Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6130: Era Barrier Broken

The red robe decided to find the mysterious woman behind Chu Yan first.

He wanted to let the world know that the purger is invincible, and everything else is nothing.

Especially Huang Yuan, who dared to be their enemy. You are afraid of the mysterious woman, but are you not afraid of me, the purger?

Seeking death!

At this time, the golden robe hesitated and said: "Saint... That woman doesn't seem to be simple. The people sent by the Divine Court before did not come back."

The red robe said lightly: "I know about this, but do you think an evil god can be compared with our purger?"

The golden robe was stunned and shook his head: "It's definitely not comparable."

How strong is the purger?

Let alone a supreme evil god, even before the God Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor knew Chu Yan, he was just an ant in their eyes.

The golden robe hesitated and said, "But Saint, Huang Yuan chose to surrender, that woman must have some tricks."

The red robe thought for a while and said, "That's right. Huang Yuan is the bloodline of the ancient, although he is not as strong as us, the purgers, but he is much stronger than the Divine Court. That woman can make Huang Yuan surrender, so her strength should not be too weak."

After speaking, he suddenly spread his palm.


Suddenly, a blue long sword appeared.

The golden robe was shocked when he saw the long sword.

"Saint, this is..."

"My personal sword, you hold this sword and go. When you meet it, you can summon a wisp of my consciousness through this sword."

The golden robe was ecstatic when he heard it.

The red robe's consciousness followed, that was definitely enough.

It was even enough to destroy Huang Yuan.

"I will do it."

The red robe nodded, and then waited for the golden robe to leave. He hesitated and summoned another golden robe.

"Saint, you are looking for me?" The golden robe said respectfully.

The red robe said, "Go to Tiangu, Sanqiandaomen and Xunlong Mountain for me. They have lost many people this time. Let them send someone to see me."

"Yes!" The golden robe did it immediately.

The red robe thought alone.

Chu Yan... Idealism...

He shook his head. Just relying on idealism is not enough to scare the purger.



On the other side, in the gap between the gods and demons and the new era.

Chu Yan is returning with all his strength.

This time he left for a long time. To be honest, he was a little homesick.

At this time, he didn't know what the purger thought, otherwise he would probably have only one thought...

Isn't it good to be alive?

Still looking for the mysterious woman?

He still didn't know who the woman was, but he could be sure that the other party's strength was absolutely terrifying.

Chu Yan didn't think much, and soon he came to the barrier between the two eras.

Chu Yan looked at the barrier with some hesitation.

Because he knew very well what it meant for him to take a step forward now.

He is too strong now. Once he crosses back from here, it means that the barriers of the new era will be lifted.

Why did he come to the God and Demon Era?

First, for resources.

Second, because the new era can no longer accommodate him.

He is too strong, causing the barriers to gradually loosen, and he is now nearly a hundred times stronger than when he left the new era, and has completely become the only self.

Once he returns to the new era, the barriers will fall without attack.

At that time, if there are foreign enemies coming again, there will be no barriers to protect them.

Chu Yan is still struggling, whether he should wait a little longer and give the new era some time.


Suddenly, Chu Yan's face changed slightly.

I saw that the barrier in front of him... broke?

Yes, it was broken, and he hasn't gone back yet.

"The barrier of the new era has cracked? Not because of me?"

At this time, Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "There is only one possibility."

"Only me!"

Chu Yan said in a low voice: "In the new era...someone has broken through the only me."

He had known for a long time that once the only me road was repaired, someone would definitely not be able to resist the temptation.

But he had used Xiao Jiu to transmit the sound to the universe not long ago, and everyone agreed.

In the end...did someone still not bear it?

Chu Yan sighed.

It's okay now, no need to worry about it.

The new era gave birth to only me, whether he went back or not, the barrier of the new era would be broken.

To be honest, Chu Yan felt a little lost in his heart, because he had clearly promised him, and the only me road was a wrong road!

Once he stepped into it, he didn't know whether he could turn back.

Of course, Chu Yan also understood how tempting the only me road was to the people of the new era, and it was normal to be unable to resist.

He didn't say much, and stepped back towards the new era.



At this time, what Chu Yan didn't know was that the new era was suffering from an unprecedented crisis!


In the new era, in just one day, a road after a road soared into the sky.

After the road of self-centeredness was repaired, it was like a bridge across the starry sky, and at this moment, countless people with fiery eyes quickly crossed along the bridge.

"This is..."

"Road of self-centeredness?"

"Can we break through the self-centeredness in the new era?"

"The road of self-centeredness... is repaired?"

In the new era, countless old people burst into tears, and too many people could not resist the temptation and directly crossed along the bridge.

The breakthrough was very fast and easy.

There was no road of self-centeredness before the new era, and too many people were stuck in this realm for too long, just like the upper limit realm in the universe.

It's not that they don't have the ability to break through, it's just because this road is broken.

But now that this road has been repaired, it will be easier for them to break through than walking on flat ground.


In an instant, countless auras of egoism burst out in the new era.


But it is worth mentioning that...

All those who advance to egoism are forces outside the universe.

Some top giants, and some alliance masters.

On the contrary, in the most lively and powerful universe in the new era in the past year, there was no movement at all, and no road to advance to egoism appeared.

At this time, many people in the universe also took off, and they watched people breaking through from all directions.

It is impossible not to envy!

How many years of anticipation.

Today I can finally advance.

The road ahead is not dark.

However, they always remembered Chu Yan's words in their minds, and that is why, even though they faced huge temptations and watched others succeed one by one, no one broke through in the end.

The human master and the old Taoist were very calm. The two had followed Chu Yan for too many years, so they had long believed in Chu Yan's words.

Since Chu Yan didn't let them break through, there must be a reason, and he will definitely give them a better way in the future.

The others didn't break through either, which surprised the two.

"I have to say, this kid still has charisma."

"He can make so many people choose to give up their bright futures and endure huge temptations just because of his words."

The old Taoist nodded slightly, then pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "Don't brag about that kid first, you should think about how to solve the next troubles in the universe."

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