Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 742 Can you keep me?

"Chu Yan." Chu Yan said with difficulty, and then closed his eyes. Thinking of everything that had happened before, a wave of anger arose again.

"Old bastard, I will go back sooner or later to dismantle your chaos of time and space!" Chu Yan became angry when he thought of being plotted by that sloppy old man.

"Don't be lucky. You're seriously injured. I asked my sister to help you before. She said that you suffered a terrible attack, your Dantian was damaged, and your meridians were blocked. I'm afraid you won't be able to practice in the future. But fortunately you reached the A person who has surpassed the realm of a king will have at least a thousand years of life, so it is not bad to be an ordinary person." Xu Xiaoya said softly.

Chu Yan looked inside his body and smiled bitterly. He was really embarrassed. The power of the space storm was so strong that it almost shattered him. His dantian was completely empty and had no vitality.

But Chu Yan didn't care. He had suffered this kind of injury countless times, and there were many more serious ones than this.

To outsiders, thinking about practicing cultivation after suffering such a serious injury was simply a dream, but to him it was not.

He could feel that the vitality was not dissipated, it was still in his body, but for some reason, it seemed to be hiding. As the Jiutian Xuan Tower was rotating, countless forces immediately returned to him.

"By the way, why did you fall from the sky? Where are you from?" Seeing that Chu Yan didn't respond, Xu Xiaoya was worried that Chu Yan would be sad, so she changed the topic.

"I came here to find the other world of immortality, traveling through chaotic time and space." Xiaoya saved herself, and Chu Yan didn't hide it.

At this time, Xiaoya covered her face and chuckled: "You really know how to joke, coming through the chaotic time and space? How is it possible, the chaotic time and space, isolating the immortal realm, even the immortal-level powerful people dare not be sure to travel through it. "

Chu Yan shrugged and did not explain.

"By the way, as soon as you recover a little, leave as soon as possible. In three days, the Yin family will come here to get the Recovery Pill. After you take the Recovery Pill, they will definitely make things difficult for you." Xu Xiaoya said softly, a little worried.

Chu Yan had heard about this just now and said calmly: "If I leave, what about you?"

"I am Miss Xu family. Even if the Yin family is angry, they will scold me a few times and will not embarrass me. But you are different. If the Yin family knows that you have taken the Recovery Pill, they will definitely kill you and refine it into a pill." Xu Xiaoya After a pause, he added: "The ancestor of the Yin family is an immortal, and Young Master Yin is also extremely powerful, with the strength of a top earth king."

"Top Earth Lord?" Chu Yan murmured alone, smiled lightly, and didn't pay too much attention.

For a while, he continued to practice. To his surprise, the space storm hit him this time, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The blood of the holy beast in his body merged perfectly with his physical body, as if it made him exchange blood, making his strength much better. .

During this period, he also briefly learned that the place where he is now is called Yucheng.

Like the Hundred Cities area in the middle of the Xunxian Realm, it is a peripheral place. There are several major clans in Yu City, led by the Yu Clan, which is a middle-class family in the Immortal Realm.

Secondly, there is the Yin clan, which has an ancestor who is an immortal, while the Xu clan is a bit worse, with only a first-level sage in the clan.

Yucheng is relatively weak in the eastern part of the Immortal Domain. Another reason why it can survive is because it is an alchemy city, and all tribes are proficient in fire patterns and alchemy techniques.

The next day, Chu Yan was able to walk on the ground. During this period, Xu Xiaoya prepared a lot of pills for him. He just needed them, so he was not polite.

At noon, Xu Xiaoya helped Chu Yan walk in the courtyard to relieve his injuries before returning to the room.

Just a moment later, Xu Xiaoya frowned again and walked out of the room. There was a loud noise outside the door.

"What are you going to do?"

"Xiaoya, get out of the way. There are only two days left. For the sake of the Xu clan, we must kill this man and refine it into a pill."

"That's right, you take in such a waste and give him the Restoration Pill. Do you want to kill the Xu family?"

"He was seriously injured. No one could save him except the Restoration Pill!" Xu Xiaoya insisted.

"Are you going to my Xu family for a loser? Xiaoya, you are too naive. Get out of the way. I will go in and catch him now."

"That's enough!" Xu Xiaoya shouted, opening her hands to stop everyone: "If you want to capture her, kill me first."

"Xiaoya, you..." A young man from the Xu family looked fiercely and said angrily: "Xu Xiaoya, if the Yin people are angry with my Xu family because of this matter, you will be the sinner!"

The Xu family was helpless. Xu Xiaoya was the daughter of the ancestor. Even if they were angry, they would not take action because of this. They could only look at the room with a vicious look and turn around to leave.

"Brother Chu, let's go." Xu Xiaoya returned to the room and whispered to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan looked at Xu Xiaoya. He also knew that his existence would definitely bring trouble to her, so he nodded. Anyway, he came to the east of the Immortal Realm to find Qingcheng. Since he has recovered a little, there is no need to waste time here. .

"Okay." Chu Yan stood up, then waved his arm, and an extra magical power appeared in the void. It was the ancient Chinese method of the Chen clan. He said calmly: "Xiaoya, I went out this time a little abruptly and I was not prepared. This My magical power has undergone some modifications, so you can keep it and practice it as a way of repaying your life-saving grace."

"This... is the inherited magical power?" Although Xiaoya was born in this place, it is not difficult to tell just from the luster of the Chen clan's ancient texts that this must be a very powerful and painful book.

Chu Yan smiled flatly and didn't care. Then he stood up and wanted to leave, heading out of the room.

The Chen clan was not big, so he quickly walked outside the door. However, just as he was about to leave, several waves of vitality suddenly suppressed him, suppressing him.


Immediately, a rebuke was heard, and Xu Yang and others stepped into the air and blocked Chu Yan's way directly: "You are a mean person, but you are smart. You took the recovery pill and knew that you got into trouble. Now you want to escape? It's too late."

"Escape?" Chu Yan frowned and looked up at Xu Yang: "I have no grudges against your Xu family. Why are you restricting my freedom now?"

"Then it's not your turn. Young Master Yin will come in two days. You can explain to him then. But you can't leave within these two days." Xu Yang said coldly, raised his hand, and countless forces descended around him: "Come on, take him down for me!"

"You are so presumptuous!" Xu Xiaoya heard the quarrel outside and hurried out, looking at everyone with cold eyes: "What do you mean? Brother Chu is my guest, how dare you treat him like this? Do you take me, a young lady, seriously?"

"Miss Xiaoya, don't make things difficult for us. This matter is very important. You know that if my clan can't take out the recovery pill in three days, it will be a disaster for the clan." Another young man also spoke.

"I told you to stop!" Xu Xiaoya said coldly.

However, at this time, Xu Yang's eyes flashed coldly, and he waved his hand, which turned into a prison of energy, and locked Xu Xiaoya. Then he ordered: "Do it, Xiaoya can't be allowed to do whatever he wants in this matter, capture him, wait for Young Master Yin to come and make a pill!"

The eyes of the Xu family flashed fiercely, and they pressed towards Chu Yan.

"Bully me?" Chu Yan looked up at Xu Yang and said coldly: "For Xiaoya's sake, I don't want to hurt you, now get out."

"Haha, you must be crazy, a useless person, hurting us?" Xu Yang's eyes flashed coldly, and then he took a step forward, and then turned into thunder, punching Chu Yan's chest.

"Bang!" With a punch, countless forces suddenly grew in Chu Yan's body and exploded in front of his chest. But the next moment, Xu Yang's face changed in shock. He found that Chu Yan did not move after his punch, but his arm was numb, as if he had hit a piece of iron.

Realizing this, Xu Yang knew that something was wrong and quickly retreated.

However, almost at the same time, Chu Yan also moved. With a step, it seemed that a Kunpeng's wings spread out behind him, turning into an extremely terrifying force, directly catching up with Xu Yang, grasping his palm, and immediately grabbing Xu Yang's throat. All the power was broken in his hands.

The next moment, Chu Yan pressed his palm down, and with a bang, Xu Yang didn't even have a chance to struggle. He was smashed directly to the ground, bricks and tiles splashed, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, his eyes full of fear.

With just this one blow, the faces of the people around him changed in shock. Xu Yang, a fourth-level monarch, was so unbearable in Chu Yan's hands?

Killed instantly?

Xu Xiaoya was also shocked. She couldn't imagine what kind of person she had saved.

At this moment, a very hot flame suddenly burned above the Xu family, turning into a ruthless fire, covering and killing Chu Yan.

"Big sister!" Xu Xiaoya saw a beautiful figure behind the flames, and her autumn eyes tightened. It was her biological sister, Xu Ying, the pride of this generation of the Xu family, a seventh-level fire pattern master.

"Bang!" Chu Yan felt the flames covering him, and suddenly raised his head. His eyes shot out a strange light, and he actually disintegrated the fire pattern formation.

"Let him go!" Xu Ying came down, like a fairy, looking at Chu Yan coldly.

"Brother Chu! Let him go." Xu Xiaoya also spoke at this time. Xu Yang, after all, was from her Xu family.

Chu Yan glanced at Xu Yang coldly, and pressed Xu Yang into the ruins with his arm. Then he let go and said coldly: "It seems that for Xiaoya's sake, I will spare your life today. If you do it again, I will kill you!"

Xu Yang spat out another mouthful of blood, climbed up with a pale face, and then looked at Chu Yan with anger in his eyes, but he did not dare to do it again.

Chu Yan did not waste words and turned to leave, but at this time, in the void, Xu Ying frowned and said coldly; "My Xu family rescued you, and now we are in trouble for this, and you can leave just by saying so?"

"What do you want?" Chu Yan said calmly.

"Stay here, and wait for Young Master Yin to come here the next day to make a decision. Otherwise, the fire pattern array in front will be your burial place. I will personally refine you into a pill." Xu Ying said coldly, and then turned her jade hand, and immediately, countless eighth-level fire patterns were carved on the ground.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at Xu Ying indifferently. He wanted to leave quietly and didn't want to cause any disturbance. But the Xu family was really a little too much.

The next moment, he shook his head ridiculously and turned to walk towards the fire pattern array.

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoya looked nervous.

"Looking for death!" The eyes of the other members of the Xu family also condensed. Even the Heavenly Monarch had to be careful to deal with the eighth-level killing fire pattern array.

"Boom!" However, the next moment, Chu Yan stepped on the ground. With every step he took, a more terrifying fire pattern array appeared on the ground, like a mad dragon, directly smashing it.

"This..." The Xu family was stunned. One step, one fire pattern, and it was so terrible?

"Do you think I want to leave? Can you keep me? This is also called a fire pattern?" Chu Yan looked directly at Xu Ying and said lightly.

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