Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6138 The Right Path

Chu Yan rarely gets really angry.

Even though he fights almost every day, either in a fight or on the way to a fight, most of them are because of position issues or some epochal feuds, but there are very few things where he is really angry.

Last time, it was the Purges who captured Blood Lord.

He was angry.

The purgers paid a heavy price for this.

One of the red-robed men died.

However, he was angry today.

Not even weaker than the time when Lord Xue was captured.

That time, it was pure hatred. The Purifier wanted to die. The Purifier also had a grudge against the gods and demons. This is understandable.

Now, Chu Yan's hatred for this powerful man of tens of thousands of eras is more like a hatred of iron that cannot be transformed into steel!

Where are the gods and demons, and where are the purgers? They are foreign enemies and enemies.

But these powerful men of the era all belong to the same era, and it’s okay to just break through. This is a personal choice, and Chu Yan has nothing to say.

But the first thing to break through the ego is to attack the universe?

What is the difference between this and a traitor?

Therefore, Chu Yan really wanted to kill all these people.

One kill will make it all in vain, and there will never be any further trouble.

But he also understood that Xiaojiu and the sword master were right.

If these ten thousand people are really dead, there will be even greater trouble in the new era.

Now, the Cleaners may not dare to come to this era easily, but once these tens of thousands of people die and the disaster of the era comes, the Cleaners will never let them go.

Chu Yan stared at tens of thousands of people.

Tens of thousands of people were also shivering.

Chu Yan said coldly: "You think I dare not kill you, don't you?"

No one spoke.

"As the saying goes, the law does not punish everyone. If you think that there are tens of thousands of you, I, Chu Yan, will not kill them all!"

"But I tell you today, you are all wrong! If I, Chu Yan, really want to kill you, even the King of Heaven and I will not be able to stop you! At worst, the catastrophe of the era will come, and we can all bear it together."

"If it doesn't work out, I'll give up on the universe and leave with the people in the universe. Anyway, I still have a universe of my own."

Thousands of people were silent.

Chu Yan continued: "I just returned from the gods and demons. To be honest, the gods and demons...are stronger than you. They also know not to kill their own people, but you are worse than animals."


The next second, Chu Yan took a long breath, and then said coldly: "Today, I give you a chance, and it is also the last time! From now on, if something similar happens again, I don't care what kind of disaster it is. I will definitely kill you all."

As soon as these words came out, the powerful men of the era breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Chu Yan didn't finish his words.

Suddenly, his conversation changed: "Of course, you can avoid death penalty, but you cannot escape living penalty! Since you have provoked the universe, you must pay some price. Are you willing?"

The powerful men of the era all bowed their heads: "We are willing."

It’s okay if you don’t want to.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said: "I went to the gods and demons this time, and found that the original power there is stronger than ours! Why? Because they have original mineral veins, and enough mineral veins can continuously provide power!"

"This time, I also brought back many original mineral veins. Next, you have to plant these mineral veins in the new era and use the original power in your body to cultivate them for a period of time."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of countless powerful men from all eras darkened.

Use your own power to warm and nourish the mineral veins?

Doesn’t this mean that they won’t be able to practice for a long time?

At this time, Chu Yan said again: "Of course, I am a person who is rewarded and punished. If you can cultivate the mine well, when the mine matures, you can also get the first batch of source stones, and even give you some source stones." ownership rights.”

The strong men of the era were all overjoyed.

"Emperor Chu, can we still obtain mineral veins?"


Chu Yan nodded calmly.

Although he loathes and hates these people, he also understands that if an era wants to be strong, it is not enough for him or the universe alone.

The only way to fight against the Purge, or even the catastrophe of the Era, is to unite.

is the only way out.

In an instant, the powerful men of the era became happy.

No more irritation.

Immediately, Chu Yan waved his hand without boredom: "Okay, let's go and do our work."

"Then I will ask the Lord to distribute the veins to you."

Mineral vein transplantation is not a simple matter.

It doesn't mean just dig it out here and then move it here and bury it.

It's a bit like a sapling. You want to change the position of the tree. It takes a certain amount of time to warm up and let the tree adapt to the land of the new era.

The same is true for the original mineral vein.

Of course, the best mineral veins are not used.

The best mineral veins have already given birth to mineral spirits and have their own consciousness, so they can adapt easily even if they change places.

But the best mineral veins are in the minority after all.

The strong man of the era nodded slightly before retreating.

There was a lingering fear in my heart.

The war ended here.

Chu Yan returns to the universe.

The owner and others flew over quickly.

"Emperor Chu."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, then he hesitated and suddenly said: "Do you hate me?"

The owner laughed and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I have achieved a breakthrough in self-reliance." Chu Yan said calmly.

The universe is silent.

Regarding this matter, everyone does have some doubts in their minds.

"Although we don't understand, since Emperor Chu did this, there must be a reason for doing so."

Chu Yan nodded slightly and sighed: "The advancement is only my own, not my intention. As I said, this is the wrong path!"

"But in the era of gods and demons, the purgers sent red robes to kill me. I was helpless. In desperation, I could only advance to the level of Soli."

"It was also at that time that I repaired my solitary path."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the universe was shocked.

"Emperor Chu, so...you have embarked on this wrong path?"

The host also lost his mind for a while: "Boy Chu, are you useless?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "I don't know if there is any way to save me. The path of self-centeredness doesn't care about other paths. After promotion, you can deprive yourself of your skills and retreat, but the path of self-centeredness cannot be achieved at all."

"If you advance, you advance. You can't go back."

The people in the universe were disappointed.

Some people even had their eyes red with sadness.

Chu Yan has always been their belief, but now Chu Yan is useless?

He wasted his talent.

At this time, someone suddenly said angrily: "Damn it! It's okay. Emperor Chu is gone, so let's break through together. At worst, we all make mistakes together. Even if it is a wrong path, we will make it right by then."

Everyone nodded.

"To Emperor Chu, we will work with you to correct mistakes. We will continue to make mistakes together."

"We are not afraid."

Chu Yan's heart warmed up and he laughed and said: "No! You can't make this mistake any longer!"

"And when I come back this time, I also bring you good news."

Everyone showed doubts.

Chu Yan took a deep breath and said seriously: "Aren't you all curious before, if the path of self-centeredness is wrong, then what is right?"

"I found the right way!"

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