Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 753: Defeat or Death

The space was dead silent and silent.

Only Chu Yan's soft murmur kept echoing.

It's really strong.

It sounds so ironic that the ten geniuses of the Supreme Military Palace joined forces, but were crushed by Chu Yan with his raised hand, and disappeared without a trace in the sword violence.

"Is this the capital of your supreme military palace? Are you proud of it and despise the strength of others? In the end, it's just a joke."

"I told you all to come together, so as not to waste time and end up sensationalizing." Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously, his voice was not loud, but in this quiet space, it was enough for everyone to hear clearly, as if he had given the Supreme Bingdian gave a loud slap.

"Asshole!" Chen Mo let out a low roar and glared at Chu Yan: "You dare to kill people from my Supreme Arms Palace, you are seeking death!"

"Kill him." After Chen Mo said this, he immediately ordered, and several more figures stood up behind him. Their auras bloomed and were stronger than the previous ten people. These ten people were genuine top-notch heavenly kings.

Chen Le frowned slightly in the audience and said unhappily: "The Supreme Military Palace is really powerful. In the same situation, ten people bullied one person, and in the end he was killed instantly. I don't think it's embarrassing. Now he actually sent a top-notch heavenly king to encircle and suppress him? Why? It’s really eye-opening.”

"It's ridiculous. In the battle arena competition, if he kills someone from my supreme military palace, he must pay the price." Chen Mo's voice was strong. As a top force, he is proud of himself. No matter how strong Chu Yan is, he is still confident that he will defeat Chu Yan. Stay here.


Seeing this, Chen Le looked at Chu Yan worriedly. The move just now was really strong and shocked him, but now many top heavenly kings have taken action, making him a little nervous. He looked at Bai Long: "Brother, although Brother Chu is not I, the people of Xuantian Sect, today’s battle can be regarded as a sign of bad temper for me, Xuantian Sect, we cannot let them bully Brother Chu like this.”

Looking towards the battle platform, Bai Long's eyes narrowed slightly and he said: "Supreme Military Palace, it's better to show some respect."

"You have nothing to do with Xuantian Sect here today. If you lose the battle, you should get out." Chen Mo scolded, the Supreme Military Palace was slapped in the face today, and this revenge must be taken back.

"Brother Chen, Brother Bai." At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said calmly: "The Supreme Military Palace is shameless, so you don't need to be in the majority. If you want to fight, I will accompany you."

"Brother Chu, these people are all top-notch heavenly kings with extremely strong strength. I'm afraid you can't do it alone." Chen Le hesitated and took a step forward: "I will accompany you to fight."

Chu Yan was stunned and looked at this good old man in surprise. There was a hint of persistence in his eyes. Then he smiled slightly and looked at Chen Mo without saying anything.

"I have already said that I will let you go to the Supreme Arms Palace together. However, the words are beautiful. In the end, it is still the same. The Supreme Arms Palace is nothing more than that." Chu Yan said contemptuously and said elegantly in white: "I am here, whoever wants to kill me , feel free to come!”

"Arrogant! I am enough to kill you!"

"Boom!" In the direction of the Supreme Arms Hall, a burly figure stepped out, two meters tall, with strength all over his body. There was a giant hammer in his hand, exuding the light of chaos.

"It's the King of Hell!" When they saw this person, everyone in the audience stared at him.

"No. 97 on the Immortal Searching List of the Supreme Military Palace, King of Hell!"

"It is rumored that this person is famous for his strength and is born with divine power. The giant hammer is the inherited magic weapon of the Yan family. It is said that it weighs 10,000 tons. Even ordinary sages cannot easily lift it. Every time it is blasted, it will cause flash floods and tsunamis. "It's extremely scary." Everyone exclaimed and said nervously.

Chen Le just came on stage and looked indignant at first. When he saw the King of Hell and the giant hammer, he blinked and felt a little guilty.

"You come first?" Chu Yan looked at Chen Le with a smile.

"Ahem, Brother Chu, I am a mage. Violent things like this are too degrading to politeness. I'd better cheer you on from behind." Chen Le laughed a few times.

Chu Yan shook his head with a wry smile, then didn't care, raised his head to look at the King of Hell, and murmured softly: "Is it strength?"

"If you kill me, a member of the Supreme Weapon Hall, you will die today. Even the Xuantian Sect, no one can protect you." The King of Hell shouted wildly, and with a thud, he took a step forward, and the eighth-level magic weapon hammered on him. Dragging it in his hand, even he couldn't lift it completely, he could only keep accumulating strength.

"How heavy is this hammer..." The giant hammer was spinning on the ground, causing strong winds and making countless geniuses guess.

"If someone could lift this hammer and move it freely, how powerful it would be."

"Brother Chu, be careful!" Chen Le shouted from behind, staring at the giant hammer, feeling a little guilty. The power was so terrifying.


"Ah!!!" King of Hell shouted loudly, and the muscles all over his body flowed like poisonous snakes. In a moment, the giant hammer was an inch off the ground, and the strong wind acted like someone awakening from a sting, covering the entire battlefield, and the bricks and tiles on the platform were no longer visible. Stop cracking.

As soon as the giant hammer lifted off the ground, there was a thud, and the King of Hell lowered his body, his legs bent, and with constant popping and popping sounds, he fell directly into the ground.

"A foot long." Someone exclaimed.

At this moment, the King of Hell raised his head fiercely, like a wild beast, with ferocious eyes, roaring sound, and a giant hammer blasting out. Suddenly, a wall of air waves seemed to form in the void, swallowing it up crazily. In the blink of an eye, the wild beast formed, and a mountain torrent and tsunami appeared. It exploded instantly and swallowed up.

Everyone's heartstrings tightened, and Chen Mo raised the corners of his mouth with a teasing smile: "How can you survive such an attack?"

In just one second, as the giant hammer arrived, Chu Yan felt the ruthless killing, as if he was in the center of the storm. His spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and countless spells immediately flew out, and ancient golden divine inscriptions flew wildly in the void. He enveloped him, and in a flash, his true self switched, golden light bloomed, and he raised his hand to grab it forward.


The golden divine text collided with the giant hammer storm, and the shaking ground cracked like a spider web. All the Tianjiao retreated frantically. Then, the light of the giant hammer came like waves. Chu Yan didn't waste any more words. He took a step forward, and golden light fell from the sky. Like a Titan God of War, he punched out and turned into a fist shadow.


The ground suddenly broke again, the battle platform collapsed, and there was a gust of wind and sand.

However, when the wind and sand dissipated, Chu Yan was seen standing intact in the same place, but the giant hammer had stopped. It drooped with a thud and smashed into the ground. It was buried three feet in the ground. Faintly, there was still light flowing on the giant hammer.

"It is indeed a good magic weapon." Chu Yan lowered his head and looked at the giant hammer for a moment. On the giant hammer, there was a trace of resonance and the brilliance of the divine object: "Divine object?"

The next moment, Chu Yan's mind moved, and he found the corresponding existence in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

The 1,800th eternal divine object: the Hammer of the End of the World

"The Hammer of the End of the World? I just don't know which one is stronger, the Hammer of the Broken Army or my sister's." Chu Yan smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that he would encounter a divine object in this battle. It was a pity that the Hammer of the End of the World had been buried for too long. In the Yan family, it seemed to be only regarded as a powerful divine weapon, and its glory had been sealed.

"In that case, you follow me and restore its glory." Chu Yan said calmly, and everyone's eyes froze: "What is he going to do?"

"He is communicating with the giant hammer? Is he crazy?"

"It's ridiculous. This hammer is so heavy that no one has been able to lift it completely since ancient times. It was just buried, and this person actually wants to lift the hammer?"

Chu Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed the handle of the giant hammer. In just a moment, a terrible force erupted from Chu Yan's body. With a bang, golden light burst out.

"Get up!" Chu Yan exerted force with his arm, and suddenly, the world was dark, and then the giant hammer changed. The originally dark color actually cracked, and then layers of metal flakes fell off. Finally, the giant hammer turned into bright red blood red, causing the world to resonate.

"Boom boom!" Chu Yan tried his best, and the buzzing sound continued. Then everyone's eyes were fixed. The bright red blood hammer was actually pulled up, one inch, one foot, one meter.

On the opposite side, the King of Hell fixed his eyes and roared: "What did you do to my magic weapon?"

"You have such a magic weapon, but you can't exert its power and bury it. You don't deserve it. From today on, this hammer belongs to me." Chu Yan smiled contemptuously.

"Insolent!" The King of Hell roared, and his burly body ran up, like a beast, pressing towards Chu Yan.

"Get out!" Chu Yan's eyes were fixed, and a strange light shot out. Then he raised the hammer with both hands and blasted it horizontally. With just this one blow, it seemed that even the space was shattered, and a terrifying blood light penetrated.

Under the light of the hammer, the King of Hell was full of shock. He crossed his hands and wanted to resist. However, everything was too late. The giant hammer seemed to destroy everything from top to bottom like the end of the world.

"Boom!" The King of Hell was blasted to death, his body sunken, and with a thud, he had no chance to resist. Under the hammer light, all defenses were vain, and the only way was to kill him.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the King of Hell was blasted away from the battle platform and fell to the ground, twitching all over, right under Chen Mo's feet.

"This..." Everyone's mouth twitched. If the previous battle of ten people was scary enough, this battle was shocking.

The King of Hell was killed instantly.

The next second, the Immortal Seeking List changed, and Chu Yan's name rose very quickly, appearing in the 97th position, replacing the King of Hell who was originally here.

The faces of the people in the Supreme Arms Hall were gloomy, and even Yang Longfei became serious at this moment. In the previous battle, he asked himself, he might not be sure of winning.

"Haha, Supreme Arms Hall, a bunch of trash, with this little strength, you still want to kill my brother Chu? Aren't you very arrogant? Come on, my brother Chu and I will destroy your hall." Chen Le came back to his senses and laughed wildly, causing the people in the Supreme Arms Hall to twitch their mouths. They wanted to kill him. Did the fight just now have anything to do with you?

"You are very good. Today, I, the Supreme Arms Hall, will remember it." Chen Mo nodded vigorously, then clenched his fist and was about to leave. He also understood that it was impossible to get back the place after today's fight, and staying would only be embarrassing.

However, when Chu Yan saw him leaving, he showed an interesting smile.

Want to leave because you can't beat him?

"Stop!" Chu Yan said coldly.

Chen Mo stopped immediately, turned around and glared at Chu Yan: "What do you want?"

"It's ridiculous. I didn't mean to enter the battle arena before. I just arrived, but you wanted me to fight. If I win, I leave, and if I lose, I die. Now that I think about it, how strong you were, and your arrogant words are still ringing in my ears. In this case, well, I will give you a chance now. Come out and fight. If you win, you leave, and if you lose, you die."

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