Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 736: Avenge

Looking at the people of the Holy Dragon Alliance leaving, Chen Huangsheng's eyes flashed coldly.

The Dragon Alliance actually threatened his clan, but after a moment, he disappeared.

The Dragon Alliance is indeed very strong, and there is a legend in the middle of the fairyland. However, legends will eventually be defeated one day, and then everything will be false.

And he is confident that he will be the terminator of the legend.

"Let's go too." Chen Huangsheng said calmly. Chen Fengsheng nodded and helped him leave.

This battle caused a great stir in the Immortal Seeking World, especially Chu Yan, who became completely famous, and Chen Huangsheng's status became even higher.

Soon after, the second golden luck seeker in the immortal world appeared, Lin Ang, who gave birth to the immortal luck.

Therefore, it once again stimulated countless geniuses to start practicing crazily, seizing luck, and becoming immortals. The collisions between major forces were greatly reduced.

In the blink of an eye, another few months passed, and another shocking thing happened in the Xunxian world, and it was still related to the Dragon Alliance.

The new disciples of the Dragon Alliance: Wangfeng and Ye Xun successively broke through Tianjun.

After arriving at Tianjun, the first thing Wangfeng did was to send out a battle note to the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, asking for a battle with the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty: Hua Muzhe.

When the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"This Wangfeng does have a temper!"

"Indeed, it is not a secret in the world of Xunxian in the first battle. Everyone knows that Wangfeng was humiliated by the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty when he was still the Earth Lord. Hua Muzhe nailed him to the flaming stone pillar and almost died. Now that he has broken through to the Heavenly Lord, this I want to seek revenge from Hua Muzhe.”

The two sides made an appointment to fight on the battle platform of an immortal tomb in Burial Immortal Cliff.

There were still a few days until the due date, but the battlefield was already crowded with people from all walks of life.

"People from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty are here."

The crowd suddenly made a way, and Hua Qingfu came in person today. In front of him were Hua Qingyun and Hua Muzhe, and behind him was the Hua Qing army, which was extremely magnificent.

"Good aura." Someone whispered: "Hua Muzhe's aura is stronger, and his power is purer than before. He has the familiarity of wood and fire, and wood and fire. His combat power is probably enough to squeeze in." The top of the Immortal Seeking List exists.”

"Then Wangfeng was still too impulsive. He just entered Tianjun. He is still two realms behind Hua Muzhe."

In a blink of an eye, the day of the battle came, but no one from the Holy Dragon Alliance showed up yet. Some of the onlookers were not tired of it, and frowned: "What's going on? Wasn't he the one who sent the battle invitation? Why haven't we seen you so long? ?”

"You don't have to be anxious. After all, you have come to die, and you have to give others some time to settle your affairs." Hua Muzhe acted extremely confident on the battlefield, nodded slightly, and waited quietly: "His time now is more precious than mine. Very soon, he will be a dead man."

Many people nodded in approval. Hua Muzhe was indeed powerful. Among the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty monarchs, apart from Hua Qing Fu and Hua Qing Yun, he was the strongest.

"Coming!" At this moment, a dragon roared from the sky, and then the ground began to tremble.

A huge holy dragon flew into the sky and enveloped the sky. Countless figures stood above it. Lin Ang, Wangfeng, and Ye Xun were all there. King Qin and others also arrived, riding on another holy dragon.

"I didn't expect you would really dare to come!" Hua Muzhe raised his head and glanced at Wangfeng: "In that case, are you ready to be humiliated again?"

"Hua Muzhe, in the past my Earth Lord, you were the top Celestial Lord. You deceived me into being too low and humiliated me. Now I am the Celestial Lord for the first time and I invite you to fight. The next battle will not matter life or death, it has nothing to do with the Immortal Dynasty. It has nothing to do with the Dragon Alliance. You and I will fight until one side falls or is destroyed. Do you dare?" Wangfeng didn't talk nonsense. Everyone took a breath of air. The next fight will last until one side falls or is destroyed. This guy said, It's a life and death battle.

Hua Muchhe's eyes flashed coldly and he snorted coldly: "Want to die? Okay, I'll make it happen for you!"

"Sealing the battle platform!" Lin Ang said indifferently. With a wave of his arm, the light of the holy dragon enveloped half of the battle platform. On the other side, someone from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty also flew out and sealed the battlefield.

Everyone holds their breath, the next battle will be a life and death battle.

"Asking me to fight, it seems that you have good courage, but in my opinion, this is more like ignorance. In the next battle, I will make your life worse than death." Hua Muzhe became ferocious, and stepped forward with a thud. When it came out, the surrounding ground cracked and countless vines flew out.

Then, those vines spontaneously ignited and turned into fire dragons, piercing out, blocking all directions and shrouding Wangfeng, as if they could strangle Wangfeng at any time.

However, in the center of the storm, Wangfeng roared loudly, his body transformed into a demon, and there was a terrifying six-winged demon wing behind him. Each of the demon feathers above had a lustrous flow and was inserted upside down, which was extremely terrifying.

After Wangfeng transformed into a demon, his attacks were extremely violent without any fancy. No matter it was the Wooden Fire Dragon, they all collided with the most domineering force, and punches were blasted out. Even the air created ripples, rippling to the left and right.

"So strong!" Seeing the demonic fist strike, it seemed to hit the hearts of countless people.

"Wangfeng has just entered Tianjun, and he has such fighting power. He is almost the same as Chu Yan at the beginning. Once he enters Tianjun, he transforms. He is no weaker than Hua Muzhe."

"Hua Qing Dynasty? Immortal Realm Orthodoxy?" Wangfeng punched again, immediately shattering all attacks and smoothing the road between him and Hua Muzhe. Then he raised his head and looked at Hua Muzhe, flapped his six wings, and ambush And out.

Hua Muzhe seemed to realize that he quickly retreated, but it was too late. Wangfeng's power was too violent, annihilating everything and sweeping everything.

"Get lost!" Hua Muzhe shouted, and turned himself into an ancient tree, burning with raging fire, and turned into a rain of fire arrows to shoot at Wangfeng, but it was useless. All the power was shattered when it touched Wangfeng. Then his pupils shrank, and Wangfeng had already killed him.

In his opinion, Wangfeng at this time was not like a person, but more like a fighting machine, a wild beast, sweeping over, and then a terrible magic hand grabbed him, and the invisible pressure made him terrified.

He couldn't figure out how Wangfeng could become so strong in just a few months.

Feeling the pressure of power, Hua Muzhe knew that he would lose, and suddenly gave up resistance, turned around and wanted to escape, running towards Hua Qingfu's position.

"Brother, save me!"

However, where could he escape?

Wang Feng turned into a huge demon shadow, grasped Hua Muzhe's throat with his demon hand, pressed down, and smashed Hua Muzhe from the sky to the ground with a thud. The bricks and tiles on the ground were shattered and splashed in all directions. With a wow, Hua Muzhe vomited blood continuously.

"No!" Hua Muzhe was burning all over, trying his last strength to break free, but facing the flames, Wang Feng was indifferent. He had a magic spear in his hand, and his eyes were cold and arrogant, aiming at Hua Muzhe's throat.

"At the beginning, I was just the Lord of the Earth, and you bullied me, but I didn't expect that you were so weak. I just entered the Lord of the Heaven, but killing you is like killing a dog. Hua Qing Xian Dynasty, it seems that it is just like this. The orthodoxy of the fairyland? You really don't deserve it." Wang Feng said coldly.

"How dare you!" Hua Qingyun's pupils shrank, and he let out a low roar, and then released his power to press Wang Feng.

"You are so daredevil!" But at the same time, King Qin took a step forward, his body was like iron, and blocked it.

King Qin is the Holy Son of the Holy Dragon Alliance after all. Although he is not as good as Lin Ang, his fighting power is definitely top-notch in the Xiantian Realm. Can Hua Qingyun shake him?

"Asshole!" Hua Qingyun shouted angrily. If Hua Muzhe died, it would definitely be a blow to the Huaqing Xian Dynasty. Not to mention the unification of the Xiantian Realm, who would take his Huaqing Xian Dynasty seriously in the Xiantian Realm next.

"Since you have already won, you should retreat and stop being presumptuous." However, at this time, Hua Qingfu spoke. His voice was calm, but like an iron law, directly shattering the battle formation and oppressing Wangfeng.

Many people frowned. Hua Muzhe personally agreed to the life-and-death battle just now. Now that he lost, he had to let him go?

But even if they knew it was unfair, no one would stand up. After all, that person was Hua Qingfu.

"Huaqing Xian Dynasty?" Wangfeng's body trembled, and he sneered, but the next moment, a hint of irony flashed in his eyes, and the magic spear in his hand stabbed straight down without any pause.

"Bang!" With a slight tremor, the magic spear pierced Hua Muzhe's throat and penetrated the earth.

Hua Muzhe, a top genius, who defeated countless top forces in the past, was now nailed to the ground by Wangfeng, like a punishment.

"Really, killed..." The onlookers took a breath of cold air. Although it was a life-and-death battle, Hua Muzhe's real death was still shocking.

Hua Qingfu's eyes flashed fiercely. He spoke, but the other party still killed him. For a moment, he had a vague killing intent in his body.

But almost at the same time, Lin Ang also moved, took the lead in stepping onto the battle stage, looked up at Hua Qingfu: "He agreed to a life-and-death battle. If you lose, you should pay the price. You'd better not do it, otherwise, I will accompany you and fight you again."

Hua Qingfu's face was gloomy, and he stared at Lin Ang, but he didn't take another step. The last battle was a draw. Now, Lin Ang has a golden luck, and he still has no absolute certainty of winning.

Therefore, today he could only endure and take this loss.

"Very good, you are worthy of being the Dragon Alliance's pride. Today, I, Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, will remember it." Hua Qingfu took a deep breath, waved his sleeves, and turned to leave.

"Let's go!"

The people of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty finally retreated. In today's battle, Hua Muzhe was defeated by Wangfeng and humiliated again.

But Wangfeng didn't care about this. The hatred had already been made, so there was no need to be polite.

Today was his day of revenge, and also his day of fame. Among the three new disciples of the Dragon Alliance, Wangfeng and Chu Yan all showed amazing power and recast legends.

Another month later, Ye Xun became famous. His battle took place in a fight for the inheritance of the Immortal Tomb, and Chen Fengsheng also participated.

In the end, only two people reached the end of the inheritance, Ye Xun and Chen Fengsheng. However, Ye Xun seemed to have no interest in the inheritance. He had only one goal, Chen Fengsheng.

When Chen Fengsheng found out, it was too late. Ye Xun used the power of the great space to seal the heaven and earth, thrust out with his spear, and directly killed Chen Fengsheng, blasting him into the chaotic space and time.

"You are the first one, and there will be others who will pay the price for this!"

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