Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 755: The Eastern Fairyland has conquered the rankings [Three updates]

"Three people, that means three points of achievement? I want it." Chu Yan said, and then he went up with a sword, and the sword shadows were all over the sky, attacking in three directions at the same time. The fiery sky that was originally burning the clouds was extremely terrifying, but under Chu Yan's sword curtain, it seemed vulnerable and collapsed on the spot.

On the other side, a genius controlled the puppets and blasted out, but Chu Yan stretched out a palm, and that hand seemed to be able to reach the sky to grab the sun, moon and stars, and kill everything. The crackling sound kept ringing, and the puppets were scattered all over the ground and were directly blasted to pieces.

"You are not my opponent, retreat." Chu Yan only used this move to shock the three people back.

All three of them were geniuses, but their faces turned pale at this moment. Obviously, they were unwilling to be defeated. They looked at each other and said, "Join forces!"

"Okay!" The three of them reached an agreement and rolled up. Then the flames and puppets were reborn. The other one roared, and a huge demonic aura appeared all over his body. He turned into a blood-red giant ape and punched out with a bang, smashing hard on the ground. The battle stage seemed to have a crack in the middle of the day and shot towards Chu Yan.

Many people in the audience were slightly startled and looked at Chu Yan: "Who is this person!"

"I don't know. It is said that he is a newcomer, but he defeated Yang Longfei of the Supreme Weapon Hall and swept the people of the Supreme Weapon Hall."

Suddenly, the combat power of the three reached the extreme. In the extreme duel, they all used the strongest moves.

However, standing in the middle of the three people, Chu Yan's arrogance was still climbing, as if it would never end. In a blink of an eye, the brilliance around him was more dazzling than the three people combined, making it difficult for people to open their eyes. Then he slashed out with his terrible sword, plundering everything and killing everything. The beams of light from the three people suddenly shattered.

The three people's eyes fixed, and they were all shocked. Then, without allowing them to dodge, the sword light stabbed directly, and the three people were violently knocked off the stage.

However, Chu Yan still had some reservations in this battle. Otherwise, he could have used a stronger move, and only one blow would have been enough to kill the three people, but he did not kill them, just because there was no grudge between them, and it was not easy to practice. If it was not a life-and-death feud, he did not want to make too many enemies and hurt people's lives.

In a moment, Chu Yan was the only one left on the ninth stage.

Three more records were added, and he was one step closer to the Douxian Stage.

Similarly, his ranking on the Xunxian List also moved forward rapidly, and finally stagnated at the 41st position.

"Just a little bit more." Chu Yan looked up and saw him stepping out and heading towards the eighth Shura Platform. This step made everyone's eyes fixed and become serious.

You know, the Shura Platform is full of the Xunxian List Tianjiao. A battle platform is a life and death battle, which is as difficult as ascending to heaven. This guy actually wants to continue.

"Go up." Many people trembled. You know, on the eighth battle platform, there is already a Tianjiao ranked 30th on the Xunxian List. Chu Yan's realm is already one level lower, not to mention that the people here are all extraordinary beings with top combat power and can kill people across levels.

"I want your battle record." Chu Yan glanced at the eighth battle platform. There were six people, the strongest one, ranked 33rd on the Xunxian List.

"Arrogant!" The Tianjiao ranked 33rd was named Gu Zhan. He nodded and looked at Chu Yan with some contempt: "Retreat, I'll spare your life. This is not the place for you."

"33rd, this position, I want it too." Chu Yan said calmly, as if he was talking about something very simple.

"Looking for death!" Gu Zhan was angry. He didn't want to fight with Chu Yan, because Chu Yan's realm was low, but the other party still wanted his ranking. He was simply asking for his own life and death.

Facing Gu Zhan's coming, Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and then he didn't waste words. This time he used the devil's hand, and the terrible magic pattern was entangled and stretched out into the void.

Gu Zhan only felt that his eyes were black, as if he was trapped in the hell of falling. He roared and wanted to break free, but the devil's hand was faster, like a cloud covering the sky, crushing him.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Gu Zhan screamed, his face was pale, and his throat was directly grasped by Chu Yan's devil's hand. He smashed it hard, and the ground collapsed. Then he nodded slightly: "Give up."

"I, I lost." Gu Zhan was shocked. The move just now was too strong. He even had a hunch that if Chu Yan wanted to kill him, it would be easy.

"You guys go down by yourselves." Chu Yan let go of his hand and glanced at the other five people. The corners of their mouths twitched. Gu Zhan was completely powerless in Chu Yan's hands, so what could they do?

The five people smiled bitterly and admitted defeat one after another.

The battle record was getting closer, and the ranking of the Xunxian list rose again.

The people below the stage were stunned at this time, and then the seventh battle stage, Chu Yan seemed to have never stopped.

Although there have been many amazing people on the Shura Stage so far, such as that one, who is still a legend in the eastern part of Xunxian Realm, but Chu Yan's appearance seemed to break everything. His moves were not gorgeous, but he gave people a feeling of violent and terrible power.

From the beginning to the end, he has been walking all the way, without defeat, accepting all challenges, and constantly challenging upwards, giving people the feeling that he will never lose.

Not only Douxian Stage, many people in the eastern part of Xunxian Realm are talking about Chu Yan.

The reason is very simple. Since its creation, the Xunxian Ranking has never been as active as it is today. In less than an hour, the Xunxian Ranking has changed seven or eight times. However, all these changes are centered around one person, Chu Yan.

From the 700th place, he has killed his way to the current 33rd place, and is still moving forward.

This is like.

Slaughtering the Ranking.


At the same time, between a beautiful mountain range in the eastern part of Xunxian Realm, there is a stream flowing, the wind is singing, and the birds are singing, which is extremely beautiful.

In the middle of the mountain stream, there is a wisp of breeze blowing catkins. On a rock beside the stream, a graceful woman sits quietly. She is so beautiful and has an alluring face. She seems to blend perfectly with the landscape behind her, forming a wonderful picture. So beautiful.

The woman was Liu Qingcheng. It had been three years since she arrived in the east from the chaos of time and space. She raised her head and looked up at the sky, with a trace of longing in her beautiful eyes.

"Ten years and three years, fool, I miss you." Liu Qingcheng's autumn eyes were moved. It seemed that she and Chu Yan had been with them since they looked at each other and separated. She thought this time would last forever, but now she fell To the east of Xunxian Realm, it was still a long way away.

"Qingcheng!" At this moment, a beautiful woman came from behind, stopped by the rock, looked at her flawless cheeks, and smiled enviously: "I am here in a daze again, I don't know who is lucky. Guy, our little Qingcheng has always been worried about you."

"Senior sister, you are making fun of me again." Liu Qingcheng turned around and chuckled, then regained her composure and did not respond.

The woman didn't care either. She was a disciple of Shentian Taoist Temple, and her name was Chu Ji.

The Towering Taoist Temple is not like other Taoist temples. It only accepts men, but there are also women. After Liu Qingcheng entered the eastern part of the Xunxian Realm, she met her. She liked and loved her very much. Now Liu Qingcheng can be regarded as a member of the Towering Taoist Temple.

"Hello, you two beauties." At this time, another young man came over, very handsome and smiling.

"Junior brother Yun is here." Chu Ji smiled calmly, the young man's name was Yun Fei, and said with a smile: "Yes, my senior brother is hosting a banquet with many friends today, no, I want to invite senior sister Chu and junior sister Qingcheng to the banquet. "

Chu Ji did not agree directly. Instead, she looked at Liu Qingcheng and asked for her opinion. Liu Qingcheng looked a little embarrassed and shook her head gently: "Senior sister, I won't go."

"Well, I won't go either. I'll stay with you." Chu Ji didn't care. After three years, she knew that Liu Qingcheng didn't like this kind of occasion.

"If the two beauties don't go, they won't give you face." Yunfei frowned slightly, and then looked at Liu Qingcheng: "Junior sister Qingcheng, you also know my senior brother's feelings for you, what kind of person my senior brother is, Eastern Legend, today's banquet, This is what he did for you, so you have to give him some face, right?"

"No, thank you Senior Brother Yun for your kindness." Liu Qingcheng still refused. Yun Fei was a little displeased: "You pretend to be noble!"

But at this time, another young man came next to him. He was strolling leisurely. If anyone saw him, they would definitely admire him. This man, Yun Feiyang, has a legendary name in the East. So far, he has climbed to the 49th floor of Douxian Terrace. There were not many people, only two people, and he was one of them.

Likewise, he is also second on the Eastern Immortal Seeking List.

Of course, this ranking is full of doubts just like Huaqing Fu and Chen Huangsheng in the central region, and many people believe that he is more worthy of being number one.

"Yun Fei." Yun Feiyang came here and shook his head: "I originally thought that Junior Sister Qingcheng came from a chaotic time and space and had no friends in the eastern part of the fairyland, so I thought of holding a banquet to introduce him to Junior Sister Qingcheng. Since Junior Sister doesn't like it, , but I was abrupt, so I just canceled it.”

"Thank you for your understanding, senior brother."

"It's okay." Yun Feiyang said with a smile, and then glared at Yun Fei: "It's not like Junior Sister Qingcheng apologizes!"

"Uh, Junior Sister Qingcheng, I was the mean one just now." Yun Fei laughed dryly, and then Yun Feiyang looked away: "Then we won't disturb these two beauties from resting."

"Let's go!" Yun Feiyang shouted, Yun Fei followed from behind, but on the way, Yun Fei said with a hint of confusion: "Brother, why is it like this? With your status, I don't know how many women want to come over, but she is better , claiming to be noble, he held a banquet for her, but he didn't even go. "

"Okay." Yun Feiyang was calm. After leaving, a flash of elite light flashed in his eyes: "There is still more time, and it is almost impossible to reverse the chaos of time and space. As long as she stays in the east, I will definitely turn her into a girl." Be my woman.”

After saying this, Yun Feiyang showed a hint of excitement. He was the top genius of the Towering Taoist Temple, second on the Immortal Seeking List, and had been pursued by countless women over the years.

But he has never been tempted, just because, in his opinion, the woman in this world who can match him must be that kind of peerless person, but Liu Qingcheng is such a person.

Although he didn't know who Liu Qingcheng was in the middle of the Immortal Realm and whether he had a lover, he didn't care. In his eyes, as long as he wanted it, no one could stop him. This was his Yun Feiyang, who was a legend in the east. confidence.

"Come on, let's go to the banquet."

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