Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6061 Weakness

Falling Sun quickly returned to Shenting headquarters.

Yinyue was startled when she saw this: "So fast? Failed?"

He knew that Zhui Ri went to find the Demon Palace, and if cooperation was reached, it would not be possible at this speed.

Zhui Ri shook his head and said with a smile: "No! On the contrary, there are great gains."

Yinyue frowned: "What do you mean?"

Xianyue said excitedly: "Yinyue, we have all overlooked one thing!"



Zhui Ri said: "We have always wanted to capture Chu Yan, but we have forgotten that if we capture the people from the universe, we can directly let Chu Yan capture him without any help."

Yinyue was startled and nodded: "Indeed, due to the era of gods and demons, we have always ignored the fact that Chu Yan is the new emperor of the universe, and we have also forgotten that Chu Yan has tricks and weaknesses."

As long as a person has weaknesses and leverage, it will be much easier to deal with.

Just be afraid, this person is not.

Obviously, Chu Yan has it.

Then everything will be settled.

Yinyue said: "What are you going to do?"

Xianyi thought for a while and said: "This matter still needs the headquarters to take action. We can't cross the epoch barrier."

Silver Moon nodded slightly.

This is the truth.

The Cleaners destroyed the ancient times and destroyed the gods and demons. Why have they not taken action against the current era?

It's because the time has not come yet.

The present era has not yet fully matured.

It was originally mature...but because of a certain person, the catastrophe of the era was forcibly postponed for a million years.

Otherwise this era would have been destroyed long ago.

Now, there is an era barrier, and no one who is too powerful can come.

Zhui Ri said: "I'm going to contact the headquarters! As long as we can capture a few of Chu Yan's confidants from the universe, I don't have to worry that Chu Yan won't be able to capture them at all."

Yinyue nodded: "Okay!"

Soon, the falling sun disappeared again.

at the same time.

In the Crystal Palace under the Sky Cave.

Chu Yan still doesn't know what Zhui Ri and Yin Yue are planning, otherwise he would definitely be furious now.

At this time, he was reading crazily.


It's really wonderful.

The point is, Chu Yan reviewed the past while reading it, and his own realm was consolidated again.

In just a few days, although his realm has not improved, he can clearly feel that his combat power has become significantly stronger.

Finally, on this day, he finished reading all the explanations about giants.

Like an enlightenment.


Suddenly, a wave of energy surged out of Chu Yan's body, and his combat effectiveness increased significantly.

He slowly opened his eyes, and his skin was filled with heat. When he clenched his fist, he heard a click, and the space around him instantly collapsed.

Chu Yan was immediately pleasantly surprised: "So strong."

At this moment, he only had one feeling.

It is powerful!

Unprecedentedly powerful.

He had a hunch that with his current fighting power, even if he didn't meet Shura God in the cave, he could still fight with him.

Although Chu Yan had defeated Shura God before, he knew very well that it was because of the Heavenly Cave.

God Shura was suppressed here, and the two sides won through the ebb and flow of each other.

If it were absolutely fair, he might not be Shura God's opponent.

But it's different now. Even if there is no Tiancao, he still has the confidence to fight with it.

The point is, he is still a giant and his realm has not changed.

Chu Yan looked up at the bookcase on the side and said excitedly: "Now, it's time to look at the next level."


He was so curious.

What is this long-lost realm like?

Soon, Chu Yan took down the books from the bookcase and started reading.

However, he looked at it for a while and frowned slightly.

"What? Isn't what is recorded here idealism?"

After Xiao Jiu finished speaking, he said doubtfully: "Isn't that right? If I'm the only one, I shouldn't be able to reach this old man's fighting power, right?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "No, what is recorded here is idealism."

"Isn't that a good thing? You have a direction for your next journey." Xiao Jiu said.

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "No!"

"What's not working?"

Chu Yan said: "What is recorded here is indeed the state of mind, but I can't break through it."

"Why?" Xiaojiu asked doubtfully.

Chu Yan sighed: "The idealism recorded here can only be achieved if the avenue is connected to the universe in the sky cave. It requires the help of the power of that universe to break through."

Xiao Jiu's expression changed slightly: "In other words, if you want to break through idealism, you must connect the avenue to the universe of the palace?"


Chu Yan said: "But I created the universe myself, and it is impossible to change the avenue."

Xiaojiu said in a deep voice: "In other words, the breakthrough method here is not applicable to you?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes!"

Xiaojiu was disappointed.

If Chu Yan can break through, his combat power will definitely increase a lot.

Why has Chu Yan been restricted for so long now?

Is it because you can't become stronger?

No, but there is no road ahead.

It can be said that every time Chu Yan is promoted now, he has been promoted in the cracks. But with the foundation being consolidated again this time, Chu Yan's room for improvement can be said to be minimal.

If he can't find a way to advance, then his path will be completely cut off.

I thought there could be a way in the Crystal Palace, but it still didn't work.

Xiao Jiu thought for a while and said: "Don't be discouraged. Since this universe can help others advance to idealism, it means that the path of the universe is still correct. Sooner or later we will find a way to advance."

"I know!"

After Chu Yan finished speaking, his face darkened slightly: "But... I don't have much time left."

No one knows how long the Epoch Barrier can last.

Once the barrier is broken, he has not found a way to advance, and the universe will be completely exposed to the storm.

Xiao Jiu hesitated and said: "I will help you."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "Then still read it?"

Chu Yan said: "Look! Although I can't use it, sooner or later, my universe will definitely have the strength to let others advance to idealism! At that time, this knowledge can be used."

"Besides, although I can't break through, these books also record some idealistic experiences. It won't hurt me to read more."

Xiao Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled with relief.

This is also what he likes about Chu Yan.

Don't be discouraged, don't be arrogant.

Soon, Chu Yan sat cross-legged again and began to read books.



At the same time.

The current era.

This place is firmly protected by the Epoch Barrier.


Suddenly, the barrier trembled slightly, as if it was temporarily closed by some kind of force.

Then, a space cracked, and several figures walked out of it.

All of them wore huge white cloaks with a huge "Qing" embroidered on their chests.

The Clearers!

After they came, although there was no breath in their bodies, they gave people a strong sense of oppression when they stood there.

"Is this the current era?" One of them said.


A person next to him sighed: "It's so weak."

"It's normal. The one in the Buddhist sect cut off the path of self-centeredness in anger, which made people in this era unable to advance."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. The time for the seal is limited. Let's hurry up and do things." One person said, and the people around him nodded slightly, and then the group disappeared from the spot in an instant.

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