Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6118: Primordial Devil's Claw

The red robe roared, and he tried to catch the flying Dao Seal back, but it was too late. After the Dao Seal broke free from him, the whole person made a joyful sound and flew towards Chu Yan happily.


The red robe spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot because the Human Seal was taken away.

But this is not the point...

At this time, he was holding the God Ancestor!

Just now, he burst out with terrible power and directly suppressed the God Ancestor, but now, the power of humanity in his body disappeared, and his breath became weak.

It was different for the God Ancestor. He had always mastered the power of the Heavenly Dao.

As one grew stronger, the other weakened, and the God Ancestor's breath instantly overwhelmed the red robe.


The God Ancestor broke free from the red robe and grinned: "You dog, it was fun to catch me just now, right?"

The red robe's face changed, but before he could regret it, with a bang, the God Ancestor stretched out a hand and grabbed the red robe's throat in the same way as the red robe just did.

The red-robed man's face suddenly changed, and the whole person was lifted up by the God Ancestor.

The next second, the God Ancestor sneered, and then wanted to pretend to be thirteen like the red-robed man, and began to pinch with his palm...

However, as soon as he exerted force, he became embarrassed...

Because he found that his pinch... did not move?

The God Ancestor looked strange: "Is it so hard? Something is wrong, didn't Chu kid just say that the bodies of you purgers are very fragile?"

After speaking, the God Ancestor shouted angrily and exerted force with his palm again...

However, all the blue veins on his arms bulged, but his palm did not move at all, and he could not pinch the red-robed man's throat no matter what.

The red-robed man stood in place, allowing the God Ancestor to pinch his throat, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Do you feel good pinching?"

Suddenly, the red-robed man spoke with a dark face.

The God Ancestor couldn't help but laugh dryly: "Haha, hahaha! This is a bit embarrassing..."

The red-robed man felt cold in his heart.

Still want to pinch his throat?

Are you dreaming?

Although the Seal of Humanity was taken away, which caught him off guard, he was a Red Robe after all.

The real ceiling of combat power.

Besides, the Seal of Humanity was not his most important trump card. It was just a reward from the headquarters for his great contribution in the destruction of the Gods and Demons Era.

Really nothing, nothing.


Suddenly, the Red Robe raised his hand and grabbed the wrist of the God Ancestor, and then his palm began to exert force.



The God Ancestor screamed.


In an instant, he punched out, and the Red Robe raised his hand to resist, and the two sides were forced to separate.

But as soon as the God Ancestor stopped, his forehead was immediately covered with cold sweat, and he looked down at his wrist, which turned black.

The whole arm dropped down.

This made the God Ancestor's heart tremble.

So strong!

Even if he lost the Seal of Humanity, is he still so powerful?

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes when he saw this.

He stared at the palm of the red robe for a while.

At this time, the palm of the red robe had changed.

It didn't look like a human palm, but a black and dry devil's claw.

The devil's claw also exuded a faint purple-black aura, and anything touched by the aura would immediately enter a state of decay.

"What is this trick?" Chu Yan said in a low voice.

It was the first time he saw such an evil power.

Xiao Jiu shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't seen it either."

"It's the prehistoric devil's claw!" The devil ancestor said in a deep voice.

Chu Yan was puzzled: "What is that?"

The devil ancestor said: "I don't know very well, but I have seen it in the ancient records. It is rumored that this trick was created by a supreme being in the ancient times. It has the power to decay all things. Anything attacked by this claw will fall into eternal decay."

Chu Yan frowned slightly.

At this time, the God Ancestor was also cruel enough to himself.

He swung the knife with his other hand and chopped it down.


The decayed arm of the God Ancestor fell to the ground with a hard sound and was chopped off on the spot.

The God Ancestor groaned in pain, but he didn't care. Instead, he quickly controlled his power and reattached an arm to himself.

Rebirth of a broken arm... a little trick.

Let alone a strong man of the God Ancestor's level, even if he was placed in the universe... no, in some ordinary mortal world, some low-level immortals who were born occasionally actually have this ability.

At the level of a monarch, he can do it.

However, the rebirth of a broken arm did not attract everyone's attention.

But when the God Ancestor's arm was reborn, the eyes of the world couldn't help shrinking!

They showed a look of shock!

Because they found something very terrifying!

That is, one of the God Ancestor's arms had been cut off and reborn, and it should be the same as a new one, but when the arm was reborn to the wrist... everyone found that the wrist of this arm was still black!

It was still in a decayed state.

"How is it possible?" The God Ancestor said in surprise.

He tried to raise his palm, but found that his palm was still hanging there uncontrollably, as if this hand no longer belonged to him.

The red robe sneered: "Idiot, this move is one of the three great skills of the ancient era. If it can repair your broken arm by regenerating it, is it still worthy of being called a divine skill? What are you thinking?"

The God Ancestor's face suddenly became ugly, and regeneration was ineffective.

Doesn't that mean that he will lose a hand forever?

This is absolutely fatal to the God Ancestor, even to an ordinary person or mortal!

There is another key point...

The God Ancestor is the main force in this battle. Once the God Ancestor loses an arm, his combat power will be greatly damaged. Is there any chance of winning this battle?

No way!

Chu Yan also had a gloomy face below.

At this moment, even he couldn't see through the prehistoric claws of the red robe.

Too weird.

As for why the red robe has the ancient magic skills... Chu Yan is not curious at all.

The purger destroyed many eras in succession, and even the human mark of the era of gods and demons is in the hands of the purger. It's just a magic skill. Is it difficult?

What should be thought about now is... what to do!

At this time, the red robe showed a cold face and walked towards the God Ancestor step by step again.

The God Ancestor was still lost and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

I... became disabled?

At this time, Chu Yan was shocked and immediately said to the Demon Ancestor: "Senior, take action! Go to Senior God, I will stop him first!"

The Demon Ancestor was shocked: "You? Can you do it?"

Chu Yan was indeed very strong when he was promoted to Wei I before.

But now, the two ancestors of God and Demon have merged the immortal way, and their combat power is higher than Chu Yan.

The God Ancestor had one arm crippled by the red robe, let alone Chu Yan?

Chu Yan chuckled: "Don't worry, it may not work just now, but now... it should be possible."

The Demon Ancestor was stunned.

The next second, Chu Yan's eyebrows flickered, and a strong breath ran through his body.

At this moment, even his physical body underwent some changes.

The Demon Ancestor suddenly realized and understood.

The mark of humanity!

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