Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6080: The real master, Xiaojiu

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched.

Don't you know that someone is being polite?

At this time, the old man of the Immortal Clan was quite excited. He stretched out his hand and pushed Chu Yan and said, "Speak back. When I came here, no one spoke. Now that you are here, someone will speak immediately, proving that this opportunity is waiting for you."

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "Wait for me to say this, I believe it now... But senior, this may not be an opportunity, it may also be a bad fate."

The old man said: "Give it a try, what if it is a good thing?"

Chu Yan: "???"

This thing is not worth trying.

If it is a good thing, it's okay. If it is not, won't you be gone?

The master of the Tianku Universe... There is no need to think about it, that strength is definitely above the ancient saint.

But soon, Chu Yan looked up at the thatched house in front of him, without hesitation.

The old man said something right, since he has come here, it is a blessing, not a disaster, and it is a disaster that cannot be avoided.

Chu Yan walked to the hut: "Senior, have you been waiting for me?"

The voice in the hut sounded again: "I'm not talking about you."

Chu Yan was stunned. It wasn't him?

Then he turned and looked at the old man: "Senior, this opportunity... I may not be blessed, why don't you give it a try?"

The old man of the Immortal Clan: "..."

At this time, the old man was confused, and he didn't want to try it either.

What if it's not a good thing?

But Chu Yan, who I just instigated, is now here. It seems that it's not the case if he doesn't step forward.

The old man hesitated and had to bite the bullet and step forward: "Senior, are you calling me? I came here once before, and you ignored me at that time."


However, before the old man finished speaking, a force suddenly flew out of the hut and directly slapped the old man out.

The old man climbed up in the distance, half of his face was swollen, and he said innocently: "Senior, you finally waited for me to come, just to slap me?"

It's unnecessary, right?

A force fell on the old man in the thatched house, and he said calmly: "The person I am waiting for is not you! But you have been helping me take care of this place for hundreds of millions of years, which is also a great achievement. Everything just now is a reward for your efforts over the years."

The eyelids of the old man of the immortal clan jumped.

What, you reward me with a slap for my hard work for many years?

But suddenly, the old man's face changed.

Because he found something, his body had changed.

Just now... it was not a slap. He checked his body. The dead body had a little resurgence at this moment?

Chu Yan also looked at the old man fiercely at this time and said in surprise: "Senior, is there life in your body?"

Before, although the old man of the immortal clan was very strong, he was actually a dead man.

The body was like a walking corpse, without any vitality.

But now it is different. Although it is still dead, it has some resurgence.

The old man looked up at the thatched house: "Senior, this is..."

"You have been dead for too long, and I am not here, so I cannot bring you back to life! But now, I will give you a soul. Practice well, and one day, I may be able to awaken your body and return to the world of the living."

The old man was surprised.

In the early years, he had thought about leaving the Crystal Palace.

If it were possible, who would be willing to be imprisoned forever?

But he couldn't do it, and later he gradually accepted this fact.

But now, he has a chance to be reborn, how can he not be excited.

He originally brought Chu Yan here just to help Chu Yan, but he didn't expect that he would usher in a huge turning point.

At this time, the thatched house retracted his gaze, and the power fell on Chu Yan again.

Chu Yan was also confused at this time.

The person in the thatched house just said that he was not waiting for himself or the old man of the immortal clan.

But there are only two of them here. If not them, who else could it be?

Thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly felt a chill on his back.

What's going on with this matter, is there a little bit of the underworld?

He looked around, but there was still no one.

At this time, the voice of the thatched house sounded again: "Aren't you going to come out yet?"

Chu Yan was ashamed: "Senior... please stop talking, this is a bit scary."

Who is it!

The thatched house ignored Chu Yan and continued: "I haven't seen you for many years, don't you even recognize your old friends?"

Chu Yan became more and more confused.

Just when he was confused, the voice of the thatched house spoke again: "Lian Tianzhiling, aren't you coming out yet?"

Chu Yan: "..."

The next second, he understood, the person in the thatched house said it was Xiao Jiu?

Xiao Jiu was also stunned. He was just watching the fun, how come he suddenly ate the melon on himself?

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Xiao Jiu, he seems to be calling you."

Xiao Jiu said unhappily: "I know... but I don't know him, what if there is danger?"

Chu Yan thought for a while, and said in the tone of the old man just now: "Why don't you try? What if it's an opportunity?"

Xiao Jiu: "..."

But after hesitation, Xiao Jiu still flew out, looking like a child.

After Xiao Jiu came out, the old man of the Immortal Clan was not surprised. He had known for a long time that there was a spirit in Chu Yan's body.

Before, in front of the palace, Chu Yan had been communicating with his body.

Xiao Jiu walked to the thatched cottage step by step, and said hesitantly: "Are you looking for me?"

A force swept through the thatched cottage, and then the voice was a little puzzled: "Hey, you are not the spirit of Liantian? No, you are not the complete spirit of Liantian?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "I am just a part cut out of the Liantian universe, not the real spirit of Liantian."

Cao Wu suddenly realized, "No wonder... I thought so too, that one shouldn't be so weak."

At this time, Chu Yan reacted and asked, "Senior, do you know my real sister?"

"Your real sister?" Cao Wu said in surprise.

"Chen Tianzhen!"

Chu Yan explained, "The Spirit of Liantian, her real name is Chen Tianzhen."

Cao Wu suddenly said, "Does she already have a name? It seems that she has really integrated into the human world."

Chu Yan said, "Have you seen her?"

Cao Wu could not deny it, and then said, "Aren't you curious about who I am?"

Chu Yan subconsciously said, "Senior, isn't he the master consciousness of the Tianku Universe?"

He always thought that this was a trace of consciousness left by the master of the Tianku speaking here.

Caowu laughed at himself: "I am not the master of Tianku! To be precise, I am the spirit of the universe like Chen Tianzhen, but she seems to live more freely than me."

Chu Yan was slightly surprised: "Senior is the spirit of Tianku?"

The voice of Caowu nodded: "Yes! I can feel that you also opened up the universe, right?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and a bright star appeared in his palm.

"It is indeed the universe, but it is not perfect." Caowu's voice said.

Chu Yan was startled and asked hurriedly: "Senior, can you see what my universe lacks?"

If he can find what the universe lacks, he may be able to enter the realm of idealism.

The voice of Caowu shook his head: "I don't know! I am not interested in cultivation."

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