Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 716 Potential Crisis

"Senior brother!" The people from Tianhua Immortal Palace roared, but in the face of such an attack, they did not dare to move forward.

"Boom!" The sword screen turned into a terrible storm. After a long time, a figure flew out and hit the cliff, spurting out a mouthful of blood. At this time, Chen Fengsheng was in an extremely embarrassed state, with mournful eyes. Where could he be? It has the same style as before.

He is the prodigy of Tianhua Immortal Palace after Emperor Chen. He has been favored by countless people in the Immortal Realm since he was a child. However, they were defeated today. Even if they used immortal soldiers to fight later, they were still defeated.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan, including the fairies from Yaochi Immortal Palace. They all understood that after today's battle, Chu Yan's name would be completely spread throughout the Xunxian World.

From today on, no one will look down on him because of his low level, because he defeated Chen Fengsheng.

"The moment you were defeated, you should admit defeat and fulfill your promise. However, you broke the rules and used immortal weapons. Thinking that you can get some dignity back? In the end, it will only become more miserable." Chu Yan held the evil sword. At this time, he The situation was still bad, and he was breathing rapidly, but the result was that he won.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" The people from Tianhua Immortal Palace rushed out immediately, protecting Chen Fengsheng behind them and looking at Chu Yan warily.

"I want to kill him, how can you stop him?" Chu Yan's eyes were ridiculous. Now the evil sword was in his hand, clanking, and the immortal soldiers were fighting. In the world of seeking immortals, who could stop him from killing Chen Fengsheng?

"But I won't kill you because I disdain you. From now on, stay away from Qingcheng. You really don't deserve it." Chu Yan shook his head and finally turned around at this moment, not looking at Chen Fengsheng again, leaving him to fend for himself.

Looking at Chu Yan's back, Chen Fengsheng felt a twinge of pain in his heart. Now, for him, living is more humiliating than death.

Outside Immortal Burial Cliff, everyone sighed. Both the process and the ending of today's battle shocked many people, especially Chu Yan's Ten Thousand Laws Record and Evil Sword. They were too powerful. How could people not covet them? .

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew out and blocked Chu Yan's way. It was a genius from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty.

"What do you mean?" Chu Yan looked up at the other party and said palely, urging the evil sword to fight. Now his body was extremely exhausted.

"The magical power you used before was very good. I, the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty, want it, how about you make a request?" The young man said with a smile, but his voice was not polite, even with a hint of order.

"No change!" Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and refused.

"You should think about it. If you don't change, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to escape unscathed today." The young man threatened with a smile.

"Is this the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty? If you don't want to change, do you want to rob it?" Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he asked.

"Our Holy Academy is also interested in that magical power." At this moment, another young man who looked like a scholar leaped out from the distance, his voice was calm, but people dared not ignore him.

"Holy Academy! Scholar!" Everyone's expressions changed slightly. This young man's status is more terrifying than that of the youths of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. He is fourth on the Immortal Seeking List, and is the scholar of Holy Academy, Lu Hanwen!

"It's really bullying." Chu Yan felt the gazes of both parties and smiled sarcastically: "Is this the behavior of the top forces in the Immortal Realm?"

"Holy Academy, Huaqing Immortal Palace, are you deceiving me that there is no one in the Holy Dragon Alliance?" King Qin took a step at this time and said coldly.

"King Qin, you know very well what the supernatural power means, so you cannot protect the Holy Dragon Alliance." The young man from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty said with a calm smile.

At this moment, a terrifying holy will oppressed him, and Lin Ang walked out with a terrifying holy shadow behind him: "Which of you wants that magical power?"

Shuzi and the young men from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty frowned slightly. Chu Yan was from the Dragon Alliance. They knew that snatching was impossible, but they still chose to do it. There was only one reason. They wanted to test the Dragon Alliance's determination to protect Chu Yan. .

"You don't need to test me. Junior brother is a member of our Dragon Alliance. If you want that magical power, it means that I and the Dragon Alliance are enemies." Lin Ang said calmly.

"In that case, see you at Immortal Burial Cliff." The two parties snorted coldly, then without saying anything else, they retreated and returned to their respective camps.

"Well done." When the person stepped back, Lin Ang looked at Chu Yan and said calmly.

"I'm afraid you'll come back and beat me, so I thought I might as well win." Chu Yan smiled. Lin Ang nodded, but his eyes were a little serious, and he suddenly said: "This time, it's not over yet."

Chu Yan looked at Lin Ang in surprise, and Lin Ang looked in the direction of Chen Fengsheng: "I told you that although our Dragon League has a small number of people, we will never allow others to bully you. Chen Fengsheng has already lost the battle with you today, but If he uses immortal weapons to fight you and breaks the rules, he is bullying our Dragon Alliance, so this matter will never end."

"But with my current strength, I still can't shake the immortal soldier, so I can only write down this matter. Inside the Immortal Burial Cliff, I will find an opportunity to seek justice for you. When the search for immortality is over, I will return to the immortal realm. I will tell the senior brothers about this," Lin Ang said easily, and Chu Yan felt warm in his heart.

In fact, when he defeated Chen Fengsheng, he didn't kill him, but he didn't take it to heart.

Although he joined the Dragon Alliance, his own strength was too weak, and the Chen clan's position in the central part of the Immortal Realm was very strong. Emperor Chen was extremely famous, so he didn't want to make too many enemies.

But Lin Ang's words touched his heart, and at least made him understand that the disciples of the Dragon Alliance had not suffered in vain, and they still had to seek justice in this matter.

"By the way, that magical power is indeed very strong." Lin Ang hesitated and then smiled. Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he looked at Lin Ang without saying a word.

Wanfa Lu is the top magical power in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda. It can be said to be a unique method. Even the top forces such as Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and Holy Academy are coveted.

He was not sure whether the people of the Holy Dragon League would come up with this idea.

"Don't worry, although your magical power is strong, it may not be suitable for everyone. Second Brother said that every disciple of the Dragon League has a unique way of cultivation. The disciples of the Dragon League do not preach and receive teachings, but practice as they please and walk their own way. So you can use your magical power as much as you want, but you must be careful in the Burial Cliff. The fact that no one covets the Dragon League does not mean that they will not, such as the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty." Lin Ang reminded.

The Huaqing Immortal Dynasty is the real overlord of the central part of the Immortal Realm, ruling the world. Later, the heroes split up and the Tianjiao rose up, breaking this pattern.

But even so, the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty has always been thinking about restoring its past glory and re-creating the throne of the world. For this reason, generations have been working hard.

Chu Yan's magical power is powerful, and the most likely one to covet is the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty.

"I know." Chu Yan nodded and looked at several top forces. Similarly, the other party also looked at him with their own thoughts.

This made him realize that he would not have an easy time in the Immortal Burial Cliff. Not to mention the Sword God Mountain, the two sides had already started a war. The exposure of the Ten Thousand Laws Record this time made the Holy Academy and the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty covetous. In addition, the people from the Tianhua Immortal Palace made his eyes slightly fixed.

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