Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6098: Using the Heavenly Cave Technique

The other four purple robes attacked together.

Chu Yan sighed, he had expected this result.

If he was weak, the purgers would not mind playing with him for a while, but once he showed his strength, the purgers would attack him in groups.


"Five against one?"

Qingsen and others cursed.

Leng Ning sighed: "If the purgers were not shameless, they would not threaten the life of the commander!"

Qingsen and others gritted their teeth, but they were powerless.

This was no longer a battlefield they could intervene in.

Not to mention the purple robes, the blue robes were no longer a battlefield they could participate in.

Below, Xue Jun had been watching, his eyes had long been red from crying.

She kept screaming in her heart, run, run!

With Chu Yan's strength, if he wanted to run now, he still had a chance.

At this time, Xue Jun even wanted to commit suicide on the spot.

If he died, Chu Yan would have no more thoughts and would not stay to fight.

However, Chu Yan seemed to have guessed Xue Jun's thoughts a long time ago.

Suddenly he smiled and said, "Don't do anything stupid. I'm going to take you home. Wait obediently."

After saying that, he flicked his finger and a golden light of rules flew out.

The remaining power in the Blood Lord's body was also suppressed.

She shook her head desperately.

Chu Yan ignored it and looked at the five purple robes who surrounded him, sneering, "One is dead, and the same goes for five!"


The next second, he waved his arm and forcibly tore open a dark space in front of him.

The five purple robes frowned slightly when they saw the dark space.

Space wormhole!

But the five people were a little puzzled about what Chu Yan's purpose was in doing this.

The chaotic space is indeed very dangerous for the weak, because it is full of terrible space storms.

It is an existence where even giants will be strangled or even lost if they easily enter.

The problem is that everyone is a top-level strong man.

Purple robes... In a sense, their realm has even surpassed the self.

Chu Yan is still doing this trick, is it meaningless?

Chu Yan didn't say anything, but walked to the dark space step by step, sneering: "If you have the guts, come in! I'll wait for you."


The next second, he plunged into it.

The five purple-robed men looked at each other and chased in without saying a word.

Everyone was also stunned when they saw this.

"What is Chu Yan doing?"

"He wants to run?" The Demon Lord asked in confusion.

The five purple-robed men... should really run.

Today, Chu Yan has shown great sincerity and fighting power.

If you really can't beat him, there is no need to die for the Blood Lord.

The Demon Lord also knows that there is a whole era behind Chu Yan.

The Demon Ancestor shook his head: "No... If he wants to run, he has ten thousand ways."

"Moreover, the battlefield of gods and demons has been completely blocked, and the only place he can run to now is the Sky Cave!"

"But the space near the Sky Cave is disordered, and it is impossible to tear it apart and teleport."

"What is he doing?"

The Demon Ancestor shook his head: "I don't know! But I can be sure that he will not do this in vain, he must have his ideas!"

"Or... He is deliberately hiding something, hiding something he doesn't want us to know!"

"After all, even if we enter the disordered space, we can't see what is happening inside."

The Demon Lord's eyes shrank: "In other words, Chu Yan still has secrets that we don't know?"

The Demon Ancestor looked at the Demon Lord as if he was looking at a fool, and said for a long time: "What do you mean by still? How much do you know about Chu Yan?"

The Demon Lord: "..."



At the same time.

Chaotic space.

Chu Yan entered in a flash, and immediately felt a strong tearing sensation on his body.

The surroundings were full of space storms.

After entering, Chu Yan did not run away, but turned around and looked behind.

At this time, five purple robes followed closely behind.

At first, the five people thought Chu Yan was going to run away, but after entering, they saw Chu Yan frowning slightly.

"Boy, you're not running away?"

Chu Yan sneered: "When did I say I was going to run away?"

A purple-robed man grinned: "Then did you come here to choose a good grave for yourself? The scenery here is not good."

Chu Yan stretched his muscles and said with a smile: "You are half right, but unfortunately... I am not choosing for myself, but for you."

After speaking, Chu Yan's aura suddenly changed.

A very special power was born around him.

The five people frowned when they saw this, but before they could react.

Chu Yan grinned: "You are too confident. Haven't you ever thought about one question? I led you here just to kill you better?"

One of the purple-robed men said in a low voice: "Boy, what do you mean?"

Chu Yan said lightly: "Outside, there are golden robes hiding in the dark, right?"

The five purple-robed men were shocked.

Is there?

There really is!

If it was at the beginning, the Eliminator would never make such a big move.

But since the emergence of the Heavenly Domain, the Lord of Heaven, Chen Tianzhen, and the mysterious strong man in the Heavenly Cave, the Eliminator's thoughts have changed.

Chu Yan... is not quite right.

He himself may not be strong enough, but the people behind him... are very scary.

Who knows, when they really want to kill Chu Yan, will some top strong men suddenly appear?

Therefore, the Eliminator attaches great importance to this action.

Falling Sun, also only knows some things on the surface, just to avoid alarming Chu Yan.

Everything in the dark... is the real killer of the Eliminator.

For example...golden robe!

A man in purple robe said in a deep voice: "So what if I have it? So what if I don't have it?"

Chu Yan sneered: "You still can't understand now? If I fight with you outside, even if I can really kill you, the golden robe will definitely appear at the critical moment!"

"The golden robe will stop me when the time comes, but it's different here!"

"This chaotic space will indeed have no lethal effect on the Solipsistic Realm in the future, but it can block all detection from the outside world."

"In other words, if I kill five of you now, until you are all dead, the outside world won't notice anything when I go out."

The five purple-robed men were stunned, and their expressions suddenly darkened.

"So...you brought us here on purpose?"

Chu Yan looked at the five people strangely: "Yes, isn't it obvious?"

Five purple robes: "..."

Obviously, very obvious!

But they all thought that Chu Yan had hidden some trump cards in this chaotic space, but they didn't expect that Chu Yan came here just to block the golden robe?

At this time, Zipao, who had fought with Chu Yan before, sneered: "Boy, you pretend to be the same, but why do you think you can kill us? I admit that you have good combat power, one on one, I am not your opponent, but There are five of us here, and you still think you can win?”

Chu Yan looked at the man in purple robe like a fool and sneered: "Do you know why you can live until now?"

Zipao was startled and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan said quietly: "Because... I just make you think that I am not strong enough! How do you know that I have tried my best outside?"

The purple-robed man's eyes shrank, and then he subconsciously wanted to retreat.

But before he could move, Chu Yan suddenly disappeared.


As soon as he stepped down, the chaotic space faintly cracked open again.

The purple-robed person opposite shrank his pupils, because he could feel it just by the power of this kick...

Chu Yan...is stronger!

Even more terrifying than when fighting him.

Chu Yan...has been hiding his clumsiness?

"Do it!"

The purple robe suddenly screamed because he realized one thing. If he didn't use his full strength, he might really die today.

The other four people also realized this, and even if not all of them died, one or two would definitely die.

The five of them rushed towards Chu Yan together, but when they were a hundred meters away from Chu Yan, their expressions suddenly changed.

Because they could clearly see that the corners of Chu Yan's mouth were slightly raised, revealing a strange arc.

"Idiot, you've been fooled!"

The expressions of the five people changed.

But when I wanted to run away... it was already too late.

Chu Yan slowly raised one hand, and then shouted: "Heavenly Cave, Jue!"


Suddenly, a special power was born in Chu Yan's body.

In the palm of his hand, an extremely dark black hole appeared.

The black hole was very small, but it produced a terrifying suction force that actually sucked the surrounding space storm into it.


The next second, there was a scream.

Chu Yan showed unprecedented pain!

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

This is the fucked up part of Tiankujue, strong is strong, but this game... is a bit indistinguishable between friend and foe.

Every time Chu Yan uses it, he has to bear a huge load.

The Sky Cave Jue is devouring all things in the world, and it is also frantically absorbing the power in Chu Yan's body.

However, Chu Yan did not give up, because when he was suffering, the conditions of the five purple robes were even worse than him.


"What's this?"

The five purple robes suffered from the suction of the black hole and suddenly screamed.

At this time, they could clearly feel that the black hole seemed to be draining them dry, constantly eating away at the power in their bodies.

The point is, they still can't break free. The black hole is like a bottomless pit, getting more and more majestic.


After a while, the surrounding space began to tremble, as if everything was being sucked to pieces.

At this moment, all five people felt the threat of death.


"Chu Yan, stop, you madman..."

At this time, the five people also noticed that this move also consumed Chu Yan very much, but Chu Yan did not care, but said with a cruel smile: "You guys, get on your way!"

The five people wailed desperately, and with a click, they even used the token to summon the golden robe...

Unfortunately, this is a chaotic space, no communication methods can be used, and no one can see what is happening here.

The five people could only watch their bodies twist little by little and be sucked into the black hole.

At this moment, Chu Yan's arms were trembling, and all his flesh and blood were shattered.

Seeing this, he cursed in a low voice: "Is this evil trick... still a little bit worse?"

The five people were not completely drawn into the black hole by him.

But he knew that he could no longer hold on.

It's time to stop!

Chu Yan sighed, then shouted angrily, punching out the black hole with one palm, cutting off all connections between the black hole and himself.


It was also the moment when the black hole left the body, and a roar that could destroy the world was heard in the chaotic space.

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