Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6070 Eye-to-eye contact

On this day, there was an earthquake in the Gods and Demons Continent.

Both the gods and demons were alarmed.

Because the Purge sent a gold-robed level.

This is an existence that even the ancestors of gods and demons are extremely afraid of.

So Shenzu guessed that something must have happened in the New Era, otherwise the Purge would not have sent a golden robe to target Chu Yan, but what exactly would it have been?

The ancestor of the gods couldn't figure it out.

at the same time.

The battlefield between gods and demons, the ruins of the headquarters of the Divine Court.

Zhui Ri and Yin Yue were also shocked when they saw the old man in gold robe coming. They just sent a message to the headquarters and asked for help to go to the universe to catch someone. How come the old man in gold robe was also alarmed?

But regardless, this is good news.

When the golden robe arrives, do we still need to lure Chu Yan out?

Is it okay to just enter the Crystal Palace and kill them by force?

At this time, the golden-robed old man said: "Tell me the specific situation and Chu Yan's strength."

Zhui Ri nodded and immediately said: "Chu Yan's strength is average, at most Supreme level, so there is nothing to fear. What is more troublesome now is that he has entered the Crystal Palace."

"Did you really go in?" The old man in gold robe asked in surprise.

Zhui Ri said: "It should be, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to kill God Shura."

The golden-robed old man narrowed his eyes and said quickly: "I'm going to the Heavenly Cave."

Now that you're here, there's no need to waste time.


The next second, the old man in golden robe disappeared in a flash.

When he reappeared, he was already above the sky cave.

The old man in golden robe leaned down. When he saw the endless abyss under the sky cave, even in his realm, he was a little touched.

The Sky Cave...the biggest secret in the Era of Gods and Demons.

But soon, the golden-robed old man dodged and flew directly into the cave.


As soon as he entered the cave, the blood energy around him immediately became restless and quickly gathered towards him, trying to corrode his skin.

However, the old man in golden robe was very strong and had no defense. He blocked the blood energy with only the strength of his body.

Of course, this was only for the first time. As the golden-robed old man went deeper and deeper, the corrosive power of the blood in the cave became stronger and stronger, making him start to feel a little uncomfortable.

But it was just uncomfortable. As he adjusted his aura slightly, all the corrosive power was immediately blocked.

Soon, the old man in golden robe arrived at the bottom of the cave.

The Crystal Palace towers ahead.

The old man in gold robe narrowed his eyes: "We really went in."

Along the way, his spiritual thoughts have been exploring. If there is any trace of Chu Yan, he will never escape his detection.

But it didn't happen now.

The old man in golden robe glanced at the Crystal Palace and suddenly took a step forward.

He has been here before, but was blocked by the Crystal Palace, so he also knows that there is a terrible "forbidden" word in this door!

Whenever someone comes close, they will attack immediately.

Therefore, he is always on alert.

He wanted to see if Chu Yan had already entered and whether the forbidden word still existed.

However, as soon as he got closer, his expression suddenly changed.


In an instant, a golden light flashed in the giant door, the forbidden word appeared, and a beam of light suddenly shot towards the golden-robed old man.

The old man in gold robe was startled and punched fiercely.


There was a loud bang.


The next second, a figure retreated thousands of feet.

It was the old man in golden robe.


As soon as the golden-robed old man stopped, there was the sound of blood falling to the ground, which made his face darken.

The ban is still there!

has not weakened.

This means that he still cannot enter the Crystal Palace.

But he didn't hesitate, this was an expected scene.

In an instant, he opened his palm, and the bloody meteorite fragment appeared, and then he aimed it at the Crystal Palace and threw it hard.


The forbidden word on the door of the Crystal Palace noticed the approach of the meteorite, and suddenly became furious and shot out golden light.


In an instant, the blood-colored meteorite was shattered by the golden light and turned into powder all over the ground.

However, although the meteorite was broken, the word 'tribulation' in the center was not there. Instead, because the meteorite broke, it broke free from it, as if it was unsealed.


Suddenly, another dazzling golden light shot out.

If anyone saw it at this time, they would definitely be shocked.

Under the cave, it became dazzling. The word "Jie" flashed several times in succession, and kept making happy sounds. Then, the word "Jie" locked the door of the Crystal Palace.

It shot out with a whoosh.

Seeing the word 'forbidden' in the door, he became angry as if he was provoked. He vaguely wanted to break away from the door and rushed towards the word 'Jie'.


In an instant, two big characters collided violently in the air.

The earth shook.

The old man in gold robe watched silently, and his heart was shocked.

"So strong!"

At this time, he had a feeling that the battle between these two 'words' might be comparable to the battle between the Holy Lords of the Purge.

The golden-robed old man was even sure that the power of these two words was definitely greater than that of the giant.

As for whether he has reached the level of the Ancient Sage, he has no idea.

However, the old man in golden robe did not dare to be careless, because he discovered something...

As the two big characters battled, the word "Jie" actually fell slightly behind.

Of course, this is not because the calamity is not strong, it is just because the calamity is just a trace of the remaining calamity, but the forbidden word is different. The forbidden word is the guardian of the Crystal Palace. The crystal palace constantly sends power to the forbidden word, and the more it fights, the more brave it becomes.

If this situation continues, it will only be a matter of time before Jiezi is defeated.

Fortunately, the word "Jie" also delayed the word "forbidden", buying time for himself.


In an instant, the golden-robed man flashed and turned into a ray of starlight and rushed into the crystal palace.


The forbidden word sensed something strange and immediately roared, but just as it was about to turn around to attack, it found that the word "Jie" flashed and attacked him again.

Although the forbidden word was strong, it had no time to split itself, and in the end it could only watch the golden-robed old man enter the crystal palace.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

In an instant, the forbidden word was furious, turned around and pressed the word "Jie" to the ground and beat it.



Inside the crystal palace.

The golden-robed old man breathed a sigh of relief.

Come in!

Immediately, he became excited.

Because he found that as he entered the crystal palace, the blood and energy around him disappeared.

The corrosive power was gone.

This means that he will have the strongest combat power.

He even wondered, if Shura God could enter the crystal palace at the beginning, would he still be killed by Chu Yan?

However, after he entered the Crystal Palace, he did not rush to look for Chu Yan.

This is... the Crystal Palace!

The biggest secret of the Heavenly Cave.

Since he has come here, how can he give up?

As for Chu Yan... if he meets him, he can kill him.

A small supreme being, nothing to be afraid of.

Thinking of this, the man in the golden robe began to stroll in the Crystal Palace.

However, he stopped suddenly after just a while.

Because a person appeared in front of him!

An old man.

The old man was none other than Xian Luo's grandfather, and he was the one who brought Chu Yan into the Crystal Palace.

The old man was also startled when he saw the man in the golden robe, and the two looked at each other.

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