Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 758 Confession [Three Updates]

"Thank you!" Chu Yan thanked him and turned around to look at the highest level. He climbed up without stopping, like a young king.

"Go up!"

"Hiss—!" Countless people gasped and looked up at the distant last floor of Douxian Terrace.

When Chu Yan came to power, who could believe it?

At this time, he really did it.

Even if he hasn't started the war yet, just standing there is enough glory.

It has been five years since the world of Xunxian was launched, and only three people have achieved this level.

Chu Yan is now the fourth person.

"Crazy! Crazy!"

"Since when did Dou Xiantai become so easy?" Someone also murmured in a low voice.

Standing on the highest floor, Chu Yan was bathed in the endless fairy light. With his hands behind his back, he stood there calmly, waiting for the upcoming final battle.

After this battle, he can pray to the Immortal Seeking World and find Qingcheng.

Below, Yu Qiongyan'er was quietly at the 48th battle platform. She raised her head and stared at the floor she wanted to go to but finally stopped. There was also the young man above. The sky was filled with light. At this moment, he , so handsome, as if neither heaven nor earth can take away the brilliance that belongs to him.

She was curious about what kind of person this was.


Puppet, condensed.

In just an instant, the sky caused an endless storm, as if it was a power that had been preserved from eternity. That power seemed to have exceeded the limits of the king, making everything become ethereal.

Chu Yan also became serious at this moment. He could feel that the puppet in front of him was stronger than the forty-eight ones he had encountered before. There was already the meaning of a sage in its power.

"Fight!" But Chu Yan did not back down. At this point, he had no way to turn back and could not be defeated. No one could stop his path.


The storm was violent and the rocks were shattering.

"Bang!" The puppet burst out, with a halberd in his hand. With a thought, the halberd thrust out and transformed into a body more than a thousand feet long. His body was like a moving mountain, crushing crazily towards Chu Yan.

Under that absolute power, Chu Yan's eyes shone with a strange brilliance. He raised his hand and slashed the sky with his sword, leaving no grass growing around him.

The air was filled with popping sounds. Chu Yan's momentum was still rising. He became more and more courageous as he fought. He came out with his sword, merging the thunder wings and the roc wings. The speed was extremely fast and dazzling.

The power of the puppet seemed to be endless, destroying the world and destroying the world. It was combined with the power of the fairy dome. When he pressed his big hand, a golden light curtain shot through, as if to tear Chu Yan into pieces, and the ground thudded. With a loud crack, the battle platform seemed to collapse.

"Can I win?" Everyone in the audience was excited and nervous. Although they were envious, what Chu Yan was doing was fighting against immortals, and they also hoped that Chu Yan could win.

"Destroy!" Chu Yan jumped in with one step, and it was as if there was a clone in his body, turning into thousands of shadows. Suddenly, the sword was violently pressed down, and there was a series of violent collisions with the thousand-foot-long halberd, but he did not stop yet. His attack can be even stronger, strangling everything and destroying everything.

"Roar!" The puppet let out a violent roar and collided with Chu Yan again.

"You can't stop my path! Destroy it!" Chu Yan roared. At this moment, his body flashed with countless demonic auras, including green dragon arms, white tiger body, red bird fire feathers, and the power of Kui Niu. There are also divine apes, unicorns, and Xuanwu, all erupting at this moment.

All the power gathered in this blow.

How terrifying this blow would be, the forty-ninth battle platform was instantly submerged under this terrifying feast of monsters.

The puppet felt the infinite power, and his face changed slightly. He raised his hands to block the coming brilliance. However, how could he block Chu Yan's strongest blow?

Suddenly, I saw the thousand-foot-long halberd shattered into pieces, extinguished every inch, and then crushed by infinite power. The figure of the puppet was also swallowed up by the storm. Until everything was quiet on the battlefield, he had already disappeared. On top, Chu Yan was the only one left.

This battle also consumed him a lot, but he landed on the battlefield very calmly. He stepped forward and pulled up the falling Sky-Destroying Sword. At that moment, he was filled with endless glory.

That's it, enough.

"I won!" Yu Qiongyan'er blinked her beautiful eyes and chuckled.

Later, there was a commotion under the Immortal Fighting Platform, and everyone was shocked. At this moment, Chu Yan's name quickly climbed up on the Eastern Immortal Seeking List, rising to the fourth position, surpassing Yuqiong Xian'er.

It's not that he defeated Yu Qiong Xian'er, it's just that the Immortal Seeking List has its own calculation method, and Douxian Terrace is one of them.

Yuqiong Xianer was fifth, and Gu Zhantian was only sixth.

After today, there will be a fourth legend in the East.

"We've reached the top." Qiu Mingzhi also smiled, looked at Gu Zhantian, and said calmly: "Such a person doesn't dare to fight with you? Is it because he doesn't dare or is he disdainful?"

On the Shura stage, the corner of Gu Zhantian's mouth twitched, but he was speechless. He did not expect that Chu Yan could really do this.

"Buzz!" At this moment, a ray of light descended from the Douxian Platform, and then appeared like a shadow of an ancient person.

Everyone's eyes focused: "He is going to pray to the Xunxian Realm. I don't know what he will pray for."

"On the Immortal Fighting Platform, you can pray once to the Xunxian Realm. It is said that as long as it is not excessive, it can be granted, even in countless secret realms of chance." Everyone said with envy.

The ancient man appeared, looked at Chu Yan with a somewhat profound look, and said in a low voice: "You have defeated all the puppets and reached the top. Now, you can pray to me once. This wish must not exceed the way of heaven or human ethics. You Have you thought about it?”

"I've thought about it." Chu Yan chuckled without hesitation, with a hint of tenderness in his eyes. He had thought about it when he stepped onto the Doutiantai.

"Okay, go ahead." The ancient asked.

"I hope to borrow the power of the senior to say a word in the eastern part of Xunxianjie." Chu Yan said, a little impatient.

"You went to the Douxiantai, fought forty-nine times in a row, experienced forty-nine life and death, and in the end, just to say a word? Is this your wish?" The ancient was slightly stunned, and even suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"That's right." Chu Yan said firmly.

"Do you know that in Xunxianjie, everyone can only pray once, even if you go to the Douxiantai next time, there will be no second chance. And for this wish, you can even ask for immortal secrets and immortal methods, extraordinary magic weapons, even golden luck, I can give it to you, facing all these, you are going to give up?" The ancient voice was a little excited, it was the first time he had seen such a person.

"This is the most important thing to me."

Chu Yan smiled gently, thinking of the thin figure in his mind: "I can find the immortal weapons and immortal skills, and I can take the luck if I want it, but I can't wait without her."

Seeing Chu Yan so determined, the ancients were speechless for a while, and then finally shook their heads helplessly, and said calmly: "Forget it, the opportunity has been given to you, and you can't blame anyone if you don't cherish it. Next, I will turn the will of heaven, and your words will go with the will of heaven and echo throughout the Xunxian world."

"Thank you, senior." Chu Yan bowed slightly. Compared with this, the so-called immortal weapons and immortal skills and luck are insignificant.

The next moment, Chu Yan looked up. The Douxiantai was already a very high place, overlooking the endless mountains and rivers. He couldn't help but think of every bit of Liu Qingcheng in his mind. Then, his eyes became gentle and full of love. The thoughts in his heart could no longer be restrained, and turned into a feeling that rushed into the sky and permeated the endless Xunxian world.

"Qingcheng, I miss you!"

Everyone's eyes were fixed, and the strong intention actually affected the hearts of everyone in Xunxian Realm. Then a voice resounded, as if in their ears, so tender and endless.

"Qingcheng, I'm here to pick you up!"

In an instant, the endless voice spread out, and it could be heard clearly in every corner of Xunxian Realm, whether it was the Douxiantai or the distant sky.

In an instant, many people far away in the sky couldn't help but look up, showing a blank look, such a strong longing, which could infect the world.

In Shangqiu Fairyland, Shang Yang, Yu Ming, Xu Xiaoya and others all looked up. At this time, Xu Xiaoya was moved to tears and smiled brightly: "It's the voice of Brother Chu. Is he looking for his lover?"

Under the Douxiantai, many people were also stunned. Is this voice his wish?

"He entered Douxiantai, wandered between life and death forty-nine times, prayed to the sky, did not want magic weapons, did not want immortal secrets, did not want golden luck, just to say to his beloved, I miss you, I'm here to pick you up." Countless people sighed, what kind of spirit is this?

Of course, in the eyes of many people, this is stupid.

For example, Gu Zhantian, his eyes teasing: "Just for the love of children, how far can a cultivator go?"

But who cares?

That voice expressed his longing for Qingcheng. He believed that Qingcheng would hear it, and he would be able to meet her again soon. Then, this was enough, he just waited quietly on Douxiantai.

At this time, in a place in Xunxianjie, on the rocks beside the stream, there were two beautiful women, one of whom had a gentle face, and it was Liu Qingcheng.

The two did not go to the banquet, so Chu Ji stayed here to accompany Qingcheng: "Qingcheng, Yun Feiyang is actually not bad, and his status is also very good. Wouldn't you consider it?"

"Senior sister, I have someone I like. I will wait for him, and he will come to pick me up." Liu Qingcheng shook her head gently, but her autumn eyes revealed a look of longing.

"I really don't know which lucky guy it is." Chu Ji chuckled, but there was a sentence in her heart that she didn't say, that is, the size of the fairyland, how vast, Liu Qingcheng came from the disordered time and space, and the beloved came to pick her up. Does it have to travel through the disordered time and space?

Is that possible? Or wait until the time of the Immortal Venerable, and cross the fairyland?

But there are billions of sentient beings in the fairyland, and how many Immortal Venerables are there?

At their age, even if they can reach the Immortal Venerable, I don't know how many thousands of years it will take. What will be left of this young love?

At this moment, a gentle meaning suddenly bloomed in the hearts of the two women.

Then a voice came, so real.

"Qingcheng, I miss you!"

"Qingcheng, I'm here to pick you up." The voice was as gentle as water, as if it was the most sincere confession, which made Chu Ji slightly startled. This power could only make a wish on the Douxiantai, right?

But, did anyone climb the 49th fairy platform to pray? Just to confess to a woman?

The next moment, Chu Ji found that the beauty beside her had already burst into tears, and her beautiful eyes that were always calm were full of longing.

"Sister, he's here."

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