Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 76 Engraved in my heart

"Chu Yan!" Ye Xun was angry, but when he just stopped, a long spear fell like a rain of arrows and stabbed Ye Xun fiercely. The power of these long spears was far more cruel and fierce than that of the freshmen camp. Each spear directly penetrated Ye Xun's body and stabbed into the ground.

Ye Xun had dozens of blood holes all over his body, and the whole person was nailed to the ground, but those long spears seemed to be intentional. Only the heart and the head were not pierced, so Ye Xun was still alive, but this kind of life was worse than death.

"Son of a bitch!" Chu Yan roared, the visual sense was too real, it didn't seem like it was in a fantasy.

At this time, the dense forest where they were was surrounded. This group of disciples were all arrogant, and there was a man with a gun among them, who was so familiar.

The first freshman of Changsheng Hall, Zhao Yu!

The heaviest shot was stabbed by him.

Zhao Yu's eyes were cold at this time, looking at Ye Xun and Chu Yan without any friendship, as if there was only hatred between them, no gratitude.

Chen Dong and Hou Hao also stood beside him, with a strange look on their faces, but they just lowered their heads and didn't say anything.

"Son of a bitch, when you were chased by Qinghong, Fatty shouldn't have cared about you!" Ye Xun said painfully.

"Ah!" But the next moment, Ye Xun screamed again, Zhao Yu stabbed a spear into Ye Xun's abdomen and stirred it vigorously. The spear had black iron dragon veins, which was Ye Xun's Iron King Dragon Spear.

"Don't talk so righteously! The demon core that day was originally intended for Chu Yan by him, what does it have to do with me. And now, I am the first freshman of Changsheng Hall, and Senior Brother Changsheng thinks highly of me. You are just trash who don't even have a team. Three years later, I am destined to shine at the Wanzong Grand Ceremony and become the pride of Haotian Sect. In the future, I am destined to be from a different world than you." Zhao Yu said coldly.

Ye Xun thought it was funny. The brothers who had been drinking and having fun yesterday, turned out to be so cold overnight. He smiled, and smiled calmly: "You are right. You and we are destined to be from different worlds, because you only dare to be rampant in this mirror world. If you leave here, you are just a dog of Lin Changsheng."

"Ah!" Ye Xun howled again. Zhao Yu smiled and said: "Ye Xun, how does it feel to be seriously injured by the weapon you were proud of? This weapon is really good, but you will never have the chance to hold it again. Only I am worthy of such a good weapon."

"Stop!" At this time, Yu Ruoxi suddenly rushed out. She stood in front of Zhao Yu and said coldly: "In order to deal with a newcomer, Changsheng Hall actually sent so many people. You are really shameless!"

Seeing Yu Ruoxi was something that Chu Yan and Ye Xun did not expect. Yanmeng refused to accept them. They thought they would have nothing to do with Yanmeng anymore.

"Senior Sister Ruoxi, haha, it's better for you Yanmeng not to interfere in my Changshengtang's affairs. We are just teaching them the principles of being a human being and letting them wake up as soon as possible." Li Yan walked forward with a wicked smile.

"What if I still have to intervene in today's matter?" Yu Ruoxi said with a cold look.

"That depends on whether you have the qualifications." Li Yan smiled contemptuously, and a huge wave of vitality rushed towards Yu Ruoxi, which shocked Yu Ruoxi's jade face.

"Fourth level of Juechen Realm? You broke through?" Yu Ruoxi was shocked. The last time she fought with Li Yan, Li Yan was only at the third level of Juechen, the same as her, but now, the suppression of one level made her heart sink.

"Get out!" Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind Yu Ruoxi, and a strong wind came from Li Yan's face. Li Yan was shocked and flew out.

"Zhou Ying?" Li Yan's face stiffened. Although Zhou Ying joined the sect four years ago, she was very strong, and some five-year disciples were not as good as her.

"Senior Sister Zhou Ying!" Yu Ruoxi was overjoyed.

"Does the Yan League really want to be an enemy of my Changsheng Hall for a new student?" Although Li Yan was not as good as Zhou Ying, he had Changsheng Hall behind him, so he was full of confidence when he spoke.

"I don't care about the new student, but if you dare to hurt someone from my Yan League, I will kill you now." Zhou Ying said coldly, very solemnly, as if a forest had quieted down.

Li Yan's face was stiff. He was definitely not Zhou Ying's opponent, but the deaths of Chu Yan and Ye Xun today were also ordered by Lin Changsheng, and he had to do it.

"Ruoxi, retreat." But at this time, Zhou Ying spoke. She glanced at Ye Xun and Chu Yan with her peripheral vision, struggled a little, but finally shook her head.

Yu Ruoxi was shocked. In her understanding, Lin Yuyan and Zhou Ying were never afraid of Changsheng Hall, but what happened today? Twice in a row, they all gave in?

"Senior Sister Zhou Ying..."

"This is Yu Yan's instruction. Do as she says. Don't interfere with the affairs of these two freshmen." Zhou Ying interrupted Yu Ruoxi without giving her a chance to speak.

Yu Ruoxi clenched her fists. She liked Chu Yan and Ye Xun very much, especially Chu Yan. She saw a little bit of Zhou Ying's appearance in Chu Yan. If he could be included in the Yan League, then a year later, their Yan League might be able to regain the top position and dominate the Yan League.

But why is this?

"Senior Sister, it doesn't matter. It's just an illusion. If you die, you die." Ye Xun also spoke at this time, then he glanced at Zhao Yu and suddenly smiled evilly: "Zhao Yu, we were blind before, but next, you will pay the price!"

"Puff!" The next moment, Ye Xun grabbed the Iron King Dragon Spear, pulled it back hard, and stabbed it hard into his heart. Ye Xun was dead.

Looking at Ye Xun's body, Chu Yan's eyes were red, but this time he didn't speak. He just stared at this scene. Ye Xun's body was nailed to the ground with countless spears, and the body that was killed by the freshman camp He will remember all the killings of Mu Ye, Fan Ye and others, etched in his heart. Sooner or later, he will take revenge for today's revenge.

Ye Xun died, and the next person was Chu Yan. Li Yan smiled lightly: "Get rid of him, don't let him die too easily."

Zhao Yu stepped forward and stabbed Chu Yan with a spear, an arm, a punch, and a thigh. There were countless blood holes all over his body, but he refused to let Chu Yan die.

In the mirror trial, death is the best relief.

But Chu Yan's gaze made Zhao Yu frown. At this time, Chu Yan was obviously worse off than dead, but he didn't show any pain. Instead, he looked at Zhao Yu jokingly, full of ridicule, which made him feel even more unhappy: " You are just a dying person whose destiny is controlled by me, why do you look at me like this?"

"Zhao Yu, you are afraid of me."


"The crazier you are now, it proves that you are more afraid of me. You are afraid of the wildness behind me, afraid of my talent, and afraid that one day, Ye Xun and I will become stronger than you, stronger than Lin Changsheng! That's why you show this Such a gesture, but the more you act like this, the more pathetic you become.”

"You're talking nonsense! In just one day, Senior Brother Changsheng gave me fifty honor points and a spiritual jade to help me break through to the ninth level of moving dust. My current strength is stronger than yours!"

"Really?" Chu Yan continued to laugh mockingly.

Zhao Yu's heart is getting heavier and heavier. Yes, he is afraid. He has been afraid since leaving the freshman camp. He is afraid of Chu Yan and Ye Xun, whether it is the wilderness or the terrifying talent.

"Don't worry, I won't use the wild ones, I will use the rules here. You and Qian Dong came out together, but soon, you won't even have the qualifications to look up to him, because... he has more than you A friendship!”

"Go to hell!" Zhao Yu roared, almost collapsing. The Iron King Dragon Spear in his hand pierced hard and aimed at Ye Xun's heart.

"Soul Capturing Technique!" But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly exerted force, and all his energy gathered in his palms, forming a huge shock wave. When the Iron King Dragon Spear pierced his heart, it smashed Zhao Yu's head into pieces in one fell swoop. died at the same time.

Zhao Yu was shocked. He never expected that Chu Yan would take him as his backer before he died, but he died too, and the severe pain was so real.

The six freshmen, plus Mu Ye, all died in the end. Their first day of mirror trial ended like this, ending with the death of the entire team.

In the mirror trial, in a dense forest, three teams of people gathered here. Yu Ruoxi looked at the place where Chu Yan and Ye Xun died, feeling heartbroken.

"Shameless thing!" Yu Ruoxi scolded coldly.

"Seeking death!" Li Yan's eyes turned cold and he struck out with a blast of wind from his palm, but the next moment, Zhou Ying also took action.

"Boom!" Unfortunately, Yu Ruoxi was still dead. Lin Changsheng appeared. His figure fell slowly and lightly, his palm was directly on Ruoxi's forehead, and he slapped Yu Ruoxi to death.

Yu Ruoxi's eyes widened until she died, full of disbelief.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. The power was so strong that even Zhou Ying could not stop it. This was Lin Changsheng, the first freshman in the Haotian Sect in five years, who had the capital to dominate everyone.

"Lin Changsheng!" Zhou Ying said coldly.

"What, you want to try too? Zhou Ying, the number one person in four years, is just trash in my eyes." Lin Changsheng looked at Zhou Ying coldly, with disdain in his eyes. In the eyes of others, Zhou Ying might It's very strong, but he still doesn't take it seriously.

Zhou Ying held the three-foot jade sword at her waist and was about to take action, but Lin Yuyan stepped forward, blocked Zhou Ying, and shook her head at Zhou Ying: "Forget it."

"Lin Yuyan, today is just a warning. I advise you, Yan League, not to get involved in the matter of the new life. Otherwise, you cannot bear the price!" Lin Changsheng left a message. When others left, everyone in Changsheng Hall left. In the end, only the disciples of the Yan League were left.

Everyone couldn't figure it out. Zhou Ying also frowned and looked at Lin Yuyan. Why was this?

"From now on, no one is allowed to interfere in the affairs of the new students!" Lin Yuyan sighed. She did not explain, but at this moment, a beautiful figure walked out of the dense forest and appeared beside Lin Yuyan, standing there quietly.

"It's so lively."

Lin Yuyan was stunned for a moment and looked at Mu Ling'er in shock.

"Yu Yan, I hope that one day in the future, you will not regret the choice you made today. Once you miss some opportunities, you will miss them forever. In addition... you will no longer have privileges in the alchemy hall from now on, and don't say anything. You and I know each other." Mu Ling'er looked at Lin Yuyan, but there was a hint of chill in her eyes, and a distance suddenly formed between the two people.

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