Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 766 My last name is Ouyang

The Immortal Venerable's eyes turned cold. Although he was not an Immortal Emperor, he was an immortal and could not be insulted. He was an extraordinary existence.

"Boom!" Chu Yan's body burst out with an extreme force. The golden ancient shadow almost merged with his original body, like a giant monster. The golden fist shadow smashed out. The Immortal Venerable snorted disdainfully, swept it with a thought, and shattered it. Then he said extremely coldly: "You dare to kill the descendants of my Cantian Taoist Temple?"

"He must die!" Chu Yan roared hoarsely.

"Hmph!" The Immortal Venerable snorted coldly, and then his eyes condensed: "In this case, I will take your life now. I want to see who you can kill."

"You try to kill him."

Suddenly, an extremely inappropriate voice sounded in the distance. The young man standing in front of Liu Qingcheng nodded slightly and looked at the Immortal Venerable.

The young man was just a top-level Heavenly Monarch, but at this moment when facing the Immortal Venerable, he actually had an invincible spirit, which made the Immortal Venerable frown fiercely.

The Immortal Venerable was not a fool. The descendant of Tianjun dared to talk to him like this, so he must have an extraordinary background. He said coldly: "Who are you?"

"My surname is Ouyang!"

The young man did not tell the Immortal Venerable his name, but just said, my surname is Ouyang.

But with just these two words, the Immortal Venerable's eyes shrank, and he actually showed a posture of facing a great enemy. Sweat flowed on his forehead. Even though he was an Immortal Venerable, he was still not so calm when he heard the word Ouyang.

It was not because of this young man, but because of his identity.

In the eastern part of the Immortal Realm, and even in the entire Immortal Realm, there is only one surname of Ouyang.

"Dong." The Immortal Venerable's phantom suddenly knelt on his knees and worshiped the young man, his body trembling slightly: "Old man, meet Master Ouyang!"

"Do you want to kill more people?" The young man asked in a calm voice.

"I dare not!"

"You can go." The young man nodded, facing an Immortal Venerable, he still behaved like a peerless king, as if he was the king of this world, and even the Immortal Venerable could only be a minister in front of him.

The Immortal Venerable's face darkened, and he looked at Yun Feiyang. That was his senior brother's disciple, and he must not die in the Immortal World.

But the man from that family was here, and he did not dare to think of forcibly rescuing Yun Feiyang, and asked: "Can I take him away?"

"It's up to you." The young man said casually, as if he didn't care about Yun Feiyang's life or death.

The Immortal Venerable breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the young man didn't interfere, he could take Yun Feiyang away today.

"You can't take him away!" Chu Yan let out a low roar. The young man agreed, but he hadn't agreed yet.

"You can't stop him!!" The Immortal Venerable snorted coldly. In his eyes, Chu Yan was not worth mentioning. If the young man from the Ouyang family was not here, he could kill him with just the immortal thought. Now he wants to take people away, who can stop him?


At this time, a huge shadow was tumbling above the clouds, like a terrible demon dragon, which made the immortal lord tremble. He looked up and frowned: "Who are you?"

"You have crossed the line." Above the demon dragon, there was a shadow standing, saying calmly, but with a very terrible deterrence.

"The guardian of the Xunxian world?" The immortal lord frowned, and the demon dragon did not respond. A huge palm print pressed down in the void.

"Asshole!" The immortal lord's heart sank even more, and then he looked at Yun Feiyang, and his palm suddenly raised, and then he actually tore the space in front of him, and a space-time channel appeared directly.

To reach the level of immortal lord, one can cross time and space. The next moment he turned and looked at Yun Feiyang: "Let's go, leave Xunxian world!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyang was unwilling. Is the journey to Xunxian world going to end like this?

The strongest luck is born.

But he understood that if it weren't for his uncle today, he would have died. Leaving Xunxian Realm now was his only way home. He was not as strong as Chu Yan, and staying in Xunxian Realm would mean death.

Thinking of this, he looked at Chu Yan viciously. All his glory was shattered by his appearance. In the end, he stepped into the space tunnel with reluctance and left.

During the whole process, Chu Yan was blocked by the Immortal Venerable. His whole body was a barrier formed by immortal light, which bound him and prevented him from getting close.

The Immortal Venerable was too strong, even if it was just a thought.

The gap between ordinary people and immortals was too big.

The golden blood was burning in his body, and he stared at the time and space channel, but his killing intent did not decrease at all.

The next moment, he raised his head and looked at the Immortal Venerable in the void, and suddenly said: "My name is Chu Yan!"

The Immortal Venerable frowned slightly, not understanding what Chu Yan meant by suddenly reporting his name at this time, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly shrank.

"In this life, I will destroy the Cantian Taoist Temple!" Chu Yan said coldly, his voice was extremely firm.

"This is the price you paid for saving him today!"

Xianzun Zhinian looked at Chu Yan and frowned. If an ordinary young man said this, he would probably laugh his teeth off.

Cantian Taoist Temple, the most powerful existence in the east, let alone a small monarch, even an immortal emperor, the supreme existence in the immortal realm, must consider whether he has the ability.

But for some reason, listening to Chu Yan's words, he couldn't laugh, but felt a strong threat.

"This boy, can't stay!" At this moment, Xianzun Zhinian had a murderous intention. A prodigy who has not yet risen has such hatred for Cantian Taoist Temple. It may not be scary now, but if he is really allowed to grow up, what about a hundred years later, a thousand years later?

However, Xianzun Zhinian also understood that today, if he couldn't kill Chu Yan, neither the young man nor the guardian of the Xunxian Realm would allow it.

He could only remember Chu Yan's outline, snorted coldly, and disappeared.

As they watched everything gradually calm down, the people around them gasped.

What did they experience today?

First, there was a big melee. It is no exaggeration to say that almost all the major forces in the Eastern Fairyland participated, including the Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce, the Baixian Kingdom, and the Qianqiu Gate.

Later, the Qianqiu Immortal Emperor came in person and was scolded and retreated. Chu Yan fought against the two prides, tied one and lost the other. In a tie, he did not continue to fight, otherwise the outcome would be unknown.

These alone are enough to be thrilling, but who could have expected that all of this was just a prelude.

Later, Yun Feiyang attacked, the one from the Ouyang family came, the Immortal Venerable came here, threatened the Immortal Venerable, and forced Yun Feiyang to leave the Xunxian Realm early.

However, Chu Yan did not care about what everyone thought. At this time, his eyes were still slightly red, and the golden blood was still burning in his body, making him extremely irritable.

But at this time, suddenly a gentle hand hugged him from behind, which made his breath calm a little, and the golden light in his eyes gradually dissipated.

"I'm sorry!" Chu Yan said guiltily. Although Liu Qingcheng was fine, he was careless just now. If the mysterious young man hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have felt guilty and regretful for the rest of his life.

"It's okay." Liu Qingcheng chuckled and rubbed Chu Yan's cheek.

"This is the last time, the last time forever." Chu Yan said, swearing in his heart.

The incident with the Supreme of the Soul Palace had made him experience despair.

"Yeah!" Liu Qingcheng nodded lightly and snuggled in Chu Yan's arms.

Then, Chu Yan turned around and looked at the mysterious young man. Since this person appeared, the atmosphere around him became strange. Coupled with the attitude of the Immortal Venerable just now, he understood that this person must have an extraordinary background.

But what he didn't know was, what was the relationship between this person and Qingcheng?

Why did he save Qingcheng, and why did he help him just now.

"Brother Chu, do you know him?" Chen Le came forward with a wretched face.

"Do you know him?" Chu Yan looked at Chen Le, who nodded vigorously, like a rattle: "Just kidding, who doesn't know him in the eastern part of Xunxian Realm? This guy is not simple, you have seen the second and third in Xunxian Realm, don't you always wonder who is the first?"

Chu Yan's eyes shrank, the second Yun Feiyang, the third Ancient War God, is one of the three legends, but in addition to the two, there is one person who did not appear.

Looking at the Xunxian list, the first one is surnamed Ouyang.

"Is it him?"

"Yeah!" Chen Le nodded vigorously again: "Ouyang Mu, the first on the Xunxian list, one of the three little legends, and it's no exaggeration to say that he is the strongest in the Xunxian world."

Chu Yan suddenly realized, but didn't care. His identity might be noble, but what he cared about was that he saved Qingcheng today. He looked at Ouyang Mu: "Thank you today."

"No problem." Ouyang Mu shook his head casually and turned to look at Liu Qingcheng: "Your surname is Liu, and you come from the lower world, a star called Chenjian?"

"Yeah!" Liu Qingcheng nodded lightly, looking at this handsome young man, and was a little nervous.

"You should have known my identity, right?" Ouyang Mu said softly, and it seemed a bit tender, but everyone could hear that it was not admiration, but a kind of blood thicker than water.

"Guessed one thing, you are my mother's family?"

"Yes." Ouyang Mu nodded lightly: "How many years have you practiced so far?"

"Less than fifty." Liu Qingcheng responded.

"Less than fifty?" Ouyang Mu was slightly surprised and exclaimed: "As expected of Ouyang Muxue's daughter, you are really outstanding, with talent, just like her back then, unparalleled, is your bloodline frost?"

"I guess so." Liu Qingcheng said.

"Yes, I inherited her."

"What is our relationship?" Liu Qingcheng was a little confused. When the young man said his last name was Ouyang, she had guessed it, but she had never been to the Ouyang clan. When she came to the fairyland, although she met her mother once, she was directly sent to Tianhua Fairy Palace. She didn't know anything about the Ouyang clan. If she hadn't met Ouyang Mu, she wouldn't even know where the Ouyang clan was.

"Ouyang Muxue is my aunt, my dear aunt. I have been practicing for sixty years." Ouyang Mu smiled with unprecedented tenderness: "Silly girl, you are my sister."

"Sister!" Liu Qingcheng's heart was also slightly moved. Even though she guessed that the two would have a certain relationship when she saw the young man, she was caught off guard by the word sister.

The young man in front of her was her brother.

Since she started practicing, she has many sisters and brothers, including Liu Mu, but for some reason, she has never felt as real as the young man in front of her. That feeling is like it flows in her blood and she will never forget it.

Even Liu Mu is different.

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