Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 762: Playing against Jin Zhantian

The Xuantian Sect and the Supreme Military Palace were the mortal enemies in the eastern part of the Immortal Domain.

The Supreme Weapon Hall is divided into major branch halls, such as the Spear Hall, Sword Hall, Knife Hall, Ax Hall, etc., all of which are named after weapons to demonstrate their martial arts style.

Xuantian Sect, on the contrary, uses the law to run the world and govern the country with the law. There are five major palaces, the five element palaces, metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

Now this young man in red is the direct disciple of the Lord of Lihuo Palace, Wang Yu. He is good at fire spells, has a fire way, burns the sky and cooks the sea, is the seventh existence on the Immortal Seeking List, and has the same name as the Supreme Sword.

Seeing that his senior brother agreed to fight, Chen Le grinned and looked at Chu Yan: "Brother Chu, Chen Le, I am very loyal. Although I am not very capable, my senior brother is very powerful. With him helping you, you don't have to be afraid of this. You are a bunch of little scumbags. Of course, I won’t participate. Otherwise, it will take too much of the spotlight. I’ll just cheer you up here.”

Chen Le talked to himself and nodded, as if he was moved by his words.

Chu Yan couldn't help but rolled his eyes and nodded to Chen Le. This guy was really powerful. He could actually influence the movements of the Xuantian Sect. He also understood that just now, he deliberately provoked Yang Longfei, risking his own life and attracting Wang Yu. It was for him who intervened.

"Chen Le is the first disciple of Xuantian Sect. In terms of status, he is higher than Wang Yu and has extremely strong talent. However, this person is too wretched and has some laziness in practice. Otherwise, the current banner of Xuantian Sect should be He will be the one to resist," Yu Qiongyan'er said softly.

"Hey, this beauty, what are you talking about? What do you mean by being a little lazy? This is what I call letting go of everything, being leisurely and comfortable, and not fighting for power. Otherwise, if I practice cultivation, I won't be invincible in the world? Do you know how lonely it is to be invincible? I can't stand being lonely," Chen Le said seriously.

"Thank you today. I don't know when I can repay this favor, but Chu made a note of it." Chu Yan smiled and did not refuse. This is a battlefield, not a battle platform. There is inherent injustice. Since the other party uses the huge Tianjun Come to attack yourself, then the battle is.

"Chu Yan, this is your battle, will you just hide behind others and take advantage of others?" Yunfei nodded slightly, looked at Chu Yan, and said jokingly.

"You idiot, your words are interesting. If this is a battle with my brother Chu, then who of you will fight against my brother Chu? Is it you or them? With so many people surrounding you, is it possible that you still want me, brother Chu? Fighting against hundreds of you? You can do such a shameless thing, and be so righteous. I feel ashamed to be born in the same fairyland as you." Chen Le rolled his eyes.

"Boom!" At this moment, Chu Yan took a step and looked at Yun Fei: "Hiding behind you to take advantage of the situation? Are you not worthy enough to come out and fight?"

Yun Fei narrowed his eyes. Although he was very confident, Chu Yan's ability to step onto the top of Douxian Terrace was definitely not in vain. At least he couldn't do it, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"I will fight with you!" Jin Zhantian held a giant axe, roared, and jumped from the air. Suddenly, violent breath flowed, and finally all gathered on the ax blade, and there was blood. Many people guessed , if this ax is struck, how powerful will it be.

"The ghost is really lingering." Chu Yan raised his head and glanced at Jin Zhantian, his eyes narrowed slightly. In the past, he didn't know the opponent on the Shura platform, but the other party regarded him as an imaginary enemy because he had set foot on the eight Shura platforms. , and now it’s coming.

"That day on the Shura stage, you were extremely arrogant and claimed to be invincible. I didn't want to make enemies, but you bullied me again and again. In this case, I will help you today." Chu Yan's eyes shot out a strange light, and the sky-cutting sword Flying out, the sound of the sword clanked.

The people around him stared at him and their expressions turned cold.

Today's battle can be said to be the largest since the Xunxian World began.

Four of the five top forces are all involved, as well as the Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce and the Hundred Immortals Kingdom. It can be said that this is the great chaos in the east.

But what is unbelievable is that all this happened because of a person from other immortal realms, which makes people feel a little unreal.

Some people also believe that Chu Yan is just an introduction, and the real reason is the birth of the strongest luck. But no matter which one it is, the war has begun, and the resentment accumulated over the past five years has completely exploded today.

Chu Yan fought with Jin Zhantian and directly entered Jiutian. Wang Yu below looked up at the Supreme Sword: "There should be a fight between you and me, come out and fight."

"Okay." The Supreme Sword nodded calmly, held the sword, and walked out.

When they reach this stage, they are half a step away from the saints. They are true geniuses. They have their own arrogance, and naturally they will not say anything to humiliate others when they fight.

Winning or losing means everything.

Yunfei looked at Liu Qingcheng and said calmly: "Junior sister Qingcheng, you are injured. It is best not to interfere in today's incident, so as not to relapse the old injury. You guys, watch her and don't let her escape."

"Yes!" The Tianjun figure from the towering Taoist temple stepped forward and blocked Liu Qingcheng's path.

"Get lost!" Yuqiong Yan'er shouted sweetly. There was countless immortal light in her body. She flipped her jade hand, and the sky was filled with magic weapons. Eight-level top-level magic weapons covered the sky and suppressed all the heavenly kings in the towering Taoist temple.

"If you don't want to die, just stand there." Yuqiong Yan'er said, and the corner of Yunfei's mouth twitched. In the eastern part of Xunxian Realm, in terms of heritage and wealth, no one can compare with Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce, not even the towering Taoist temple. .

Over the years, under the management of Immortal Emperor Yuqiong, the Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce has made a lot of money, including countless magical weapons and elixirs.

Liu Qingcheng looked at Yu Qiongyan'er in surprise and smiled slightly: "Thank you."

"I have a relationship with him, not a friendship, but after today, he owes me a favor." Yuqiong Yan'er smiled sweetly, very directly. She did all this today just to make Chu Yan owe her a favor. As a favor, perhaps because she was born in the Chamber of Commerce, she prefers gambling, using her broadened horizons to do everything that others dare not do.

In the sky, war raged.

It's a total melee.

At this time, Yun Feiyang also arrived. In fact, he had been nearby, but he thought that if he could not show up when Chu Yan was killed, he would not show up and leave a good impression on Liu Qingcheng.

But what happened next, the involvement of Yuqiong Chamber of Commerce and Xuantian Sect, was something he could not expect, and his face gradually turned cold.

Chu Ji was beside him, restrained by her vitality, and smiled sarcastically: "Yun Feiyang, do you think junior sister Qingcheng will change her mind after using all her tricks and tactics? No, after today, she will only hate you even more. And that young prodigy, he is so outstanding, haven’t you ever thought about how he could be an ordinary person?”

"He came through the chaos of time and space, came to the eastern part of the Immortal Realm, killed the Supreme Arms Hall, defeated countless geniuses, slaughtered the Eastern Rankings, and prayed to the Xunxian Realm. Would such a person be a fool? He is not, but he is still Dare, you have never thought about what kind of person he is in the middle of the fairyland? "

"What will you do if one day you find out that his status in the central part of the Immortal Realm is higher than yours? Today you use the power of the towering Taoist temple to surround and kill him at all costs. If this news comes out, in the central part of the Immortal Realm, Will his master come to attack you?"

"And Junior Sister Qingcheng, she is in the middle of the Immortal Realm, and she can be an ordinary person?" Chu Ji sneered.

Yun Feiyang's face became more and more embarrassed. When things got to this point, he was actually a little scared. Just as Chu Ji said, both Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng, judging from their current performance, are extraordinary people. They are in the middle of the fairyland. He must also be a member of a powerful force.

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyang raised his head and looked at Yun Xiaozhan: "So what, if I do it, I will bear it. If Jin Zhantian fights, he will be defeated. When the time comes, even his wrath from the Immortal Sect will have nothing to do with me." "

"You don't understand at all!" Chu Ji smiled mockingly, and couldn't help but think of the love scene that day. Will that young man in glory be defeated?

In the nine heavens, Jin Zhantian's power was violent, like the reincarnation of a divine ape. He waved the blood ax in his hand. Every time he slashed, it would cause a series of cracks and hit Chu Yan. The blood light seemed to contain the most terrifying thing in the world. The power of destruction.

However, facing Jin Zhantian, Chu Yan was extremely calm, and his aura gradually rose to an extreme.

Five years after the Xunxian Realm opened, he entered it as a fourth-level Heavenly Lord.

In the past, Chen Huangsheng and Hua Qingfu were so powerful in the central area that they oppressed him. Chen Huangsheng even seriously injured him and sent him into chaos in time and space. Why?

Just because his realm is slightly lower.

Now that he is the top Heavenly King, no matter who the person in front of him is, it doesn't matter anymore, because from today on, in the world of seeking immortals, he will never be defeated again. No matter who the person in front of him is, he will never be defeated again. No, this is his confidence.

"Still as arrogant as ever, but you will be defeated." Seeing Chu Yan's appearance, Jin Zhantian smiled. He was born in the Jin Dynasty and looked down upon everyone in the world, but he had never seen anyone like Chu Yan who dared to In front of him, there was such ridiculous confidence.

"Next, I will let you experience what despair is." Jin Zhantian roared, and suddenly a golden shadow appeared behind him. It was as big as a mountain, and a huge palm took the picture. Thousands of miles away, on the ground Then it sunk down and made a huge palm print. Under it, Chu Yan looked extremely small, swaying in the wind and rain.

"The Jin clan has the blood of the ancient God of War, especially this generation. Jin Zhantian and Jin War God have brought their power to the extreme. Can Chu Yan stop this power?"

At the same time, Chu Yan raised his hand and punched out. What he punched seemed not to be a punch, but more like a shadow made up of many holy beasts. With just one punch, the huge palm print in the distance shattered. The two terrifying forces collided and shattered one after another. The residual power alone made it impossible for some ordinary heavenly kings to resist.

In the distance, the Golden God of War was in the distance. When he raised his hand, there was the shadow of the Golden God of War, crushing the remaining power and looking at everything calmly.

"Is the Jin family's Immortal Dynasty only so powerful? Then this battle is unnecessary." The palm prints were shattered, and Chu Yan's eyes were indifferent. At this time, he was reborn like the king of monsters, exuding terrible monster aura, and then he became void. When he grasped it, even though he was thousands of meters away, it was like finding something in his bag. Jin Zhantian looked embarrassed, and his throat was suddenly grabbed by a force.

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