Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 706 Conflict Escalates

"Presumptuous!" Tian Jue Wushuang suddenly took action, and the bystanders finally frowned. Yin Zijian did not care about his identity, and his vitality bloomed, as if attracting the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation Sword, smashing Tian Jue Wushuang's power into pieces, and then his eyes were extremely cold. Lock Tian Jueshuang.

"This time things are really serious!" Some people in Zhou whispered. If it was just a verbal conflict, even if Tian Jue Luoyan slapped Chen Zhiyang, it would still be understandable since it was useless.

But it's different now. Tian Jue Wushuang directly injured Chen Zhiyang seriously with his strong posture, which meant hitting Qingyang Immortal Sect in the face.

Similarly, Chen Zhiyang is that person's younger brother. Rumor has it that he will also arrive today. If he comes, things will only become more troublesome.

Many people in the distance looked at Tian Jue Wushuang with sympathy. Shao Yang's expression also changed with shock. Then he immediately said: "This time you are really in trouble. Let's go!"

"Brother-in-law!" However, at this moment, a dull voice suddenly came. Everyone turned around and saw Chu Yan, who had never spoken. At this time, he slowly stood up, followed by everyone. , all walked behind him.

"Wushuang, okay, today is my senior sister's engagement, a happy event. Luoyan, I have wronged you." Chu Yan smiled calmly, while Tianjue Luoyan shook his head shyly: "It's okay!"

"Brother-in-law, senior sister. Today is your special day. Senior sister treats me like a biological brother. I'm happy for you and don't want to spoil your happiness. However, it seems that I have to say sorry now." Chu Yan leaned forward and said, He turned his eyes and slowly looked at Yin Zijian, Yue Xin, and Fang Heng.

"Today is my senior sister's engagement day. Logically speaking, it should be clear. But when I came here, I couldn't see the slightest blessing from them to you, senior brother. If it was just verbal humiliation, forget it. But what he did just now, everyone It’s all in my eyes, and I can’t bear it anymore.”

Everyone was slightly stunned, and Yue Xin sneered: "Can't bear it anymore? So what can we do? But for those who are despicable in Xinghai, your senior sister is lucky to join my Qingyang Immortal Sect. As for these despicable maids, my senior brother likes them. , It's their blessing, they should have come to bed obediently, they were born with a low destiny. "

"Your mouth is so mean."

Chu Yan whispered, and then his eyes were focused and he did nothing. With just one glance, the entire manor seemed to be filled with endless demonic light, falling like the shadows of thousands of great demons.


Yuexin screamed on the spot. She didn't know what happened. She just felt like she was stung by an infinite flame. Her beautiful eyes were closed, blood flowed out, and her delicate body trembled wildly.

"Presumptuous!" Yin Zijian became even more angry at this time. The purple swords in the sky were like thunder, making a terrible whistling sound, and lined up in front of him, aiming at Chu Yan.

"Senior Brother! No." Shao Yang stepped out hurriedly, but the next moment, a terrifying wave of air hit him, knocking him back.

"Shao Yang, they are too presumptuous. Even if you are engaged today, I will never forgive them. Kill them!" Yin Zijian opened and closed his lips and teeth, and those purple swords immediately shot out, and the thunder rolled, as if Chu Yan was about to be submerged in his breath. generally.

In the manor, countless people became serious: "Qingyang Thunder Sword Jue!"

"Yin Zijian has perfected the Qingyang Thunder Sword Technique!" The guests who came to watch the ceremony said with envy. This sword technique was extremely famous in the northern generation of the Immortal Realm. It was the Qingyang ancestor's famous magical power.

Shaoyang's eyes were shocked and he was a little desperate. In his opinion, Chu Yan would definitely die. In that case, how would he face Mengya in the future.

At this moment, Chu Yan put his hands behind his back and allowed countless purple swords to be shot at him. He remained motionless, and then his eyes narrowed, and a strange scene appeared.

The purple sword with infinite power suddenly stopped just inches in front of Chu Yan. Then the sword head sank, as if he saw a king and surrendered?

"This..." All the guests were stunned. Shao Yang kept watching, shocked in his heart. Was the Qingyang Thunder Sword Art resolved like this?

What happened just now?

Shao Yang also showed a look of surprise. Yin Zijian was a senior brother and had practiced the Qingyang Thunder Sword Art. He knew very well how strong he was.

However, he was blocked by Chu Yan at will? Mengya's junior brother is so powerful?

"That's it?" Chu Yan looked at Yin Zijian with cold eyes: "If I remember correctly, you used your advice to humiliate me before, saying that I was not qualified to carry a heavy treasure. At that time, how powerful you boasted about yourself , Qingyang Immortal Sect, an extraordinary force, but I didn’t see how strong it was in this sword, and how weak it was, but I did see it.”

Yin Zijian's face turned gloomy. As a disciple of a large sect, he naturally could not accept such humiliation. With a cold snort, Zijian descended from the sky.

"I want to see how much you can block."

However, Chu Yan kept silently holding his hands behind his back as the purple swords rained like rain. Those swords penetrated the sky with destructive power, but when they reached his feet, they turned around and surrendered.

At this time, there were piles of purple thunder swords piled up at the foot of Chu Yan.

"So strong!" The surrounding guests also looked strange. Chu Yan was so powerful that they had to become serious.

Chen Zhiyang got up and was extremely surprised when he saw this scene.

"Everyone, take action, kill him!" Yin Zijian found that his moves were useless, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He gave the order on the spot. Countless disciples of Qingyang Immortal Sect leaped forward. Their powerful auras were unparalleled. Ten thousand methods came and they blasted towards Chu Yan crazily. .

It's just that Chu Yan kept standing there with indifferent eyes, and then his eyes kept flashing with strange light. Now his eye power is something that ordinary people can block?

"Ah!" Strong men from the Qingyang Immortal Sect kept rushing out, but once they got close to Chu Yan, they felt the terrible force of oppression, making them unable to breathe, and they fell to the ground with a thud.

"The so-called Qingyan Immortal Sect, I learned it when I saw it today." Chu Yan shook his head laughingly.

"Bastard!" Yin Zijian's face turned livid. He could not imagine that a Chu Yan could actually block all his disciples of the Qingyang Immortal Sect. Even he could not get closer to the huge gravity field.

The surrounding guests looked at each other strangely. Who would have expected that a person from the Star Sea could have such fighting power?

Yin Zijian, countless people from the Qingyang Immortal Sect took action, but they were no longer able to defeat him. It was even said that they were completely tortured and had no power to fight back.

"You've gone too far." At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded in the distance, Fang Heng from the Valley King Sect, he strolled out, with the shadow of a giant ape behind him, turning into a king figure, looking at Chu Yan.

"Brother Fang!" Yin Zijian smiled when he saw Fang Heng step out, and then looked at Chu Yan with an even more ferocious look: "You are dead!"

Chu Yan raised his head and glanced at Fang Heng. He felt the oppressive aura from the giant ape, and a more terrifying demonic aura suddenly burst out from his body, like an ancient monster.

"Get out!" With just one voice, Fang Heng's expression changed drastically, and the giant ape behind him began to tremble uncontrollably, with the vague intention of kneeling down.

Fang Heng's expression turned ugly and he stared at Chu Yan: "Even if you are very strong, you are not qualified to act arrogantly here today."

"Are you from the Valley King Sect?" Chu Yan stared at the other person with cold eyes.

Fang Heng was full of superiority and nodded slightly: "That's right."

"Although I have never heard of it, but from the look of you, it seems that you are born superior to others, and you helped Chen Zhiyang look down on my friends before. You are so condescending, so I guess the Valley King Sect should be very strong in the Immortal Realm, right? "Chu Yan asked.

"Haha, he is really a guy who has never seen the world." Yin Zijian sneered and said proudly: "The Valley King Sect is the real second-rate force in the Immortal Domain, second only to the top forces such as the Holy Dragon Alliance and Sword God Mountain. Brother Fang, even more He is the young leader of this generation’s Valley King Sect!”

"Okay, I've written it down." Chu Yan nodded, then looked calmly and glanced at the manor: "Today is my senior sister's engagement day, and I don't want to cause trouble. However, the Qingyang Immortal Sect and the Guwang Sect were bullying others too much before. , I just took action, now, how do you want to solve this matter?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then smiled broadly.

"Are you giving in?"

No matter how strong Chu Yan's combat power is, they were born in the fairyland and have a natural sense of superiority.

Now, Chu Yan asked them how to solve the matter.

Their first thought was that Chu Yan was afraid when he heard about the Queen of the Valley King.

"You are really ridiculous." Yin Zijian sneered and said, "You can solve this matter if you want. Hand over the treasure in your hand, and then give that bitch to my junior brother. I can treat today's matter as It didn’t happen. From now on, you people from Xinghai can join our Qingyang Immortal Sect when you go to the Immortal Realm.”

Chu Yan looked at Yin Zijian strangely, but the other party didn't seem to understand what he meant.

"Your strength is good, but it's still not good enough. Another person will come today. Then you will understand what a big shot is." Fang Heng said indifferently: "Compared with him, you are nothing."

Everyone's eyes flashed, and they all naturally knew who Fang Heng was talking about.

"Zhiyang, when will your brother arrive?" Yin Zijian asked, and Chen Zhiyang said proudly: "We have entered the land of immortality, right away!"

Shao Yang's eyes narrowed, and then he became even more nervous. He lowered his voice and said to Chu Yan: "Junior brother, please take the people away quickly. I will find a way to resolve today's incident."

"Brother-in-law, who is this person?"

"The elder brother in Chen Zhiyang's family, Chen Zhiming!" Shao Yang whispered, Tian Jue Wushuang frowned slightly, and Chu Yan looked at him: "You know?"

"Yes!" Tian Jue Wushuang nodded seriously: "Chen Zhiming, the strongest genius of the Chen clan, is rumored to be extremely talented. He became famous because he joined a top force not long ago. Guess which top force it is?"

As he said that, Tian Jue Wushuang's eyes looked slightly strange. Chu Yan seemed to have thought of something and said in surprise: "Holy Dragon Alliance?"

Tian Jue Wushuang nodded helplessly, and Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then showed a cold expression.

"In that case, let's wait." Chu Yan looked up at everyone and said calmly.

Yin Zijian's eyes were even colder. In his opinion, the moment Chen Zhiming arrived, it would be the end of Chu Yan.

Chen Zhiyang's eyes were greedy, and he kept scanning the delicate bodies of Li Xian'er, Wang Yue Fairy and others. As for Fang Heng, he was a little longing for them.

Although he is greedy for beauty, it is nothing compared to the path of spiritual practice. As long as he is strong, he can get any kind of woman, so his goal this time is to please Chen Zhiming, hoping to take this opportunity to join the Holy Dragon Alliance.

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