mu. He was the heir of Prince Qin. He was in the top Heavenly Sovereign realm and was among the top twenty on the Immortal Seeking List. With just this thought, a picture of mountains and rivers appeared behind him, turning into a terrifying... The brilliance suddenly seemed like thousands of troops galloping towards the wind.

"The Huaqing Immortal Dynasty is a bunch of trash!" Wangfeng roared, and the magic spear came out, stabbing down in the void, like a demon shadow flying.

"Boom!" With just this collision, the void shattered.

Ye Xun also moved at this time. He controlled the power of space and was also good at using a spear to strangle people crazily.

There is also the little wolf, who turned into a ten-meter wolf demon. The hair all over his body was barbed, and there was an incomparable demonic energy rolling around his body. He looked up to the sky and roared, reaching the extreme speed, wherever he passed by. , it must be a mess.

The war is about to break out, and countless people are slightly frightened. These three people are obviously not high-level. Except for Xiaolang, who is an eighth-level monarch, the other two are only seventh-level monarchs. However, the combat power of the three is extremely terrifying. They are ordinary top-level heavenly monarchs. There was no way he could block a few attacks.

"Send more men!" Hua Qingfu always stood in the distance with a pale face. Hua Qingyun was captured, which can be said to be a shame for the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty, but he couldn't let Hua Qingyun get into trouble and let him go. Looking for Chu Yan to beg for mercy? Of course it is impossible.

Therefore, the only way was to capture Ye Xun and Wangfeng. In this way, at least he would have some chips in his hands.

"Kill!" More people from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and the remnants of the Sword God Mountain came out to fight, and all kinds of brilliance continued in the sky. At this moment, Hua Mu jumped out with one step, clasped his hands together, and the terrifying pictures of mountains and rivers condensed and turned into sharp streaks. The sword wants to pierce Wangfeng.

But at this moment, Hua Mu's face changed in shock. He suddenly felt a heat coming from his body, as if his blood was burning, making his energy and blood extremely unstable and uncontrollable.

"Bang!" The countless weapons shattered. At this moment, Wangfeng's attack was approaching. In a duel between strong men, one mistake would be fatal.

"Be careful!" In the direction of the sword, a disciple jumped up suddenly, slashed out a sword, and blocked Wangfeng's attack. Then he quickly retreated and blocked in front of Hua Mu to prevent Wangfeng from continuing to attack.

Hua Mu steadied himself, suppressing the blood energy in his body, and then looked towards a distant forest, where there was a young man in red. The sudden attack from within his body just now was released by this young man.

"Who are you?" Hua Mu said coldly.

"Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, Sword God Mountain, if you want to fight, Chu Yan will give you a fair chance to fight. If you lose, you will retreat. Now you are bullying the minority again. Is this the behavior of the top forces in the Immortal Realm?" The young man said coldly.

"It's him!" Looking at the young man in red robe, someone recognized him and said: "This man's name is Lin Daoyan, he comes from Xinghai, and later worshiped in the Holy Academy. It is said that wanderers value him very much. He is good at blood power, has superior bloodline, and can kill people. Invisibly, everyone should be careful and protect the five internal organs!”

"Are you representing the Holy Academy today?" Hua Mu asked coldly.

"Don't think that everyone is as shameless as you. When I take action, I naturally represent myself and have nothing to do with the Holy Academy." Lin Daoyan slowly walked forward and stood beside Ye Xun and Wangfeng.

"In this case, you are looking for death!" Hua Mu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a terrifying murderous intention arose. There were various magic weapons on the Jiangshan Soldier Picture Scroll, slashing at Lin Daoyan crazily.

"Boom!" At the same time, strong blood energy surged in Lin Daoyan's body, turning into streaks of blood and reflecting out.

The battle became more and more fierce. It must be said that including Lin Daoyan, the fighting power of the four of them was extremely terrifying, especially Lin Daoyan. After the transformation of the Xunxian World, he has also reached the top level of Heavenly King, and his fighting power, Extremely terrifying, like a bloody emperor, killing everything.

However, their number was reduced after all. Later, the people of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and Sword God Mountain began to sacrifice magical weapons. Under the magical weapons, the balance was completely broken.

The corners of Hua Mu's mouth raised slightly, and he said coldly: "At this point, are you still ready to fight to the death?"

"Asshole, the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty is considered a top force, but I didn't expect to be so shameless. Sooner or later, my senior brother will definitely destroy you, leaving no one alive!" Wangfeng roared.

"Chu Yan? Even if he comes, what will happen? Do you really think that if you destroy the Sword God Mountain, you will be invincible? There are some people in the Xunxian world that he will look up to all his life. If he comes, he will be the same today. Die." Hua Mu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled wildly.

"Is it?"

At this moment, a cold sound suddenly came from the void, which made countless people tremble in their hearts. The disciples on both sides raised their heads one after another. Then, their eyes froze and they all froze there.

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