Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 67 You may regret it now

"Brother Chu, you are finally back! Woohoo!" Several freshmen rushed up, tears welling in their eyes.

"What are you doing? You make it seem like I am dead. Don't you know that this is unlucky?" Chu Yan was speechless.

"We really thought you were dead." Fan Ye stepped forward helplessly and said to Chu Yan.

"Why?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and Fan Ye continued: "Today, the Dai brothers and sisters came out of the Monster Forest and spread the news that you were killed by a monster beast in the Dust Realm, and Ye Xun was also captured and taken to the Law Enforcement Hall."

"Why would we capture Ye Xun if we die?" Chu Yan frowned fiercely.

"Did you have a conflict with the son of Qingzhi, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, in the Monster Forest today?" Fan Ye asked.


"It was him. Ye Xun injured him halfway. It was the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, Qingzhi, who rushed there in time, otherwise he would have been almost killed. So Qingzhi took Ye Xun to the Law Enforcement Hall."

"Why arrest him? According to the rules of the Haotian Sect, as long as you don't kill people and don't cause trouble outside the sect, the Law Enforcement Hall has no right to arrest people."

"That's the rule, and Ye Xun said so at the time... But Qingzhi said that the Haotian Sect has no rules, and he can arrest anyone he wants." Fan Ye said helplessly: "I just asked someone to inquire. Once you are arrested and taken to the Law Enforcement Hall, the result will not be good. Even if you don't die, you will most likely be a useless person."

Swish! Chu Yan's eyes were cold. He knew that Ye Xun had been following him. But he didn't show up later, and he thought he had lost him, but he didn't expect that he would go to intercept Qinghong halfway.

What he didn't expect was that Qingzhi was so shameless. A king attacked a freshman.

"Where is the Law Enforcement Hall?" Chu Yan asked coldly.

"It's not far from the Alchemy Hall." Fan Ye pointed to a building in the distance.

Chu Yan said nothing, turned around and walked towards the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Haotian Sect, I didn't want to use the power of the wilderness, but you forced me to do it! Qingzhi, aren't you playing with me without rules? Today I will let you see what it means to have no rules!"

"Brother Chu, wait for me." The fat man hurriedly followed. Ye Xun attacked Qinghong for him. Now that Qinghong is in trouble, he can't just stand by and watch.

Looking at the backs of the two, the freshman worriedly said, "Brother Fan, why don't you stop them?"

"Yes, the Law Enforcement Hall is a very powerful department of the Haotian Sect. If the two of them go, wouldn't that be sending them to death? It's a pity for Ye Xun alone. If Chu Yan and the fat man also die, then there will be only six of us freshmen left."

Fan Ye shook his head with a wry smile... Will Chu Yan die? Of course not. He looked at the direction of the Law Enforcement Hall in the distance and said lightly: "Just watch, the sleeping dragon will wake up today. After today, everyone in the Haotian Sect will remember a person named Chu Yan, like a nightmare."

Haotian Sect may be an unshakable mountain for ordinary people, but in front of Chu Yan, it is just like a grain of sand in the dust. If Chu Yan is willing, he can raze this mountain to the ground at any time.

In the Law Enforcement Hall of Haotian Sect, Ye Xun was caught here and was directly locked up in a dark sky prison.

Qinghong sat opposite him: "Little bastard, aren't you very awesome? Why don't you shout now?"

Ye Xun was covered in blood. He raised his head and looked at Qinghong contemptuously, smiling sneerly.

"What a Haotian Sect, what a so-called no rules, but it is still a place that bullies people by taking advantage of its power."

"Insolent!" A delicate shout sounded next to him. It was Dai Xiaoyan. After leaving the demon forest, she followed Qinghong to the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Dai Xiaoyan, Fatty saved you from the fire and water, and was willing to save you and your brother regardless of the danger of being hunted down. You and your brother are good, repaying kindness with hatred, you will regret it."

"Bullshit, I am now the young lady of the Law Enforcement Hall, why would I regret it."

"You will definitely do it, because soon, Fatty will be a height you can't look up to. As for this young lady of the shitty Law Enforcement Hall, I hope you can stay as a young lady for a little longer." Ye Xun's voice was full of sarcasm.

Dai Xiaoyan's face was extremely embarrassed, because Chu Yan had said the same thing to her, which made her even more angry in her heart. She would never believe that a freshman who had just entered the Dust Realm could make her regret.

"Give me the sword." Qinghong stood up and shouted at a deacon beside him.

The deacon frowned, but still handed the sword to Qinghong. After getting the blade, Qinghong looked at Ye Xun with contempt, full of evil smiles, and the next moment, the sword stabbed at Ye Xun's body.

"Ah!" Ye Xun screamed, and then seven or eight blood holes appeared on his body, but he still looked at Qinghong jokingly: "Qinghong, you'd better kill me today, otherwise I will kill you sooner or later."

"Do you think you can leave here alive?" Qinghong sneered disdainfully, and stabbed down with the long sword in his hand again.

"Ah!" Ye Xun kept screaming, and the deacons in the prison couldn't bear it and lowered their heads.

"Master Qinghong, if you continue, someone will die."

"It's just a new student, if he dies, he dies, there's nothing to regret." Qinghong cursed disdainfully, and he continued to attack.

"But the rules of Haotian Sect are that no one can die!"

"The rules of Haotian Sect are that there are no rules! Strength is everything, and background is everything." After saying that, Qinghong looked at Ye Xun: "Your name is Ye Xun, right? Today I will let you know what it means to be worse than death."


At the same time, outside the Law Enforcement Hall, Chu Yan had already arrived, but as soon as he stepped forward, he was immediately stopped by a group of elders of the Law Enforcement Hall.

"What an unruly disciple, the Law Enforcement Hall is a key place, you are not allowed to approach." Several law enforcement elders immediately stopped Chu Yan.

"If you don't want to die, get out!" Chu Yan didn't even raise his head, as if he didn't see the group of elders at all.

Several elders frowned fiercely. As elders, they had their own pride. Now they were threatened by a freshman, and they immediately showed anger.

"Looking for death!" An elder's vitality burst out, and the vast vitality immediately enveloped Chu Yan.

"Bang!" But at this moment, a palm print fell from the sky.

"Ah!" The elder screamed and was directly slapped to death by a palm falling from the sky.

"King?" This abrupt scene immediately made many law enforcement elders look gloomy, and they didn't dare to step forward for a while.

"Who are you? Why did you break into our Haotian Sect at night?" An elder of the law enforcement department raised his head and asked with lingering fear.

The sky was thundering, and a mighty mixed voice resounded throughout the Haotian Sect: "Do as our young master said, otherwise, the Haotian Sect will be a river of blood today."

As the voice fell, there was an endless force. All the elders saw at this time that in the clouds above the Haotian Sect, there was a figure of an old man standing with sleeves waving.

He lowered his head, making it difficult to see his face, but he gave people a huge sense of oppression, as if he alone could suppress the entire Haotian Sect.

"So crazy!" Many law enforcement elders looked gloomy, but they did not dare to move. The man's strength was too strong, so they did not dare to approach.

At this time, infinite power suddenly surged in all directions, and several figures shot from a distance.

When they saw those figures, the elders of the law enforcement hall looked ecstatic. Those people were the elders of their Haotian Sect.

Chu Yan seemed to have noticed those figures that were coming from the air, including Jiang Yi and Jiang Feng: "Elder Yao, I don't want to see any of the elders of Haotian Sect, including their Tianzun, today. No one is allowed to come to stop us. Whoever stops us will be killed! Can you do it?"

Elder Yao smiled bitterly. He knew that Chu Yan was really angry this time, so he nodded directly.

"If anyone comes, tell him to prepare a coffin for Qingzhi. Qingzhi must die today!" Chu Yan left a sentence, jumped, and stepped into the Law Enforcement Hall of Haotian Sect.

The fat man followed Chu Yan, his face full of excitement.

All the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall were shocked. They looked at each other, but they didn't know what to do. There was a strong man of at least the king level staring at them in the sky. They were no match for him, but they couldn't just watch Chu Yan fool around like this.

"What should we do?"

"What can we do? Even the elders are blocked outside. What else can we do except watch?"

"Asshole! How can this freshman be blessed by the king!" The Law Enforcement Hall was in chaos for a while.

"Kill anyone who comes one step closer!"

At this time, Chu Yan rushed out and headed straight for the underground prison of Haotian Sect, with a fierce look in his eyes.

When Chu Yan and the fat man entered the prison, there was a lot of noise outside, which also alarmed the place, so Qinghong asked Dai Xiaoyan and Dai Yuepeng to come out to see what was going on, but as soon as they came out, they saw Chu Yan and the others and frowned.

"It's you, you didn't die?"

Chu Yan glanced at Dai Xiaoyan: "I said, I hope one day you won't regret your choice today."

Dai Xiaoyan frowned slightly, her eyes were extremely cold: "Humph, even if you two didn't die, I still won't regret it. I followed Qinghong, and I will be the young lady of the Law Enforcement Hall in the future. If you two offend Qinghong, at most you will be useless new students who will never be able to get up in the Haotian Sect. Maybe one day you will be killed. No one will even collect your bodies."

"My sister is right. You dare to make a scene in the Law Enforcement Hall today. You will definitely not live long." Dai Yuepeng sneered.

For people like the Dai brothers and sisters who are only interested in profit, Chu Yan has nothing to say, and he doesn't want to waste words. He just raised his foot and walked towards the depths of the sky prison.

"Stop!" Dai Yuepeng shouted angrily and stopped Chu Yan.

"Get lost!" Chu Yan punched hard. He hadn't used the Soul Capture Technique for a long time. The reason was simple. The Soul Capture Technique consumed a lot of energy and was not as easy as the Heavenly Star Secret Technique and the Sun-Destroying Sword Technique. But today, he used the Soul Capture Technique directly on Dai Yuepeng, which showed how angry he was.

The vitality that was completely compressed by brute force burst out and immediately enveloped Dai Yuepeng.

"How is it possible? Why does the sixth level of Dongchen have such terrible power?" Dai Yuepeng's face sank. He felt as if he was pressed down by a mountain. The next moment, his chest was sunken and he was suddenly blown away.

"Do you regret it now?" Chu Yan looked at Dai Yuepeng coldly.

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