Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6133 Huge Gap

There was silence in the conference hall, and Liu Tianfeng coughed a few times. Although he valued this marriage very much, as a father, who doesn't want his daughter to marry a proud man and find a reliable man? But now Chu Yan is actually useless.

"Dad, is this the proud man you asked me to marry? This loser?" Liu Qingcheng spoke like ice beads from the side.

Liu Tianfeng began to lose his composure. He sighed, but this marriage must not be ruined. He knew better than anyone else that this marriage was the only chance to save the Liu family.

"Oh, Qingcheng, I have suffered so much for you. For the sake of the Liu family, I have to sacrifice you. This marriage must still go ahead as usual!"

"Dad!" Liu Qingcheng's eyes turned red. She couldn't figure out what happened back then. Why did she have to marry this loser?

Seeing Liu Qingcheng's reluctant look, Chu Yan smiled leisurely and said, "Wife, don't worry, although I am a waste, I am very obedient. You are the master of the outside, and I am the master of the house, right? Don’t worry, I have very low self-esteem and won’t be afraid of being laughed at.”

"You..." Liu Qingcheng stamped her feet angrily, but she had no choice but to glare at Chu Yan fiercely before turning and leaving the conference hall.

Watching Liu Qingcheng leave, Liu Tianfeng sighed, and then looked at Chu Yan in confusion, how could this be? That man's son has a mole on his feet. Shouldn't he be the proud son of heaven? Why is it a waste?

Liu Tianfeng shook his head, "Nephew Chu Yan, don't take it to heart. I have watched this girl Qingcheng grow up. Although she talks about it, she is very kind in her heart. She will not refuse this marriage. How many of you are doing this?" Get ready, I will let you get married to Qingcheng in the near future."

"Thank you Uncle Liu!"

Chu Yan smiled slyly, is he really a waste? He had no explanation.

After leaving the conference hall, Chu Yan was arranged in the Liu family's superior guest room.

In the guest room, Chu Yan's eyes obviously changed a little bit. They were no longer as naughty as they were in the conference hall before, but had a touch of depth, as if they were stable after settling everything in the world. As if Liu Tianfeng saw the current Chu Yan will definitely be pleasantly surprised, because if nothing else, this kind of indifference to favor and humiliation is something that many strong men who have practiced for hundreds of years have never had?

"Huh!" Chu Yan rested his arm on his head and looked quietly at the beams above, with a relaxed smile on his lips.

"Damn it, I've endured it for so long and it's finally time to endure it."

Perhaps in everyone's eyes, Chu Yan's smile at this time was because he was about to marry a proud daughter of heaven, the most beautiful Liu Qingcheng in Tianyong City.

But only Chu Yan himself knows that what he is really excited about is that soon, he will finally be able to get rid of this first level of mortal world, a life body, a star, and the so-called mortal body.

When the time comes, all these top names associated with waste will disappear from him soon, and they will be replaced by a king who will shake the world.

Because there is a secret in the Liu family that even Liu Tianfeng doesn't know.

In the evening, Liu Tianfeng discussed with many elders and finally set the wedding date of Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng in three days.

This news immediately spread in Tianyong City. When they learned that Liu Qingcheng was going to get married, all the men in Tianyong City sighed. It was a pity that she was the goddess in their dreams.

"Have you heard? Liu Qingcheng is getting married, and she seems to be a loser!"

"Trash? I heard he is a beggar. He is full of stench. Haha, I really don't know what the old man Liu Tianfeng is thinking. Doesn't he have a habit of sadizing women? He refuses to marry countless young masters from rich families, but he insists on letting himself My daughter marries such a loser.”

"Who knows, it's just a pity that I won't even have anything to fantasize about at night."

"Idiot, you can't fantasize about getting married? A married woman is more attractive, right? And she's the wife of a beggar!"

"Haha! That's true."

In just one night, the news that Liu Qingcheng was getting married spread throughout the streets and alleys in Tianyong City.


In the southeast corner of Tianyong City, a loud noise suddenly came from a top-notch mansion that was even better than Liuzhai.

This is the Qin family in Tianyong City, and together with the Liu family and the Tan family, they are the three major families in Tianyong City.

In a guest room of the Qin family, there was a young man with an iron complexion. His name was Qin Feng, and he was the third young master of the Qin family.

Because Qin Feng is the only son of the eldest elder of the Qin family, he has a high status in the Qin family. In addition, he is the only genius in the Qin family who has awakened the four stars of life in the past three years, so he is very favored and is even expected to succeed Qin Feng. The duties of the patriarch of the family.

The most important thing is that Qin Feng has been pursuing Liu Qingcheng these years, but Liu Qingcheng has always ignored him, which has made him intolerable. However, Liu Qingcheng has the same attitude towards other men besides him. , he felt calmer, but today, the Liu family suddenly said that Liu Qingcheng was getting married, which made Qin Feng's surroundings reveal a strong murderous intention.

"Tell me clearly, what is going on?"

Qin Feng shouted angrily, and several servants couldn't help but tremble as they knelt on the ground.

"Crazy young master, this happened eighteen years ago to the Liu family. The Liu family had made this engagement a long time ago.

coming! "

"What is the origin of the other party?"

"I don't know, I just know that his name is Chu Yan, and he's still a loser."

"Trash? Trash? Do you mean that I am worse than a trash?" The sinister meaning in Qin Fang's eyes became even stronger.

"Master, calm down, young master! Calm down! The old slave just thinks that the Liu family is simply blind. The young master is the pride of heaven, but they rejected the young master. Now, instead, they let Liu Qingcheng marry a loser for a bullshit marriage contract, so the old slave feels that the young master does not need to If we are tolerant, it would be better to force Liu Qingcheng to have sex with us. Anyway, the current Liu family doesn’t dare to provoke us.”

"Yes! Liu Qingcheng, you forced me to do this. You are willing to marry a loser rather than me. If I can't get something, I will destroy her with my own hands!" Qin Feng's eyes flashed coldly, Revealing a strong murderous intention.

——In the Liu family, Chu Yan didn't know that he had made countless enemies for himself as soon as he came to Tianyong City, but he didn't care.

Because there is only a little difference, as long as you survive the last point, everything can be changed.

As the night got darker, Chu Yan jumped down from the bed, but at this moment, a shadow suddenly flashed on the oil paper outside his window, making him frown.

Chu Yan chirped, and looked at the outline of the shadow with a faint smile. "Miss Liu, you came to see me so late. Are you so impatient that you can't even wait for the last three days?"

The door of the room was pushed open at this time, and Liu Qingcheng's tall figure walked into the room. She was wearing a baggy black dress, which made her body look even more petite. After hearing Chu Yan's words, her dark eyebrows frowned lightly, and her autumn eyes immediately became like Staring at Chu Yan fiercely like ice, a jade sword came out of his hand and was placed on Chu Yan's neck.

"If you dare to speak rudely again, I will kill you!"

However, Chu Yan was not afraid of Liu Qingcheng's threat at all, and smiled lazily, "You kill me, I know. Miss Liu is a proud daughter of heaven. She left the mortal world at the age of three and opened up a three-star life body. At the age of five, The life body has been strengthened again, reaching five stars. In addition, the Liu family has spent all their financial resources to train you over the years. You are now a six-star life body, and your realm has reached the ninth level of the mortal realm, right?"

"Since you know, just be polite when you speak!"

"Listen to me first." Chu Yan smiled, and then his eyes became sharp. "But what about you, the proud daughter of heaven? You have the ability to kill me. Don't worry, I will stand here to guarantee you." Not a flash, but if you kill me, what do you think will happen to Uncle Liu? Of course, maybe Uncle Liu will bypass you because of his great fatherly love, so guess what will happen to the Liu family? "

"Are you threatening me?" Liu Qingcheng clenched her hands and glared at Chu Yan fiercely.

"Yes, it's just a threat to you. You know very well that the Liu family can survive until now because of me, Chu Yan. Although I am a waste, I can keep the Liu family. You are the proud daughter of heaven, but can you? Do you want to Yes, then come and kill me." Chu Yan said and opened his hand.

Seeing Chu Yan's appearance of letting others be slaughtered, Liu Qingcheng hated her with itch, but she couldn't help it, because she also knew that Chu Yan was telling the truth, and the current Liu family was like catkins in the wind. The situation is unstable, but Chu Yan is the only one who can stabilize the Liu family's house.

"Tell me, what do you want to do before you let me go?" Liu Qingcheng's voice gradually softened.

"Let you go? What do you mean? I don't understand." Chu Yan blinked in confusion, but his smile grew stronger.

"Stop pretending to be confused. You know, I don't want to marry you. Of course, I don't want to marry you because you are a loser. On the contrary, because you are kind to my Liu family, I also want to repay you, but this Repayment does not mean that I have to exchange my life’s happiness for it.”

"Do you have someone you like?" Chu Yan smiled.

Liu Qingcheng lowered her head sadly, but her mind couldn't help but think of the scene ten years ago.

Ten years ago, he went shopping with the Liu family caravan, but unexpectedly he was attacked by a monster. At that time, the entire caravan was destroyed by the monster, and he was the only one who was rescued by a little boy. The little boy was dirty. He looked like a savage, but when all the monsters saw him, they felt fear and only dared to roar and did not dare to approach.

Later, Liu Tianfeng brought someone here and she was rescued. Liu Qingcheng kept thinking that if there was no little boy, maybe she would have followed this fate and married Chu Yan, but... he had appeared, how could she have done it? Forgot?

"Yes, I have someone I like, so I don't want to marry you! Can you let me go?"

Chu Yan frowned slightly, but soon smiled and said, "That's not possible. This marriage was arranged by the elders. I am also very embarrassed. How about you go and discuss it with Uncle Liu? If he agrees, , I don’t care.”


Liu Qingcheng clenched her little hands tightly and discussed with Liu Tianfeng? If there is some discussion, she has already succeeded in the past ten years, why wait until today?

"Chu Yan! Don't force me to marry you, then I would rather die!"

"You can die, but you can rest assured that if you die, I will definitely take good care of our parents for you!"


Liu Qingcheng squeezed her little hands tightly. She was trembling with anger from Chu Yan, but she had no choice but to leave.

It's just that she didn't notice the tenderness under Chu Yan's eyes when she turned around.

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