Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 771: The Evil Sword Rises Again

In a battle not long ago, the Holy Dragon Alliance suffered a disastrous defeat and the entire army collapsed.

After being defeated, Lin Ang and King Qin ordered the dissolution of the Holy Dragon Alliance of the Xunxian Realm, and all the disciples could only be reorganized into small groups and hidden in some remote places.

However, now the central part of Xunxian Realm has been completely controlled by the three major forces. All the important immortal coffins are guarded, and the Holy Dragon Alliance and others are being hunted. There are still disciples of the Holy Dragon Alliance who are in trouble and being hunted down. , died tragically.

When Chu Yan returned to the central part, he was extremely fast, galloping all the way, like thunder.

"So fast, who is this person!" Under the Immortal Burial Cliff, people looked up from time to time.

"Stop!" Suddenly, there was a shout, and then several figures flew out immediately, blocking Chu Yan's way.

"Get out!" Chu Yan was furious now. He was only worried about the safety of Ye Xun, Wangfeng, Xiao Lang, and everyone in the Holy Dragon Alliance. Now that they were blocked, his eyes shot out a strange light, which turned into power. Blast out.

"Presumptuous!" The man's face darkened. They were the top kings of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. Now the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, the Chen clan, and the Sword God Mountain have formed an alliance. Their status under the Immortal Burial Cliff is extremely high. Now they are actually Does anyone dare to talk to him like this?

"Arrogant, we are from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. We are guarding this place. Outsiders are not allowed to approach. Otherwise, they will be killed." The man said arrogantly.

Chu Yan's figure that was about to leave suddenly stopped, then turned around coldly and looked at the group of young people: "You mean people from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty?"

"Yes!" The man was stunned for a moment, and then showed a arrogant look. Apparently he thought Chu Yan was afraid after hearing about the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty.

"In that case, you can die." Chu Yan's voice was cold, and then he stepped out and approached the group of young people directly.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. What kind of status did the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty have? The other party actually wanted to kill them?

"You are looking for death!" The top heavenly king felt the terrible oppression and shouted violently. There was immediately endless fire around him, turning into ferocious tigers and giant beasts and devouring Chu Yan.

However, Chu Yan's steps were calm, without the slightest pause, and he allowed the flame monster to attack him without any action. Even his defense could not be broken.

"How is it possible!" The disciples of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty were frightened. The top-level Heavenly Lord's attack could not even break through the opponent's defense. How terrifying is this body?

Chu Yan was still strolling, and with a loud step, the ground trembled violently, and the sky was shrouded in ruthless and terrifying swords.

"Bastard!" The disciples of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty were immediately enveloped by countless sword shadows. They truly felt the meaning of death. One of them roared in pain: "We are all the royal heirs of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. If you dare to kill When we get to the Immortal Realm, you will definitely die."

"Now, do you know how to be afraid? However, when you were chasing the Holy Dragon Alliance people, did you ever think about going to the Immortal Realm?" Chu Yan's voice was joking, without any persuasion.

The face of the disciple of Hua Qingxian Dynasty changed with shock, and he looked at Chu Yan: "Who are you?"

"I, Chu Yan!" Chu Yan responded with a cold and arrogant voice. The next moment, everyone's eyes froze. The person in front of them, did he say his name was Chu Yan?

is this real?

Chu Yan, not dead?

Suddenly, the faces of the disciples of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty all darkened. If it were the others, they might not dare to kill them, but if it were Chu Yan, they would definitely dare.

Although Chu Yan disappeared for three years, they still had fresh memories of when he killed Hua Qingyu. Even the princes dared to kill him, let alone their own heirs.

"Chu Yan, even if you are not dead, what can you do if you come back? Haha, you can indeed kill us today, but in the Holy Dragon Alliance, more people will die, and you, Prince Fu will definitely kill you with his own hands, you Your junior brother, as well as your friends, everyone will die." The disciples of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty stopped begging even though they knew they would die, and said with a ferocious smile.

"You can't see it anymore." Chu Yan said coldly, and then raised his hand, the sword curtain fell, thousands of swords were buried, and the bottom turned into a ferocious forest of swords. Countless disciples of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty were directly wiped out and destroyed.

"Qingcheng, let's hurry up." After killing the disciples of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, Chu Yan turned around and said, anxious in his heart.

He is not afraid of the others. Hua Qingfu and Chen Huangsheng were at the critical moment. Now that he has reached the top level of Tianjun, he knows how terrifying the two of them are. Senior Brother Lin Ang can block only one person at most, and the other person is invincible in this world of seeking immortals. The presence.

If they found Wangfeng and Ye Xun first, they would be in trouble.

"Hold on." Chu Yan said nervously, speeding rapidly. His target was very direct, which was where the evil sword was.

The evil sword was knocked down and stuck upside down on a rock under the chaotic time and space. Although Chu Yan came out of the chaotic time and space, the space in the chaotic time and space was huge, which was different from the exit he came out of this time.

Since the battle that year, the evil sword has been stuck here for three years.

In the past three years, countless geniuses have come to draw the sword, including Chen Huangsheng, but no one has been able to do it. Over time, the place of evil sword has become a training ground in the world of seeking immortality.

Many people have seen the power of the evil sword. Chu Yan used this sword in his battle with Chen Fengsheng. In the battle with the immortal soldiers, the Void Flame Cauldron was defeated by the evil sword. This shows that this sword is extraordinary.

Nowadays, there are still many people in the land of the evil sword. The geniuses from all over the world are here, but no one comes forward rashly. This is because the sword is too evil, eating people and drinking blood.

In three years, countless geniuses were swallowed up by this sword and perished.

Now the place where the evil sword is buried has a bit of the meaning of the Sword Forest of Mount Xumi. There are countless swords that have fallen here, including some eighth-level magic weapons. But in front of the evil sword, there is only burial and being buried.

"This sword is too evil. It is the king of swords. If anyone can get it and cultivate the sword, there will be a terrible future in the future." Someone outside the evil sword whispered.

"It's just too difficult. It is said that after Chen Huangsheng killed Chu Yan, he wanted to draw his sword, but the sword kept screaming and refused to be used, and almost stabbed Chen Huangsheng."

"Indeed, I don't know where the person who can draw the sword is." Someone else lamented: "It is indeed a tragedy for my spiritual practice that such a divine sword should be buried here."

At this moment, Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng had arrived. He raised his head and glanced at the Jianlin in front of him, smiled with some relief, and murmured softly: "You are indeed waiting for me."

However, although his voice was small, it could still be heard clearly by the talented people around him. Immediately, several strange eyes looked at Chu Yan, and someone showed a hint of ridicule: "What a shameless madman, with such an evil sword, even Chen Huangsheng Even if you can't pull it out, how dare you say that he is waiting for you? "

Chu Yan glanced at the other party and said nothing. He just looked at Liu Qingcheng and said gently: "Wait for me here."

"Yeah!" Liu Qingcheng nodded lightly and smiled gently.

Immediately, Chu Yan stopped talking, his white clothes were fluttering, and he slowly walked towards the evil sword. The evil sword stood among thousands of swords, and he walked slowly.

Everyone's eyes froze when they saw his figure. Is anyone going to try to draw the sword again?

"Looking for death." The person who spoke sarcastically before sneered, and then glanced at Liu Qingcheng. Even though she was covered with a veil, she still couldn't hide her perfect appearance. He sighed to himself, how could there be such a beauty in the world, and took the initiative to smile: "This He is so careless about life and death, and he is so talented here today. There are many descendants of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, Chen clan, and Jian Shenshan. Compared with them, this son will not even carry his shoes with him. With such a temperament as a girl, it is not a waste to follow him. Time, you might as well find another way out.”

"Shut up!" Liu Qingcheng glanced at Chu Yan, his autumn eyes cold: "His world, can you understand it? Just watch it from there."

Tianjiao frowned and felt a little unhappy: "It's ridiculous. If that's the case, I'll see if he can pull out this evil sword."

"Friend, this sword is too evil. It has killed countless geniuses. You'd better not be impulsive." Beside the evil sword, a good old man saw Chu Yan approaching, and he frowned slightly and tried to persuade him.

"It won't happen in the future. It will follow me today." Chu Yan smiled calmly, but the man frowned, then sighed and shook his head. He was another arrogant guy.

He has been here for who knows how long. He has seen many people like Chu Yan who are extremely conceited when they come here.

However, why is the evil sword still stuck here? Just because those arrogant people were killed.

But when Chu Yan said this, he couldn't say much, and reminded: "In this case, my friend, be careful. This sword drinks blood. Do not touch it with blood. Otherwise, you will immediately suffer a strong backlash. If you are defeated, , just retreat immediately, at least you can save your life."

"Thank you." Chu Yan nodded. The other party meant well, and he would not try to take advantage of the limelight and contradict others.

The forest of swords roared, and Chu Yan took a leisurely stroll. Just like the forest of swords back then, he walked directly to the evil sword.

As if feeling Chu Yan's presence, all the swords in the sword forest were trembling, and the evil swords clanked.

"You're back!" The voice of the evil sword sounded for a long time.

"I've kept you waiting." Chu Yan smiled and nodded. Then his eyes narrowed and he was no longer polite. He directly grasped the hilt of the evil sword with one hand. At this moment, he was like the King of Ten Thousand Swords. Just like this, He exerted a little force, and the ground began to tremble wildly.

Seeing this scene, everyone around them sneered.

This sword is so demonic that no one can pull it out in three years, not even the top one on the Immortal Seeking List.

Is this kid going to draw his sword in such a simple way?

Just ridiculous.

Isn't it too much to look down on the genius of the world?


But at this moment, everyone's eyes froze and they all froze. In the sword forest at this moment, the strong wind was blowing. The evil sword that had not been pulled out for three years actually trembled violently at this moment. In an instant, the sword of the world surrendered.

In the world of Xunxian, countless sword cultivators raised their heads at this moment. Their swords seemed to be out of control at this moment. Then they all broke out of their sheaths and rushed into the nine heavens, as if they were going to greet their king. The sky is paved with a thousand-meter sword road.

The next moment, the evil sword bloomed with a strange light, and the rock that had been imprisoning him exploded, and the evil sword rushed out.

"Really, pull it out!"

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