Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 718 Two Ways

Chu Yan was the first to take the step. With just this step, he immediately felt that the world around him had changed. It seemed like an endless and absurd ruin.

That way, it's like when the heaven and earth first opened, everything was sleeping, and even the heaven and earth were connected together. It was chaotic and there was no end in sight. However, when I turned around, the way I came from had also disappeared. , he seemed to be in a world of nothingness, alone.

"Is this the most difficult test?" Wang Feng and others also stepped in and appeared beside Chu Yan out of thin air. Then they raised their heads and saw the empty world and frowned slightly: "There seems to be no end here, how can we find the exit? "

"Since it is an immortal test, there is naturally a great path contained in it. I'm afraid we need to understand it ourselves." Chu Yan murmured.

Since ancient times, it has been said that the Tao is ruthless and the Tao is boundless. Now it seems that it is not similar to this endless world of nothingness? They all have no starting point and no end, making people wonder where the other side is.

But thousands of years of ancient laws, countless people still seek immortality and ask questions without thinking, just like this test of theirs. Only enlightenment can be the truth.

"We are taking a walk, maybe there will be some guidance ahead." Chu Yan stepped out, and Liu Qingcheng stayed by his side quietly, also thoughtfully comprehending the Taoism of this world.

In the blink of an eye, I don’t know how much time has passed. There is no time and no space in this desolate world, making people lose themselves.

Chu Yan and the others kept walking, as if they had been walking for a year, or ten years, or a hundred years, but the scene around them never changed. It was always so chaotic. They passed several mountains, but they were all the same. , no difference can be seen.

On the way, they also met other people, including sword cultivators from Sword God Mountain, disciples from Tianhua Immortal Palace, the royal family of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, and fairies from Qiongyao Immortal Palace.

Like them, everyone is trapped in this innocent world and cannot get out.

"Brother, the sun and the moon don't move here. We don't know how long we have been walking. If we continue like this, we won't be able to get out at all. We will be trapped here forever. Even if we want to go back, we can't." Such blind walking has worn away Wangfeng frowned and said, having noticed everyone's temper.

"Dragon Alliance Chu Yan?" At this moment, a fairy from the Yaochi Immortal Palace suddenly glanced at this place and said hello.

"Hello, Fairy." Chu Yan nodded with a smile, and the Fairy was polite. He nodded back and forth: "My name is Xu Yuyan. The battle outside the Immortal Burial Cliff was very exciting. I almost worship you. If it weren't for Miss Liu's overwhelming power, I would I know I don’t have a chance, so I might even want to pursue you.”

"The fairy is joking, is the fairy trapped here too?" Chu Yan could only feel the cold hum and dry laughter of Liu Qingcheng next to him.

"Yes, I thought that this most difficult test would involve an immortal test or some talent assessment, but I didn't expect that there is only this endless sky. I have been here since I came in. What about you? Do you know how long you have been trapped? Already?"

Chu Yan shook his head helplessly. There was no concept of time in this world, and there was no sunrise or sunset. How to judge?

"What insights do you have?" Xu Yuyan asked again. Chu Yan still shook his head, which made him a little disappointed, but then he smiled: "But that's right. Although you are very talented, you can't compare with those two people. It is said that they They’ve all left here.”

"Chen Huangsheng and Hua Qingfu?" Chu Yan frowned slightly, and Xu Yuyan nodded lightly: "Well, they were the first to come in, and they are no longer here."

"Fairy, do you know where they left from?" Chu Yan asked.

"I know, this is no longer a secret here. It's just that the two of them left from different places, attracting many people to watch."

"different places?"

"Well! Hua Qingfu turned his vitality into an ark in an endless sea, and kept drifting. He sat cross-legged and never moved. Until later, his shadow was left in the lake. He suddenly sank into it and passed the test. "

"Chen Huangsheng is even more exaggerated. He went to the place of a dragon's cave, faced the wall and meditated, causing thousands of dragon shadows to rise into the sky, soar thousands of miles, and pass through the stone wall." Xu Yuyan said with a bitter smile.

Chu Yan suddenly realized and said softly: "Huaqing Chi Hua Ark Enlightened the Tao and passed. Chen Huangsheng faced the wall and comprehended the Dragon Shadow and passed. From this point of view, this is the most difficult test. It should be different for everyone. They need to realize their own Tao. to leave.”

"Master Chu is really smart." Xu Yuyan smiled sweetly, but was not too surprised. This is no longer a secret in this endless world. However, there are countless ways and ruthless ways. If you want to realize one of your own, How difficult is it?

"Can the Fairy tell me where these two people achieved enlightenment?" Chu Yan asked thoughtfully. Since Chen Huangsheng and Hua Qing left with power, there must be a way. Maybe their method is just wrong.

"No problem, I'm just going to take a look and see if I can find some opportunities. Let's go together." Xu Yuyan said.

"Then Fairy Lao is here for you." Chu Yan nodded, and the group followed Xu Yuyan and continued walking in this world.

After a long time, Chu Yan and others first came to the endless sea area of ​​​​Hua Qingfu. Because Hua Qingfu broke the formation from here, it attracted many people to watch. There were many people around, including talented people from all the top forces.

Everyone was quite surprised when they saw Chu Yan, but no one provoked him, so they stepped back a few steps to make way for him.

"Chu Yan, it's you!" When the people from Sword God Mountain and Tianhua Immortal Palace saw Chu Yan, they immediately showed anger and roared.

"What, do you want to fight?" Wang Feng glanced at the other party, the devil's flame in his body burned, and the devil's halberd was born, turning into thousands of gun shadows, and he took a step forward.

The disciples of Jianshen Mountain had red eyes. Su Changge's death made many people hate Wang Feng and Chu Yan.

But now, several people are extraordinary, especially Chu Yan who defeated Chen Fengsheng and has a strong fighting power. Since everyone here has purple luck, if you want to challenge Chu Yan, you still have to consider whether you have the qualifications.

"Entering the Burial Cliff is important. Once you enter the Burial Cliff, it will be your death." The disciple of Jianshen Mountain said coldly.

Chu Yan glanced at the other party and ignored him, but turned to look at the endless sea in the center.

I saw that this sea was vast and thousands of overlapping waves. Only in the center, there seemed to be a phantom on the sky, like a flat boat, which looked extremely magical. Just a glance at it, you can see countless Taoist meanings.

"Being able to sit on the sea and turn into a cliff, leaving a residual image, this Hua Qing Fu is quite powerful." Wang Feng praised.

"Ranking above my brother, and being the current prince of Hua Qing Xian Dynasty, how can he not be strong." Chu Yan said.

"That is only temporary. When you break through to the top level of Tianjun, you will definitely surpass him." Wang Feng said proudly. He has always been confident in Chu Yan.

But as soon as he said this, the people around him immediately cast surprised eyes at him, and then there was also a sneer.

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