Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 733 The Birth of Golden Luck

Chu Yan's voice was slightly frivolous. After he finished speaking, he turned and walked back to the direction of the Holy Dragon Alliance, leaving the people around speechless.

Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, weak? Of course not.

Hua Qingyun is the second prince of the Huaqing Dynasty. His own strength is amazing and he is enough to represent it, but he still lost to Chu Yan.

Thinking of Hua Muzhe's words before, it is a bit ironic.

"As for you, you can prepare your life. My junior brother will definitely take it soon." Chu Yan glanced at Hua Muzhe again and said coldly.

"One month." Wang Feng let out a low roar, and his magic wings spread out: "At most one month, I want your life."

Everyone's heart trembled again. This Wang Feng is really as crazy as Chu Yan. Another month, is he going to fight Hua Muzhe?

But at this time, Hua Muzhe couldn't speak. Wasn't he slapped in the face enough this time?

Hua Qingyun got up, and he was in pain. He was defeated by a Xinghai person who was two levels lower than him.

"Brother, let's go." Chu Yan walked to Lin Ang and smiled. Lin Ang nodded with a smile, and then everyone left together.

Everything seemed like a farce for a while.

In the direction of the Holy Academy, Youzi looked at Lin Daoyan and frowned slightly: "Who is he?"

Lin Daoyan looked at Chu Yan and smiled: "I don't know, but he is indeed a person who can disrupt the wind of the fairyland."

"You seem very confident in him."

"I have never fought with him, but he is the only one I regard as an enemy. My goal is very high. If he loses early, he will not be worthy of being my opponent." Lin Daoyan left a sentence and turned away.

Not long after the Burial Cliff was opened, a riot broke out and soon spread.

Some people said that the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty wanted to take another opportunity to prove the truth, but was defeated by the Dragon Alliance in two battles.

The Dragon Alliance was even more deified.

But Chu Yan didn't care about these. After leaving, the people of the Holy Dragon Alliance went directly back to the camp.

"How is it?" King Qin turned to look at Lin Ang. As soon as he stopped, Lin Ang vomited blood, making everyone frown.

"You have been enduring such a serious injury?" King Qin frowned, a little unhappy. The consequences of accumulated injuries are extremely serious.

"It's not a big deal. It's much better now." Lin Ang waved his hand and then looked at Chu Yan: "Junior brother, my Dragon Alliance has never lost in a fight. You did a good job today. However, my Dragon Alliance has fewer people in the Burial Cliff. You are very talented and will surpass me sooner or later. Only then can I rest assured."

A touch of warmth flowed through Chu Yan's heart.

King Qin snorted coldly: "Don't forget, the Dragon Alliance is also part of the Holy Dragon Alliance. I'm still here."

"You can't beat Hua Qingfu." Lin Ang didn't give him any face at all, and rolled his eyes at King Qin: "It's better to rely on you than on Junior Brother."

"You..." King Qin's mouth twitched, but he was speechless for a while, because he also knew that Lin Ang was right.

Today seems to end with a draw between Hua Qingfu and Lin Ang, but everyone with a discerning eye knows that everything today is far from over.

Huaqing Immortal Dynasty will not give up. At that time, if Hua Qingfu improves further, what will happen to the Holy Dragon Alliance?

The surprise is Chu Yan. His combat power has improved a lot. King Qin couldn't help but sigh. Chu Yan's strength is beyond imagination.

"Brother, I will work hard." Chu Yan said seriously, and then he looked up and looked at the top of the Burial Cliff.

For a period of time, it seems that after the previous battle, the Burial Cliff has become much calmer.

The collision of major forces has decreased a lot, and many Tianjiao are busy practicing, looking for luck, and enlightenment.

On this day, a golden light suddenly shot out from the Burial Cliff and pierced directly into the sky, attracting countless people to look up. Then the golden light bloomed with a strong holy meaning like holy light.

"This is..."

"Golden luck! Someone has born golden luck!" Countless people trembled wildly.

There are three levels of luck: white, purple, and gold.

To enter the Immortal World, one can only be the top white one at best. The standard for the Immortal Burial Cliff is purple, and the goal is to reach gold.

Similarly, there is another representative of golden luck, which is the luck of immortals.

Once someone is born with golden luck, it means that this person will become an immortal, an existence that is admired by all living beings, and the goal of all geniuses.

Now, someone is born.

"Who will it be!" In addition, some people speculated that golden luck is extraordinary.

Then I saw the golden light circling in the void like a dragon, extremely holy, and with a thud, it descended towards a place on the Immortal Burial Cliff, covering a figure in it.

The man's eyes were as calm as still water, but gave people a feeling that it could not be violated. Everyone saw this and stared: "Chen Huangsheng! It is indeed him."

In the Immortal World, the first golden luck was born, Chen Huangsheng.

He felt the terrible power around him and opened his eyes with satisfaction: "Is this the luck of the immortal? It's really amazing."

"Chen Huangsheng!" At this moment, there was a rustling sound of breaking wind in the distant forest, and countless figures descended. They looked at the golden luck behind Chen Huangsheng with greed.

"You are worthy of being the first on the Xunxian list. You are not humiliated to be the first person to have golden luck, but you are afraid that you can't keep this luck." Someone said, who was also from a top force.

Entering the Xunxian world is to seize luck and achieve immortal status. Now that Chen Huangsheng's immortal luck has been born, even if he knows that this is very dangerous, it will still attract countless people to covet.

Chen Huangsheng's eyes were as cold as ice. He glanced at the people below and said calmly: "You go, I don't want to kill anyone."

"Arrogant!" The person below roared, and the terrifying aura of the Heavenly Lord suddenly erupted. Then he looked at the people around him: "Everyone, the luck of immortals is rare. If we join forces, no matter how strong Chen Huangsheng is, he will never be able to defeat him. Let's kill him together. As long as he dies and his luck is gone, how about we share it equally?"

Everyone around him was shaken. Although it was risky to become an enemy of Chen Huangsheng, once he won, he would get the luck of being an immortal. This was too tempting.

"Chen Huangsheng, we don't want to be your enemy. Please take the initiative to hand over your luck." Another outstanding genius said.

"You are not worthy of the fate of an immortal." Chen Huangsheng stood alone on the cliff and said calmly.

"Hmph, arrogant! You guys, what are you talking about? Just take action and kill him." Someone said without getting tired of it. The eyes of the people around him also condensed, showing an extraordinary aura: "Chen Huangsheng, I'm offended!"

"Kill!" Immediately, more than a dozen top heavenly kings rushed out. From the beginning, they all used their strongest magical powers. Just kidding, their opponent was Chen Huangsheng, the top one on the Immortal Seeking List. This kind of existence, accidentally, But it will cost you your life.

However, in the face of the encirclement and suppression by countless people, Chen Huangsheng remained calm, with his hands behind his back, like a peerless king.

The next moment, the space behind him suddenly distorted, and ancient texts flew out one after another. Then, as if a giant door was opened, ruthless weapons shot out of the sky.

"You ignorant people, do you think that having a large number of people is useful? However, under the absolute power, the number of people is only the number of people I need to kill." Chen Huangsheng said indifferently, and then he slowly raised his hand, and there was an infinity in his cuffs. The power comes out to kill.

"Disappear!" Chen Huangsheng said lightly. The expressions of more than a dozen top heavenly monarchs suddenly changed. Then they felt as if they were enveloped by a terrible force and could not break free. Then, their bodies slowly decomposed in the brilliance and finally disappeared. without a trace.

"This..." There were still people in the distance who had not taken action, and felt guilty when they saw this scene.

"So strong! Is this Chen Huangsheng?" Those people said happily.

More than a dozen top-level Heavenly Lords were instantly killed. A dozen or so fortunes arrived and were swallowed up by Chen Huangsheng's immortal fortune. In the blink of an eye, everything seemed as if it had never happened.

"Failed?" When everything here was over, Chen Huangsheng lowered his head and looked at a place under the valley, where there was a person standing there, Chen Fengsheng.

But now, Chen Fengsheng no longer has the sharpness of the past and looks a little decadent. When he heard Chen Huangsheng's words, he clenched his fist fiercely and let out a low roar of pain.

"Failure is defeat. You have been anxious since you were a child. It is for this reason that your father sent you to Tianhua Immortal Palace to temper yourself. Now that you are defeated, it is also a lesson for you. Learn from it." Chen Huangsheng said calmly. Tao, can't hear the emotion.

"Yes." Chen Fengsheng bowed his head obediently.

"However, for stealing the ancient writings of my Chen clan and humiliating my Chen clan, I still have to take revenge." Chen Huangsheng's eyes suddenly condensed, he slowly raised his head, and looked towards the void in the distance. Then he saw nothing. He said that he flew away directly.

Seeing this scene, countless people's hearts trembled.

Chen Fengsheng was below, his eyes became more murderous, and he immediately chased after him.


The birth of the first immortal destiny in the world of seeking immortals has further stimulated the practice of countless people.

Similarly, some people took Chen Huangsheng's attention, but after the news about the battle that day, no one dared to try again. After all, luck can be accumulated slowly, and if one loses his life, he is really dead.

Regarding these, as if they had nothing to do with Chu Yan, he continued to practice. In the past few days, Ye Xun had also found him and reunited with the Holy Dragon Alliance.

On this day, Chu Yan was practicing. Ye Xun and Wangfeng came. They stopped and looked up at them: "Is there no news yet?"

The two shook their heads helplessly: "King Qin asked the people of the Holy Dragon Alliance to cooperate fully and conduct a comprehensive search at the Immortal Burial Cliff, but there is still no news about my sister-in-law."

Upon hearing this, Chu Yan's face turned even darker. After the battle with Hua Qingxian Dynasty, he was even more worried about Liu Qingcheng, but so far, there was no news at all.

The most important thing is that Liu Qingcheng's ranking on the Immortal Seeking List has disappeared, which makes Chu Yan even more uneasy.

If he and Liu Qingcheng hadn't left each other with spiritual thoughts, and those spiritual thoughts were still there, he would even suspect that Liu Qingcheng had been killed.

"Senior Brother Lin Ang said that there was a spatial chaos in the Xunxian World not long ago. If Sister Qingcheng had passed the test of the Void World at that time, she would probably have been teleported to the rest of the Xunxian World." Wangfeng hesitated and said.

"The rest of the areas?" Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. It's not impossible. After all, the Immortal Realm is divided into five major areas, east, west, south, north, and the Xunxian Realm is the same, but each area is extremely far apart.

After all, the Immortal Realm is infinite, and all heavens and realms are extremely vast.

For many people, one city may be enough for them to travel throughout their lives.

Only immortal characters can cross the immortal realm, and there is great danger. Once encountering the torrent of time and space, there is still the possibility of death.

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