Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6100: Golden Robe Appears



Explosions and roars continued.

In the disordered space and time.

The explosion of the black hole and the explosion of the purple robes made the already disordered space even more distorted.

The four sides were filled with cracks of broken space.

Chu Yan was also panting and exhausted.

A move of Tianku Jue almost took half of his life.

But he didn't care, his eyes were fixed on the center of the storm.

One less explosion!

One less explosion!

Four times!

This means that four purple robes died, but there were five purple robes in total, so there should be one more explosion.


At this moment, there was another loud noise, but it was not the sound of an explosion.

A figure, who didn't know what power he used, broke free from the shackles of the storm at the moment when he was about to be torn apart by the storm, and flew out of it.


The next second, the figure fell awkwardly on a space fault, and with a sizzling sound, his back suddenly became bloody.

Originally, these space storms could not cause any harm to Weiwo.

However, this person was injured too badly, and the power in his body was almost exhausted. In addition, the successive explosions were like firewood, which once again strengthened the intensity of the space storm, making this person unable to resist the space storm.

But this person did not care about the injury on his back, but gasped heavily, with fear and lingering fear in his eyes!

He was the only purple robe left!

Yes, he was not dead.

Four people died, but he survived.

Of course, it was no different from being dead now.

The power was exhausted and the body was broken.

Chu Yan panted, and a trace of regret appeared in his eyes after seeing the still alive Zi Pao...

"You are still alive...?"

"I have to say, you are really lucky."

Zi Pao got up and looked at Chu Yan in fear: "Mad man! Chu Yan, you are a mad man!"

But then, he turned into a ferocious and excited: "It's a pity that you didn't kill me, I can't die, I can't die! Chu Yan, then you will die next! I will leave here soon, and then the golden robe will come, and you can't run away."

After saying that, Zi Pao turned around and ran out of the chaotic space without saying anything.

He didn't hesitate at all, and didn't think of killing Chu Yan while Chu Yan was exhausted.

He was scared, scared!

He was afraid that Chu Yan had some weird tricks.

He just wanted to survive now, as for Chu Yan's life...

Golden robe is outside, Chu Yan can't survive.

Chu Yan's eyes shrank: "Do you think you can still walk?"


The next second, he rushed towards Zipao again, slashing wildly with the Heavenly Sword in his hand.

However, Zipao didn't look back, and had only one thought, run!

If Chu Yan was in his prime, it would not be a problem to kill a seriously injured Zipao.

The problem is that after Chu Yan used the Heavenly Cave Jue, his situation was not much better than Zipao.

Although he was not affected by the residual power of the explosion, the power of the Heavenly Cave Jue also exhausted all his strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that except for his stronger physical body, his body is completely a dry well, no different from an ordinary mortal.

And a strong physical body also requires strength to use.

Now, at most, he can resist a little.

So he can't catch up with Zipao at all.

Zipao didn't care, and flew desperately towards the exit of time and space, closer, closer, and closer.

It was not until Zipao rushed to the exit that all his fears disappeared, and turned into excitement and madness.

"Haha, hahaha!"

"I ran away! I ran away! Chu Yan, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, the next will be your doom, you are dead, you are dead!"

After saying that, the purple robe rushed out of the chaotic space.

Chu Yan's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

One person still ran away!

Of course, if only one purple robe ran away, he didn't really care.

The problem is that if this purple robe goes out, he will tell all the truth, and at that time, the golden robe of the purger will definitely appear.

In his current condition, he will definitely not be able to beat the golden robe.

Thinking of this, his face became colder and colder.




The battlefield of gods and demons.

Under the solemn gaze of everyone.

A figure stumbled out of the chaotic space.

"Purple robe!"

"It's the purger!"

"Not all died?"

Zhuiri also breathed a sigh of relief.

The last waist badge was not broken after all.


"What happened?"

As soon as the purple robe came out, Zhui Ri personally flew into the air and asked anxiously.

The Demon Ancestor, the Demon Lord, the God Ancestor, and the Star Lord all stared at the purple robe.

They all wanted to know what was going on in the chaotic space.

Where did the destructive force just now come from?

The purple robe ran out, and at this moment, his body suddenly went limp, and the last breath in his body was exhaled.


Relaxation under high tension.

The purple robe almost fainted.

But he still held on, because he knew he couldn't faint, Chu Yan was not dead yet.

"Find, find the golden robe!"

"Kill, kill him, kill him! Demon, demon, he is a demon, a madman, a complete madman."

The purple robe said in fear: "Chu, Chu Yan... used a move, which seems to be the skill in the sky cave, and killed everyone except me! The other four purple robes are all dead!"

"Find the golden robe!"

The purple-robed man grabbed the falling sun and roared.


At this moment, a sound rang out again in the chaotic space.

Then, a figure walked out.

In this figure's hand was a golden sword, and his body was stained with blood, looking a little embarrassed. The person who came was Chu Yan.

Everyone's pupils shrank.

"Chu Yan..."

"General Chu!"

"He is still alive and killed four purple-robed men."

However, the Demon Ancestor showed a trace of regret when he saw this.

"Since he is not dead, why come out."

"It's over."

The God Ancestor shook his head.

Xingjun was puzzled: "Ancestor, are you saying... Chu Yan lost?"

Shenzu said: "Chu Yan... is indeed amazing. In this situation where he must die, he still killed four purple robes! However, he did not kill them all, and his secrets were dug out a little bit."

"Now the purger will not be careless, and will definitely summon the golden robe..."

"Chu Yan's trump card should have been used up almost."

"Now, he is definitely not a match for the golden robe."

On the execution platform, Xuejun also showed despair.

"No...no...go back, go back! Run, run!"

Chu Yan walked out of the chaotic space, half of his face was blood red, and his body was shaking.

But he didn't leave.

When Zhui Ri saw Chu Yan, his eyes turned cold: "Boy, you dare to come out!"

When the purple robe saw Chu Yan, he was also filled with endless fear.

He didn't expect that Chu Yan would dare to come out from here.

He thought that if he escaped, Chu Yan would not chase him out, but would choose another place to tear open the space and escape back to the sky cave.

But Chu Yan didn't, he came out again.

Chu Yan grinned, his teeth were full of blood, and said to Xue Jun: "Don't worry, it's not over yet."

Xue Jun cried and his eyes were red.

At this time, Zhui Ri narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Chu Yan, I have to say that you are indeed a man, but unfortunately, you chose the stupidest way."

Chu Yan stared at Zhui Ri and sneered: "Really? The people you brought, the white robes are all dead, the blue robes are all dead, and four of the five purple robes are also dead. Do you think you can beat me with just this useless person?"

Zhui Ri was stunned, and then laughed: "Chu Yan, you don't think that we, the clearers, have only this preparation, right?"

Chu Yan frowned: "What do you mean?"

Zhui Ri grinned: "Next, I will let you understand what it means to be worse than death!"


In an instant, he took out a token and crushed it: "Please ask the saint!"


The moment the token was broken, a golden light shot into the sky.


The next second, the sky of the battlefield of gods and demons trembled violently, and the sky seemed to be a few centimeters shorter, and then a vortex sank in the sky.

Then, a figure slowly walked out of it.

The world looked up suddenly, with a solemn expression.

"Here they come!"

"Golden robe!"

The person who came was wearing the same clothes as the purgers, the only difference was the color, gold.

Golden robe, here they come!

Chu Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in horror: "Damn, Zhui Ri, you still have people? You... you actually hid the golden robe in secret?"

Zhui Ri laughed: "Chu Yan, I have to say, you really amazed me. If it weren't for the secret trick, the people I brought might not be able to beat you."

"But now, everything is over."

"You can't be the opponent of the golden robe."

The side of the Demon Palace.

The Demon Lord clenched his fists tightly, his eyes red.

In this way, are we still going to lose?

Chu Yan is actually very powerful. If we don't consider the golden robe in the dark, all the people brought by Zhui Ri will be defeated.

It can be said that Chu Yan has been able to rescue the Blood Lord.

The problem is... the Clearer has someone else in secret.

The Golden Robe... Chu Yan can't beat him.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyes also showed fear: "Assholes, you don't have martial ethics. I'm just a small character. You brought five purple robes, and you even hid the Golden Robe in secret!"

Zhui Ri laughed loudly, looked up at the descending Golden Robe and said respectfully: "Saint, please prove my name as the Clearer!"

After the Golden Robe walked out, his face showed dignity.

He kept emitting aura and stirring up the wind and clouds.

Let the people of the two races of gods and demons feel fear.

That kind of intense oppression is almost suffocating.

Is this the Golden Robe?

Xingjun secretly turned around and looked at the God Ancestor. At this time, he even wondered, can his ancestor beat the Golden Robe?

Too strong!

At this time, the Golden Robe leaned down and his eyes fell on Chu Yan.


Just one glance, Chu Yan suddenly felt the weight of ten thousand pounds, as if a mountain was pressing on his shoulders, and with a click, he sank into the ground.

The golden robe sneered: "Boy, are you Chu Yan?"

Chu Yan growled: "I am your father!"

The golden robe was not angry, and smiled calmly: "I have to say that you are the first one in the past hundreds of millions of years to make us cleaners suffer such heavy losses! You are also the first person who feels difficult! It's a pity... You are not a cleaner."

Chu Yan stared at the golden robe and roared: "I don't understand, did I dig up your family's grave or kill your whole family, why does the cleaner have to keep staring at me?"

This statement is a bit pretentious, but it is also the doubt in Chu Yan's heart.


What are you doing!

I have no grudges with you one by one, but you all want to kill me when you see me?

What did I do to you?

At this moment, Chu Yan really couldn't understand it!

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