Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6157 Negotiation Collapse

When the wind and sand dispersed.

Chu Yan put away his sword.

On the opposite side, a huge tiger demon said in a low voice: "Boy, did you kill my son?"

Chu Yan said faintly: "He wanted to kill me first, I just retaliated."

The huge tiger demon said coldly: "It's useless to say these!"

After that, he turned and looked at the Saint of Huangyuan: "Huangyuan... Is this what you mean?"

The Saint shrugged: "This matter has nothing to do with Huangyuan, and my current identity does not represent Huangyuan."

"Then who do you represent?"

The Saint looked at Chu Yan: "I am now serving the Chu Emperor of the New Era."

"Chu Yan? Are you Chu Yan?" The huge tiger demon stared at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

The tiger demon suddenly grinned: "Interesting... We didn't take the initiative to look for you, but you came to our door?"

Chu Yan thought for a while, and suddenly said: "I think we can chat first."

"There is nothing to talk about with you, you should go and pay for my son's life first!"

The tiger demon roared, and then raised two huge tiger claws, wanting to tear Chu Yan to pieces.

"Boss, wait a minute."

Just then, a dull voice came from the patriarch's hall.

The elder just stopped and turned to look.

In the hall, a middle-aged man in a white Taoist robe walked out.

Chu Yan could see that this person was also a tiger demon, but he had completely changed into a human form.

The ancient saint lowered her voice and said: "This person is the patriarch of the tiger tribe of Huqiu Mountain, named: Hu Wei. He is very powerful, not much different from my father."

Chu Yan suddenly realized.


At this time, all the tigers in Huqiu Mountain bowed.

Hu Wei waved his hand casually, then looked at Chu Yan, and said jokingly: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "I represent the New Era this time, and want to win over many ancient forces to fight against the Eliminators with me."

The strong men of Huqiu Mountain were stunned at first, and then they all laughed.

"Haha, hahaha!"

"Boy, are you kidding?"

Hu Wei also looked at Chu Yan strangely and chuckled: "Unite with you? And fight against the Clearers? Little guy, do you know what you are talking about?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "Of course I know, the Clearers cause disasters and are the enemies of the era. Killing them is the common responsibility of all eras."

Hu Wei laughed sarcastically: "I think you are really crazy! Let's not talk about you killing my people, even the Clearers, do you know how strong they are? The two great eras of the Ancient and the Gods and Demons have all been destroyed. Do you think the New Era can still escape?"

"Besides, the Ancient and the Gods and Demons eras have been destroyed, and the Clearers will not attack us now. They only want to destroy your New Era. Why should we join forces with you?"

Chu Yan Looking at Hu Wei, he said slowly: "Senior should understand that although the catastrophe of the ancient era has come, the threat of the Eliminator has not ended."

"The reason why they don't take action now is just because you are not a threat to them."

"But everyone, do you really want to live under the control of others forever?"

"With the Eliminator here, you don't even have the qualifications to become stronger. As long as you dare to become stronger, you will be killed immediately."

After speaking, Chu Yan stared at Hu Wei and said faintly: "I can feel that there is a certain power suppressed in the senior's body. Although I don't know what that power is, I don't know how the senior did it. After practicing to the extreme in the realm of self-centeredness, you can still continue to become stronger."

"But the senior dare not expose it, right?"

Hu Wei's eyes condensed.

Because Chu Yan was telling the truth.

He did have a premonition of promotion recently.

It's not a breakthrough in realm, but he found a special avenue that can make his combat power rise to a higher level.

But now, he dare not merge.

Once merged, his combat power will be improved, and then he will be afraid of the purgers.

Chu Yan said lightly: "Even cultivation has to live under the fear of others, haven't you had enough of this kind of life, senior?"

This time, Hu Wei didn't wait for him to speak, the elder sneered: "Boy, you said it lightly, but the purgers are beyond the era, and have a special method of cultivation. We suffer from the era and are not their opponents at all."

Chu Yan shook his head: "I don't think so. Maybe a single era can't beat them, but now the era of gods and demons has united with me. If the ancient times are added, the three eras will be united together, and there may be no chance."

Hu Wei was surprised: "You said that the gods and demons have united with you? Saint, is this true?"

The Saint of the Abyss nodded: "Yes!"

Hu Wei narrowed his eyes.

This result surprised him a little.

He always knew that the gods and demons wanted to kill Chu Yan before.

Now they are playing with Chu Yan?

However, Hu Wei still shook his head: "Not enough! The Age of Gods and Demons was defeated by the Eliminator."

"Besides, kid, you own the universe. If I kill you, get the Secret of Refining Heaven, and find a way to enter the Ancient Saint, can't I fight the Eliminator by myself? Why should I join forces with you?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "First of all, the Secret of Refining Heaven does not have a way to the Ancient Saint, at least I haven't seen it yet."

"Second, the senior does not have the ability to kill me."

"On the contrary, if you don't join forces with me, I may have to consider whether to destroy Huqiu Mountain. After all, what I hate most is fence-sitters."

"It would be very uncomfortable if you suddenly stab me in the back when I become enemies with the Purges."

When Chu Yan said this, he always acted calmly and calmly.

But it generated a powerful momentum.

Opposite, the strong men in Huqiu Mountain were startled for a moment, and then they all laughed loudly.

The great elder sneered: "Destroy Huqiu Mountain? Boy, are you kidding?"

"Just you?"

Chu Yan looked at him and said seriously: "Yes, it's up to me."

"court death."

The great elder lost his patience, turned around and said in a low voice to Huwei: "Clan leader, why are you talking nonsense to him? Just kill him directly. Even if there is no ancient saint's path to the mystery of refining the sky, as long as you kill him, you can open the door to a new era." The Lord of Heaven Refining is the most powerful person in the three eras, and there must be many treasures in the universe. "

Hu Wei also shook his head in disappointment.

The reason why he chose to talk to Chu Yan was because he wanted to see if there was anything special about this genius who had opened up the universe since the Master of Heaven Refining.

But I didn't expect that he was just an ignorant child who could talk arrogantly and talk big words.

"Saint Maiden of Abyss, you have disappointed me."

After Hu Wei finished speaking, he waved his hand towards the great elder: "Do it."

The great elder immediately showed his terrifying fangs.

Chu Yan sighed when he saw this: "Why is it so difficult every time I want to have a good talk with someone?"

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