Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6076 Conditions of the Clearer

Battlefield of Gods and Demons.

Soon, a piece of news was released first.

The Eliminators will publicly execute the Blood King in a week.

Once this news came out, the Demon Palace was completely enraged.

In the Demon Palace's main battle zone, the soldiers' eyes were red, as if they wanted to eat people.

This time, even if the Demon King tried his best to suppress it, he couldn't suppress it.

The Blood King... regardless of her status in the Demon Palace, her status in the God and Demon Continent is absolutely first-class.

Over the years, it was because of the Blood King that these soldiers had faith.

On this day, Leng Ning found the Demon King alone.

The Demon Lord looked at Leng Ning and frowned slightly: "Leng Ning, do you want to betray too?"

Leng Ning looked calm and said to himself: "A thousand years ago, I offended a big man in the Demon Palace. Someone in the Demon Palace wanted to kill me. It was Lord Xue Jun who saved me despite all difficulties."

"I still remember what Lord Xue Jun said at that time. I am his soldier! If you want my soldier, you must ask her if she will let you."

"Now, my king is going to die."

After saying that, Leng Ning raised his head, and the Demon Lord's heart trembled.

Because he found that Leng Ning was already in tears.

It is hard to imagine that a person who has cultivated to the peak of the only self would cry like a child at this moment.

Leng Ning looked at the Demon Lord: "Demon Lord... the Demon Palace... has changed. Perhaps it has changed as early as 200 million years ago when the God and Demon Era was destroyed. All our persistence... is just deceiving ourselves!"

"But Demon Lord... have you heard a saying?"

The Demon Lord stared at Leng Ning.

Leng Ning said seriously: "A man will die for his friend! I... am her soldier, her soldier! I also know that maybe I can't change anything if I go, but I will still go!"

"This Yellow Spring Road... I'm afraid she will be too lonely."

After that, Leng Ning took off his armor and turned to walk out of the hall.

The Demon Lord clenched his fists, but finally sighed and didn't stop her.

Because he couldn't find a reason to stop her.

Afterwards, not only Leng Ning, more and more people entered the hall.

But this time, no one asked the Demon Lord to take action.

Before, some people tried to persuade the Demon Lord, or asked the Demon Lord to fight.

But today, no one!

Not even one.

After those soldiers entered, they just bowed deeply to the Demon Lord silently, then took off their armor and turned to leave.

The Demon Lord watched silently.

He knew that this was the disappointment of the soldiers in the Demon Palace.

They no longer expected the Demon Palace to take action.

After a while, the Demon Lord was the only one left in the Demon Palace.

He was lost in thought, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Suddenly, he looked up into the sky.

He knew that the Demon Ancestor was actually in the palace, but the Demon Ancestor had not spoken from beginning to end.

"Could it be... has the Demon Palace really changed? Are you really just standing by and watching?"

The Demon Lord clenched his fist.


At this moment, the space in the hall suddenly twisted, and then a figure in white slowly walked out of it.

This person was Zhui Ri.

The Demon Lord saw Zhui Ri's eyes turned cold, and he clenched his fists and said: "The Clearer...!!! You, dare to come to the Demon Palace?"

Zhui Ri looked around and said: "It's so deserted."

The Demon Lord said in a low voice: "What do you want to do?"

Zhui Ri looked back at the Demon Lord and said lightly: "I know you have grievances, but this has nothing to do with me! The Clearer herself didn't plan to attack the Demon Palace this time! It was the Blood Lord who found her. She tried to stop the Shura God, so she gave Chu Yan the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Cave."

The Demon Lord had a gloomy face and didn't speak.

Because he knew that what Zhui Ri said was right.

All this was the choice of the Blood Lord himself.

Zhui Ri said: "Demon Lord, you don't have to be bitter and resentful here. In the final analysis, how is your Demon Palace better than my Eliminator? Do you dare to say that you are not using Chu Yan by bringing him here from the beginning?"

"You are the same. Everyone has the same idea. It is the Blood Lord who has crossed the line. In the final analysis, this is a problem within your Demon Palace."

The Demon Lord lowered his head.

At this moment, Zhui Ri changed the subject and suddenly said: "Demon Lord, do you want to save the Blood Lord?"

The Demon Lord raised his head and looked at Zhui Ri: "You, what do you mean?"

Now the Eliminator is going to execute the Blood Lord.

Zhui Ri said calmly: "Demon Lord, you should know that we never thought of killing Blood Lord from the beginning to the end. We detained him in the Divine Court because we were worried that he would cause trouble!"

"But now, Chu Yan is in the Sky Cave. We can't get in under the Sky Cave. He seems to have gained some benefits there. Even our golden robe elders died there."

The pupils of the Demon Lord shrank: "That golden robe... is dead?"

Zhui Ri nodded: "Yes, there is nothing to hide! Not only that golden robe elder, we wanted to capture people from the universe and lead Chu Yan out before, but in the new era, we lost two more golden robes!"

The Demon Lord was shocked.

This was something he never expected.

In the past few days, the Eliminator has suffered such a huge loss.

It's no wonder why the Eliminator is suddenly in a hurry to execute the Blood Lord.

Zhui Ri said: "You have also seen the current situation. The Eliminator will never give up! But under the Sky Cave, we can't do anything to Chu Yan! Now, we can only bet on one thing."

The Demon Lord looked at Zhui Ri.

Falling Sun said calmly: "Chu Yan will leave the Sky Cave for the Blood Lord."

The Demon Lord's face changed slightly, and he said a little unconfidently: "Probably... no?"

Zhui Ri shook his head: "I don't know, I actually don't think so. After all, we are going to execute Blood Lord, and even your Demon Palace has no intention of rescuing him."

The Demon Lord clenched his fist fiercely.

This... is actually quite humiliating.

After all, the Blood Lord was from the Demon Palace. As a result, the Blood Lord was about to die, but the Demon Palace had no intention of rescuing him.

In terms of relationship, Demon Palace should be better than Chu Yan and Blood Lord.

After all, the Blood Lord has served the Demon Palace for hundreds of millions of years.

As for Leng Ning and the others... they cannot represent the Demon Palace.

The Demon Lord said in a deep voice: "What do you want me to do?"

Zhui Ri said calmly: "Simple, you go to the Heavenly Cave in person. If we go, Chu Yan won't see us. He will probably directly use that kind of power to kill us! But if you go, there is a chance!"

"Tell him that I want Blood Lord to survive. I will wait for him at the Shenting headquarters in seven days!"

"The words are here, seven days later, Chu Yan will walk out of the cave, and I, Lord Bloodletting, will return to the Demon Palace!"

"On the contrary...you should know what the result will be."

The Purifier didn't say the next words, but the Demon Lord already understood.

Speaking of this, Zhui Ri didn't linger anymore. He wrapped his white robe tightly around his body, and his figure became more and more ethereal, and finally disappeared.

The Demon Lord stayed there alone, silent for a long time.

Tian Cave... Do you want to go there yourself?

After leaving, will Chu Yan see him again?

But after hesitating, the Demon Lord still stood up and walked towards the cave alone.

To forcefully save the Blood Lord and become an enemy of the Purges, this matter was too big for him to make the decision.

But he could still go to the Heavenly Cave.

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