Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6103: Sword Drawing

The pupils of the golden robe shrank when he heard this: "Boy, you...what do you mean?"

Chu Yan sneered: "When did I say that I would spare you if the Blood King was rescued? Besides, did you release the Blood King? I threatened the Demon King to save him, didn't you, Yin Yue, stop me? So you think that the Blood King is fine, and the hatred between us is over?"

The golden robe's eyelids jumped: "Boy, do you know that if you kill me, you will definitely not be able to leave here alive today."

Chu Yan glanced at the golden robe and suddenly grinned: "Really? Then I want to try it even more."

After speaking, he slowly opened his palm.


Suddenly, the green sword seemed to be activated, and began to tremble wildly, emitting waves of terrible sword sounds.

Swish-the next second, thousands of sword qi shot out, instantly covering the golden robe.

Puff puff puff!

In an instant, the golden robe was covered with blood, and his flesh was constantly cut by the sword qi.


The golden robe screamed.

The piercing pain made him sweat profusely.

At this time, there was a loud bang.

The void of the battlefield of gods and demons exploded again.

The surrounding space was torn apart continuously, and several figures walked out of it.

No more, no less, a total of three people!

As soon as the three people appeared, the pupils of the whole audience shrank.

The Demon Lord felt that his heart seemed to have stopped for half a beat.

Three golden robes!

Three more golden robes came.

Since when did golden robes become like cabbages?

The Demon Ancestor and the God Ancestor were as solemn. Three golden robes, this combat power was already very terrifying, even the two of them might not be able to win.

The Blood Lord was brought back by the Demon Lord and struggled desperately, but the Demon Lord kept pressing her shoulders and did not give her a chance to resist. She could only keep crying.

The golden robe threatened by the green sword saw the three people ecstatic and screamed: "Save me!"

The three golden robes who came later also frowned when they saw this.

Obviously, they did not expect things to turn out like this.

Twenty white robes, ten blue robes, five purple robes, and one gold robe.

This lineup is already very terrifying, and normally it is enough to sweep across an era.

As a result, it was suppressed by Chu Yan alone?

But the three were not nervous.

One of them looked at Chu Yan and said lightly: "Boy, if I were you, I would stop now and let him go. We will allow you to leave."

Chu Yan looked at the three gold robes, but he was not shocked at all.

He had expected that everything would not end so easily today.

The moment he saw the three gold robes, he was more determined in his mind.

Today... I am afraid that I will not be able to break through.

Chu Yan sneered: "What are you thinking?"

A gold robe narrowed his eyes: "Boy, this green little sword, you only have one, right? You may be able to kill him, but if he dies, the three of us will tear you to pieces immediately."

He was very confident when he said this.

Chu Yan sneered: "Who told you I only have one?"

The gold robe sneered: "Really? Then take out the second one for me to see."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes. He knew that at this level, it was useless to rely on intimidation.

A gold robe said: "Boy, stop it. You still have a chance to survive today, otherwise there is only a bottomless abyss waiting for you."

The gold robe threatened by the green sword also said in a deep voice: "Boy, I can accompany you to the sky cave. You let me go, and then you immediately enter the sky cave, and there is still a glimmer of hope."

Chu Yan sneered: "I enter the sky cave, and then let you catch the blood king and threaten me?"

The purger did not speak.

A gold robe said lightly: "Boy, it's useless to hold on. I don't believe you dare to do it!"

Even if a gold robe was threatened, the purger still didn't care.

At this time, the Demon Ancestor sighed: "I still can't win."

The Demon Lord said in a low voice: "Ancestor, does the Clearer really not care about the life and death of a golden robe?"

The Demon Ancestor said: "First, in the eyes of the Clearer, a golden robe is not as valuable as Chu Yan! There are too many secrets on Chu Yan."

"Second, the Clearer is betting that Chu Yan dare not use this green sword!"

"Now, this green sword is no longer a means of attack for Chu Yan, but a talisman."

"If he doesn't use it, he will always hold this sword. No one is willing to attack him. After all, this sword can replace a golden robe."

"But once he uses it, the rest of the golden robes will have no worries."

"Without this sword, Chu Yan is no match for the golden robe."

The Demon Lord was puzzled: "Ancestor, what is this sword for?"

He wanted to ask just now... but didn't dare.

Because of Chu Yan's threat.

But he was really curious.

This green sword gave him a feeling far beyond the threat of the golden robe.

The power contained in this small sword even surpasses the level of Demon Ancestor and God Ancestor.

Demon Ancestor shook his head: "I don't know, this small sword should be Chu Yan's opportunity in the Sky Cave. If I'm not mistaken... this small sword may come from the full force of a top-level strongman."

Demon Lord puzzled: "What kind of strong man can have such power? Ancient Saint?"

Demon Ancestor was silent for a while, and said seriously: "If I'm not mistaken, it should be... Idealism!"


Demon Lord's pupils shrank: "Which is the right way in the legend? The real way to the ancient saint?"

Demon Ancestor nodded: "It should be, it's just the idealistic path, it only exists in legends, even I have never seen it! The purifier's skills are not the idealistic path! The purifier's realm is more like borrowed , It’s not even the slightest bit different from idealism.”

The Demon Lord took a deep breath: "Then can I understand that there are strong idealists in the cave?"

Demon Ancestor shook his head: "Who knows! But I have a hunch that after today, Weixin...may surface a little bit."

"The premise is that this kid doesn't die."

The Demon Lord didn't say much, but turned to look at Chu Yan.

I wonder how Chu Yan will choose.

Chu Yan obviously only has one of this little green sword. If he uses it, he will have no trump card.

By then, there will be three golden robes here, and any one of them can kill Chu Yan.

At this time, a man in golden robe sneered: "Boy, I don't believe you dare to use this sword!"

As soon as he said this, Chu Yan suddenly laughed: "Really?"

Jinpao frowned slightly, but still held his head high.

Chu Yan looked at the bound golden robe and sneered: "You saw it too. This is what they asked for. If you die and want revenge in your next life, go to the purgers, but don't go to me."

After saying this, he clasped his hands in front of his chest.


In the next second, he gathered all the power in his body and poured it into the small green sword on his chest.

Everyone's pupils shrank when they saw this scene.

Unfortunately, by the time they tried to stop him, it was already too late.


The small green sword was completely released. In an instant, the small sword expanded infinitely and turned into a thousand-foot giant sword in the blink of an eye. The terrifying power emanating from the blade cut the sky into pieces almost instantly.


The golden robe on the other side roared with disbelief in his eyes.

But when he tried to struggle, it was already too late. Everyone clearly saw that the sword made a hiss and penetrated through the heart of the golden robe.

With just one strike of the sword, the golden robe suddenly became silent, and his physical body began to collapse.

Jinpao kept his eyes wide open until his death, staring at Chu Yan, full of confusion and inexplicability.

"Why... why?"

Are you willing to risk your life just to kill me?

If you use the green sword, you have no trump card.

The other three golden robes will never let you go!

However, there was no time for him to think. The piercing of the green sword took away all his vitality. He tried to leave his body, but it was useless. Then, he tried again and again to reverse the flow of time, trying to resurrect from the past. Returning, unfortunately it was of no use.

This sword...ignores time and era.



Finally, there was a loud noise, and the golden robe exploded in full view of everyone.

The sky is stained with blood, and the rain of blood is drifting.

The golden robe...is dead!

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