Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 760 Beautiful Time and Space

The Love Mountain is very high and can be seen from any place in the Immortal Seeking Realm.

Leaving the Douxiantai, Chu Yan sped all the way, reaching the extreme speed, leaving a piece of residual image in the void.

After three years of absence, he couldn't wait any longer, and soon he approached the place where the Cantian Taoist Temple was stationed.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" In the void, countless figures flew out immediately, extremely powerful, all top-level Tianjun, blocking Chu Yan's way.

"Who are you? Anyone who trespasses in the Cantian Taoist Temple will die."

"Get lost!" Chu Yan glanced at the other party. Qingcheng was trapped, and he was in a bad mood. Naturally, he would not talk nonsense with the other party.

A strange light shot out from his eyes, and he didn't allow the other party to say anything. With just one glance, the faces of countless Tianjuns sank, and they fell into the world of sinking and couldn't extricate themselves, falling down.

"So strong!" Someone else came from the distance of the Cantian Taoist Temple, and frowned slightly after seeing this scene. Chu Yan's strength was beyond their imagination.

"It's the guy who used Douxiantai to transmit the message. He's here." Some disciples of Cantian Taoist Temple frowned and immediately guessed Chu Yan's identity.

"Where is she!" Chu Yan's voice was extremely cold, and he stepped directly into Cantian Taoist Temple.

"You are so rampant, aren't you afraid of being retaliated by my Cantian Taoist Temple?" The disciple of Cantian Taoist Temple spoke coldly,

However, Chu Yan didn't say much, looked up, and stepped out. In an instant, countless sword shadows rose into the air around him, turning into a sword rain, slashing down along the disciple. The disciple looked up and saw that the sword curtain was like holy light, penetrating the sky, and suppressed him.

"Boom!" Another move, killing in seconds, the faces of the disciples of Cantian Taoist Temple around him were extremely livid, but helpless.

This is the first top-level Tianjun. Chu Yan is like a killing machine, and they can't resist it at all.

Chu Yan just kept walking forward, one man and one sword, the sky was chaotic, blood-stained.

In the eastern part of Xunxian Realm, he didn't want to make enemies.

But today, whoever stands in his way will die.

On the Love Mountain, Liu Qingcheng carved words with a sword. Chu Ji stood by, looking at the beautiful words, and her heart trembled slightly. What kind of determination is this?

This is almost impossible, but supported by that love, she really did it.

"Buzz!" At this moment, Liu Qingcheng's whole body was shining, and Chu Ji was surprised beside her. It was a sign of breakthrough.

Carving words on the Love Mountain, Liu Qingcheng actually broke through, the eighth level of the monarch, the intermediate heavenly monarch.

When she was at the seventh level of the monarch, she had the capital to fight the heavenly monarch and killed the seventeenth place on the Xunxian list. Now that she has broken through again, I am afraid she can already look down on the monsters in the top ten of the Xunxian list.

"Little Junior Sister, she is in the middle of the fairyland, what kind of person is she." Chu Ji's heart trembled slightly. At this point, how could she not understand that Liu Qingcheng in the middle of the fairyland would never be an ordinary person, and there is also that lunatic.

"Senior sister." Liu Qingcheng broke through, bathed in the fairy light, and suddenly shouted: "Senior sister, I came here with serious injuries that day. Thank you for your care for three years. Qingcheng will remember this favor. Even if I will not enter the Cantian Taoist Temple in the future, I will always be your little sister. If you meet me in the fairyland, or if you have any problems, you must inform me. Qingcheng will do her best."

The next moment, she looked up at the oppressive black cloud and smiled.

She knew that he was coming.

"He is here to pick me up. I am leaving." Liu Qingcheng said softly. Chu Ji trembled in her heart and looked over, but she felt it was impossible.

This is the headquarters of the Cantian Taoist Temple, the first sect in the eastern part of the fairyland, and it is as famous as the Jin Dynasty and the Ouyang Ancient Clan. Even if he can step onto the top of the Douxiantai, can he kill all the way here?

Not to mention the other disciples of the Cantian Taoist Temple, there are so many Tianjuns guarding them here.

How is it possible?


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and suddenly a disheveled figure was smashed down from the void. With a thud, Chu Ji only felt the ground tremble, and a meteorite crater appeared in the valley in front of her.

Inside, there was a top-level Tianjun of the Cantian Taoist Temple, but at this time, he was twitching all over and fainted.

She subconsciously looked up and saw a figure in white in the distance, coming towards the light, so handsome, even a little bit demonic, he came with a sword, followed by countless Tianjuns of the Cantian Taoist Temple, but no one dared to act easily.

"Qingcheng!" Chu Yan suddenly said, Liu Qingcheng smiled brightly, he came.

The next moment, Chu Yan's eyes turned and fell on Chu Ji, filled with a trace of coldness.

"All this has nothing to do with Senior Sister Chu, she treats me very well, and it was Senior Sister who saved me when I was seriously injured that day." Liu Qingcheng said softly.

The chill around Chu Yan dissipated a little, and then he lowered his body and bowed slightly to Chu Ji: "Thank you, Senior Sister Chu, for taking care of Qingcheng for the past three years."

Looking at the boy in front of her, Chu Ji felt so unreal. Just a glance just now, she felt as if she was going to sink. She even had no doubt that if Liu Qingcheng didn't speak, she would have been dead.


For Liu Qingcheng, this boy actually did it.

He went straight to the Cantian Taoist Temple, killing gods and demons all the way, just to see her and pick her up.

Similarly, she suddenly laughed at herself. She originally thought that Yun Feiyang was good enough for Liu Qingcheng, but now it seems that it is really enough?

Yun Feiyang is indeed outstanding, one of the legends in the East, but can this boy in front of him really not be compared with him?

The boy reached the top of Douxiantai.

What Yun Feiyang didn't dare to do, he did the same.

"With such a genius here, it's no wonder Qingcheng is not tempted by other men. Go." Chu Ji chuckled. Seeing Chu Yan's strength today, she was not happy for Liu Qingcheng, and she was relieved. She even had a premonition that when they met in the fairyland soon, this boy might have become a legend.

"Sister, I have always been your junior sister." Liu Qingcheng's eyes were slightly red. For three years, Chu Ji had been accompanying her. Now that they were about to part, how could she not be sad?

"Well!" Chu Ji nodded lightly and looked at Chu Yan: "You must treat Qingcheng girl well. If you can't do it, I will not forgive you next time I see you."

"Definitely." Chu Yan nodded vigorously, and then walked towards Liu Qingcheng, holding hands. At this moment, the two were so well matched, as if they were the center of the world.

"Let's go!" Chu Yan said, and Liu Qingcheng responded. The two turned around, looked at the high sky in the distance, and flew out.

The disciples of the Cantian Taoist Temple wanted to stop and chase them.

However, the next second, they found that it was impossible, and the two had disappeared.

Only Chu Ji was left, sending the most sincere wishes.

"Swoosh!" The next second, a figure descended, with a very strong temperament. His appearance made all the Tianjiao lower their heads involuntarily.

"Where are the people!" Yun Feiyang's voice was very cold. Looking at everything in front of him, he didn't even ask what happened, but asked directly where the people were.

"He was taken away by the people on the Douxiantai." A disciple of the Cantian Taoist Temple said timidly.

"You have so many Tianjuns, but you can't stop one person? What use is there for my Cantian Taoist Temple?" Yun Feiyang's hair flew wildly, and he slapped a palm in the air. The disciples vomited blood and retreated one after another, but did not dare to refute.

"Yun Feiyang!" Chu Ji looked up at Yun Feiyang and said calmly: "Qingcheng is gone. She is not from this world. Her lover is very outstanding and is a peerless genius. He came to the eastern part of the fairyland. Qingcheng has been in my Cantian Taoist Temple for three years. It can be regarded as a good fate. Don't be stubborn."

Looking at Chu Ji coldly, Yun Feiyang's eyes were cold: "She is mine. Since she came to the eastern part of the fairyland, no one can take her away."

"Pass my order to seal the disordered time and space!"

Yun Feiyang said coldly, his eyes revealed his determination.


Chu Yan and the others did not know what happened to Cantian Taoist Temple later, nor did they want to know.

Reunited after three years of separation, now the two just want to be together quietly.

In a mountainous area in the eastern part of Xunxianjie, the green peaks are towering. At dusk, the setting sun shines a beautiful scene. There is a house left by the ancients here, with a separate door and courtyard. There is also a sea of ​​flowers in front of the door. The breeze blows the willows, blowing on the body is very cool.

There is a row of stone slabs not far from the door. At the end of the road is a wooden arch bridge with a stream flowing below. Everything is so pleasant, like a beautiful painting.

On the arch bridge, there is a graceful figure sitting lightly, with her feet hanging down, slapping in the stream, splashing water. On a boulder not far behind her, there is a young man in white. He holds a leaf in his hands and puts it to his mouth, gently blowing beautiful music, but his eyes are always looking at the moving figure. Unconsciously, he is a little crazy.

A clear pool can refresh the spleen of poetry, so beautiful, time is not old.

"Does it look good?"

Suddenly, the spirit came, Liu Qingcheng put her hands behind her back, lay down slightly, and looked at Chu Yan with her head tilted. Chu Yan's mouth corners raised: "There is no more beautiful scenery in the world than you."

"Thank you for finding me so quickly." Liu Qingcheng smiled brilliantly, making the sea of ​​flowers dim: "I thought we would be separated for a long time again."

As she said, Liu Qingcheng stood up and walked behind Chu Yan. She stretched out her slender hands, wrapped them around Chu Yan's waist, and leaned against him gently. There were still some visible scars on his body, which were not there before. Presumably, they were caused by traveling through the chaotic time and space.

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt when I see you."

Chu Yan smiled calmly, turned around, and hugged the woman tightly in his arms. The next second, he no longer hesitated, leaned over, and kissed her tempting red lips.

"We will never be separated again, never again." Liu Qingcheng responded enthusiastically.

"Stay together for the rest of my life."

"Never abandon me, no matter life or death!"

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